Scope of the Goat
2So - @lisaviolet thinks she isn't the goat over at What says the People? Once a goat, always a goat IMHO. Goatiness transcends forums!
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@lisaviolet This is the first forum for mediocre. Also, you cannot be forced to take blame here, for this is a goatless zone.
Thumperchick said Last Tuesday at 12:57 PM 1 Reply
@Thumperchick is my hero.
I need to ponder this for a bit.
I can see a case for being goat-free. It's just a different zone and I like the idea of preserving its differentness. I don't know that scapegoating or uttering the name of the goat as goat should be verboten or any nonsense like that, but it is a sort of holier place.
The meh forums need a scapegoat. It's like the fucking Wild West up in here.
But, hell, what do I know? I'm intermittent in both regions.
That being said, if you wanna blame @lisaviolet or @Thumperchick there or even on Facebook or Twitter or in your car or loudly out in some public space, I say, you go.
The efficacy of the curse is a questionable thing anyway. I do think it most likely to be productive here, but I'm a big fan of violating boundaries.
Just don't get all up in my personal space, goddamnit.
Does the goat icon transcend?
@marklog No, it does not.
@lisaviolet well then. that's decided.
@lisaviolet No Goat Icon = No Goat
@lisaviolet The goat Icon transcends time and space.
@Saffer49 yeah but not the two forms...
Clearly, the lack of official rule is @lisaviolet's fault.
Maybe someone more official will weigh in, but if they don't, that's her fault too.
Either way, I don't think any sort of ruling will change my behavior. I'm a rebel like that, yo!
@capguncowboy someone like @JonT?
@capguncowboy @Ignorant @lisaviolet that said, I can't stop people from blaming you there :)
The badge and official title don't transfer outside of However, I was blamed here, meh, woot, and in at least one case, facebook. People LOVE a good scapegoat. I only accepted the blame here, though. Because bleat bleat it's a goat's prerogative.

I meant to say "here, mediocre, woot..." for my typo, I blame @lisaviolet