This is the pontiac aztec of deals. A crossover with no crossover appeal. If you aren’t a prepper, you won’t buy this. If you are, you’ve already got stuff like this in your bunker.
@Tadlem43 Or visit your local LDS pantry. They are happy to get you started. Prepping for the rapture is part of the deal for our magic diaper wearing friends.
Gave up on the giphy. Surplus mess kit (Swedish, or less useful but lighter the Swiss Volcano stove). The former comes with a Trangia spirit burner, but can use wood or other solid fuels. Has a pot and a pan that fit into the stove proper. If you’re lucky you can still find the stainless steel version (better for cooking) over the lighter and far more common aluminum one.
iso-butane is fine for short term use (we keep a few for extended power outs or travel) but heavy compared to an extra bottle of denatured or wood alcohol for the Trangia.
Hey, Meh… how about giving us an occasional military surplus daily deal? Nice wool blanket, or aforementioned mess kits, or…
@mike808 Huh. Is it a Rapture thing? I thought it was just because of the many, many times they were driven out of communities until they found an area so unpleasant no one else was around. That kind of history would lead people to be suspicious of and unwilling to be reliant on the government, which leads naturally into the prepper mindset.
@MrMikenIkes 12 person-days of food as I understand it (36 bars, 3 bars per person per day). Less water, but hopefully you have other potential sources.
@awk They will look heavenly and people will kill you for them a few days into the end days. When you’re really starving, as few of the folks here have probably ever been… you won’t tun your nose up at lifeboat rations or chew bars…
@haydesigner Preparing for a natural disaster doesn’t make you a wingnut. I had an ice storm where I live a few years back and was without power for 5 days and couldn’t leave the house because everything was frozen over and every business was shut down. Heck, it was dangerous to even leave because of falling tree limbs.
@TBoneZeOriginal Exactly! If the power goes out where I am - I have no water (On a well), heat or indoor cooking ability. So I have to keep gallons of water in the pantry and wood for the stove.
@TBoneZeOriginal But like… the extreme for a normal disaster is like a week. And who doesn’t have a week’s worth of better food already in their pantry? Don’t forget the first day is bloating yourself with 3 gallons of Rocky Road before it melts, and calorically that can get you through the week on it’s own.
@haydesigner A week without drinkable water if you’re in a bad storm or flood. Maybe no heat or power. Your sewers backed up by floods. Or building water/sewer frozen due to lack of heat. Nearby stores shut down, streets possibly blocked. Gas delivery likely to fail in a regional event both due to pipe breaks and the recent EPA forced (what I heard) downgrades to the delivery system to reduce emissions. .gov is trying but overextended so you’re not a priority for rescue or aid.
We don’t prep for the zombie apocalypse; we prep for a tornado or severe storm or earthquake so we can remain at home in relative comfort, circumstances permitting, and maybe help out our neighbors if they’re a little short. And having a stocked pantry has another benefit… if a breadwinner gets laid off or hurt and the household income is reduced or stopped, guess what? Eat your stores. You bought it in bulk or on sale, you’ve got a 20 pound sack of rice, some beans, canned food, bottled water, stuff that stays usable, and now some fruit flavor bars. Congrats, you’ve extended your time for keeping your home and finding employment. Pretty damn forward thinking there.
@TBoneZeOriginal Got any cupboard or pantry space at all? Watch for sales and when you shop buy one or two more cans (soup, veggies, stew, whatever) than you need for the week and tuck it in the back. Do that for a few weeks and you start building up a one week supply. Its really not hard. Tuck a case of bottled water in the closet (use/replace it once a year or so) and you’re doing better than most everyone.
Don’t be the person who has to evac to the refugee tents after a couple days of no power or clean water, demanding to know where the Red Cross is and why FEMA hasn’t fed you yet…
@duodec We’re both talking about different methods of prepping. Buying today’s deal would quite literally be preparing to not be the type of person you’re implying I am.
