No thanks. I’ve got a propane turkey fryer already. Using this math it’s a 6-in-1 device. I can do all the things that this one does plus just toasting things over the open flame.
@christinerenee don’t worry. You should get it. It really is not a stupid price and if you use it for even 3/5 the cooking techniques, you will be miles ahead some people who buy this and never use it for one.
I say make some quinoa and some pastels (google it) yum. Hint a good recipe will use a touch of alcohol for the dough.
@iggy71 Just proves there are more poorly educated low information people out there that will buy anything some asshole is selling. But in this case the predator in chief AKA the so called President is going to fuck up this country. Too bad you and others are to dense to realize it until it is too late,
Perhaps we can use it to cook fish that are almost dead. The ones flopping around and thrashing after being caught acting foolishly- like the few remaining members of the “progressive” party.
@Felton10 The last obamination of an administration is the one that effed up the country - Trump is cleaning up the result of the leftist’s incompetence. So when is your cooker coming?
@Felton10 Ron Popeils and Donald Drumpf are both carnival barkers. Lots of talk and BS with no substance behind them. The only difference between them is that Drumpf is the pussy grabber in chief and a truly dangerous man. He can’t take criticism and at some point a foreign leader who doesn’t give shit what that asshole says about him is going to tell Drumpf to fuck off.
Then what will our so called president do. Have a twitter shitfit or bomb him. Who knows what this idiot will do.
@Felton10 God this never gets old! RESIST!!! I laugh between gulps of your sweet sweet tears! We need more riots! THAT will change people’s minds…and ensure a second term. Full disclosure he wasn’t my guy and i had a few misgivings on election day. The reactions of the left have driven me firmly into his camp. MAGA baby! YOU(the left)built this,now live in it.
@DFSdave Trashing the pussy grabber in chief will never get old. Is everyone OK with the way this asshole has been acting in his first 3 weeks. Seems like he has been the predator in chief for 6 months. Maybe his actions are OK with you, but criticizing him is my way of venting.
I’d be ALL in if it also was a dehydrator. I already have things that do these functions(even if my steamer is a plate on empty cans in a pot of boiling water)
@haydesigner 15 pound turkey, but read my other post, you have to take it out and turn it around and re-immerse the turkey back in and then take it out again! AHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!
Oh no. Oh, no. Home is my one place to hide from the allure of the places within walking distance that would sell me fried food. Especially french fries. I cannot have deep-frying power available to me 24/7.
Shit, now I really want some fries. See what you’ve done?!
“I contacted the 5 in 1 website about where to purchase replacement filters, they replied that you could only buy them from their site and only when you place the order. In other words, when you use up the filters that come with the fryer, you have a useless fryer.”
@mtbor@outz or you buy a generic filter elsewhere, it’s not a specially made item. Do you throw out your printer every time it runs out of ink? If so, you must have been really confused yesterday.
@outz Sounds like if you buy it new from them, it comes with a filter renewal program where you only have to pay S&H, but if you buy it elsewhere (or used) you’ll have to pay $17 for a replacement set of filters. Am I reading it wrong?
Just watched the youtube video on this product with Ron and his daughter (very cute*)… to answer a couple of questions, it looks like it will hold up to a 15 pound turkey, but here’s the catch, you have to remove the turkey 3/4 way through the cooking process, put on gloves, remove it from the “spit,” then turn it around so that the other side can be cooked for 10 more minutes.
No thanks, too much work; it will take up too much space in my house and I probably never use it after 2 times.
Pass… total pass…
This could be a boon for vegetarians! Tempura,onion rings,fried mushrooms,of course french fries! Fried okra,doughnuts,navajo fry bread,apple fritters…the list is endless!
I was planning on getting a fryer soon anyway. (for tater tots, not turkeys) And my kitchen junk drawer was looking kinda empty (really needed a doughnut cutter, though)… Pretty average price, and I have to justify this month’s vmp. So
I looked at all the video’s and the more i saw the more i liked the item and its at a severe discount , so after a mental debate with myself i pulled the trigger it will go nicely with the barbecue this summer , like that you get all the goodies and can bake and steam excellent offer TY Meh and TY Mr. Popeil for the invention !! Ron Popeil =Americana
OMG! I can’t believe it! (BUT YOU SHOULD!!) Ron Popeil was the OG TV pitchman. Honestly, I hadn’t heard his name for years, but how fondly I remember how jealous I was as a kid when my neighbor received a Ronco Pocket Fisherman from his father. I just went on Amazon, and don’t you suppose, they are STILL AVAILABLE!!! FISH ON!!
