Resolution Revisions: A Meh-rathon Compilation


Time for another one of these. Do I do it for the glory? No. There is none.

Every Meh Button

Part 1

March is when a lot of people give up on their New Year’s resolutions. But we say, why give up when you can lightly revise? That’s why we’ve put together a number of tips, tricks, and hacks for reimagining that pesky resolution as something easily accomplishable!

Did you want to be less selfish in 2021? Well, you can knock that one out right now by buying this shirt. It’s paying money TO us to advertise FOR us!

Did you plan to lift in 2021? Well, technically everything has some weight! And you’ve probably picked something up, right?

Did you resolve to eat more greens in 2021? Great news: color is just refracted light. That means just about anything can be “green.”

Great news, you took up a hobby just like resolved to in 2021: your new hobby is giving up on your resolutions and not feeling shitty about it!

You wanted to be more adventurous in 2021. Well, consider horses! Is there a horse in the room with you? No? Then it sounds like you just took an adventure… in your mind!

Resolutions are all about personal betterment. And you know what makes personal betterment easy? Starting out with nowhere to go but up. Like, for example, let’s say you buy this Instant Regret Kit. Literally, any other decision you make next will look better and smarter by comparison!

More cardio in 2021? Difficult. More music by Dio in the car in 2021? Very achievable. And who’s to say which one you meant!

Ceviche involves uncooked shrimp. Beef tartar involves uncooked beef. And yet, they’re things that cooks make. In other words, if you resolved to cook more in 2021, great news: you’ve cooked all the food in your fridge just by owning it! No trust us, this checks out, logically.

Did you say ‘I want to be a better listener to the various important people in my life in 2021’? Or did you say, ‘I want to be a better listener in 2021’? We bet you said the latter, which can, if you think about it, be applied to podcasts!

You wanted to commit to better self-care in 2021. But here’s the thing: some cars run on electricity, not gas! And electricity comes from the wall! That means it’s easier to get! Just like it’s easier to eat ice cream than a kale salad. Can you see where we’re going here? If you can, tell us, because we kinda lost the thread to be honest.

Have you had a glass of orange juice at any point in the past three months? Because that’s healthy. Seriously, it’s gotta knock some resolution off the list, right?

You probably didn’t resolve to accidentally bite your tongue in 2021. But if you did bite your tongue in 2021, just say it was your 2021 New Year’s Resolution. Otherwise, you bit your tongue for no reason, and that sucks!

Say you resolved to hunt at least three endangered animals in 2021. See? Now your failure to achieve your resolution isn’t lazy; it’s heroic and principled!

Say you resolved to take up bird watching in 2021, because you probably saw a bird this year, and no one can prove it was an accident.

When you resolved to drink less in 2021, did you really specify what you were going to stop drinking? Think about that for a minute…

Say you resolved to go on vacation in 2021. Then, if anyone asks if you’ve gone on vacation, look sad and say, “No.” Who knows? Maybe they’ll feel bad and give you a free vacation!

Did you resolve to take more risks in 2021? Great news! You already achieved it. Because, really, anything could be a risk. You could drown in ice cream, for example. Have we heard of this happening? No. But it seems possible, which means each pint is like facing down your potential undoing.

Tell yourself your 2021 resolution was to own a jet ski. It’s a win-win. You follow through and you end up with a jet ski. You don’t follow through and you feel like a responsible adult for seeing past the allure of a jet ski.

Sometimes all you need to do to make a resolution more achievable is shave off a few words. For example: get up at 6am every morning? Difficult. So go ahead and shave off the “6am every morning” part and now it’s just “get up.” Which you did on January 1st! Wow! You nailed it and then some! All this getting up you’ve been doing since then? It entitles you to take a few years off from the whole resolutions thing.

Retroactively resolve to do the laundry in 2021, but only once. Because that shows you have restraint.

Did you resolve to move more in 2021? Then consider this: cars move!

Did you resolve to get more organized in 2021? Well, it’s possible that in the last moments of 2020, you were holding a glass with champagne in it, and by now, that glass is likely put away. Sounds pretty organized to us.

Retroactively resolve to look at pictures of big cats sitting in cardboard boxes in 2021.

