Scavenger hunt:: eulogy
6Dearly beloved after all the smoke cleared from Friday(I suspect this is literal at mediocre) I wanted to open up the floor for anyone that wanted to say something nice. I mean this is basically the wake. Not just making sure they were gone. But if you had something nice to say about them. Now is your time. I'd like to call a moment of silence at 11:39 pm Est tonight to remember our dear friends.
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speaker docks were the worst meme since Milhouse
speaker docks t( ゚ヮ゚ t)
Thanks for getting @galmaegi a job.
@medz Yep. No joke!
You will be missed, jbl speaker docks, but as long as you're in our hearts (and clutter piles) you'll never be truly forgotten.
i grew up with speaker dock serial# 22-21362 (i called double duece for short). he was a great friend and always there to offer advice. except when he was unplugged or his batteries were dead. but hey, everyone needs some down time, right?
I did not know speaker dock
Mainly because he didn't have a clock
I can't wait for the next friday theme
I'm guessing it will have a beam
Meh running out of JBLs rocks my sock(s)
RIP Speaker Dock. You were my best friend. We were tied together always, inseperable. With love, Sylvester.

Goodbye, dear friend. Even though I never knew you personally, I enjoyed reloading the page and realizing I wouldn't be spending more money that night. You will be missed.
@sohmageek Just for you- JBL has a new variety:
JBL On Time Micro- Loudspeaker dock and clock radio
@dashbutt anyone know how we can go about acquiring around 30,000 of these?
@JonT But they have a 30 pin dock... Could you bundle them with one of the following?
Or other 30 pin to Lightning/Bluetooth options? I'd take whatever you put with the ipup!
@JonT How did the buyers end up with 30k or more the first time? One giant order, or did you just agree to buy 10% of JBL's stock every so often?
@JonT for scapegoat!!!
@KDemo Brilliant!
@jaremelz - I seem to recall this is exactly what earned @carl669 his reign.
@KDemo Haha! I doubt see why we can't have a staff goat for October. Please.
@JonT you guys need to get some of these and sell them for around $30, I'll buy 3 :)
@JonT Yeah they have a 3 star rating too - that is about meh's speed LOL
Ye haven't an arm, ye haven't a leg
Ye're an armless, boneless, chickenless egg
Ye'll have to put with a bowl out to beg
Oh JBL I hardly knew ye.
@hallmike Thanks so much for the earworm.
I bought one, though not knowing why
received two, to my confused delight.
@hollboll said keep them, I sighed,
But my son is now one happy guy.
You will always be a part of mediocre lore; You are one with the ages.
I'm guessing meh will sell minis this Friday.
@KDemo We can hope!
@KDemo called it
Dock Dock Dock Dock, Dock, Dock, Dock, Dock, Dock
Now tell me whatcha gonna do when there aint nowhere to dock
When low battery comes for you
And whatcha gonna do when there ain't no speakers left
And low battery comes for you
See you at the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads
So you'll charge your battery
See you at the crossroads, crossroads, crossroads
Play your music loudly
(I miss my Uncle Charles, y'all.)
(Mod edit - FTFY)
@connorbush fak. my gif posting prowess fails me again.
Dear speaker docks, @sohmageek always thought you were ridiculously good looking. And we're sorry you had to die in a gasoline accident. Well, some of us are.
And that's my eugoogly

Good riddance.
Oh speaker dock, you were so good at docking things… at having a speaker… and I guess that's about all, but what more could a person ask for? Purple, I guess. Can't have everything, though. RIP.
Farewell, Speakerdock, king of audiochargers, whose long and faithful friendship those who knew you won't forget! Though your body will decay, your spirit lingers on in the quiet, web-spun places of your forest home.
I'm sad no one recognised this.
@Thumperchick I just looked it up. Maybe I should read the books.
Once I listened sad and bleakly, To a song played low and weakly,
Over undistinguished headphones from a Radio Shack store
While my mind grew slow and lazy, suddenly a tone less hazy,
Raucous, even, upsy daisy!, Again tonight and ever more,
Get thee to the Woot front door!
But there was just another shirt, common as some garden dirt,
Nothing worth the missed concert, waiting on my IPod's store
though tinny, flat, and not much more
Then came Friday, weekend's nigh day, working hours drag away,
Then on Meh, and worth the pay, playing music ever more!
A speaker dock for music, score!
So my iPod now held captive, static, stable, unreactive,
playing tunes so hyperactive, melodies become much more!
Speaker Docks make music roar!
One more Friday, sad good-bye day, Speaker docs, another score!
Music wondrous, rhythms thunderous, but only just this one time more
This last time and nevermore
Forums laughing jokes are passing, trolls of speaker docks harassing,
Claiming hope and joy surpassing, at the passing of our score
No more docks forevermore
PS not responsible for all the text changes... the forums did that...
I cannot believe you all think they are gone, your brains are gonna ooze out of your ears when they put more speaker docks on sale.
@thismyusername But unless they start selling 30-pin docks after all this time... I'll finally have a Lightning connector equipped phone to use with it. It'll be all right.
Farewell speaker docks
Though some liked and some disliked
Meh folklore remains
How many of us gathered together here really KNEW JBL speaker dock? You may have thought you did, as you watched his weight yo-yo between being mini and micro. Perhaps you even invited him into your home. But did you know what JBL stood for, other than mass market, moderately priced home audio? Just Buy Lots. And yes, Meh did, and thus we did. A life well lived, indeed. #themoreyouknow
And all over America and Korea the ghost of JBL speaker dock lives on in the sound waves...