Retro Gamers of Meh
19I spent most of my day (and a considerable number of dollars) at a retro video games store and it occurred to me that we have a large population of pre Millennials and geeky nerdy types here who might be into Retro Gaming and like to talk to other like-minded individuals. Thus, this thread was born!
Whether your first gaming experience was pushing quarter after quarter into coin-operated arcade machines, playing the original Pong console in the comfort of your living room, fighting with your siblings over whose turn it was to play Space Invaders on your Atari 2600, blasting ducks out of the sky on the NES, rolling through the Emerald Hill Zone on your Sega Genesis, collecting bananas on your Super NES, developing a painful headache on your Virtual Boy, exploring rich 3D environments on your Nintendo 64 or Playstation, catching 'em all on your Game Boy, or playing any of the myriad of other systems I didn’t provide examples for this thread is for you.
Generally I’d consider anything 2000 or earlier retro at this point but there going to be a lot of different ideas about that and rather than try to define an acceptable range of years or systems I think we should concern ourselves more with geeking out over our mutual hobby. With that in mind let’s all try to be accepting. Retro Gamers Assemble!
- 46 comments, 196 replies
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I was right there with you…quarters in the arcade, yup! Pong, yup! Atari was mine since I was the oldest! ToeJam and Earl on Genesis was my absolute favorite game! Then I got lost for a little while until PS original One came out. Then had to follow it with 2 & 3, then an Xbox. But I have discovered that the new trend in games is not for me. I can’t/won’t play first person killing games, so options are exceedingly limited. Platform games that aren’t made for someone older than 6 are very hard to come by. I have bought into the Skylander’s conglomerate that is more than happy to take all of my money, and I am ok with being in the 5 year old target market with that, but other than that, I really don’t game much anymore.
@dolphinone invest in retro and relive your childhood! It’s a blast and now as adults we can theoretically afford all the things we wanted when we were kids and had no money!
@jbartus There isn’t anywhere around here to do that, sadly. I absolutely have been keeping my eyes open in Game Stop and the local shops, but I can’t find anything that will play on any of the machines I have…with the exception of one Donkey Kong game, that I hated when it came out originally
Edit to add: they also don’t sell any of the older game systems…unlike that awesome machine you found!
@dolphinone GameStop doesn’t do retro check out Craigslist and eBay and thrift shops
@jbartus Which would explain why I haven’t been able to find any there
I have a hard time with the thought of trusting game machines off of Craigslist given how most of the people that I know treat them…even as adults. Ebay maybe…that hadn’t occurred to me.
@dolphinone I’m extremely spoiled when it comes to retro gaming stores, having one store almost across the street from me as well as about a dozen other stores in the area. If there is something in particular you are looking for, I can keep an eye out and we can see about getting it shipped your way.
@metaphore You are awesome! Thank you for that offer, and I may just take you up on it.
@dolphinone if you do go the Craigslist route insist on trying it out before handing over the cash. Unless they have something to hide they should have no objections.
@metaphore is the offer open to anyone?
@jbartus Maybe? You’re still the one buying the stuff, I would just be getting it shipped. For the most part the local stores are priced pretty close to ebay prices, but being able to see the condition and the ability to easily return a game if it doesn’t work is nice.
@metaphore that’s the thing, I am MAD PICKY, I want boxes and manuals and shit so finding titles I want in the condition I want is a pain in the butt. (I’m not an insane collector, I just want shit that was well cared for) With eBay things can be so darned hit and miss it’s painful. People use half truths to get away with not technically lying but not being 100% forthright at the same time. Someone who can get eyes on in more than just the two or three places I know of would be a huge boon.
@jbartus Games in box are getting more and more rare.
We use the cover project to print out covers and put together cases for games. Most of the covers are just uploads of the original boxes, though some are custom made.
We use these cases but there are a lot of different ones you can go with.
@metaphore I know they are, I pay $$$.
That said, those SNES cases look nice. When you say ‘we’ is that in the sense of ‘our business’ or ‘we personally’?
Great game, by the way! (Earthbound)
Funny you have Aerobiz in the photo, we were just talking about a Genesis copy of it today!
@jbartus ‘we personally’ @LazyZombie is super into all things retro gaming… I’m bugging him to get in here and join the conversation.
@metaphore You guys do good work. Shame it’s not a business or I’d order.
@jbartus they do online. But it’s spendy.
@Jerrold what isn’t?
If you’re more interested in playing the retro games (as opposed to collecting) consider a Wii U. Hundreds of retro titles have been made available in the Nintendo eShop, most are only a couple bucks each. Wii U has an integrated emulator for most of the old Nintendo consoles.
@dolphinone Loved Toe Jam and Earl. Played with my daughter for hours and hours
@Cerridwyn Yes! It didn’t matter that two players may be at different levels with that game. There was enough for the more advanced to not get bored, while slow enough for the less advanced or beginner to not get frustrated. I may have to start going through boxes and dig it out again…
@dolphinone @Cerridwyn There is a new addition coming out called ToeJam & Earl: Back in the Groove, funded through Kickstarter.
@atannir I. Love. You. Seriously
Thank you for sharing. I, of course, immediately went looking for it.
@metaphore I’m so totally jealous that my user name is not lazyzombie! Sincerely jealous!
I am a former Pinball Wizard, maybe I still am one, I don’t know. Anyway, I majored in pinball while in college. Yes, I am old – you wanna make something of it?
/giphy pinball wizard

@Barney pinball is awesome, the only reason I didn’t mention it is that it’s technically not a video game as pinball is very much analog at its core. With that said I love love love love love pinball. Some day I want to have a machine or two in my basement but first I need to get a basement.
@Barney Oh my god!! I LOVED pinball at the bowling ally! Hours and hours and hours spent there.
@Barney Eventually a pinball machine is going to be added to my game collection, there is even one (mostly jokingly) on my wedding registry.
@metaphore That is so cool…on so many levels!
@metaphore just FYI I would TOTALLY be that guy who would fulfill that wedding registry request.
It would also probably be this one unless you specified:

Your new wife would love it!
BTW, congrats on the forthcoming nuptials!
@jbartus I remember that machine. I loved it.
I played so much pinball that I could tell what machine it was just by looking at the art work on the side.
@jbartus I owned that machine for a while. Best part was the Playboy theme music that it played.
@jbartus I just want any(with an exception of a few bad ones) pinball machine, but @LazyZombie wants the Twilight Zone one so that’s the one we have listed.

Unfortunately it is an $8,000+ machine so I doubt anyone is will be getting it for us, but it will stay on the list just in case.
The nuptials are more eventual than forthcoming, but thanks! Planning keeps getting delayed due to other priorities so right now it’s not much past a registry.
@metaphore Ooh, good choice! I played that one at a local expo recently, it’s a lot of fun.
My personal favorite that I’ve played so far, though, is the two player (!!) Joust table. Sadly, it was a very limited production run, but it was so much fun my friend and I have talked about building our own 2 player table.
Shortly before I was born my family got a Gottlieb Top Card pinball machine and a Space Invaders II cocktail table, so I learned that I loved video games and also was terrible at video games from a very early age.