Retroactively resolve to cut carbs in 2021, but don’t specify what carb is short for. Now, you have dozens of options for things to cut!

Did you resolve to lose some weight in 2021? Then you should know: hair technically weighs something. So do fingernails. “Weight loss” is just a couple trims away!

Resolutions are all about personal betterment. And you know what makes personal betterment easy? Starting out with nowhere to go but up. Like, for example, let’s say you buy this Instant Regret Kit. Literally, any other decision you make next will look better and smarter by comparison!

Retroactively resolve to come up with a name for a tapas-arcade in 2021, and then write down “Small Playtes” on a piece of paper. Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to come up with a Batman villain themed business that is half camper park and half body shop in 2021, and then write down “RV/Dent.” Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to come up with a name for a Western-themed Cross Fit gym in 2021, and then write down “Wyatt Burpee.” Congrats, you did it!

Have a goal for how many books you plan to read in 2021? Then we recommend checking out poetry. Fewer pages, fewer words per page, and no pesky plot or logic to keep track of!

Home improvement resolutions can seem daunting, but they shouldn’t be. It’s right there in the name, after all: home improvement. Did taking out the trash improve the smell of your home? Boom! Done! You’re basically Bob Vila!

Retroactively resolve to drive past five cows in 2021. Not sure you drove past five yet? Well, did you drive past any? There you go. It’s not about numbers; it’s about personal growth.

Retroactively resolve to come up with a name for an absolutely fabulous Lazy Susan specifically to be used in Mexican restaurants, and then write down “Cantina Turner.” Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to come up with a name for a podcast about ford SUVs and basketball assists, and then write down “Expe-dishin’.” Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to do some sit-ups in 2021, just don’t specify you mean the exercise kind.

Retroactively resolve to catch more river fish in your mouth as they leap up stream in 2021. Wait, sorry: only do this one if you’re a bear. Otherwise, it’s very difficult.

Did you resolve to make better decisions in 2021? Then make a new resolution that’s easier, like resolving to drink at least one cup of coffee every day for the first three months of 2021. There! You just did two resolutions!

Did you resolve to reconnect with friends in 2021? Then do a rewatch of Parks & Rec! They’re funnier than your real friends.

Tell yourself that when you said you were going to get your act together in 2021, that you actually meant a one man show. Then stand in front of your family and talk about your childhood for six hours.

Retroactively resolve to take until March 10th to consider whether you will make a resolution for 2021. But then, even if you resolve not to make a resolution, isn’t that sort of a resolution? Oh man, maybe scrap this one! It’s giving us a headache to think about!

When you said you were going to be more active in 2021, did you mean exercise? Or did you mean more active in an online forum arguing about how Get Duked was actually the best movie of 2020?

Retroactively resolve to come up with the name for a store that sells skateboards and also copies of The Scarlet Letter, and then write down Tony Hawk-thorn. Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to learn more about your dentist’s interests in 2021, so that you can ask them questions for once.

If you resolved to watch less television in 2021, great news: when you’re looking down at your phone to read Twitter, you’re not really watching the television!

Did you play any air hockey in 2021? If not, make that your resolution: to finally kick your air hockey habit. Even if you also didn’t play any air hockey in 2020, finally committing to it as an important step.

Retroactively resolve to buy fewer hockey pucks in 2021. But first, buy at least one hockey puck and then forge a backdated receipt for last year.

Did you want to be more mindful of your nutrition in 2021? Well, what did you eat for lunch today? Was it something good for you? No? Doesn’t matter, because it sounds like you just filled up your mind with thoughts about nutrition!

Did you resolve to have a better attitude in 2021? But you’re still feeling sour? Here’s a hack: just claim it was a typo. You meant ‘altitude.’ Now that you’ve fixed that, walk up some stairs. You’re in a better altitude now!

Did you plan on learning to knit in 2021? Great news: there’s a super effective way to knit things very quickly and with very little effort. It’s called buying already made sweaters. You should check it out.

Retroactively resolve to tell your dog you love them every day, but not with words, with your eyes. (Or with words, if you and your dog have that kind of relationship.)