Believe me, I’m prepared for disasters. I’m simply telling another user how emergency food can be helpful because he implied not being prepared was okay since those who prep are apparently wingnuts.
@TBoneZeOriginal I was referring to your weekly shopping and Thursday night comment, and being hungry on day 2. If you have the space and a little extra cash (and it really is very little and easy to spread out) having a week of meals is trivially easy and cheap to get and keep. Sorry I missed that you also posted an earlier comment here.
I’m not buying the deal either. Not to say I would not be thrilled to have it after a week of rice, beans, and soup, but its not a particularly good or very palatable looking deal.
@westownsend You might be surprised at how many people don’t have anything in their pantry or cupboards; open the fridge and there might be expired leftovers, an open bottle of ketchup, and maybe a beer or three, and a many-year-old frozen dinner or pot-pie in the freezer. Not that they can’t, they just don’t cook much or eat at home so they don’t keep much or any. When their little corner of the world gets a flood or a bad storm/blizzard, especially if it impacts clean water delivery, they are SOL. Time to mooch off the neighbors or reserve a cot in a FEMA tent.
Sure the odds are against it happening to you, but the same thing’s true for many of the folks it has happened to, right up until it happened to them.
@cengland0 Sure. The peanut butter rations are vegan, cholesterol-free, and loaded with protein, antioxidants, and some healthy carbs for energy to last until you’re ready to eat the neighbors.
I’m still trying to figure out why this is a better deal than a $1 gallon jug of spring water and a box of Cliff bars in the closet.
That, and the basement is full of the food we canned last summer; its on the shelves next to the well pressure tank, the wood burning stove, and the generator. No, we’re not wingnuts, just live in the country and the power goes out a lot.
@Stallion Who remembers to eat them four years later before they expire? You mean either eating it because it already expired, or throwing it out because it already expired.
@huja I tried that (following the Northridge/Reseda quake in SoCal) with a Ralph’s; they were closed due to debris in the aisles. OTOH, the liquor store across the street was willing to let customers pick their way through the mess - but selection was limited!
I… don’t even know. I’ll buy some just for the novelty, and I’m not even sure if it’s worth it for that. If you had to guess who I am by my purchase history, I’d be a shirt and sock enthusiast knife collector and now prepper apparently.
I probably would have grabbed a couple of these at $10 or $15. $25 for two weeks have gotten me also. At $25 for one set I’d rather just eat my neighbor.
@Steve7654 Can’t we just pack up our own water packets using our meh-supplied vacuum/sealer? Or this:
/image platypus 2 liter water bottle
/image boli 5 liter water tank
@thismyusername Nearly everything I’ve tried from Mountain House has been pretty palatable. Wise Foods… not so much. Their stuff is all poxy.
/giphy vile
Is there any better snapshot of the ingredients for those of us who like to read those sorts of things (and/or food allergies).
Edit: on the SOS webpage they say:
Ingredients: Sugar, Enriched Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening (Soybean & Cottonseed Oils), Corn Starch, Wheat Gluten, Dextrose, Desiccated Coconut Preserved with Sodium Metabisulfite, Corn Syrup, Contains less than 2% of the following: Soy Lecithin, Guar Gum, Calcium Propionate Preservative, Citric Acid, Salt, Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Niacin, Vitamin A, Palmitate, Riboflavin, Thiamine Mononitrate.
There is a huge upside to buying these over other survival food – the taste (more than likely) will be so horrible that you won’t eat them on that lazy Sunday afternoon when there is nothing else left in your pantry. I mean, you’ll still contemplate it when you order that pizza and it says it’s gonna take 87 minutes, but then you’ll think back to that other time you were in this situation and remember how terrible was.
@Steve7654 Nah, you’re supposed to shove it into your Meh backpack along with your Meh knife and flashlight and emergency radio. Then if you have to leave with very little notice you can grab the bag and go, confident in the knowledge that, for at least the next 3 days, you’re gonna survive.