@metaphore You should put the Medieval Madness remake on your list as well. An awesome machine, and the new units are “affordably” under ten grand at the moment.
@Barney super excited here … they opened a pinball craft brew bar where I live.
@sthiede1 Why, oh why, do I live in podunk Kansas? Nothing cool ever happens here.
@Barney you guys have a nice convention center as I recall, you just gotta convince people that having nothing else to do but watch the corn grow is a good place for a convention!
What a coincidence, I’m going to a retro gaming expo tomorrow.
I had a small collection of retro games, that merged with @LazyZombie 's much larger collection, and has expanded a bit since then.
I think we’re have almost 200 cartridge games, as well as around 10 different, working consoles.
@metaphore there’s a Retro Gaming Expo tomorrow?
Couldn’t make it there today, hopefully it’s not too picked over tomorrow.
@metaphore that’s way across the country from me, shame.
@jbartus I know it is still across the country, but the Portland Retro Gaming Expo is supposed to be the best retro gaming expo. And with a few months warning maybe a possibility?
@metaphore maybe… I dunno. The problem with travelling across the country for that stuff is it costs $$$ to get there plus $$$ to buy stuff and $$$ to ship it home. In the end it would probably work out cheaper on eBay.
Quarters for me too. I grew up with Space Invaders, Asteroids, Pac-Man, Galaga, and Missile Command! And of course, Pinball Machines.

@mfladd and don’t forget Pac Man!! and Q-Bert too!
LOL, just re-read that…appears you didn’t forget Pac Man, I just skipped right by it in my excitement. Sorry
@mfladd @dolphinone I’m curious to see how this pans out.
It it’s halfway cool, I’m going to relive my 3rd childhood. (Don’t ask what the other two were.)
@Barney Thanks for the link! I have been living in a school induced hole for the last three years, I had no idea. November 11th is now marked on my calendar! Even if it turns out to be crap, not super expensive to enjoy for a little bit.
—I also wouldn’t dream of asking what the other two were. I lied. What were your other two relived childhoods?
@dolphinone Nice try.
@dolphinone I have heard tell that interested parties should buy multiples if they can. Apparently it’s a single-run product and the quotas are tiny. Like… each Best Buy is only going to get 20 or so.
@mfladd Our dorm had Missile Command in the basement. People payed me to play it because I was so bad it was entertaining.
@sammydog01 Hahaha I could rock this game. But my best one was Asteroids. During high school I worked at a food place that had both. We would be open super late and then we would hangout and play these games. Other things would be involved but I don’t remember them in the haze.
@mfladd Back in Las Vegas, one of the movie theaters (sorry don’t recall which) that had a small arcade section off to the side actually had a Space War video game. Thats the one based on what was almost the first video game that was programmed on a DEC PDP-1. I never saw another one. That was a blast.
Asteroids was great but I didn’t have the hand-eye to master it. Battle Zone OTOH I used to do really well at.
Super NES
So I mentioned that I spent almost all of today at a retro gaming store I figured it’s only fair to show you what I picked up. This was my big purchase of the day:

I also picked this up for it:
I just destroyed an HDMI cable in my haste to get my new SNES working.
@jbartus Yay!, and if only there was someone you could blame the busted cable on …
@jbartus Genesis does what Nintendon’t.

@Moose the guys at the game store said that the SNES version should have superior graphics, you disagree? Nice collection!
@jbartus Everybody knows Nintendo made Warner Bros remove all the blood and fatalities
@Moose in some games sure but… Animaniacs?
Although I had Atari, Sega, and Turbo Graphix 16 (probably the only person that will admit it), I always loved playing my NES. I was totally content with Rad Racer, The Karate Kid, Wipeout, and Muke Tyson’s Punchout. I could play those games all day.
@conandlibrarian there was a girl at the game shop today going on about Turbo Graphix for like 20 minutes. You are not alone!
I almost forgot Donkey Kong! I still own this in pristine condition and it still plays.

These things were quite pricey when they came out.
@mfladd hey I just found one of those in the shed! No idea if it still plays but it’s exactly the same “Game and Watch” Donkey Kong with the orange clamshell case.
@2palms Nice shed find!
@mfladd that’s awesome. Game & Watches are pretty rare!
@mfladd I now have to start digging through all my old crap. I swear I have one of those hiding here somewhere.
I just played (San Francisco) Rush 2 today on my N64 for the very first time.
I picked up the N64 a few months ago for Rush, Blitz and Golden Eye.
Rush 2 has the Alcatraz track!
@GLaDOS Don’t forget to pick up Mario 64, Yoshi’s Story, Ocarina of Time, Perfect Dark, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, Conker’s Bad Fur Day, Paper Mario, Starfox 64, and Star Wars Rogue Squadron!
@jbartus I am currently accepting donations to help pay for Conker’s Bad Fur Day.
/image Conker’s Bad Fur Day Price

@GLaDOS I’ll just bet you are!
Sadly I am busy funding my own bad habit, just picked up a boxed copy of Goldeneye on the weekend. 
@GLaDOS Maybe it is blasphemy to mention in this thread, but there is a collection called Rare Replay for XBox One with 30 games for their 30th anniversary.
@GLaDOS What’s CBFD going for nowadays? I sold my copy a few years back.
Usually $75-$150.
$190 for this “sealed”, “NIB” copy
@GLaDOS I think I got something around the low end of that. I was “rich” with my first career job when N64 came out. I bought a lot of games, right through the very end. It took about 2 more generations for me to realize that I buy more games than I play. I’ve been buying board games because they don’t age the same way, but I still have the same old problem… I must have over 100 board games and more than a dozen are unopened.
@JerseyFrank The struggle is real. And here we are looking at stuff to buy each day on meh to add to our collections, lol.
@GLaDOS Dang maybe it’s time I sell… I’d have to get top dollar to part with it though.
@medz I’ll give you about tree fiddy.
I grew up with Atari, NES and Super NES.
We have all of the Nintendo game systems, except for the handheld games, and nothing but Nintendo. I’d love to expand our collection to include the handhelds, but… money.
While we mostly stick to the Game Cube and Wii U, these days, the NES actually gets a decent amount of play time, and you never know when an urge to play a specific game with overtake you.
I love the way Nintendo still feels like the old games. Perhaps because half of the games are simply updated versions of the classics.
@jbartus Oh! And bonus star for your last paragraph.
@christinewas thanks. Figured it was worth trying to head off disputes!
What memories! My buddies and I would hang-out at one of the (then) many arcades in our area. Pinball machines were still in abundance, but “new” video games were starting to make themselves known.
I remember games like the original Pong and a clone that allowed you to do extra tricks during game-play. Death Race 2000 had many parents’ knickers in a twist because you ran over human-like zombies for points (loved the headstones!). These games were in black and white.
Then came the Atari 2600 and I spent a fortune on it (my job payed about a $1.75 an hour then). I enjoyed the Pong and Tank games but thought the others, at the time, were pretty lame. At least they were in color (except Pong).
As video games grew-up I found I did too. I still love them though.
@Cheddy what?! No Pac-Man? Ms. Pac-Man? Centipede? Space Invaders? Pitfall? Missile Command? Super Breakout? Adventure? Dig Dug? Frogger? Pole Position? Q*bert? Asteroids? Spy Hunter?
@jbartus You’re right! I should have mentioned others. While in College I enjoyed going to the pub to play Galaga, Missle Command, Centipede (I kicked ass at that game), Frogger and Space Invaders. The first 3-d video game “BattleTank” was also a fave. Qbert was my girlfriend’s favorite game (she later became my wife and still likes that game 32 years later).
@Cheddy I think Centipede is my all time love for an arcade game. Loved the sound effects.
@Cheddy Oops, I was wrong. My ALL time love is Mr. Do.

