Screw you.

legendornothing thought this was worth mentioning said

Alright. It needs to be said. You right there. Stop. Yes you. Your wife absolutely hates you. Why the hell do you have a hundred cameras in your every room of the house. We get it, it's a great deal. Stop. And while we're at it why did you buy five quadcopters? While we're at it what is with the damn speaker docks. I won't egg on you for the knives, that makes sense. But you only have so many devices why in the world could you possibly need that many useless pieces of shit? I swear.

I'm not done.

OK so I get why you bought VMP. Really I do. I mean it makes sense. Super cheap shipping, the occasional socks, cracked monitors, and snap cables are awesome. But shut up.


I don't want to hear it.

I will pay my 2-5 dollars for shipping in piece.

So you, right there, take note, The Death Star plans are not in the main computer. got it?

(Oh who bought their tickets for the Force Awakens hyped to see that)