@PurplePawprints Irrelevant. All horsepower claims on vacuums are misleading at best. They number they slap on the box is peak horsepower, and by peak they mean the amount you get for a fraction of a second right after you turn it on. One horsepower is equal to 746 watts so the most you could get out of a standard 15 amp outlet is 2.4hp or 1800 watts. All those 6.5 horsepower shop vacs are lies.
I’m itching to jump on this because I need one and that’s a decent price for a stainless container, but I can’t get past the “paper bag” thing. I can’t find a product manual online for it either…
@timmyboy1 lots of shop vacs use paper bag filters for dry work. It’s just like a regular vacuum bag except the dust winds up outside it instead of inside it.
@RiotDemon (and @mehdaf) I’m guessing so… it would cause way too many issues if we could specify our own order numbers.
(Though it might be a possibly useful extension to allow it for incorporating an order placed via the regular/old-style/non-VMP/whateverItIsCalled way.)
I’m glad this sold out because I was starting to want to buy it, even though I have a Shop Vac from 5+ years ago that still works.
Every year on Black Friday I’m tempted to buy the stainless steel model they have on sale at most big box hardware stores.
Why is the metal container so tempting?
/giphy ugh!
Just A bit of advice…I don’t recommend attempting to vacuum up anything particularly gross with your shopvac. You can’t get rid of the stink if you do. And then it blows the stink around for…ev…er.
Condition: New
Warranty: 1 Year Readivac
Estimated Delivery: 7/13 - 7/18
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
1x ReadiVac 5 gallon wetvac
1x Floor tool
1x Long reach tool
Moose vacuuming
Price Comparison
$168.99 at Amazon
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
90 days
Estimated Delivery
Monday, February 11th - Friday, February 15th
Sucks-- well hopefully it does…cleaning up tonight on this deal!!
Roll Tide
Husband wants to know how many hp is the motor?
@PurplePawprints Irrelevant. All horsepower claims on vacuums are misleading at best. They number they slap on the box is peak horsepower, and by peak they mean the amount you get for a fraction of a second right after you turn it on. One horsepower is equal to 746 watts so the most you could get out of a standard 15 amp outlet is 2.4hp or 1800 watts. All those 6.5 horsepower shop vacs are lies.
@cjrhoades Well, my husband said he’d be happy with .5, so I went on and got it anyway.
@PurplePawprints Target’s website says 1200 watts, so that’s in the neighborhood of 1.6hp if my guesswork is correct.
@djslack Thank you! It’ll be good enough for the little bit we’ll use it, then.
Why would this be better than the plastic one you can buy for $20-25 at Ace or Home Depot?
@haydesigner For how infrequently I need a wet vacuum (once in four years), the cheap ShopVacs are fine with me. I think they’re steel, as well.
No reviews at the Mother Ship
Had a nice stainless shop vac that wound up crushed in a horrible accident. I believe I’m in for one.
@djslack It worked! Your order number is: taboo-opportune-heart
/image taboo-opportune-heart
Manufacturer: Douglas Quikut. Isn’t that the Ginsu folks?
Confirmed. The mobile site says genuineginsu at the top.
More vacuums? What’s next? A week of mattresses?
@stinks oh god I hope so. Needing a mattress
My Shop Vac is going to outlive me (and I’m going to be 103 at least) so I’ll pass. Appreciate the variety though!
@therealjrn It worked! Your order number is: upset-faceted-oil
/image upset-faceted-oil
" Paper bags are used for dry pick up and a washable HEPA filter for wet jobs."
Hmmmm…paper bags…
@eeterrific yeah…just saw this as well. That’s enough to make me pass on this. Shopvac reigns supreme.
@osiris3mc @eeterrific Shop Vac uses paper bags too: https://www.amazon.com/Shop-vac-9010700-Reusable-Filter-3-Count/dp/B00002N6RV is a paper filter held on by an o-ring.
How many horses are inside?
“Point is, no matter how good a ______ is, if it can’t do wet work, it’s only halfway useful.”