We had the cocktail video game version (the kind where you sit at a table) at the Ronald McDonald House that I managed.
Damn, I was good at that game. I could beat any kid who challenged me.
@Barney We also had the arcade games Galaga and Ms Pacman. They were fun, but they didn’t compare to Mr. Do. Heck, I’d take a Mr. Do machine. I’d even clear out my living room for one. Who needs a sofa anyway?
@jbartus Exactly! Those were the games me and my siblings and friends grew up on!!! Loved getting so many extra lives on Pacman, you couldn’t see them all on the screen… I would piss my siblings off sooooo bad, 'cause for some reason, I was just really good at that game! Oh, the memories!!!
Does anyone else remember playing the Raiders of the Lost Ark game for the Atari 2600 that required both joysticks for single player play?
I guess my first experience with “video games” was this toy (or something very similar)
The first console we owned was the NES. My own personal first console was the Genesis. My brother got the SNES. We shared though. Then I got a Game Boy, PS1, Xbox, Xbox 360 and PS3. I don’t have any current gen consoles. I lost my internet for a long time and then I just stopped playing completely. I just recently got a laptop after not having a computer for 4+ years (long shitty story) so now I finally feel like I’m getting back to normal, haha.
On The NES we played a lot of duck hunt and super Mario of course. Excite bike was fun. I played Mega Man 3 for a while, but I only really enjoyed it while we borrowed one of those joystick controllers that had the special button where you could just hold fire and it would continuously shoot three pellets out. Otherwise I was total shit at that game.
SNES was all about super Mario world where I could ride Yoshi around… And mortal kombat.
Genesis I had all the sonic games, including sonic spinball which apparently no one seemed to like, but I had a lot of fun with it. I still have my genesis in a box. I should go see what games I still own.
There used to be an awesome place called Grand Prix that had a mile and a half go kart track and two huge buildings of arcade games. The one by the track was all old school stuff like pinball machines and normal arcade games. Street fighter, galaga, Area 51… The other building was newer stuff that dispensed tickets, and then three big mini golf courses. It eventually got bought out by Boomers. They’ve torn down the old arcade building… The newer building is mostly ticket dispensing shit still and a few new games like Fruit Ninja. The golf courses are totally unkempt… And even though the go karts are still there… You can tell no one gives a shit about taking care of the place. It makes me sad. There are a few Dave & Buster restaurant arcades if I want to drive an hour. I really miss good old quarter arcades.
when I went looking for a video of the go kart track… I found out that they finally closed.
@RiotDemon that’s a huge bummer about Grand Prix, places like that are awesome and it’s a real shame to see them dwindle. That’s why I go out of my way to support my local retro game shops, I don’t care if I’m not getting the best possible deal, the fact is that places like that are special and if not supported will go out of business. Once they’re gone, who will care for the retro gaming scene? They need our support!
That Tomy thing looked like an ergonomics nightmare until I googled it and got a real sense of scale for the thing!
@jbartus Yeah, it is a shame. It’s being turned into a strip mall apparently. That place had been there since the 80s.
We have a few Play N Trades that sell retro stuff. They started popping up when Game Stop got rid of most of their retro games.
I remember the racing game looking a little different… I’m going to have to Google some more until I find the right one. I don’t remember being particularly good at it, but I was really young.
I had some of those handheld games, like Ariel the little mermaid. Where the background didn’t change but there was a LCD display on it and only a few buttons. Don’t remember what those games were called.
Must go research some more.
@RiotDemon this one?