@einrad@AnnaB Everyone else is mocking ELE, completely ignoring real threats like earthquakes, floods, wildfire, snowstorms… stuff that regularly affects many thousands of people in the US every year. Let 'em come begging for our sawdust bars after the power has been out for a week!
@mbimeh Canned food and a can opener is a better price…and deal. The only up to this is that it’s more portable. If anything happens, I’m probably not going anywhere… or I’ll load up the SUV before I head out!
@Tadlem43 You’re right. These aren’t as cheap or delicious as many other options. They’re mainly conveniently sized and light with high calorie density, for storing as a compact lifeboat ration, or in a small 72hr kit backpack, something like that. I’ve wanted 4 packs for our earthquake bags and I’ve just been keeping an eye out for bargains on these exact rations, so I’m happy.
These don’t seem to be heavily discounted very often. They don’t have to discount them as their main competitors taste even worse. As I understand it they have many guaranteed sales as thousands of ship owners have to keep buying them to replenish lifeboat safety gear as they expire, to satisfy USCG regulations.
@mbimeh Are they still good after they ‘expire’? Do you know where you can buy soft packaged peanut butter, etc? Not the freeze dried… the real thing.
There used to be tons of surplus stores around and you could buy all kinds of survival stuff on the cheap. Not so much anymore.
I’m confused I guess. It says on both places 3 days/72 hours. Yet has 36 bars at 400 calories each and suggests 3 bars a day. So it is 12 days of food and a half days water?
@Outofmehmind No, its 3 days, 36 bars @400 Cal per, or 4800 Cal per day, and 12 bars per day. These are not ‘bars’ like a snickers. These are ‘bars’ like a starburst. They are tiny.
@mike808 Well, neither 1200 calories nor 4800 calories per day seems reasonable to me as an average. 1200 is closer to realistic, though it’s still below the BMR (i.e. calories you’d burn lying still all day) of the vast majority of people. I’d guess 4 bars per day would be more realistic, so the rations would last 9 days. Not sure about the energy bars.
Warranty for 90 days? Is anyone planning on using these things in the next 90 days? Does someone know something that I don’t know? Is this the beginning of the end or something?
This will be a great addition to the emergency kit in our club airplane. Put it in the back and, hopefully, forget about it for 4 years. Thanks Meh! I don’t live in a bunker, but this is still handy.
Contents are 4 packs of rations @ 3600 kcal/pack, 4 energy bars @ 400kcal/bar, and 8 water packets, 125ml each. That’s a total of 1 liter of water and 16,000 kcal.
I present The Significantly Cheaper, Simpler Survival Kit:
Gallon of purified Wal-Mart water, $2
Four jars of peanut butter, $2/5000 kcal each
10 granola bars to break the monotony, $0.2/400kcal each
Boom, you now have a survival kit that cost $12, is substantially lighter, and will last you much longer in case a real emergency happens.
Seriously guys, peanut butter and cheap gallons of water are the way to go. The $0.95/jar peanut butter I bought yesterday “expires” in 2019 and is easily good for another few years after that if sealed, with the extra bonus that you can swap your survival stash for new jars you buy at any time to prevent wasting food. It’s also 5000 calories in a tiny, portable jar.
@owenversteeg Might need to find a sturdier container for the water, or keep it in the shade. That milk/water jug material weakens in the sun.
Don’t ask me how I know…
There’s a deal at Patroit Pantry (freefood2 dot com) that you can get 72 hours of legit freeze dry, 25 year food for $10 shipped. Only thing that’s missing is the water, and there’s plenty of ways of storing water for long term under $15.
Preparewithcr (dot) com, will give you 3 months for $100 shipped, if you really want to prep!
I’ve got lots of stored food and water at the ready, which definitely makes this look like NO DEAL.
What’s in the Box?
4x packs of 9 emergency food rations (36 total)
1x Lemon-flavored food ration
1x Cherry-flavored food ration
1x Apricot-flavored food ration
1x Blueberry-flavored food ration
8x Water packets
Arms full
Everything included
The flavored ones
The water
The rations
The rations again
Price Comparison
$49.99 at Amazon
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Meh emergency…“water” you think about that???
