Rethinking the meh button

DeuceSevin thought this was worth mentioning said

I am on a new high streak - 51 clicks and counting. But on this glorious occasion, I find I am questioning my strategy and questioning the whole concept of clicking "meh".
For example, should the meh clicks be a reminder of your loyalty to the site (or lack of any real life) to show how dedicated you are to clicking a stupid fucking button (that really doesn't exist anyway) every day? Should I maybe not click it on days when I purchase something? After all, expressing your feeling of meh sort of runs contrary to liking a product enough to buy it. And furthermore, doesn't clicking a button to express meh run counter to the entire concept of meh?
And even furthermore, is thinking about this so much counter to the concept of meh.
Maybe I'll just go back to Woot. At least they don't have a Woot! Button.