@jbartus yep, that’s the one. I remember my mom saying they were actually pretty pricey. Such a simple game to play, but pretty hard.
But man, when I got my game boy, I fell in love. I even had the fanny pack to put it all in:
snickers Fanny Pack giggles some more
coughs and stands up straight
Sorry about that.
Yeah, those Tiger handhelds were mad pricey because they were almost all custom in one way or another. For example the two pill shaped buttons on that one are a single heart shaped button on the Snow White for example, the Aladdin has the same pill shaped buttons but the arrows are 90 degrees rotated (which it shared with Lion King but who’s counting), etc. etc. etc. so they had to change around the molds for each one, plus custom art, licensing fees to Disney, programming for each title, running the molds in different colors even when the parts are shaped the same, and so on.
Only playing one game each made them very expensive compared to, say, a Game Boy and games, but they were a formative part of my childhood too. I didn’t play the Disney ones but I remember my parents buying my brother and I football, solitaire, and some other ones to play on flights before we got our Game Boy Pockets.
@jbartus I knew someone would laugh at fanny pack. Have no idea why they would of called them that, and why people are still buying them! Hideous.
@RiotDemon Dallas area still has at least a couple places called Speed Zone that sound pretty much like Grand Prix.
And Branson, MO was kinda cheesy for its nightlife, but had the best go kart tracks I’d ever seen: The Track in Branson
@RiotDemon I used to have one till I was a teen. I had anaphylactic allergies to eggs and egg products. That’s where we stored Benadryl, my inhalers, and an epi pen. Lifesaving measure. Fashion suffered from it.
In the early 70’s, my dad got a new job and started making more money and we got a car and things were looking up… until he died suddenly (massive MI) in Feb 1975 when I was 11 and we were even more poor than we had been (though I didn’t really know at the time, so kudos to my mother!!). But I didn’t have many quarters of my own and most of what I did have went towards books. I grew up without comics and video games, until I got my first real job in late 1979, selling computers like the Atari 800, Cromemco, C-64, TI994a and the like.
Thus I never had a 2600 or any other game consoles but did have a tricked out Atari 800 (in 1980, $17K plus bonuses was a lot of money for an 18 yr old, especially one that hadn’t had much money at all until then). Star Raiders, Space Invaders, Super Breakout, Missile Command, Centipede and a shit ton of Scott Adams and other adventure games, the Zorks, etc. Also a lot of drinking and smoking of various things.
During this time, on my way home from work I’d stop in Penn Station (NYC) at the Station Break Arcade and play games for quarters while waiting for my train. I’d start at the Pole Position machine and put the high score on it with one quarter (I didn’t play the game, but rather the machine… at Go! I’d floor the pedal, upshift, and then just spin the wheel left or right or stop it at the appropriate times. Every night, they’d reset the machine and the next evening, I’d do it again.) I also played QBert, Galaxian, Galaga, Pacman, Tempest, and assorted pinballs, though mostly the electronic games. While dating, etc. we frequently went to other arcades, but it was more about socializing than the games, since many of my friends were struggling a bit and it was more about eating and talking than standing playing games.
Then life kind of got in the way (college, marriage, more college, kids, divorce, etc.) and I mostly stopped with video gaming other than PC games and a Nintendo DS in 2005(?) when my daughters were older and wanted them (love me some Tetris). In truth, I’ve never played a game on an XBox or Playstation and only used a Wii maybe 2-3 times.
I don’t know that I’ll ever get back into gaming all that much, but I am planning to get an HTC Vive later this year (after I get some back pay). Now that my daughters are mostly grown, I’m getting time back and soon will have the money. But there are soooo many other distractions and things that suck up time (and money, tho time is the more valuable thing).
@baqui63 VR is amazing, good choice on the Vive though the Rift really isn’t a bad unit either!
If you guys are super serious about getting the best picture and sound out of your old consoles. I’d recommend getting a Framemeister and some custom RGB cables. It’s almost unbelievable how good the games look and with 0 input lag on a modern TV.
For some specific systems though there is even better stuff. A guy named Kevtris made a NES HDMI mod that creates a digital noise-free signal on your original NES and can be upscaled to 1080p.
N64 also has an UltraHDMI mod that upscales to 1080p as well. You can find information on all that stuff at
If you are in the Seattle area you could always stop by me and metaphores place and you can see the difference in person. It’s crazy. is neat little project that I’ve been doing where you can print your own cases. Which is really nice for those systems without end labels or if you want something that looks great and gives your game protection and easy access. @metaphore mentioned that earlier in the thread!
@LazyZombie Some more examples of the Cover Project
@LazyZombie I hate you… and we just met. This is your fault:

Of course… I bought it at that price which I know is super cheap, now it’s saying $375 in some places and that price elsewhere and my credit card says the price in that picture… I requested to cancel as a knee jerk response to seeing it at $375 the first time but after checking my card now it looks like I got that price but it’s so confused I have no idea. eBay customer service doesn’t open for another 3 hours… ugh
@LazyZombie so you officially broke my brain. I was reading trying to figure out WTF else I need to do to get RGB output from my NES, SNES, N64, Genesis, etc. and am SO LOST.
@jbartus okay… I THINK I can get RGB out of my SNES natively… except it won’t be as sharp as it could be… FFS!
@jbartus I think my retro gaming has been ruined until I spend like $1000 in getting all of my consoles modded and the framemeister and cables and and and and and and and and…
@jbartus so eBay says the seller updated the listing as I was buying which is why I paid what I paid and it says $350 but my invoice says $93.75. Huzzah!