When he appears on various cable shopping networks, the networks have to hire extra staff to process orders, and the entire regular crew shows up for the segment just to watch him perform.
If additional oil filters are ever desired (unit includes 3x), more “funnel-type” (or other types of personal preference) could be purchased on Amazon, a set of 6 $6.61 (Charcoal Companion CC5105 Oil Funnel Paper Filter) or google for $5 (Eastman Outdoors Oil Funnel Filters - 6 per Bag).
Figured it’s a good deal just for the accessories, especially since I am a VMP for free shipping. But watch out for NSFW giphys - the first one I got was not work-safe.
I found several reviews by doing a search on it. After I read them and got specific food recommendations for use, I decided to buy this! The accessories make it a good deal as well as the basic unit parts. I may start with the donuts right away since it is so easy!
@snapster Hah! Logically, you started with 800, unless four Meh staff members think you might sell more than you have. The numbers continue to tick upwards, so it looks like those 4 are likely correct.
If Bonnie comes home and finds another Meh appliance in her house I’m gonna get divorced, ok, no marriage counselor, no trial separation, I’m gonna get fucking divorced, and I don’t wanna get fucking divorced.
Did you notice a sign on my house that says Meh appliances storage? Did you? Did you notice a sign on my house that says meh appliances storage?..Fuck it I’m in for one
@acceleratorI want to convey Mr. Rutledge’s gratitude with the help you’re providing on this matter. Let me assure you, @accelerator, Mr. Rutledge’s gratitude is worth having.
@accelerator, “Okay, you’ve gotta understand something. I wan to help you meh guys out and all, but that’s my best linen. It was a wedding present from my Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny, and they’re no longer with us.”
Let me ask you a question, @accelerator, if you don’t mind.
Well, Your Uncle Matt Rutledge is. And I’m positive if Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny were thousandaires, they wouldv’e furnished you with a whole new bag of cra — I mean fukubukuro, which your Uncle Rutledge is more than happy to do.
@whittakerjt The recording part is what the did best. All those compilation albums you might see advertised on late night TV is either them or Time Warner. The two realized there’s lots of money in it.
I bought some Popeil cooking appliances to use during a kitchen remodel and they worked very well indeed. I haven’t used them since, but this offer has prompted me to get them out of the garage. Yes, I bought one of these to give to my son. He loves to fool around with different methods of cooking. He may get my other stuff if he doesn’t watch out.
I considered buying before watching his video presentation on QVC. But, not now… He, surprisingly, appears to be about 5’3", next to the host. His gift of gab has taken a hit…not to mention his fumbling with the device. I stopped watching when he tried to disguise the blood running down the “fried” lamb as “juices”…that turned me off. He has outlived his 15 minutes of fame…his over $150 cooker selling now for $35 is evidence that the world has passed him by. Some may have a need for the cooker, but not me.
@werekong Being active for more than 65 years and still cranking out the gadgets is quite a bit more than 15 minutes of fame. Your dumb post is your 15 minutes,
@arfdawg Let’s see, my post was on 02/09. So, it took you 7 days to come up with this irrelevant response? Couldn’t you come up with something better? I can’t believe that I’m wasting my time replying to it…I guess I’m just a good guy.
@arfdawg Let me remind you, I’m not the one that restarted this thread 7 days after it ended…you were. You’ve had your 2 sec of fame…that’s more than you deserve.
The word around the web is that filter replacements are impossible to buy for this. Not a problem if you plan to only use it for water as I am! I’m sure if I were to use this for oil first and then try water second the steamed food would taste like oiled crap.
@gallogj Thanks, for the heads up! I’ll only use water until I find the generic filters Panti-Thief was bragging about. What did he link to a bunch, & how many is a bunch in Ron language, (so called)Panti-Heister?
@gallogj The filters are only used to clean the oil. If you throw the oil out after 5 uses, you don’t really need the filters. Who fries that much anyway?
Lisa Popeil, sister of Ron, appeared on stage with Frank Zappa in 1981 telling the story of her sexually frustrated teenage years. She also sings vocals in “Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch”.
I tried to edit my comment to Mr Felton10 but it was forebidden. So, maybe I can edit here. I didn’t vote 4 President rump or your girlfriend nor do I have trouble not voting 4 Criminals!!!
What’s in the Box?