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with the name for a store that sells body building supplements and also instant coffee pods, and then write down Lou Keurigno. Congrats you did it!

Retroactively resolve to do more than your cat.

Retroactively resolve to enjoy more palindromes in 2021 and then neht dna 1202 ni semordnilap erom yojne ot evloser ylevitcaorteR.

Retroactively resolve to live the life of a dove in 2021. It’s good because it sounds like you’re devoting yourself to peace of mind, but really, have you seen doves? They just lay around and eat garbage all day.

Did you resolve to cut down on caffeine in 2021? Uhh, why? Are you an idiot or something? Retroactively resolve not to make stupid resolutions like that ever again.

Retroactively resolve, in 2021, to come up with a name for a drug to help sufferers of chronic fatigue in the northwest, and then write down ‘Sleep Less In Seattle.’ Congrats, you did it.

Did you resolve to eat less red meat in 2021? Okay, we can’t help you with that. But we should say: that means you need to eat more cheese, or else you just put cows out of a job.

Retroactively resolve, in 2021, to come up with a name for a soft, contact-absorbing flooring product to be used at firms where lawyers suffer from vertigo, and then write down, ‘Better Fall Saul.’ Congrats, you did it!

Resolved to be healthy in 2021? Well, did you come to a complete stop at a stop sign at some point this year? Because that’s healthier than any diet. Think about it: you eat some chocolate? That’s not great, but it won’t hurt you too bad. Running a stop sign, though? Crazy potential for terrible health consequences! Sounds like you deserve a pizza to celebrate your amazing responsible habits!

Retroactively resolve to start a garden in 2021. Then stop mowing your lawn. You’ve just taken the first steps towards growing a rustic grass and dandelion garden!

When you made a New Year’s resolution, did you specify the year system you were working on? Because the Lunar New Year was in February. So if that resolution is looking too daunting, just claim you were on the Lunar year system, which means you already blew it. Sure, it’s a little disappointing, but the good news is, you don’t need to do anything anymore.

The problem with resolutions is the word ‘more.’ If you go back and edit the ‘more’ out of most resolutions, they got easier. Spend more time outside? No, spend time outside. Work out more? No, work out. Cook more? No, cook. See, now you can do ANY AMOUNT of that thing and you’re a winner.

Retroactively resolve to take more selfies in 2021. Then, spend an hour taking some selfies, and you’re good to go.

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with a name for a whale watching cruise business where you guarantee there will be zero stinging insects on board. Then write down ‘No-Bee Dick.’ Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with a name for a remake of Orson Welles’s masterpiece to be acted out entirely by construction equipment. Then write down ‘Citizen Crane.’ Congrats, you did it!

Wanted to keep a tidier house in 2021? Change that to keeping a tidier schedule. Then, cancel all plans to clean. Looks like your day just got a bit more open!

Retroactively resolve to ride a zebra in 2021. You won’t be able to. No one will. And therefore no one can call you out on it when you fail.

Did you want to eat fewer carbs in 2021? Are you sure that wasn’t a typo? Maybe you meant, whole living crabs. Or maybe you meant cabs, like taxis. Either way, we feel confident that you’re KILLING IT with these resolutions!

Retroactively resolve to live more like a passion vine in 2021. Sounds sexy, but really it just means spending more time around posts.

Retroactively resolve to live more like a noble ox in 2021. Have you seen any oxen recently? Then you too should be rarely seen.

Struggling with your resolution diet for 2021? Remember: popcorn is just corn! And fries are just potatoes! And chardonnay is just liquid chard!

Did you resolve to spend less time on your phone in 2021? Then do what they used to do in the olden days: step outside and breathe in that fresh air. Then open your laptop. There’s internet on that thing too!

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with the name for book in which Jodie Foster teaches manners to swindlers. Then write down, ‘Con Tact.’ Congrats, you did it!

Did you resolve to redecorate your space in 2021? Well, did you know that painting is redecorating? And buying paint is the first step to painting? And thinking about buying some paint is the first step to buying paint? Thus, it’s decorating to just knowing where a paint store is. No, trust us. We’ve definitely thought this through.