Also, they say I never put a cancel request in. Double Huzzah!
Now the seller just needs to honor the sale.
@jbartus Woah that guy messed up big time if you got it for that cheap!
I’m also in the same boat, I jumped in pretty heavily. Luckily a lot of the systems you just need a cable.
Sells the best cables i’ve seen. She usually puts them out once a week usually on monday or tuesday and they sell out pretty rapidly. Some of the knockoffs on ebay are pretty cheap and have some bad noise/interference issues.
Looks like you have done a lot of research already though! Just don’t put JP-21 pin and EuroScarts together! I went with getting all Euroscart cables because they seem the easiest to get from folks.
Definitely in it for the long haul and it’s crazy how much in the last couple years the technology has progressed on systems that have been dormant for decades.
Looking to get my NES and N64 HDMI modded since those are still new. But that’s a pretty large money sink compared to the RGB route… but I must have the best picture!
@LazyZombie hdmi mod is better? Ugh
@jbartus well for the NES( and N64(… but the rgb mod for the nes is pretty cheap and almost as good. The Hi-def HDMI mod is pretty new and it’s initial run sold out in minutes. Also it seems incredibly hard to install the Hi-def mod yourself. Looks like a bunch of de-soldering and re-soldering chips on boards. So it’s probably going to run at about 250-300 bucks for the board, getting an installer, and shipping.
My life in gaming guys did a good comparison between the two mods:
For a lot of systems the RGB mod is best and you only need a cord. I’m using it for SNES, Sega master system and Genesis(get a cord with a stereo audio jack for a Model 1 “High Definition Graphics” Genesis and plug it in to get stereo sound, sounds a million times better.)
Hobbyist’s keep on working on this stuff and it’s hard to keep up with all the changes… It’s expensive to get into it, but in my opinion it is worth it.
@LazyZombie my Genesis is a model 2
@jbartus There is a pretty good forum post on figuring out “good” genesis’s from "bad one’s.
Also there is this cool short video to show the differences in audio quality.
There are cables specific for model 2’s that you can get as well if you don’t want to go out and try to find a different system.
@LazyZombie I think the purist in me is going to opt for the RGB mod over the HDMI mod. The HDMI mod is very cool but it rapidly approaches the realm of “why don’t I just buy a retron and be done with it?”, yes I get that you have some degradation with the analog conversion but in a way that’s part of the overall experience we’re trying to live, I suspect that’s why Nintendo opted for the muddier colors and blurrier picture on the Wii and Wii U emulators.
@LazyZombie so I cracked my Genesis open. It’s a Model 2 VA1 with a Sony CXA1145 video encoder and BA10324AF quad op-amps. So… I basically have a mediocre Genesis.
@LazyZombie my Framemeister showed up finally… broken!
HDMI Input 1 isn’t working, then again that is small potatoes since I want to upscale lesser sources, not just pass thru HDMI (I do have a Chromecast in HDMI Input 2 though) but it does raise some concerns about the rest of the unit, hopefully the RGB port will be appropriately functional when I get SCART cables and an adapter ordered.
On the plus side, my already relatively inexpensive Framemeister just got better. I wrote the seller to see if they had any ideas, if there was a mode or something I needed to turn on to get HDMI Input 1 working, and they had no clue but they offered to refund half of my money if I didn’t want to ship it back to Japan for a full refund. So… my Framemeister just got even cheaper.
I played some N64 today on it via composite inputs and the difference was remarkable. Thanks for opening my eyes to this, though my wallet will curse you as it shrinks due to RGB mods and SCART cables.
Never had any of the consoles (except those dedicated football & racing handhelds pre-Gameboy); I was strictly a pinball kid. In high school had a blast playing P&P Dungeons & Dragons with my geeky friends; years later this transformed into a fascination with PC RPGs.
So I know @studerc had a retro gaming thread over a year ago and retrode was mentioned there. I do love playing the old games and am thinking I’ll end up getting a raspberry pi at some point to do emulators/retrode for what I can. When I have a moment to clean the area up (I’ve been sorting my magic collection and neglecting my games) I’ll take a picture of my bookcase of games.
@sohmageek I can’t stand playing on emulators. It feels all wrong. Gotta be the right game on the right hardware for this guy.
This was my first portable (handheld) “electronic game” - and I played it for days on end . . .
and then Merlin came out . . .
And I lost sleep playing that one.
I never got into Pong very much - I really liked portables. But, I still have my Original Atari Pong C-100 game from 1976. In the box, mint. Also, my Magnavox Odyssey, and several very obscure console games, which I’ve discussed here before.
When the 2600 came out, I remember I had to fight with my Dad to get a turn to play. He was Mario addicted.
@Pavlov your fights with your dad remind me of my dad. I’d stay up til all hours (3+AM) on school nights no less hanging out with him playing Banjo Kazooie. Well, mostly watching him play it… but it was good times!
I love gaming, the best way to waste time, but I’m terrible at it, so mostly I watch other people play. There were a few games I got the hang of though.
On the 2600, my favorite game was Yar’s Revenge. Even when it kept changing the play and getting faster, you could always adapt and keep going.
When we finally got a NES, my son found a copy of Zelda at a garage sale, no box & no book. He and my nephew and I worked that game and worked it until we all figured out all the secrets and we all beat it. We burned every bush and bombed every wall. Still the best game ever. Now I play it with the Gamecube disc on Wii.
Most of my games now are PC games, largely on Steam, but if you want to try a bit of almost anything, check out FireNes, a Firefox add-on that lets you play 1000’s of NES and Gameboy games in a window in the Firefox browser, even foreign games that never released in the USA.
Another arcade game I loved was Choplifter. Where the little people ran around yelling “help me” and you saved them with a helicopter while blowing shit up.

