Ok meh, 'tis almost Christmas...
9and here’s stuff i need now that you sold when i didn’t need it so i didn’t buy it but i wouldn’t mind buying it now.
so… if you could just sell those again, that’d be great. the mehcronomicon has promised to give you great riches.
(note: the mehcronomicon is a book, so its version of riches might be different than yours)
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It is not “almost Christmas”! You take your mouth and you wash it out with soap.
I passed several houses with their lights and stuff all set up…
@PlacidPenguin well toilet paper them then. And throw halloween and thanksgiving stuff in their yard. It is against the nature of the human race to do this so early. Hmm are you sure they haven’t just left it out all year and now flipped the switch?
@InnocuousFarmer meh. it’s close enough.
Also, I saw a commercial for Valentine’s Day recently…
@PlacidPenguin … Valentine’s Day? Are you sure you weren’t watching old VHS tapes or something?
I’m going to bed. This is all too confusing to parse.
I know you have more than a few catshirts which would confirm the fact that I’m positive in my confirmation post aimed at @InnocuousFarmer which I haven’t posted yet.
@InnocuousFarmer While I do agree with your sentiment (I’ve been in retail the past 18 years, and therefore a part of me feels the need to say "Fuck Christmas, and black Friday. Fuck them Sideways), there are only 5 Fridays between now and Christmas…
@PlacidPenguin Ummm …

Two of my neighbors also have their lights up. I think they were put up in 2013.
It’s also too damn early for me to figure anything out right now.
@InnocuousFarmer At my place of work we listen to an online radio station (out of TX, for some reason) that is starting all Christmas music tomorrow. Tomorrow. Two and a half weeks ago we were listening to Halloween music.
@InnocuousFarmer In my neck of the woods Christmas season starts September 1st since the 90’s, i.e. shopping malls start playing Christmas tunes, TV stations start playing their Christmas-themed station ID spots. The past few years though Halloween has been gaining popularity, so now malls start playing Christmas music Nov 3, right after All Souls’ Day (Nov 2). We do not have Thanksgiving, but malls are starting to wise up on Black Friday.
@Kidsandliz you have no soul
@InnocuousFarmer tis established November-December is CHRISTMAS
@Kidsandliz how dare you acknowledge the raping and killing of thousands of native americans as a happy day
Nowhere did she say it’s a happy day…
@PlacidPenguin well still the acknowledgement of it is evil! Blasphemy, I say, blasphemy!
@legendornothing WTF are you talking about? I said throw holiday stuff in their yard that is pre-christmas, including one holiday that hasn’t even happened yet. Sheesh. You a troll?
@legendornothing May I recommend then that you attack the entire nation for having a day off to eat turkey then? And when meh makes a comment about Thanksgiving flame them too while you are at it.
@PlacidPenguin Thank you for defending me against being flamed for no reason.
@legendornothing WTF is your problem attacking me for no reason, not once, not twice, but three times just for telling someone to throw current holiday decorations in the yard of someone jumping the gun on future holiday decorations? You have a serious problem.
@legendornothing thanksgiving is not evil. It is about gratitude.
@legendornothing I’m going to pee on your christmas tree.
@legendornothing How dare you celebrate something that led to the torture and murder of millions of non-christians?
@legendornothing Your name is stupid!
Uh, chill a little. K?
@legendornothing Seriously though- even if you don’t like the narrative of thanksgiving, there’s nothing wrong with people getting together for a big meal and to appreciate what they have.
@Pantheist wow this devolved quickly. Guys, I’m a troll, and while I might joke around I absolutely respect what thanksgiving is and what it means to other families. I’m sorry for overlooking that, it’s not as important to me because I never have family at home or anything so I don’t really see much value but I still understand your points of view
@legendornothing Leg End is a troll? Who’d a thunk it???
@Pavlov Is Leg End anything like Baby Arm?
@compunaut Oh my, don’t blaspheme the blessed baby branch.
Baby branch?
So babies really DO come from trees…
Tone. Pay attention to tone.
Yeah amorphous. Encapsulates complexity. Gestalt. Similar to humor that way. Start gently and softly. Takes practice.
@compunaut nah its like a foot
@Pavlov its a foot
I went to a Christmas concert today… that was weird
How about some wierd grill tools or other pointles gadget my bil might like and something for my parents.
@CaptAmehrican Grill tool season was a long time ago at Target. You could have gotten items for 75-90% off. Happiest time of the year for me.

@ELUNO The difficulty I see there is, you’d only get one shot.
The Putting Green!
2 Golf Balls!
Putter & Flag Stick!
@ELUNO the mental image I am getting of your home. Spiders and mini bathroom golf well it does scream bachelor pad
@CaptAmehrican lol. I wish I had those things! But I do have one of these:

Best bachelor pad purchase ever!
Also, I am spider-less at the moment, but I will be receiving a purple one on Monday, so let me know if you really want it!
@ELUNO I love beer, but I don’t love a lot of beer all at once.
@compunaut Which is why having this is good. You serve yourself as much as you want. You don’t have to drink a full bottle/can if you don’t want to.
@ELUNO Having never (directly) dealt with a keg, what are the economics like vs. purchasing an equivalent number of bottles/cans?
@brhfl It tends to be slightly more economical, but not as much as you would expect. It all depends on how cheap you can get bottled/canned beer. Regular priced, the keg is definitely better, if you buy it on sale, it is closer to the same. I guess it is more about the “right from the tap” taste and the convenience of on demand beer.
@ELUNO this is where I admit I tried to reuse an empty box wine bladder with the remnants of a bottle of wine and my food saver. Fyi it doesn’t work
@CaptAmehrican haha that’s amazing. +10 points for craftiness. But they do sell wine bottle stoppers for your foodsaver!

@ELUNO yes but I like the wine on tap and the easy fridge storage
@ELUNO Here’s another fun game! Avoid the brown trout…

@CaptAmehrican Aww, just like my kegerator!
@daveinwarsh lol, that one is definitely better!
@ELUNO How long does the beer stay fresh in there? I was under the impression that a keg needed to be emptied in 3-5 days before it started going flat
@compunaut That is if you use the regular “party” keg with a tap. Since a kegerator has a CO2 system, it doesn’t go flat.
@ELUNO in regards to the kegerator, another plus is less bottles & cans cluttering up the fridge/recycling bins which is a plus as there’s no evidence of how many you consumed. Downside is you tend to lose track of how much you drank and can find yourself stumbling around your home wondering who moved the toilet?!
@Jolara lol, exactly. And I have this nice growler which I can use to take beer with me as needed.
@ELUNO have you ever looked into yuengling? It’s been a few years, but I remember that being dirt cheap in kegs
@ELUNO yes but since grill season is over meh should be able to score good deals
@Pantheist I haven’t looked into their kegs, but I’ve tried their beer and it wasn’t too bad. I’ll have to look into it.
@Kidsandliz Maybe they should!
Hmm. Kegerator starting to sound like a great gift for grandmas house when all my brother-in-laws stay for the holidays. Meh…please work your magic.
Holiday music is so sentimentally lovely!
It reminds me that it’s time to upgrade my sound isolating Bluetooth earbuds. Then I give everyone a lovely smile and pretend to be v hard of hearing and fully medicated.
/giphy medicated

/giphy happiness