Did you plan to go vegan in 2021? That’s tough. But you likely didn’t say what percentage vegan you were going to go. So as long as you’re eating something other than meat, dairy, and honey, you’re technically engaging in a partial vegan lifestyle.

Resolutions are all about personal betterment. And you know what makes personal betterment easy? Starting out with nowhere to go but up. Like, for example, let’s say you buy this Instant Regret Kit. Literally, any other decision you make next will look better and smarter by comparison!

Trying to cut sugar in 2021? Well, we recommend cutting it with something like cocaine. Helps avoid the sugar crash!

Trying to fit into those old clothes in 2021? Then do we have a hack for you. It’s a device called scissors, and it’ll turn those tight old pants VERY wearable.

Sure, you resolved to get off twitter in 2021, but is that really a good idea? Now you only have yourself to examine. How are you going to remind yourself that there are thousands of even more broken people than you out there?

You resolved to write the great American novel in 2021, but did you specify that it was going to be an ‘original’ great American novel? Because, if not, you’ve basically given yourself a hefty but simple typing task.

Looking to finally change careers in 2021? Why stop there, we say. Why not change from having a career to not having a career. It’s both more daring, and also much easier.

Planning on going back to school in 2021? Did you specify what level of school? Or that you meant an actual school, rather than say ‘the School of Life’? Because great news the School of Life has rolling admissions and a 100% acceptance rate. In fact, you just got in. The first class is to eat a gas station donut and realize, hey, these things are pretty good!

Retroactively resolve to live a more goat-like life in 2021. Then go and mow the lawn with your mouth.

Did you want to eat more fruit in 2021? Because those maraschino cherries are fruits, you know.

Resolutions are all about personal betterment. And you know what makes personal betterment easy? Starting out with nowhere to go but up. Like, for example, let’s say you buy this Instant Regret Kit. Literally, any other decision you make next will look better and smarter by comparison!

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with a name for a business that sells stone fruits and Eric Clapton side project LPs. Then, write down ‘Peaches & Cream.’ Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to eat more dates in 2021. Then either buy a tub of delicious dates and devour it, or eat a calendar.

Coffee is something caffeinated you make in a machine. That means it’s a) crafting, b) energizing, and c) a process that embraces our automated future. This all sounds pretty resolution-y if you ask us. Gotta be something you can get out of there, right?

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with a name for a distinctly Canadian style of super-hopped beer. Then, write down ‘IP, eh.’ Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to carve out a little corner of your house that will be your ‘meditation zone’ in 2021. (This is new-age-y self-care speak for: build a dope pillow fort’!)

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with the name for a seafood appetizer that possesses the qualities of a high flying big man who once played with Steve Nash. Then, write down Calamar’e Stoudemire. Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to catch twice as many unicorns as you did in 2020. After all, two times zero is zero.

Did you resolve to be a better person in 2021? That’s a lofty goal, and just by making it, you’ve taken the first step towards being a better person. Which means, technically you’re done. You did it. You’re incrementally better than before you made that resolution.

Retroactively resolve to say “hollandaise” instead of “cool” in 2021. For example: “That motorcycle? Totally hollandaise.” Doesn’t that sound coo-- err, hollandaise?

Retroactively resolve to get your finances together in 2021. Then, bet all your money on a three legged horse. Because trust us: it’s much easier to get your finances together when you have no finances.

Retroactively resolve to become an astronaut in 2021. Then, just tell everyone you’re an astronaut. How are they going to deny it? It’s not like they go into space every day for work, right?

Retroactively resolve to get an RV in 2021. Then buy some Rad Vitamins.

Resolutions are all about personal betterment. And you know what makes personal betterment easy? Starting out with nowhere to go but up. Like, for example, let’s say you buy this Instant Regret Kit. Literally, any other decision you make next will look better and smarter by comparison!

Retroactively resolve to, in 2021, come up with the name for a shop that sells preppy shoes and western video games. Then write down ‘Ked Dead Redemption.’ Congrats, you did it!

Retroactively resolve to finally get to the bottom of what the letters in Adidas stand for in 2021.

Retroactively resolve not to move into a cave in 2021. So far, you’re doing really well. (Unless you’ve moved into a cave; in which case, disregard this one.)

To be continued…