Rethinking the meh button
0I am on a new high streak - 51 clicks and counting. But on this glorious occasion, I find I am questioning my strategy and questioning the whole concept of clicking "meh".
For example, should the meh clicks be a reminder of your loyalty to the site (or lack of any real life) to show how dedicated you are to clicking a stupid fucking button (that really doesn't exist anyway) every day? Should I maybe not click it on days when I purchase something? After all, expressing your feeling of meh sort of runs contrary to liking a product enough to buy it. And furthermore, doesn't clicking a button to express meh run counter to the entire concept of meh?
And even furthermore, is thinking about this so much counter to the concept of meh.
Maybe I'll just go back to Woot. At least they don't have a Woot! Button.
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you know, a simple "fuck you 'meh' button!" would have been much easier for you to type and for me to read.
@carl669 I can't see how it could possibly be taken wrong.

@jaremelz I would click this button.
I would click the ambiguous shit out of this button.
And I am okay with my intentions being.... unclear.
@pepsiwine The button is whatever you need it to be. But mostly it's vague hints at filth.
I dunno. I clicked the first time because I was curious. Then I found a thread talking about it, and realized it was a different face every day. It's funny. It makes me laugh, sometimes. I love laughing; it's good for you.
Congratulations OP. This is the first thread I commented on, and yet did not star. You broke my heart. Now I'm sad.
Oh wait, I still have a slice of cake left. Never mind.
@Shrdlu I like the size of your "slice"!
yay! an excuse to necromance my meh button intent diagram!
The beauty of the Meh button is you can use it however you want, treat it however you want. Click it, or don't. Click it everyday. Click it occasionally. Click it never. Its yours to click as you see fit.
@DJP519 Somebody was using the days as pixels and drawing low-res art in the months.
It bothers you more than it should.
I too think about the meh button way to hard! It has become a part of my being. And yet I care so very little about it. A paradox I guess.
0 total meh button clicks
0 in a row
longest streak: 0
the only way to win is not to play.
The meh button is not for thinking. It is certainly not for rethinking. The meh button is for pushing. Or not pushing.
Either way, not for thinking.
I don't even think, I just slam my finger down on the meh button as soon as I load up each day's new deal.
I'll never get day four back.
@curtise Do not volunteer to go to mars. I don't think you will have internet there. That would ruin your streak.