Saved You a Click: My Meh-button streak is over
10In all the hubbub yesterday, while I spent like 2 hours trying to think up hilarious junk-bag names (and failing), I forgot to click the Meh button:
Oh well. Life goes on.
(But seriously… nobody on the meh staff liked “eJetsam”?! I’m agog. Or… maybe I’m Magog. And what about Anatomical Snuffbox?! That’s comedy gold, people.)
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I’m so damn jealous.
Right now I’m at 1332 in a row, and I’m hoping one day I’ll forget to click the damn meh button so I can be freed of this OCD hell.
/giphy I can’t help myself.
@hems79 Feeling your misery. I’m at 979. In 3 short weeks I’ll break 1K then I’ll stop clicky clicky and this damn monkey will be off my back!
Ya, sure I will.
/giphy We’ve got issues
Good luck bro
Condolences -
@kdemo thanks! Kinda like @hems79 and @ruouttayourmind (edit: @ruouttaurmind) mentioned above, it’s a bit of a relief to not need to keep the streak alive anymore…
@hems79 @ruouttaurmind @UncleVinny - It’s a tough habit to break though. Meh needs to offer rehab services.
@kdemo If I can’t manage to drop cold turkey on 1K I’ll be committed for another thousand. Because something just seems wrong about everything from 1001 to 1999.
@ruouttaurmind - You’re obviously overlooking 1111.
I missed one in the middle of my streak, (which at the time was the end and not the middle) and I considered stopping, but I like the clickfaces.
Really, doing the same thing every day for 1000 days probably rewires your brain somehow. We are the slaves of our meh masters.
@kdemo 1111 is just telling me on a subliminal level “Clicky one more time! Just one. Come on one more clicky. Once more!”
@ruouttaurmind - lol. I guess ‘committed’ is the operative word here.
@kdemo Meh. Giphy is full of disappointment today. So… nvm.