1x Fryer
1x Safety extension sleeve
1x Carving stand
1x Basket with handles
2x Lids
1x “Hands free” funnel
3x Charcoal filter pads
1x Safety gloves
1x Donut cutter
1x Turkey carving knife
6x Muffin baking containers
1x Bread/cake baking container
1x Steam-blocking sheet
1x Instructional DVD
1x Instruction booklet with recipes
1x Marinade booklet
Laid out
Top view
Cross section
Hot dogs too, why not
Price Comparison
$210.65 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 Day Ron Popeil
Estimated Delivery
Monday, July 13th - Thursday, July 16th
Meh cooker-- food for thought and stomach
Great product. Covered up my bald spot without anyone noticing.
No ink, what a joke.
@adamselby I second that. Give us ink to fry our chicken.
@adamselby This reply will likely be funny every day until St. Patricks Day. Maybe even Arbor Day.
Can I catch fish with it?
Might want to jump on this guys, there is only one left in stock on amazon
@riceatusc Not to worry. There’s another Amazon seller with THREE of these available. And cheaper: $149.96 and it’s PRIME eligible.
Ah yes, the camping lantern that’s so bright it cooks turkeys to perfection.

Anyone else think the meh face is a buttface?
@Mehrocco_Mole looked like bewbs to me
@jbrookebarrow totes bewbs.
No thanks. I’ve got a propane turkey fryer already. Using this math it’s a 6-in-1 device. I can do all the things that this one does plus just toasting things over the open flame.
Was Ron Popeil a proctologist? Every time I buy something of his I feel like I just…oh never mind.
@norman8 was? that dude is still selling crap at 81
I predict less than 100 will be sold-all to people who voted for Trump.
@Felton10 Hey now, I was thinking about buying one but you ruined it for me.
Build that wall! Go Trump!
@badger65 That’s a good idea with all the unsold ones that will be left.
@christinerenee don’t worry. You should get it. It really is not a stupid price and if you use it for even 3/5 the cooking techniques, you will be miles ahead some people who buy this and never use it for one.
I say make some quinoa and some pastels (google it) yum. Hint a good recipe will use a touch of alcohol for the dough.
@Felton10 126 sold after 5 hours. You are as accurate as the polls were. Another butt hurt lefTARD that’s clueless as usual. America says
you dolt.
@iggy71 today I learned gimmicky deep fryers can be politically divisive
@uninflammable And take note of the ones who ALWAYS instigate it.
@Felton10 ha! 215 sold. You were wrong
@iggy71 You probably mean to imply it’s people on the left. But the actual answer is: The minority party.
We have 8 years of secret-muslim-birthers to show that.
@iggy71 Just proves there are more poorly educated low information people out there that will buy anything some asshole is selling. But in this case the predator in chief AKA the so called President is going to fuck up this country. Too bad you and others are to dense to realize it until it is too late,
Perhaps we can use it to cook fish that are almost dead. The ones flopping around and thrashing after being caught acting foolishly- like the few remaining members of the “progressive” party.
Can it cook PC Wienies?
Can it cook books?
@Felton10 I didn’t vote for Trump, but I bought one of these. I feel bad about it. (I’ll let you guess which “it” I mean)
@iggy71 Oh I thought that was a man… oops.
@Felton10 The last obamination of an administration is the one that effed up the country - Trump is cleaning up the result of the leftist’s incompetence. So when is your cooker coming?
@Felton10 Ron Popeils and Donald Drumpf are both carnival barkers. Lots of talk and BS with no substance behind them. The only difference between them is that Drumpf is the pussy grabber in chief and a truly dangerous man. He can’t take criticism and at some point a foreign leader who doesn’t give shit what that asshole says about him is going to tell Drumpf to fuck off.
Then what will our so called president do. Have a twitter shitfit or bomb him. Who knows what this idiot will do.
@joshualeto I’ll give you a pass. LOL.
@Felton10 God this never gets old! RESIST!!! I laugh between gulps of your sweet sweet tears! We need more riots! THAT will change people’s minds…and ensure a second term. Full disclosure he wasn’t my guy and i had a few misgivings on election day. The reactions of the left have driven me firmly into his camp. MAGA baby! YOU(the left)built this,now live in it.
@DFSdave Trashing the pussy grabber in chief will never get old. Is everyone OK with the way this asshole has been acting in his first 3 weeks. Seems like he has been the predator in chief for 6 months. Maybe his actions are OK with you, but criticizing him is my way of venting.