Somebody said that to me just the other day…
I’m in for one. Just got a new car and I need something I can vacuum it out with. I only get 3 minutes of sucky-sucky for $5 down at the car wash.
You said sucky-sucky
@zen It worked! Your order number is: lowdown-premium-sugarcane
/image lowdown-premium-sugarcane
@mediocrebot LOL! I imagine that order number is how how he describes himself to tha honeys.
Got to better than this. Just got a 12 gallon stainless steel shop vac for $35 a couple of weeks ago. Better deals to be had, this time.
@cblack Do you have a link? Or is this just a story of a local find?
Needed a skinnier shop vacuum. I love my shitty Husky, it’s just too damn fat…
Power rating??
Meh - looks like its based on the same 1HP POS that the$38 Stanley model is made from. Pass.
Enjoy it barely suckin up lint.
That’s got a veri short cord!
Still waiting on HP answer, but worried about a quick sellout, so…
@PurplePawprints It worked! Your order number is: caustic-appetizing-frog
/image caustic-appetizing-frog
@PurplePawprints smart move, it sold out!
/giphy sold out
This deal is all wet. I am not going to get hung out to dry.
Ain’t no Moose. That there is a human being.
This sword- will not kill.
I’m itching to jump on this because I need one and that’s a decent price for a stainless container, but I can’t get past the “paper bag” thing. I can’t find a product manual online for it either…
@timmyboy1 lots of shop vacs use paper bag filters for dry work. It’s just like a regular vacuum bag except the dust winds up outside it instead of inside it.
Vacuum is garbage…just like meh!
Eff it. It’s gotta be better than the one I have now, and it’s less than a good steak dinner!
@timmyboy1 The slash command has to be on a new line to work.
@PurplePawprints doh!
Eh… the 5 gallon stainless thing might make a decent robot if it sucks as a vacuum…
/buy -q 1
@baqui63 It worked! Your order number is: sincere-venomous-ginger
/image sincere-venomous-ginger
@mediocrebot Hmmm…
Reminds me that I have ginger beer… thanks!
@timmyboy1 It worked! Your order number is: fair-papery-blood
/image fair-papery-blood
@mediocrebot so disappointed at what this image could have been. Sigh…
/buy --order number possessive-mighty-pencil
@mehdaf It worked! Your order number is: possessive-mighty-pencil
/image possessive-mighty-pencil
@mehdaf was that edited in?
@RiotDemon (and @mehdaf) I’m guessing so… it would cause way too many issues if we could specify our own order numbers.
(Though it might be a possibly useful extension to allow it for incorporating an order placed via the regular/old-style/non-VMP/whateverItIsCalled way.)
@baqui63 @riotdemon
You two, where is your sense of wonder…
I’ll have to buy a house to go along with it.
(Which will be next to near impossible because I’m a millennial.)
Does the Hepa filter come with it?
@champ2015 Do what?
What’s in the Box?
1x ReadiVac 5 gallon wetvac
1x Floor tool
1x Long reach tool
/image exponential-sick-gnome
@Jasongb nice fake slash buy command!
I’m glad this sold out because I was starting to want to buy it, even though I have a Shop Vac from 5+ years ago that still works.
Every year on Black Friday I’m tempted to buy the stainless steel model they have on sale at most big box hardware stores.
Why is the metal container so tempting?
/giphy ugh!
Potentially 50,000 visitors to meh.com everyday and you had only 250 of these available for sale till “sold out”. WTF … am I the only one good at math
@raiderluvr 251 for sale, to be exact
@raiderluvr Potentially those of the 251 are the rarest of the rare. Win!
@therealjrn Chase vaccums
I want one!
Just A bit of advice…I don’t recommend attempting to vacuum up anything particularly gross with your shopvac. You can’t get rid of the stink if you do. And then it blows the stink around for…ev…er.
@giolee88 Truer words never spoken before. That’s when I borrow my brother-in-law’s vac.
I got mine and it is great at keeping my garage and car clean. well worth the price.