Save us Meh!
You could say this is a… rational purchase.
Not even if the world were ending tomorrow.
Wait a second…
This is the pontiac aztec of deals. A crossover with no crossover appeal. If you aren’t a prepper, you won’t buy this. If you are, you’ve already got stuff like this in your bunker.
2/10 would not buy.
@boygenius1991 It’s never too late to start prepping!
@Hanky (Then buy several cases of canned food and water purification tablets or sterno for a fire to boil it. You can get a LOT for $25!)
@Tadlem43 Or visit your local LDS pantry. They are happy to get you started. Prepping for the rapture is part of the deal for our magic diaper wearing friends.
@mike808 Sacred undergarments
@ginaw Sacred undergarments ARE magic diapers after shit hits the fan!
@Tadlem43 Sterno sucks for that. Use an alcohol stove, wood-gas stove or esbit tabs. Or and actual backpacking stove with iso-butane canisters.
Gave up on the giphy. Surplus mess kit (Swedish, or less useful but lighter the Swiss Volcano stove). The former comes with a Trangia spirit burner, but can use wood or other solid fuels. Has a pot and a pan that fit into the stove proper. If you’re lucky you can still find the stainless steel version (better for cooking) over the lighter and far more common aluminum one.
iso-butane is fine for short term use (we keep a few for extended power outs or travel) but heavy compared to an extra bottle of denatured or wood alcohol for the Trangia.
Hey, Meh… how about giving us an occasional military surplus daily deal? Nice wool blanket, or aforementioned mess kits, or…
@mike808 Huh. Is it a Rapture thing? I thought it was just because of the many, many times they were driven out of communities until they found an area so unpleasant no one else was around. That kind of history would lead people to be suspicious of and unwilling to be reliant on the government, which leads naturally into the prepper mindset.
I’d ask if this is enough for one or two people but something tells me the kind of person buying this is going to be going solo
@MrMikenIkes 12 person-days of food as I understand it (36 bars, 3 bars per person per day). Less water, but hopefully you have other potential sources.
So, a box of shitty snack food?
@awk Nailed it.

/giphy shitsnacks
@fuzzmanmatt This is not the gif you’re looking for.

@awk They will look heavenly and people will kill you for them a few days into the end days. When you’re really starving, as few of the folks here have probably ever been… you won’t tun your nose up at lifeboat rations or chew bars…
/giphy lifeboat rations

Didn’t realize that wingnuts were a big part of Meh’s audience
@haydesigner Preparing for a natural disaster doesn’t make you a wingnut. I had an ice storm where I live a few years back and was without power for 5 days and couldn’t leave the house because everything was frozen over and every business was shut down. Heck, it was dangerous to even leave because of falling tree limbs.
@TBoneZeOriginal Exactly! If the power goes out where I am - I have no water (On a well), heat or indoor cooking ability. So I have to keep gallons of water in the pantry and wood for the stove.
@TBoneZeOriginal But like… the extreme for a normal disaster is like a week. And who doesn’t have a week’s worth of better food already in their pantry? Don’t forget the first day is bloating yourself with 3 gallons of Rocky Road before it melts, and calorically that can get you through the week on it’s own.
This feels more like doomsdayer food
@westownsend Sorry - thinking about it more this isn’t really doomsdayer… I just don’t know what it is :|
@westownsend That same ice storm I referenced, I had friends who had no power for over 2 weeks. Could happen to anyone.
And actually, we do out grocery shopping on Friday night. If something happened on a Thursday nights, I’d be very hungry on like day 2. lol
@haydesigner A week without drinkable water if you’re in a bad storm or flood. Maybe no heat or power. Your sewers backed up by floods. Or building water/sewer frozen due to lack of heat. Nearby stores shut down, streets possibly blocked. Gas delivery likely to fail in a regional event both due to pipe breaks and the recent EPA forced (what I heard) downgrades to the delivery system to reduce emissions. .gov is trying but overextended so you’re not a priority for rescue or aid.