@Felton10 How do we know the specs aren’t just alternative facts?
@Felton10 In honor of this sale…I think Trump should add Turkey as one of the banned countries!
@Felton10 i didn’t vote 4 President
rump or your girl friend & I’m not @ Felton9 OR 10!!!
Trying to Peil away the layers.
That was a really Po attempt at a pun there fella!
And PcolaChiller? Right now it’s Midnight and 69 degrees in Ensley. Chiller indeed. ;}
@Mehrocco_Mole my neighbors! I’m just down the street from you (Crestucky).
I’d be ALL in if it also was a dehydrator. I already have things that do these functions(even if my steamer is a plate on empty cans in a pot of boiling water)
Hurry hurry hurry! There’s only one left in stock at Amazon!
@gertiestn Not to worry. There’s another Amazon seller with THREE of the same item available. And cheaper: $149.96 and it’s PRIME eligible.
Has anyone used one of these things?
I just bought a house that doesn’t have a functioning kitchen (yet) so I was thinking this might actually be pretty handy for cooking stuff.
The printer yesterday came without ink-this comes without a turkey. Come on guys-you are leaving out the best parts of the product.
Oh, poop! I’m sorry I’m repeating news from way the hell up on this page. I’m sucking my thumb & twisting my hair.
So how big is this thing, anyway? {twss}
I mean, how much does it hold? I see no specs in that regard.
@haydesigner specs say 3-5 quart oil capacity
@haydesigner 15 pound turkey, but read my other post, you have to take it out and turn it around and re-immerse the turkey back in and then take it out again! AHHHHHHH NOOOOOOOO!!!
Oh no. Oh, no. Home is my one place to hide from the allure of the places within walking distance that would sell me fried food. Especially french fries. I cannot have deep-frying power available to me 24/7.
Shit, now I really want some fries. See what you’ve done?!
@currawong Ding fries are done!
If it works well that will be great. If it doesn’t it’s still a whole lot cheaper than my crappy Samsung refrigerator.
Better Price Comparison:
Ron Popeils 5 in 1 Turkey Fryer
Not a single review to be found, not even a fake one on Amazon.
Is this the same one?
“I contacted the 5 in 1 website about where to purchase replacement filters, they replied that you could only buy them from their site and only when you place the order. In other words, when you use up the filters that come with the fryer, you have a useless fryer.”
Even the website for itself is a better cost comparison at $160 plus $37 for shipping…
@BigKev $36 shipping?! Is it wrapped in cashmere and sent by a unicorn-drawn carriage?!
What a great right up!
If the Ron Popeil cooking system were on the beach, the 6-in-1 Instant Pot would kick sand in its face.
yep, confirmed.
looks like it initially comes with filters to last for 120 days… after that you’re sol.
@outz Proof this is just as seen on TV garbage and meant only to rip people off.
@mtbor @outz or you buy a generic filter elsewhere, it’s not a specially made item. Do you throw out your printer every time it runs out of ink? If so, you must have been really confused yesterday.
@outz filters aren’t proprietary, are easily found at your favorite local retailer or online.
@outz Sounds like if you buy it new from them, it comes with a filter renewal program where you only have to pay S&H, but if you buy it elsewhere (or used) you’ll have to pay $17 for a replacement set of filters. Am I reading it wrong?
Just watched the youtube video on this product with Ron and his daughter (very cute*)… to answer a couple of questions, it looks like it will hold up to a 15 pound turkey, but here’s the catch, you have to remove the turkey 3/4 way through the cooking process, put on gloves, remove it from the “spit,” then turn it around so that the other side can be cooked for 10 more minutes.
No thanks, too much work; it will take up too much space in my house and I probably never use it after 2 times.
Pass… total pass…
@mcemanuel Why not? I don’t see any possible way that could go wrong and cause horrible third degree burns.
They should sell this as a doughnut maker…
doughnuts…with sprinkles…uhhhh…
@eeterrific You almost made me buy one. Almost.
Calm down. Fryer oil filters are pretty much universal, and $11 for 50 on Amazon: Royal Premium 10" Cone Filters Case of 50.
@Oneroundrobb that’s good to know. what about the charcoal filters pads it includes?
@outz guessing those are completely unnecessary air filters. For when you don’t want to smell your food cooking?
Does anyone else think that today’s meh face looks like boobs? (Sorry to sound like a 13yo [or the president])
Meh. I’ll wait for this when it’s under-$10 at a local thrift store.
