Oh, Good Grief!
21I really think think some soul searching is required by the constituency of this community (including @JonT). Have things gotten so bad here that I am really your best choice for goat? To quote @Barney, "@mfladd is going to be goat? Gee, things have really gone downhill around here. :)" I couldn't agree more.
I also am really excited to follow @Starblind with his/her brilliant "IRK'S BREAKFAST QUEST!" Let's look at it this way - with @Starblind you got Snoopy (Joe Cool).
With me, you are getting Charlie Brown (mediocrity at it's finest).
I do promise to run a contest of some kind. I am still working on it (crosses fingers and looks @hollboll). But the contest will not take place until later in the month due to my responsibilities to Team Breakfast Octopi for gishwhes. If I do not complete my assigned tasks I will certainly be ostracized from this community.
P.S. You are an amazing community, and I thank you for accepting Charlie Brown into it :)
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Almost forgot. I do think every goat should have a badge to remembered by. And as much as I enjoyed @jaremelz's pick for me (go ahead and post). I have chosen this one:

p.s. I didn't want to put my name on it, but otherwise it said Alexander and I didn't possess the skills to remove it (so I used a band-aid)
@mfladd You love it.
@jaremelz perfecto!!!!
@mfladd Right? I'm quite proud of myself. Also, I'd like to be the first to lay some blame on the new goat. My search history has become even more fucked up recently, and that's all because of you!
Damn you... first you win my contest... now you get Goat? muhahaha... @Mfladd I might have fun this month yet...
@sohmageek why do I feel like Capt. Hook?

@mfladd are you insinuating that I consume timepieces?
@sohmageek tick-tock - I am insinuating you may be trouble.
@mfladd tick-tock goes the clock till river kills the doctor?

@sohmageek Spoilers! I’m at the beginning of Series 6. I just finished The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon about fifteen minutes ago.
Just got back from vacation and was catching up on posts and I see you are the new goat - congrats!! That means I get to blame you for having to go back to work today!! Damn you goat!
@tinkertime absolutely it was my fault, and I apologize profusely. :)
You're doing great so far! Meh needs to accept you!
@Starblind high praise indeed from the creator of the soon to be marketing smash hit - Tiny Tub Mummy!

I want one!
@mfladd - I have adopted her, and @Starblind has visiting rights. Maybe she has sisters?
@KDemo how about Tiny Twin Tub Mummies, or even Siamese Twin Tub Mummmies?
@mfladd You're killing me right now.
@mfladd - Twenty-two twin Tiny Tub Mummies?
@KDemo Oh, I don't even want to think about Two for Tuesday.
@mfladd two times the blame. I hope there are some speaker docks or something good :)
@sohmageek I hope you meant that as 2 independent thoughts: "Speaker docks. If not, you want something good."
@KDemo @sohmageek what I meant was two for tuesday twenty-two Tiny Tub Mummies. I am Charlie Brown.
Well, since we need more Tiny Tub Mummies, we'll have to clone her, so . . .
We need Twenty-two two-for-Tuesday test tube twin Tiny Tub Mummies.
@KDemo Ok, now say it three times fast...go!
I found a video of you on your first day
Congrats on goathood, it's all your fault.
@thismyusername thanks, with that video, let me share @jaremelz's goat badge for me.

That's what I call licking the donut. :)
As a member of the team, I thank you for making Team Breakfast Octopi a priority... and for delaying the contest until I am more likely to be paying attention. I'm so glad you're the goat.
@christinewas Thanks, I promise my items will be in. Maybe just under the wire but they will be in. My wife was like, "why did you buy that big tub of butter?" I lied for now. I will tell her after the fact :)
Just leaving this here, for your convenience -
@KDemo Thank you! Can you leave the full version again. That wasn't enough.
@mfladd -
@mfladd - Keep in mind he's not a licensed therapist.
@KDemo That's better.

@mfladd - Oh, but she is. You're covered.
@thismyusername Great..why don't you just castrate me while you are at it!
@mfladd No, that's when they remove balls. @thismyusername gave you a pair.
@OldCatLady Ha! I would give you two stars for that if I could.
@mfladd It does seem like the goat should be granted double-starring privileges. Somehow.