A later found this newly created version - Choplifter HD
It even has a zombie mode!
Which I purchased but still I have not played it much
@mfladd we need a Patriots branded arcade football game. Something like ‘Tom Brady’s NFL Championship’ where the only team choice is to play as the Patriots. Of course all of the levels would be really easy because Patriots but… ya know.
@jbartus Oh, gawd. Reminds me of that old retro phrase, “Gag me with a spoon.”
@Barney you know you want to play it
@mfladd I had the Apple ][ version (and may still). It really was groundbreaking for the time. Zombie mode? That doesn’t seem to mesh well with the original intent and spirit of the game but I guess if its still rescue oriented…
@jbartus @Barney I’d only play if there was a mode/hack where Brady got sacked on every play
@compunaut sorry, not an option, but there’d be one where he throws a perfect hail mary every time.
You’d love this new bar in my town, Bit Bar.
@Kevin ugh. Jealous.
@RiotDemon @kevin very jealous!
I tell myself that if I win the lottery, I’d build an arcade.
Now I would just have to play the lottery…
@Kevin wait… you’re from Salem? I just bought the NES pictured above at GameZone!
@Kevin @RiotDemon We have a Barcade in Philly. There are others around the NY area. I’m highly disappointed they don’t have Zaxxon.
I have this t-shirt.
I do love retro games, even if I see that I am actually really bad at them.
If all of this has made you want to try some old games, you really need to check out the Internet Archive’s Console Living Room collection.
Every classic non-Nintendo system, with thousands of games, playable directly from any device with a browser.
The accuracy and speed will only improve over time.
If you want retro games, but don’t want the hardware or cartridges lying around, there’s plenty of compilation titles (Sega’s got a bunch of them, including collections on Steam, and on consoles) with a whole bunch of classic games on a then-recent system.
On the hardware side:
The Retrode is awesome if you have lots of cartridges you want to play through an emulator, or access the save games from. Buy it from here:
How to fix your NES permanently so that the NES always starts up properly:
I got a Retron 5, but it’s on the fritz. Once I get it repaired/replaced, I look forward to putting Super Metroid back into use. I loved that game!
We have 2 cool places near me that I’ve been dying to go to but haven’t had a chance yet.
"Replay Museum is a museum of over 100 pinball games, video games and other amusements from the past. Leave the coins at home, no quarters needed to play."
You pay like $15 at the door and then all the games you want all day.
Just recently a bar opened up catering to vintage gamers. They have a few dozen vintage games in the bar available to play.
@Bingo Oh, wow! That first one – I’d think I died and went to heaven if I lived near you. Sooo… Would you like a little company? I could use a vacation.
@Bingo only a 5 hour drive from me. I’m supposed to be going to Tampa sometime in the winter, I might have to check it out. I wonder how far from Busch gardens it is?
@RiotDemon It’s about a 45 minute drive from Busch to Tarpon Springs where the first place is. It’d only be a 10 minute or so drive to the bar with the older games. If I were going to do one, I’d do the big museum since it’s got more stuff but if pressed for time the bar might be worth it.
@Bingo I’ll have to see if I can work it into my plans. Thanks!
I am too lazy to see if this has already been brought up. Do any of you find it funny that you would throw quarter after quarter at a video game for 5-10 min of fun but you refuse to pay for micro transactions on your phone?
@sthiede1 What’s a micro transaction? I don’t have a phone.
@Barney paying $.99 for a full set of lives in candy crush or buying boosters to get by a level in some other game
@sthiede1 Ahh, yes, now I know what you are talking about.
I remember saving every quarter I could find for my pinball addiction. I’d hate to think how much money I spent, but it was fun.
@sthiede1 If there was a quarter slot in my phone I might think about it.
@sthiede1 Most in app purchases for cell phone games are of the “pay to win” model. Personally, paying to make a game easier makes it less fun. No matter how many quarters you sink into an arcade machine, the game stays the same. But then again when I was a kid I would never have more than a few quarters to spend, so I never sunk $10 in quarters to get enough continues to beat Turtles in Time.
Did any of you play computer script muds ?
[Tamia Local]
You’re at the south-eastern edge of the city walls of Tamia, overlooking the Rigan Sea. The plains of Olmran spread out to your east, while the sea lies as far as your eye can see to the south.
Obvious exits: north.
@sthiede1 I’ve played a couple of muds over the years. Played a game called Gemstone which is basically a giant MUD. Also played one called Unwritten Legends. Forget the names of all the little ones I tried over the years as well.
@sthiede1 I played StrangeMud for about a year, and then I moved onto AVPmud for a couple of years. I quit when they redid the mud and wiped all the player files. I had already maxed out my synthetic character and was working on my predator. I was pretty disheartened. A lot of people quit so it wasn’t the same.
A couple of guys I know are doing a fan remake of the one I use to play called darkness falls on AOL. It was gobbled up by EA years ago. It had a unique gui and pvp aspect that made it really fun.
@sthiede1 @Bingo Played GemStone (III) on AOL, and RetroMUD.
@dashcloud I played GS3 in the AoL days for a bit right before it moved to the web. Stayed with it for quite a long time, actually. Ran around Icemule, River’s Rest, all those towns. I found it at the perfect time in my life for a game like that. Always wanted to try Darkness Falls but never got around to it.
@sthiede1 Never heard of that one. In the late '80s I (and my wife to be) were on the GEnie information service and started playing a Simutronics MUD called Gemstone 2. 30-40 players would max out the resources of the server but it was an awesome experience (and I met Her…). The company went on to Gemstone 3 and 4, and Dragonrealms, now on the internet, and is still running them.
Dang, missed the other posters who also had Simutronics exposure; more of us than I thought!.
@duodec I knew a few GS2 players who held over into GS3. It’s been a while… Celtar was one guy I knew fairly well. Can’t remember the other character names off the top of my head. It’s probably been close to 10 years since I played and those real long-time GEnie players were few and far between even then.
@Bingo there is a D.F.C. page on FB. They are pretty serous about trying to rebuild the game from the ground up with new programming to fix some of the original bugs but still keeping the look and feel of the game as it was. It will prob be up and running by the end of fall/early winter if you still play MUDs or are just being nostalgic.
@Bingo I knew a number of them, and I remember Celtar’s name, but not much about the character. I started GS2 in beta on GEnie and stayed until GS2 was shut down. Tried GS3 and just didn’t like it, before or after the de-ICE-ing…
I still have logs of some events (first character wedding, the Recitation of the Tale of Nogard and Gimlet…), and multiple issues of The Town Crier newsletter even.
When they released Dragonrealms in early '96 on GEnie for early beta I came back in and played for a few more years before work killed off all my free time. DR was awesome and early on it ‘felt’ like GS2 again, even had a number of the GS2 players come back (some now as GMs) who recognized my character name (I’m so unoriginal).
I do miss the games.
@duodec If you’ve got logs, would you mind uploading them to the Internet Archive? (Unless you have your own site).
@dashcloud Is there a place on Archive for MuD logs?? I never thought to look there. I’ve a bunch of Gemstone III and IV logs stashed away somewhere
@sthiede1 @dashcloud @Bingo I just got an email from Simutronics today about a new ‘safari’ to Taisidon Island event to a distant land. Apparently you can now buy simucoins which translate into in-game currency. Used to be you had to earn it in game but you could pay to be a ‘premium’ member and get some nice bennies for it.
@Bingo There will be once you upload them- the general area (community texts if you use the site to upload) is a good choice, and most importantly, tag all of the items consistently. I know there’s people out there who would love to read the files. If you can provide any context or extra info on them, add that to the description.
There is also a FB group with a bunch of old players in it called Mah Gemstoners. Stupid name but some guy created it for his buddies but accidentally left it public and somehow it just exploded. I think there are close to 1000 members in it.
I have a small collection of systems.
3 Arcade machine all were gutted but restoring one rest are for MAME
Pop-A-Card pinball machine (needs work)
Then I have some odd games for systems I don’t own like some Texas instrument machine. But my prized game is Bubble Bobble 2 I got as a kid from a vendor for $10. Worth a bit more since then
@StrangerDanger I’m super late to the conversation, but was Bubble Bobble 2 the one with the rainbows or something? I hardly played that one. The original Bubble Bobble was one of my favorites ever, and probably the hardest game in the world for some of those levels.
Especially annoying when you get to the end playing single player, after beating that stupid boss and get the Bad Ending scene because you didn’t get that secret door thing on level 99. So you go back and do it again, beat the extra 20 or so levels and the stupid boss again and get the Bad Ending again because you didn’t do it in 2 player mode. Let’s just say that was a very late night playing it with my roommate a few years back.
Those ghosts still stress me out when I spend too long on any level…
@luvche21 I played that first game so much the song it permanently etched in my brain.
I had Pong, moved up to a Commodore 64, then later a Nintendo 64. I liked the pinball and the quarter arcades but didn’t have many quarters to play. I was the goofy one watching and learning the tricks.
I am surprised at the number of arcade games available on Craig’s list. I expected the consoles and games. There was one pinball machine listed.
We do have a Playport. It has over 100 games. $10 gets you unlimited games Monday through Friday and 3 hours on the weekend. I have not gone yet but it is tempting to pack a lunch and binge play.
this just popped across my FB feed.
Should we set up a retro BBS for Meh users? You can certainly do a Telnet BBS on the Internet, and populate it with all sorts of classics.
@dashcloud I keep forgetting to really go check it out but I do know has a bunch of old games you can play in a browser
Just fired up my N64. Time to party like it’s 1998!