@narfcake that’s exactly where this will end up; or at a tag sale
This machine does more things than I’m comfortable with…
This could be a boon for vegetarians! Tempura,onion rings,fried mushrooms,of course french fries! Fried okra,doughnuts,navajo fry bread,apple fritters…the list is endless!
On a serious note,I don’t have one but the butterball fryer has good reviews and no stupid flipping.
I was planning on getting a fryer soon anyway. (for tater tots, not turkeys) And my kitchen junk drawer was looking kinda empty (really needed a doughnut cutter, though)… Pretty average price, and I have to justify this month’s vmp. So
/giphy equivocal-incredulous-dime

What doesn’t it do?
@mehgrl haven’t gotten mine to do my taxes yet but I feel a little more coaching will get it there
I looked at all the video’s and the more i saw the more i liked the item and its at a severe discount , so after a mental debate with myself i pulled the trigger it will go nicely with the barbecue this summer , like that you get all the goodies and can bake and steam excellent offer TY Meh and TY Mr. Popeil for the invention !! Ron Popeil =Americana
Throw it in the closet in its box for 30 years and i believe you will have a nice investment …
No pocket fisherman no sale.
You don’t see Maine highlighted on the sales map very often… do I smell french fries coming from that ice-fishing hut?
Hut? Weenies use huts. Yankees use six tilts on the ice and build a cook fire right on the ice.
OMG! I can’t believe it! (BUT YOU SHOULD!!) Ron Popeil was the OG TV pitchman. Honestly, I hadn’t heard his name for years, but how fondly I remember how jealous I was as a kid when my neighbor received a Ronco Pocket Fisherman from his father. I just went on Amazon, and don’t you suppose, they are STILL AVAILABLE!!! FISH ON!!

The SNL parody
When he appears on various cable shopping networks, the networks have to hire extra staff to process orders, and the entire regular crew shows up for the segment just to watch him perform.
@f00l Sure as hell couldn’t get by with that in today’s age! PETA would be all over your
Fuck it
I’ll need a wedding present soon enough.
@f00l It worked! Your order number is: confident-sleepy-turtle
/image confident sleepy turtle

@mediocrebot coincidentally, turtle was the first thing I fried. They may have been ninjas, they may have been teenagers. I hope they weren’t mutants.
If additional oil filters are ever desired (unit includes 3x), more “funnel-type” (or other types of personal preference) could be purchased on Amazon, a set of 6 $6.61 (Charcoal Companion CC5105 Oil Funnel Paper Filter) or google for $5 (Eastman Outdoors Oil Funnel Filters - 6 per Bag).
It bakes, it boils, it fries, it broughs, it breks, it froils, and it bribles!
@f00l Thx, wasn’t sure if you could do that.
/giphy mature-unfair-pilsner

Figured it’s a good deal just for the accessories, especially since I am a VMP for free shipping. But watch out for NSFW giphys - the first one I got was not work-safe.
Set it, forget it, burn your house down!
I found several reviews by doing a search on it. After I read them and got specific food recommendations for use, I decided to buy this! The accessories make it a good deal as well as the basic unit parts. I may start with the donuts right away since it is so easy!
we had an office pool guessing quantity today. it’s cheating now but feel free to guess!
@snapster Hah! Logically, you started with 800, unless four Meh staff members think you might sell more than you have. The numbers continue to tick upwards, so it looks like those 4 are likely correct.
@rockblossom I was such a pessimist that I didn’t even remind myself of full quantity before guessing. I think there are more than that though.
I’m gonna need usernames…
(Original names which I don’t have would be fine.)
@snapster Do ‘Last Call’ VMP sales (tomorrow, unless earlier sellout) count in the pool totals?
I’m guessing Mandi or Troy will be the winner
If Bonnie comes home and finds another Meh appliance in her house I’m gonna get divorced, ok, no marriage counselor, no trial separation, I’m gonna get fucking divorced, and I don’t wanna get fucking divorced.
Did you notice a sign on my house that says Meh appliances storage? Did you? Did you notice a sign on my house that says meh appliances storage?..Fuck it I’m in for one
@accelerator Repeat after me: “No, honey, that was a wedding gift. Don’t you remember?”
@accelerator I want to convey Mr. Rutledge’s gratitude with the help you’re providing on this matter. Let me assure you, @accelerator, Mr. Rutledge’s gratitude is worth having.
