Pumpkin Cravings
7I thought the other thread "Pumpkin Carvings" was actually titled Pumpkin Cravings. Imagine my disappointment when there were no yummy treats in there.
Post recipes, images, and other hoopla about pumpkin food and drink here.
Currently, I am brewing up a pumpkin pie-hard-cider. Will be ready for tasting in about a month!
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Side note: pumpkin Quest bars--not all I hoped they would be.
@connorbush Boo! Quest has some really great... or really awful flavors.
I don't know where the recipe is - but Pumpkin Monkey Bread is really freaking good.
@Thumperchick I just had normal monkey bread for the first time not too long ago. All the wasted years. Had me like this:
@connorbush I had some extra pie pumpkin puree a few years back, so I found a recipe for maple pumpkin monkey bread - it didn't last 30 min. So good.
@Pavlov Trader Joe's Pumpkin-O's was tasty as well.
@Pavlov omg this could be better than cookie butter. Must see if I can get my hands on some!
No Halloween or pumpkin season growing up in Korea, but my mom occasionally made me pumpkin pancakes! They're delicious!
@galmaegi send me some please :)
@connorbush I'll ask my mom.
@galmaegi any word on either pancakes or the recipe? I will give it my best shot and post results.
@connorbush @galmaegi tbh I might just wing it like a pumpkin latke
@Lotsofgoats shabbat shalom
@connorbush I asked my mom and she would say, "You need some chopped old pumpkin, a little bit of salt, sugar, and frying flakes mixed up, and add a little bit of water if the batter is too thick before frying." Apparently, there are no measurements in her cooking. Good luck!
@galmaegi all proper mom cooking involves no real measurements
@Lotsofgoats took the comment out of my... (fingers?)
@galmaegi Thanks!
@Lotsofgoats http://ww2.kqed.org/bayareabites/2013/11/20/diy-thanksgivukkah-pumpkin-latkes-two-ways/
Just like… mix some pumpkin into a basic-ass cream sauce and have yourself the best damn pasta ever.
@brhfl I'm glad you brought a hyphen into play. Since we've put Preparation H behind us I wouldn't be able to make even the most basic ass cream sauce until next year.
I didn't even see the other thread, but assumed I misread yours and it actually said carvings.
Aren't we just a couple of silly gooses.
Taco Time used to have Pumpkin Empanadas, which at first looked like weird fruit-filled taquitos, but were in fact fuckin-dank-pumpkinery.