We don’t prep for the zombie apocalypse; we prep for a tornado or severe storm or earthquake so we can remain at home in relative comfort, circumstances permitting, and maybe help out our neighbors if they’re a little short. And having a stocked pantry has another benefit… if a breadwinner gets laid off or hurt and the household income is reduced or stopped, guess what? Eat your stores. You bought it in bulk or on sale, you’ve got a 20 pound sack of rice, some beans, canned food, bottled water, stuff that stays usable, and now some fruit flavor bars. Congrats, you’ve extended your time for keeping your home and finding employment. Pretty damn forward thinking there.
@TBoneZeOriginal Got any cupboard or pantry space at all? Watch for sales and when you shop buy one or two more cans (soup, veggies, stew, whatever) than you need for the week and tuck it in the back. Do that for a few weeks and you start building up a one week supply. Its really not hard. Tuck a case of bottled water in the closet (use/replace it once a year or so) and you’re doing better than most everyone.
Don’t be the person who has to evac to the refugee tents after a couple days of no power or clean water, demanding to know where the Red Cross is and why FEMA hasn’t fed you yet…
@duodec We’re both talking about different methods of prepping. Buying today’s deal would quite literally be preparing to not be the type of person you’re implying I am.
Believe me, I’m prepared for disasters. I’m simply telling another user how emergency food can be helpful because he implied not being prepared was okay since those who prep are apparently wingnuts.
@TBoneZeOriginal I was referring to your weekly shopping and Thursday night comment, and being hungry on day 2. If you have the space and a little extra cash (and it really is very little and easy to spread out) having a week of meals is trivially easy and cheap to get and keep. Sorry I missed that you also posted an earlier comment here.
I’m not buying the deal either. Not to say I would not be thrilled to have it after a week of rice, beans, and soup, but its not a particularly good or very palatable looking deal.
@westownsend You might be surprised at how many people don’t have anything in their pantry or cupboards; open the fridge and there might be expired leftovers, an open bottle of ketchup, and maybe a beer or three, and a many-year-old frozen dinner or pot-pie in the freezer. Not that they can’t, they just don’t cook much or eat at home so they don’t keep much or any. When their little corner of the world gets a flood or a bad storm/blizzard, especially if it impacts clean water delivery, they are SOL. Time to mooch off the neighbors or reserve a cot in a FEMA tent.
Sure the odds are against it happening to you, but the same thing’s true for many of the folks it has happened to, right up until it happened to them.
I used a rational thought and decided not to buy these…
I hope you bought the knife a few days ago, to protect your food supply!
Is the water gluten and oat free? Are the rest of the items vegan?
@cengland0 Sure. The peanut butter rations are vegan, cholesterol-free, and loaded with protein, antioxidants, and some healthy carbs for energy to last until you’re ready to eat the neighbors.
@mike808 unfortunately, my neighbors aren’t vegan but they are probably loaded with B12 which I normally lack from my vegetarian diet.
@cengland0 go at their liver first for all the B12 goodness you want.
For $5 I would have purchased 3. Then used them for a white elephant gift come christmas
Who knew emergencies could purify water?
@thismyusername If it’s a yuuuge emergency, they also purify the gene pool. Believe me.
Is this food for the undesignated survivor? Let’s see, selling knives, flashlights…where’s the camo outfits?
Are these allowed on my Naked and Afraid appearance?
@phatmass Yeah, but you have to sneak into the producer’s hotel room to get them
Ingredient labels please? (These kinds of things are useful in case of natural disaster, but food allergies are important!)
I’m still trying to figure out why this is a better deal than a $1 gallon jug of spring water and a box of Cliff bars in the closet.
That, and the basement is full of the food we canned last summer; its on the shelves next to the well pressure tank, the wood burning stove, and the generator. No, we’re not wingnuts, just live in the country and the power goes out a lot.
