@hotbiscuit sometimes when meh “messes up” they will give you a discount code to help make up for it. It’s purchase specific/will only work if you bought that item.
Like meh was selling the same refurb shark cordless for more than woot at the same time. So if you bought it you got some codes to make up the difference on future purchases.
Last one I’m aware of was they shipped an irk without the bag. There was a $5 code.
Stuff like that. There are no general discount codes just some “apologies” if you bought something.
@hotbiscuit@Kyeh well I guess sometimes awards for forum specific stuff. Point being they are usually purchase/activity specific. And will only work for valid accounts. Not just general promos. You’d see in the thread if you were getting one. It just usually takes them a while to implement/email it. It’s easy to forget.
Huh? Discount code… what’s this about?
@hotbiscuit sometimes when meh “messes up” they will give you a discount code to help make up for it. It’s purchase specific/will only work if you bought that item.
Like meh was selling the same refurb shark cordless for more than woot at the same time. So if you bought it you got some codes to make up the difference on future purchases.
Last one I’m aware of was they shipped an irk without the bag. There was a $5 code.
Stuff like that. There are no general discount codes just some “apologies” if you bought something.
@hotbiscuit @unksol Sometimes if something is getting shipped exceptionally late - I got one like that.
@hotbiscuit @Kyeh well I guess sometimes awards for forum specific stuff. Point being they are usually purchase/activity specific. And will only work for valid accounts. Not just general promos. You’d see in the thread if you were getting one. It just usually takes them a while to implement/email it. It’s easy to forget.
Right at the top here for missing irk bag.
Example half way down from Dave.
Got it thanks, I guess I need to buy stuff more often instead of pushing the button.
I love to push the button!!
I also love to open packages…… I want to open all the packages!!
But the button beckons
@hotbiscuit You know you can do both?