Official Meh CS Team AYA (Asks You Anything)
8It’s that time folks.
We’ve answered your questions (maybe not to your liking, but there it is) and now it’s our turn. We’re going to post questions for you to answer.
Just like before, the rule stands.
“People that don’t answer might have to fight @ChadP in a pit.”
- 14 comments, 241 replies
- Comment
What pet(s) do you have?
What are their names?
Why that pet?
Dog - Nova
Cats - Zoomer and Orion
Why? My ex convinced me I should have more pets. When we called it quits, I kept the pets because they would of gone to a shelter if he took them. I love them but I probably won’t have pets for a while afterwards.
Assuming you’re excluding my penguin, and ThinkGeek monkey and zombie monkey plushies, no, I do not have pets.
They require effort and attention.
@Thumperchick Cat, Gizmo, she chose us.
3 cats - Dizzy (grey tabby), Shady, and Shadow (both black)
Our cat Oscar got out back in 2010 and we set food on our porch trying to get him back. We never saw him again, sadly, but we did entice a lovely cat that we named Mabel to have several litters of kittens under our porch…yay?
Shadow was in the very first litter we brought in but Mabel quickly made it clear he wasn’t hers (oops) but we kept him anyway. A few days later my husband is leaving for work and finds the black kitten that WAS part of the litter and brings it in. I walk into the living room (having just fed Shadow) to find an almost identical black kitten. After a double-take or two I realized there were actually two cats. For a little while she was known as “Not Shadow” but decided she needed a real name and Shady just kind of stuck. Over the years I’ve wondered if Shadow actually was part of the litter and Mabel rejected him because he would have definitely been the runt and has some slight birth defects.
A few days after we finally finished re-homing the rest of that litter my husband goes to leave for work and comes back in with a teeny tiny grey kitten. My first reaction was “we JUST got rid of the others, ugh” but we bonded very quickly and now Dizzy is my constant companion. If he’s not on my lap, he is as close as physically possible to me at all times.
TL:DR I have 3 cats, don’t put out food unless you want more
@Thumperchick Three dogs, Crimson, Roux, and Luna.
We’re dog people, although considering upgrading to mini people people soon.
My wife had Clover, a double size pomeranian, when we started dating. So when we got a collie, her name naturally had to be Crimson. Plus that was a family name in her bloodline.
Roux was a tiny stray that one of my coworker’s nephew found on the street eating sticks and garbage, and my wife had been talking about wanting a puppy. She’s brown and I had hopes of her becoming our gumbo cookoff team mascot, so she’s Roux. She’s now 50 lbs of black mouth cur and pit mix that thinks she is a lap dog whose job is to smother you in dog kisses. She is simultaneously a ferocious bully and afraid of everything.
After Clover passed last year, my wife wanted another pomeranian. Then she found someone who had pomeranian/shih tzu mix puppies that needed a home. She became Luna because she is all white, and she is my wife’s shadow much like Clover was before her.

@djslack @Thumperchick I was gonna say that looks like some pomeranian fluff right there! What cuties! Pom’s (and all dogs of course) are the best!!
2 toy poodles
smokey and bandit
kids wanted a dog, a friends dog had puppies, so we adopted 2 of them…kids grew up and moved out, dogs stayed…
Dog - Bleu - because she gets a blue ring around her right eye when she’s tired…its kinda cute
Cutest puppy ever.
No pets. We both travel too much for work.
My pet - a super-cool tuxedo cat
His name is Mr Whiskers
I ended up with him when his previous human had to give him up–I was looking for a cat anyway because I live in a condo.
@Thumperchick I have a boxer named Frank. I always wanted a boxer so we got him. I didn’t realize at the time how many mouth noises a boxer makes. I really like Frank but I wouldn’t have another boxer, lol. I didn’t realize how much mouth noises bother me until we had Frank.
@Thumperchick We have a mutt named Chase. He’s maybe part setter and maybe part golden. We inherited him. He used to be a total pain in the butt but now he’s only sometimes a pain in the butt.
These replies show me that we need a “show me your pet” thread soon.
@Thumperchick Four cats. Smokey, Sapphire, Jet And Moonlight. Oh and a fish named Eclipse!
I just love animals and cats and fish are the easiest to own. At one point I had seven cats and a dog (black lab/golden retriever mix). However, I discovered that owning or being owned by that animals can be a bit too much.
@Thumperchick Three cats: Frankie, Kiko and Maia. Because cats.
@Thumperchick Jack and Bailey dogs, and Loki and Tucker cats. Wife got 'em all except Tucker, who was her mom’s cat but somehow has wound up staying at our house.