@Steve7654 A HDPE gallon water jug will start to biodegrade and leak in 3-4 months.
Is meh predicting Armageddon?
Half-Life 3 confirmed!
@Kidsandliz ar-meh-geddon*
@Kidsandliz More like … Armagedd-YUM!
@connorbush yes that would be it… was too tired to think of the “correct” term…
Hmm. Wonder if this would be viable for a weekend backpacking trip of if I’d end up seasoning the water bars with dirt…
Guaranteed most buy this and are stuck eating it just because it is expiring…famous last words as I wish I bought this as the world melts.
@Stallion Who remembers to eat them four years later before they expire? You mean either eating it because it already expired, or throwing it out because it already expired.
My emergency food plan during a natural disaster is to walk to the Ralph’s down the street and buy groceries.
@huja mine is to gather up all the empty canning jars, and get to work preserving all the food in our 2 freezers.
@huja I tried that (following the Northridge/Reseda quake in SoCal) with a Ralph’s; they were closed due to debris in the aisles. OTOH, the liquor store across the street was willing to let customers pick their way through the mess - but selection was limited!
@rpstrong Nothing a lil’ old fashion looting can’t overcome.
how appropriate.
/giphy meager-comfortable-cockroach

@rileyper Not Meatloaf, again!
Where are the gummy bear rations? I’m not participating in the apocalypse unless there are gummy bears involved.
I… don’t even know. I’ll buy some just for the novelty, and I’m not even sure if it’s worth it for that. If you had to guess who I am by my purchase history, I’d be a shirt and sock enthusiast knife collector and now prepper apparently.
@Nexar well, you can serve it for dinner the next time your wife makes you do the cooking. You know, so she won’t do that again.
I remember one time when I was a kid my dad served up some canned squid on toast, I think for that very reason.
I probably would have grabbed a couple of these at $10 or $15. $25 for two weeks have gotten me also. At $25 for one set I’d rather just eat my neighbor.
3 days of rations for $25? I’ll stick to my gigantic shelving setup of random non-perishable foodstuffs, thx.
@thechinglish Don’t forget Taco Bell. You know that stuff will last until the end of Trump’s first term!
@thechinglish ya, but do you have non perishable water? half this deal is packets of preserved water.
@Steve7654 Can’t we just pack up our own water packets using our meh-supplied vacuum/sealer? Or this:

/image platypus 2 liter water bottle
/image boli 5 liter water tank
No mountain house beef stroganoff with noodles? WTF MEH?
@thismyusername The beef stroganoff isn’t bad, is it? The chili mac though… not so tasty.
@ruouttaurmind naw its pretty darn good for freeze dried… can’t say I’ve done the chilimac one, but the lasagna with meat sauce one is pretty good.
@thismyusername Nearly everything I’ve tried from Mountain House has been pretty palatable. Wise Foods… not so much. Their stuff is all poxy.

/giphy vile
Is there any better snapshot of the ingredients for those of us who like to read those sorts of things (and/or food allergies).
Edit: on the SOS webpage they say:
Ingredients: Sugar, Enriched Wheat Flour, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable Shortening (Soybean & Cottonseed Oils), Corn Starch, Wheat Gluten, Dextrose, Desiccated Coconut Preserved with Sodium Metabisulfite, Corn Syrup, Contains less than 2% of the following: Soy Lecithin, Guar Gum, Calcium Propionate Preservative, Citric Acid, Salt, Ascorbic Acid, Ascorbyl Palmitate, Niacin, Vitamin A, Palmitate, Riboflavin, Thiamine Mononitrate.
@WaltC Thanks for doing that research.
For many people, gluten free is a fad; however, for me it is a necessity. These have gluten in it so it’s a deal breaker.
99 cent store— this is like 24 boxes of meal replacement bars.
I’m torn!
"Warranty 90 Day Mediocre"
What happens if there is no emergency in the next 3 months ?
