Remote Access to Personal Computers - Fuck LogMeIn

jbartus went on a bit of a rant said

Hello All,

After many years of use, first on their free service and later as a paying Pro customer once the free service was shut down with effectively no warning, I have today been forced to cancel my LogMeIn subscription by the absurdity of a 150% price hike. Last year I paid $99.99 for my LogMeIn Pro subscription, this year they demanded I pay $249.99. Oddly when I called to cancel they made no attempt to retain me leading me to conclude that they simply don’t give a shit about the Pro product anymore.

Whatever the case, I’m not going to pay $250 to access my single PC at home on the infrequent occasion that it proves necessary for me to do so and, as such, I am in the market for a replacement service. I am not averse to paying a reasonable amount of money for the convenience of being able to access my computer remotely, but obviously free is nice too.

I cannot use TeamViewer as I use it for business purposes already, so I’m in need of another option. The following is my wishlist:

  • Inexpensive (let’s say $8-10/mo. max)
  • Mobile App for Remote Access (really handy, failing to find an option with this might make it worth biting the bullet and paying double for LMI but I really don’t want to)
  • Multi-Monitor Support (essential)
  • File Transfer (Nice but not essential)

I look forward to seeing what you guys might have for suggestions. I know there are a plethora of options out there but LMI caught me off-guard with this insane price hike so I’m not as up-to-date on the research as I’d like to be and there’s a bit of a deadline to get a new solution tested and in-place.