(PARODY) Oregon Scientific Desktop Emergency NOAA Radio
12(PARODY 풍자)
Parody Specs
- Chaff!
- Noise!
- IS baby-arm compatible
- Crufty
- 풍자
- Fun!
This is today's Product parody(풍자)(party??) thread....!!! HAND OUT STARS! (you reply to someone?, give them a star!)
Condition: UsedNewRefurb-ish
Warranty: 1 minute after payment clears
Estimated Delivery: Good Question... ...a while.
Shipping: $5 (NO! NO VMP!)
What's in the Box?
- 1x Bath
- 1x First
- 1x Purple thing
- 1x Georgia Red thing
- ∞ Meh/do not want
- 1x Invisible Pagination
- 1x I stayed up for this??!?!?!
- No Product Guide
- HAND OUT STARS! (you reply to someone?, give them a star asshat!)
Now... ...who's first!?
- 22 comments, 50 replies
- Comment
I love purple.
deleted due to no parody in the title.
@hallmike sorry, I meant "elevated to ephemeral status"
@hallmike replied to myself so I starred myself. I be no asshat.
@hallmike Glad to see that because asshattery is running rampant on that other product thread.
@hallmike none of us here are.

@2many2no tactic: delayed asshattery
IS baby arm compatible!

@exlaxrab KIP!
You fool! No PARODY in the title!? Do you want to get us all killed!!!???
On another note, does this thing have pagination?
@phatmass ForumControlBot fixed it so we can live
@hallmike Isn't it ironic that the very thing that the MehParodyBot despises the most came to it's aid?
@phatmass Yes, it is very iconic indeed.
Welcome to Weather Radio.
@TerriblyHuang Ya can hear the guitar rainin' tears.
I could go for a slice of crufty bread.
@hallmike don't be giving meh any ideas about past sale date bread sales.
Does this come in Purple or Georgia Red?
@2many2no Yes. It even comes in Georgia Purple.
I love purple.
I am glad to see it is baby arm compatible, but is it Mac compatible too?
@heartny oh hell
@unixrab @heartny iOS? Android? Windows 8? Does it require Java or Flash? Bluetooth? Wifi? 3G, 4G, LTE?
I love this thread. Everyone gets a star just 'cause.
Even me.
@SSteve Two for you!
@SSteve I expected this response from...(wait)... @communist (get it?)
@SSteve I didn't want to star your comment but posted a reply anyway so I could star your comment.
Wait a minute. ..ANOTHER Oregon Scientific product. After seeing the Meep I dont trust this thing.
I love purple, Barney. :)
@kc5rbq @snapster spanked @barney and that was that
@unixrab @snapster also spanked the "Bathers" but they're still around.
@kc5rbq Aww, I love purple.
This was an actual store display in Hickville near where I live. I guess it only tells the weather at college sporting events.
@hallmike This is dangerously close to a useful/insightful/funny comment, parody moderator will not stand for such things.
@dave I'm sleeping with the MehParodyBot so I get special privileges.
This radio is dildos.
Can someone explain to me what this is all about? Is it because we're not allowed to post gibberish in the main product thread, so we create a parody thread every day?
@jsh139 ...and you get a star.
@jsh139 Yes, because that's how adults handle not getting their way.
@jsh139 That's not it at all. We're just huge fans of Weird Al.
@jsh139 It's actually the parity thread, it just got spelled wrong.
@SSteve odd or even?
@PurplePawprints Who you callin' an adult??
@PurplePawprints +1000
I went thru and starred everybody. Now everybody star me! Wheee!
@PocketBrain I make ALL the stars on the parody threads gold. Blank stars are not allowed here, among friends.
@PocketBrain I starred you. I totally starred you! Ha!
I just now decided to buy one of these things. Order number:
Trying to tell me something?
@Teripie There is a very slim but random chance you will find valuable information on this thread.
@Teripie ack. I hope that's not foreboding.
@Teripie planning a tornado party soon?
$5 shipping? What the hell is that? No one pays for shipping now- only suckers do!
Surely there aren't any suckers here?
@dashcloud My VMP is paid up through March 22. Neener! Neener!
@dashcloud oh... you pay for it... by getting ..uh.."suckered" into vmp bait...REPEATEDLY!!!!!!
@JonT @dashbutt == @dashcloud ??
@unixrab Yes- because @JonT has the Cloud-to-Butt plugin installed.
Attention Meh people in charge of buying things: You did a great job with this one! Timing is right where you want that sellout to be. Awesome job!!! Keep up the great work!!!
Parody is usually written as 패러디, which is just parody written in the Korean alphabets. 풍자 is a Chinese characters based word that is often considered old fashioned.
@JasonKim How do I know you are an authority on this matter? 패러디 is a romanization (Romanji) to the effect of: paeleodi (swapping the "R" for the "L" as is custom) pae-re-di(parody)... "풍자" can mean sarcasm, satire or parody... are you saying that bot should use the phonetic romanji vs the idea/noun ? please exprain
@JasonKim @jont @shawn - can we got some Korean support for these two?
@unixrab you need to ask for the right people @nathank @ethanp and a couple more but I forget who they are...
@JasonKim whats going on. 패러디가 뭐가 어쨋다는거야? ㅋㅋㅋ
@EthanP This is what happens when you use google instead of trusted @nathanK