I would need 4, but I don’t value any of us this highly. More like 10-15$ each…
You’re kidding, right?! 8.4 fl oz (2 bags) per day isn’t even close to a 32oz/day survival intake.
@mwarren You’d want to supplement this with maybe some fresh squirrel or cat meat, roasted over a flaming tire.
@awk If these were made in china it might already be in there.
@mwarren You use the 2 x 12oz survival intake of beer to make up the difference.
Bluh… I carry more “food” than this in my car, just in case. It’s all spaghettios and trail mix, but at least it’s appealing.
@fuzzmanmatt better throw a can opener in there, or if civilization collapses you’re gonna be pissed.
@fuzzmanmatt ‘SpaghettiOs’ and ‘appealing’ are a contradiction in terms
This is what you give to the neighbors when they come knocking.
There is a huge upside to buying these over other survival food – the taste (more than likely) will be so horrible that you won’t eat them on that lazy Sunday afternoon when there is nothing else left in your pantry. I mean, you’ll still contemplate it when you order that pizza and it says it’s gonna take 87 minutes, but then you’ll think back to that other time you were in this situation and remember how terrible was.
so, do you, like, bury this stuff in your back yard, just in case?
@Steve7654 Nah, you’re supposed to shove it into your Meh backpack along with your Meh knife and flashlight and emergency radio. Then if you have to leave with very little notice you can grab the bag and go, confident in the knowledge that, for at least the next 3 days, you’re gonna survive.
Yep. My earthquake kit needs a refresher. Count me in. And please put it on the rotation again in four years
@einrad That was exactly why I bought it.
@einrad @AnnaB Everyone else is mocking ELE, completely ignoring real threats like earthquakes, floods, wildfire, snowstorms… stuff that regularly affects many thousands of people in the US every year. Let 'em come begging for our sawdust bars after the power has been out for a week!
@ruouttaurmind I have a few meh knives to defend my rations
If you ever did want emergency food, this IS a good price for SOS rations.
@mbimeh Canned food and a can opener is a better price…and deal. The only up to this is that it’s more portable. If anything happens, I’m probably not going anywhere… or I’ll load up the SUV before I head out!
@Tadlem43 You’re right. These aren’t as cheap or delicious as many other options. They’re mainly conveniently sized and light with high calorie density, for storing as a compact lifeboat ration, or in a small 72hr kit backpack, something like that. I’ve wanted 4 packs for our earthquake bags and I’ve just been keeping an eye out for bargains on these exact rations, so I’m happy.
These don’t seem to be heavily discounted very often. They don’t have to discount them as their main competitors taste even worse. As I understand it they have many guaranteed sales as thousands of ship owners have to keep buying them to replenish lifeboat safety gear as they expire, to satisfy USCG regulations.
@mbimeh Are they still good after they ‘expire’? Do you know where you can buy soft packaged peanut butter, etc? Not the freeze dried… the real thing.
There used to be tons of surplus stores around and you could buy all kinds of survival stuff on the cheap. Not so much anymore.
Been meaning to buy more MREs for the earthquake kit. These will do for now. In for two, one is going in the office.
I’m confused I guess. It says on both places 3 days/72 hours. Yet has 36 bars at 400 calories each and suggests 3 bars a day. So it is 12 days of food and a half days water?
@Outofmehmind No, its 3 days, 36 bars @400 Cal per, or 4800 Cal per day, and 12 bars per day. These are not ‘bars’ like a snickers. These are ‘bars’ like a starburst. They are tiny.
See? I mathed the shit out of it!
@mike808 Well, neither 1200 calories nor 4800 calories per day seems reasonable to me as an average. 1200 is closer to realistic, though it’s still below the BMR (i.e. calories you’d burn lying still all day) of the vast majority of people. I’d guess 4 bars per day would be more realistic, so the rations would last 9 days. Not sure about the energy bars.
Looks like this is just a bunch of carbs. Might as well just dump a bag of Jawbreakers in your bug out kit and suck on them all day.