@accelerator, “Okay, you’ve gotta understand something. I wan to help you meh guys out and all, but that’s my best linen. It was a wedding present from my Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny, and they’re no longer with us.”
Let me ask you a question, @accelerator, if you don’t mind.
@accelerator, “Sure”
Were your Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny thousandaires?
@accelerator, “No.”
Well, Your Uncle Matt Rutledge is. And I’m positive if Uncle Conrad and Aunt Ginny were thousandaires, they wouldv’e furnished you with a whole new bag of cra — I mean fukubukuro, which your Uncle Rutledge is more than happy to do.
@accelerator, “fukubukuro’s nice.”
Flavor Flav Testimonial
How can you not buy it after that
Ah, good old Ronco. Brings back memories. He’s still around and K-Tel is long gone.
@whittakerjt K-Tel is still very much around.
@arfdawg So it is, much to my surprise. Looks like its just a record company these days.
@whittakerjt The recording part is what the did best. All those compilation albums you might see advertised on late night TV is either them or Time Warner. The two realized there’s lots of money in it.
I bought some Popeil cooking appliances to use during a kitchen remodel and they worked very well indeed. I haven’t used them since, but this offer has prompted me to get them out of the garage. Yes, I bought one of these to give to my son. He loves to fool around with different methods of cooking. He may get my other stuff if he doesn’t watch out.
I considered buying before watching his video presentation on QVC. But, not now… He, surprisingly, appears to be about 5’3", next to the host. His gift of gab has taken a hit…not to mention his fumbling with the device. I stopped watching when he tried to disguise the blood running down the “fried” lamb as “juices”…that turned me off. He has outlived his 15 minutes of fame…his over $150 cooker selling now for $35 is evidence that the world has passed him by. Some may have a need for the cooker, but not me.
@werekong Being active for more than 65 years and still cranking out the gadgets is quite a bit more than 15 minutes of fame. Your dumb post is your 15 minutes,
@arfdawg Let’s see, my post was on 02/09. So, it took you 7 days to come up with this irrelevant response? Couldn’t you come up with something better? I can’t believe that I’m wasting my time replying to it…I guess I’m just a good guy.
@werekong Clearly you’re just trying to milk your 15 minutes. Give it up. You got caught not knowing what you’re talking about. It’s over.
@arfdawg Let me remind you, I’m not the one that restarted this thread 7 days after it ended…you were. You’ve had your 2 sec of fame…that’s more than you deserve.
@werekong Awwwww trying to extend your 15 minutes just makes you look like a glutton – for punishment.
@arfdawg I’ve got to hand it to you, you don’t even try to make sense…
@werekong That’s because you’re uneducated. Get a GED, Sparky, and the world will open up.
Tagging @thumperchick …
@arfdawg Typical comment from a mentally challenged person that can’t think of anything to say, so you have to resort to insults.
@narfcake See? I’m not the only one who bickers. It was all @werekong’s fault.
@werekong Typical comment from the uneducated who has no comeback.
The word around the web is that filter replacements are impossible to buy for this. Not a problem if you plan to only use it for water as I am! I’m sure if I were to use this for oil first and then try water second the steamed food would taste like oiled crap.
@gallogj Higher in the thread they link to a bunch of generic filters that work.
@gallogj Thanks, for the heads up! I’ll only use water until I find the generic filters Panti-Thief was bragging about. What did he link to a bunch, & how many is a bunch in Ron language, (so called)Panti-Heister?
@gallogj The filters are only used to clean the oil. If you throw the oil out after 5 uses, you don’t really need the filters. Who fries that much anyway?
Lisa Popeil, sister of Ron, appeared on stage with Frank Zappa in 1981 telling the story of her sexually frustrated teenage years. She also sings vocals in “Ship Arriving Too Late to Save a Drowning Witch”.
True story.
I tried to edit my comment to Mr Felton10 but it was forebidden. So, maybe I can edit here. I didn’t vote 4 President rump or your girlfriend nor do I have trouble not voting 4 Criminals!!!
Just FYI in case you bought one. Just about any funnel filter will work. The Popeil filter is just an extra large one.
mine arrived DOA.!!!
returned to you via fed ex.
waiting for a refund or working replacement. please RSVP
@saulsinger it’s best if you email support. If you click on your account, and your orders, click “I need help with this.”
@woodhouse can you please help this person?
@RiotDemon @saulsinger
We’ve been in contact - it’s in the works, don’t worry.