I have never been into console gaming. Years ago my nephew introduced me to GoldenEye 007 on N64.

I was hooked on this game. I bought the the system and the game. Still love it. Lame now I know. I don’t care.
@mfladd I just bought a boxed copy last weekend. Great game!!
@mfladd It’s not lame. It’s one of the best games ever!
@mfladd It’s great until playing multiplayer you spawn in the bathroom vent and the friggin’ screen peekers proclaim: “He’s in the shitters!” and then the race is on to get out of the vents before they get to the bathroom.
@medz the struggle was real!
If you’d like to play your NES cartridges on a modern TV without needing to shell out for something like a Framemeister, definitely checkout the RetroUSB AVS:
It’s a modern NES built with features of today:
The AVS is a console as beautiful as the pixel perfect HD images it generates. Couldn’t be simpler, works just the way you expect it to. Real hardware means no boot or loading times. No stolen software emulators or buggy NOAC chips. A wide range of gamepad, video, and cheat options to play the way you want.
We decided a few key features define the experience. From the start we were dedicated to the ultimate in compatibility for both NES and Famicom. Not just all past carts, but future ones as well. Not just compatibility with carts, but gamepads too. All regions, all devices. It’s so bad even your Power Glove works.
That attention to detail extends to the HDMI video, with super sharp pixels. Zero lag scaling, optional scanlines with variable darkness, and multiple regions let you select the perfect picture. Set horizontal scaling anywhere from square pixels to super wide screen. A NES with composite compared to the AVS is a stunning difference in picture quality.
The design even extends to the back, with a standard USB cable for power that can be plugged into the back of many TVs. No ugly power brick needed. No problem when you need a replacement in 20 years.
@dashcloud I uh, I just plug in my NES into my TV and it looks perfect. I can even play duck hunt.
@DrunkCat Not everyone keeps around a suitable sized CRT TV for retro gaming, or has the option even.
@dashcloud to be fair my retro consoles work just fine on modern TVS, it’s just that I am now working to make things even better. Also I really don’t see the benefit to that unit over say a Retron 5. Yeah okay maybe it’s hardware based instead of software emulation based but at that price to play one console’s titles it’s insane.
@dashcloud CRT? My TV is an old Samsung LN46A650. Even if you have a bargain TV you could just buy a separate upscaler.
@DrunkCat How are you playing Duck Hunt on a LCD? As far as I know, Duck Hunt requires a CRT because the Zapper doesn’t work on LCDs.
@dashcloud I’ve read that too but I never understood why it wouldn’t work. All the sensor is looking for is a bright spot, you could just point it at a lamp and it’d always register a hit. I’ve played Hogans Alley and Duck Hunt without issue on it. I figure as long as your TV can display true black it should work.
@jbartus Considering I play just fine on my LCD that article sounds like bullshit.
@DrunkCat thousands of exemplars of people who can’t do it yet your lone example proves the reasons to be false? I think not. If you’re really able to play then congratulations on your good fortune but that doesn’t change the fact that for the vast majority of people it’s just not possible. Your refresh rate night be part of it, also it’s possible that your TV doesn’t technically upscale anything which would remove a lot of display lag.
Luckily it seems somebody has come up with a solution so once someone picks up the idea and makes it into a sane package life will get good
@jbartus why not just use an old tv? Surely it’s cheaper.
@jbartus I’m not saying that everyone can do it, I’m saying that the article is bullshit in its reasoning and declaring it’s impossible on lcds.
@RiotDemon space constraints.
@DrunkCat they’re absolutely correct about why it doesn’t work. Why yours does is the real question, I’m even questioning whether your gun might be malfunctioning. You are quite literally the only person I’ve heard of claiming to have had it work on a modern TV.
@jbartus As soon as I dig out my zapper I will record it working. Right now I only have Rad Racer (my favorite game since I rediscovered the NES) out of storage.
@DrunkCat it’s not a matter of believing you or not, it’s a matter of your particular situation being the exception, the lone exception I’ve even heard of. If you say it works I believe you but that doesn’t change the fact that the science as described in the post I linked and that video is correct as far as why it doesn’t work on most every modern television. If it works on your TV, that’s awesome, congrats, but for every other person I’ve ever known or spoken to it does not.
@jbartus If it works on my TV than that makes their reasoning bupkis. The zapper is a really simple device. It reports back whether it saw something bright or something dim; anything else is over-explaining.
@DrunkCat the NES Zapper tech is not that simple, you’re grossly oversimplifying a rather elegant design considering the limitations of the time. Yeah, you can fool it with a light bulb but that also screws up the target specification aspect when multiple targets are on the screen.
Your insistence on taking your lone anecdotal example and holding it paramount over the (tens of?, hundreds of?) thousands of examples of it not working over the years is what’s really ‘bupkis’ here. I’m very happy for you that you have somehow lucked into a configuration (be it from a malfunctioning zapper, special snowflake TV, or what have you) that works but the fact is that people haven’t dumped hours and hours into trying to find a way to reproduce the input method on a modern television because it works in 99% (speaking generously here, you’re still the only example I’ve ever heard of never mind 1 in 100) of the cases.
Their explanation of the issue is 100% correct, you jamming your fingers into your ears going ‘nah nah nah I can’t hear you’ and sticking your head into the sand does not and will never change that. I’m very happy for you that you have something working to your satisfaction but it doesn’t change the fact that your case is a complete exception to the rule. There aren’t literally dozens of articles about this issue and about trying to find a remedy for this issue for no reason.
Maybe educate yourself instead of sitting here making declarative statements with exactly one alleged case that defies the rule. The article is correct, end of story, whether you may have a setup that somehow manages to work or not is completely irrelevant as the article is still 100% correct. I’m done going back and forth on this with you, I’m seriously sitting here wondering if I’m falling victim to some senseless attempt to troll people or something at this point. If not, then you really need to get over yourself and recognize that while you may have found an exception to the rule your situation is far from typical and has no bearing upon the underlying technology or the reasons it does not work on other televisions.
@jbartus That’s certainly a lot of words for something that I apparently shouldn’t be able to do. I mean, refresh rate wouldn’t explain why it works. Hell, DJ Hero needs adjusting so that’s certainly nothing to do with it. And the zapper isn’t malfunctioning, because otherwise aiming would be pointless.
As for declarative statements, I’ve really only made one: It works on the Samsung TV I have. I called bupkis because their declarative statement is that it’s 100% impossible.
@jbartus So I found my NES box and pulled out a working copy of SMB/Duck Hunt. Haven’t found my zappers though, but while playing SMB to test it I realized even more so why “refresh rate” is bogus since input lag would make almost every game unplayable.
@DrunkCat You really aren’t getting the whole fraction of a second thing here… I will try one last time to help you grasp this and then I’m giving up.
The Nintendo Entertainment System runs its games at 60 frames per second, that’s 1/60th of a second per frame. With analog CRT televisions there was a really consistent delay between when a signal would be sent from the console and when it would display on the television. With Duck Hunt, when you pull the trigger the light gun begins receiving and the game game takes one such frame (once again, 1/60th of a second) for each target and flashes a pitch black screen with a white box where each target is located one at a time for the light gun to read. With the consistent delay being accounted for, the game is able to determine which, if any, target you hit based on when precisely the gun picked up the white box. This is all taking place within a split second of pulling the trigger.