@ponagathos Or a box of freeze dried mashed potatoes, or cereals just like most ‘prepper’ kits.
Just get a year’s supply of Auguson Farms from Sam’s Club and be done.
Soylent Green…
“Condition: New” WHEW…That’s a relief!
As if Woot didn’t pull this shit all too often.
Really Meh? Are you trying to become as unloved as Woot?
@TheTexasTwister Because meh sells thousands of different items across a dozen sites?
Warranty for 90 days? Is anyone planning on using these things in the next 90 days? Does someone know something that I don’t know? Is this the beginning of the end or something?
“Around 4 years till they expire” - just enough time until the next election, perfect!!
Meh, pls sell dehydrated water.

The type in cans. Bummer if you lose the can opener.:
Personally, I much prefer the pills:

@f00l What about

/image dehydrated beer ?
I’m trying to figure out today’s “Who’s buying this crap?” map, which is normally just a “Where do people live?” map…
I guess the Bernie supporters in Vermont are packing it up the next 4 years. Can’t particularly blame 'em ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Lotsofgoats they changed the map a while back so it wasn’t just a population map.
@RiotDemon pfft like I need FACTS
This will be a great addition to the emergency kit in our club airplane. Put it in the back and, hopefully, forget about it for 4 years. Thanks Meh! I don’t live in a bunker, but this is still handy.
I was curious about recreating this myself.
Contents are 4 packs of rations @ 3600 kcal/pack, 4 energy bars @ 400kcal/bar, and 8 water packets, 125ml each. That’s a total of 1 liter of water and 16,000 kcal.
I present The Significantly Cheaper, Simpler Survival Kit:
Boom, you now have a survival kit that cost $12, is substantially lighter, and will last you much longer in case a real emergency happens.
Seriously guys, peanut butter and cheap gallons of water are the way to go. The $0.95/jar peanut butter I bought yesterday “expires” in 2019 and is easily good for another few years after that if sealed, with the extra bonus that you can swap your survival stash for new jars you buy at any time to prevent wasting food. It’s also 5000 calories in a tiny, portable jar.
@owenversteeg I’d add a box or two of pilot bread for the peanut butter.
@owenversteeg No go for folks with peanut allergies.
@owenversteeg Your survival strategy is nuts.
@TAsunder you butter believe it!
@narfcake new race that survives the end of the world will not have any allergies. win win.
@owenversteeg I watched a video of a guy eating peanut butter from the 1950s. It was still good.
@owenversteeg Might need to find a sturdier container for the water, or keep it in the shade. That milk/water jug material weakens in the sun.
Don’t ask me how I know…
@owenversteeg A gallon jug of water is substantially lighter?
Better hope that the apocalypse happens within the 90 day warranty period, or else…wait a minute, even if it does, what good is that warranty?
These are what you throw in the trunk when you head off to places people ain’t.
i guess i’m a sucker… but a moderately more prepared one now… meh
/giphy smart-racy-jupiter

8 ounces of water a day, in a stressed situation?
CDC says one gallon a day.
@Atwoody It’s a survival kit, not a stay hydrated kit.
There’s a deal at Patroit Pantry (freefood2 dot com) that you can get 72 hours of legit freeze dry, 25 year food for $10 shipped. Only thing that’s missing is the water, and there’s plenty of ways of storing water for long term under $15.
Preparewithcr (dot) com, will give you 3 months for $100 shipped, if you really want to prep!
I’ve got lots of stored food and water at the ready, which definitely makes this look like NO DEAL.
@mswny29 have you ordered from the first place?
@RiotDemon Yes, I have, they’re pretty persistent on the hard upsell, but was able to get the 72 hour kit to add to my stash.
another similar item 72 hours of food, $20 with free shipping.
@mrken30 does that include water?
/giphy soylent green

/giphy harmonious-talkative-trouble

well he’s damn near flipped his wig for sure now.what am i even doing here.