Puzzle Game Friday?
1It’s been a couple weeks since we had a game on Friday. How about a something really challenging? It’s not easy though, since officially only 56 people out of 19 million have beaten it (according to Wikipedia). Just ignore the name and check it out.
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So, I’ve gotten to level 4 (I’ll work a bit on this weekend) and what I have noticed so far is it helps if you have a bit of computer coding/web design knowledge. Some of the tricks so far are there or are sort of right there in the wording for you to solve the puzzle so it’s a matter of not overthinking the thing. There are some hints websites in the bottom corner of the site that kind of get you thinking in the right direction but watch out for spoilers.
I’ve gotten to 3 on my phone. Is it only clicking, or do I need a computer for this?
@RiotDemon Probably more comfortable on a computer as there is a bit of thinking and playing around involved so until you figure out how to solve that level.
All I have to say about that game is Fuck That. Had to find some hints to get me to level 8 but there is no way I would have ever done so on my own without dwelling on it for days. I have better things to do with my life, like post here about how I have better things to do with my life.
So blame because I was off last Friday and there was no game during the day.
@jst1ofknd Well, the new Jackbox is out so hopefully when we pick that up we can play a few games of that.
@jst1ofknd @Targaryen Is there a way to play jackbox (I use steam) with people not all in the same location? I know the game control via the phone is simple but the shared screen seems to be a limitation.
@ThomasF I believe you might know the answer to this?
@jst1ofknd @Targaryen @tightwad As far as I know, you’d need some sort of screen sharing or streaming setup to have everybody able to watch.