With modern televisions the processes of converting the analog signal to a digital one and upscaling the picture to 720p or 1080p add delay to the display, nothing particularly massive so as to render a game unplayable, but enough to throw off this delicately balanced system. Bear in mind that it takes no more than 1/60th of a second’s worth of introduced display lag to throw a massive wrench into the NES Zapper’s works. 1/60th of a second is a tiny amount of time, not even perceptible as a singular entity to human beings.
@DrunkCat would reading the relevant patent help any?
I just wanted to say that I identify with nearly every post in here.
My definition of retro games is limited to those played with PnP
@compunaut someone should organize a Meh PnP game on Roll 20 or something.
I’ve been playing the original Master of Orion at least once a week since 1995 or so. It’s the only program that’s been installed on every computer I’ve owned in that time.
2 was okay, but I didn’t like having to micromanage my planets’ economies - if I want that, I’ll play Civilization instead.
I gave 3 a shot, but it felt too much like work.
The new one looks good (that cast!), but some of the mechanics people are complaining about in reviews look like they could be a turnoff. And anyway, I don’t have a computer that’ll run it.
So I guess I’ll stick to the original.
So, after years of building a substantial retro video game collection, I’ve decided it’s time to part ways with it. I can’t decide if I want to sell it piece-by-piece or if I want to find a serious collector that will buy all of it to make things easier.
It looks like prices for NES/SNES stuff is down right now. Meh…
@capguncowboy If you do piece it out, I’m sure there are people here that would love to buy some… Me included!
@capguncowboy what @sohmageek said. What kind of stuff are we talking?
@capguncowboy Agreed - I’d be interested in NES carts, for sure.
@capguncowboy Would definitely be interested in hearing what you have.
@capguncowboy .
So, since you guys have shown interest, here’s what I’ve got for NES:
Adventures of Rad Gravity
Back to the Future
Bad Dudes
Baseball Simulator 1.000 WITH BOX *****
Baseball Stars
Bayou Billy
Bionic Commando
Blades of Steel
Blaster Master
Captain Skyhawk
Clash at Demon Head
David Crane’s Boy and His Blob
Defender II
Desert Commander
Destination Earthstar
Double Dragon II
Dr. Mario
Duck Tales 2
Excite Bike
Ivan “Iron Man” Stewart’s Super Off Road
Jaleco Bases Loaded
Kung Fu Heroes
Legend of Zelda
Low G-Man
Magic Johnson’s Fast Break
Marble Madness
Mega Man 6
Metroid (2 Copies)
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out
Night Rider
Operation Wolf (2Copies)
Rad Racer
Recue Embassy Mission
Simpsons Bart vs Space Mutants
Skate or Die
Skate or Die 2
Ski or Die
Sky Shark
Snake’s Revenge
Spy Hunter
Spy vs Spy
Star Tropics
Street Fighter 2010 Final Fight
Super C Contra
Super Mario 2
Super Mario 3
Super Mario Brothers/Duck Hunt (2 copies)
T&C Surf Designs
Tecmo Baseball
Tecmo Bowl
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 3 Manhattan Project
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Arcade Game
Tetris 2 WITH BOX ******
Thundercade WITH BOX ****
Top Gun
Urban Champion
Winter Games
Wizards and Warriors
World Cup
WWF Wrestle Mania
Yo Noid
Battletoads/Double Dragon
Donkey Kong Country
Gradius III
Ken Griffey Jr’s Winning Run
Killer Instinct
NBA Jam Tournament Edition
NFL Quarterback Club '96
NHL '97
Sim City
Super Bases Loaded
Super Mario Kart
Super Mario World
Super Metroid
Turtles IV
I also have a load of accessories/controllers, but didn’t bother to list them
That’s not the entire collection as I’ve decided to keep a few of the nostalgic and more rare games for myself. I guess I’m not entirely ready to let go of all of it
@capguncowboy I’m interested in some depending on condition.
So, I just purchased my first house last week. The very first piece of furniture that I moved into it was a Galaga cabinet.
I had a retro game store recently close in my town. I loved going in there, but I don’t have time to play current games, let alone old gamed I’d played dozens of times. So basically I’d go in there for nostalgia and have to force myself to not spend money towards more backlog.
I did buy NES and SNES controllers and an adapter to fit them on a Wii controller.
At this point the oldest system I own is a Saturn, and it’s exclusively for Saturn Bomberman on rare occasions my college buddies and I can get together.
In related news though, I was going through some boxes of old stuff my parents dropped off at my place last week and I found a complete copy of Dragon Warrior–no shrinkwrap but otherwise unopened. One of several I’d gotten from Nintendo Power subscriptions.
@kevlar51 RIP game store. :’(
@jbartus I should clarify. They closed in my town and moved to a different town.
@kevlar51 oh that’s much better!!
@kevlar51 so fire sale so they didn’t have to move shit huh?
Just got my new Gamebit driver heads so I can crack open my consoles and cartridges for battery replacements and other maintenance!
@jbartus Nice. I need one for the controllers to clean the gunk out.
@medz 5 dollah, shipped!
I just wanted to say that I love you guys. What a delightful treasure trove of retro love and geekdom. I love it all! (bookmarked!)
This thread is speaking my language (and I didn’t even read every post yet). I still own a NES and SNES. I didn’t get an N64 in favor of a Playstation 1 aka PSX (I have a PS2 in its place now) so I am getting N64 games via Wii U’s Virtual Console section. My very first console was the Atari 2600; first game: Asteroids.
I look forward to posting more and reading more from my fellow retro gamers. Speaking of which, do any of you read “Retro Gamer” magazine?
Here’s some cool new retrogaming stuff:
An open source frame scaler (similar to the Framemeister):
(DIY instructions here, with source code:
GameCube HDMI mod:
DIY instructions, source code:
I have never beaten the second gannon in the original zelda. I won’t use guidebooks or the internet, and every time I finally get to him my save game gets lost.
dear Meh retro gamers… Where can I get a good Sega Genesis controller for a decent price?
@sohmageek an actual genesis controller or a usb one for emulators or something?
@jbartus doesn’t have to be Sega brand, needs the Sega plug.
@sohmageek If you can’t find one locally, Vintage Stock carries them and they ship (the company is expanding rapidly but I wouldn’t hold my breath for a Vermont location anytime soon - you need to move closer to . . . things)
@Pavlov Thanks Man… I know Vermont doesn’t have a whole lot… But It’s low in crime (although apparently high in drug use…) and I love the gun laws… (hardly any)
I thought Vermont was the great refuge for all those connoisseur Brie-eating, digitally-addicted literati and finance and professorial types from Boston and NYC?
Am I wrong? Or do their toys and food and media and cultural hegemony not travel with them?
@f00l Internet options are Comcast (decent speed… but good luck on price/service) or Fairpoint (maxes out at 10 MB, their typical service is like 2 MB… and they won’t tell you a price unless you call… You can ask for a price sheet and they won’t give it to you… personally I don’t like that… We don’t like chains (we recently relented and allowed Walmart to add a few locations in Vermont, but there are 0 Targets… Only state in the union.). We have hardly anything for entertainment… Sure you can ski… and they added a year round water park (very small… I think my Middle school took more room than the water park…) Yes I’ve lived in smaller towns in PA. but not by much.
@sohmageek Hyperkin GN6 is probably who I’d go to if I wanted a reproduction.
@jbartus Thanks!
as much as I don’t want to shop from and support… I think I found official ones…
@sohmageek don’t bet on it. Wake up on discord
How is Vermont on resisting the latte hordes? I’m assuming they have infiltrated.
@f00l You mean Starbucks… We have quite a few of them within a few towns… Outside of Chittenden county I don’t think there are any… Lots of Dunkins… No Timmy Ho-ho’s yet. Quite a few independent Vermont owned bakeries/coffee shops though.
I love retro games, like Mario or Tetris. They were my 1st games. I even now play them with my nephew. At work I usually play Caribbean Poker, just to kill time. But at times I win some money.
{Link removed ~TC}
@SebastianSoul @Thumperchick @shawn I’m going to say this is spam unless the person can convince us otherwise.
@dashcloud my gut said the same as you, if they’re a spam bot they’re a pretty clever one looking over their post history, and probably one for hire based on the changing advertising. They just post too many unsolicited links for my liking, it rubs me wrong.