Pet: Bird - Species Jenday Conure
Name: Emerald
Reason: Found a tame pigeon in my neighbor’s garage. I bought a huge cage for $450 for the bird and kept him for a couple days. A friend noticed he had a tag on his leg and spent a long time tracking down the owner. That pigeon was in a race and must have stopped to get water or food. Owner asked that I set it free and it will find it’s way home. It did make it home and I ended up with an empty $450 cage. I needed to get a replacement bird so this is how I ended up with this one.
Dogs: Boomer, Bolt, Cocoa, Riley
Cat: Chubbi
Does a friendly raccoon count? There is one that “knocks” on my sliding door…
I had 2 bunnies too (Munchie and Boots), but they both passed earlier this year.
@shyxgrl We had a rabbit too, BunBun, but he passed away in March 2017 at almost 12 years old.
@stardate820926 Boots was nearly 12 too!! She was older than the dogs! Cocoa is the oldest at 11…
what’s a pet and why would i want to have one?
Oh, you mean the guy with the collar in the basement
last pets in the house were reptile and that was 20 years or so ago
@Thumperchick 3 cats. Thing one, Thing two and Shoes. One was a momma cat in rescue. Husband called and said we had a new cat would I like to see her. Two is one of the kittens from One’s litter. Her furever home didn’t work out so we adopted her. Shoes was born a stray in our neighborhood. She adopted us and who could resist that face.
@Thumperchick None. I have trouble keeping succulents alive.
@cengland0 @Thumperchick can I just say that I’ve appreciated so many of your comments and seeing this bird and reading this story is so cool!
@Thumperchick I have a cat. It’s Lemon the Cat. I have her because she was born in a large vase on my mom’s porch, and she was awesome. She is still awesome.
Also, Ryder the Tortoise. We have him because he was a gift to my son a couple birthdays ago, by a relative. I have advice for everyone here: don’t buy anything alive (besides a plant) as a surprise present for a child that isn’t yours. Especially without telling their parent.
However, Ryder is friggen awesome.
@Thumperchick Dog named Blackie. Mother (Grace, Australian cattle dog - blue heeler) was a foster supposedly rescued from a dog-fighting ring. Turned out she was pregnant.

Grace had 9 pups the night the Dallas Mavericks won the NBA championship. We ended up keeping one of them.
Dori, she’s a little Yorkie. Puppy mill rescue!
@Thumperchick do my kids count? Kinda impressed that I have kept them alive for so long… I recommend daily watering and occasional feeding!
@Thumperchick Dog. I’m a dog person. Current pupper is Schmoopie. He’s a sweet little pibble who showed up in my alley one day, looking lost and scared. After a month of searching for owners, I gave up and registered him as mine.
He seems content with this situation.
We have a dog named Jameson (yeah like the whiskey) who’s a rescue hound mix.
We got him because I’ve always had dogs growing up and my wife wanted to get a pet and I wasn’t about to have a cat haha
@Thumperchick cats - 4 to keep (my kid named them once when she hated her name and I told her adults name kids, kids can name pets so the cats all got their names changed to Max (yellow and white tiger), Paige his litter mate who is black, white and yellow tiger, Lucky who is part main coon brown tiger and white, and Lizzy AKA goat cat part lynx siamese, one in foster care Thing who is also part lynx siamese and I had 4 in foster care, one of which I really, really, really wish I had kept as he was incredibly loving and got along with everybody - human, cat whatever and would have been a great companion cat for Lizzy when the 3 older ones die.
Otto - son’s dog
LB - other son’s dog
Maverick - wife’s dog
Peach daughter’s cat
Petey - daughter’s bird
PJ - wife’s bird
Molly - family cat
Plus a fish tank with a couple of fish still alive and a koi fish pond outside full of tadpoles that the dogs swim in.
@reg036 @Thumperchick
We had a cat named Gizmo! He died just before hitting 10 years old.
We also had several other animals die just before 10 including a bird that should have lived about 40 years.
Told all three kids they weren’t safe until they were older than 10…
@Thumperchick Three rescue dogs - Freddy, a cocker spaniel used for breeding that lived in a cage his entire life until he was discarded at 7 and came to live with us; Jack, a cockapoo born at the rescue when a breeder dropped off his mother because she wouldn’t breed (she gave birth 2 weeks later); and Charlie, a special needs cavapoo who is currently recovering from his 4th leg surgery. Also had Chelsea, who was dropped off with Freddy at age 9, having just finished weaning pups - she died in March at age 13 and we are still heartbroken.
@Thumperchick Deidre, a lahso apso/terrier mix. She’s my roommate’s service dog, but I get to snuggle with her too.
@Thumperchick Dog. CJ. Because I wanted my child (I only had one at the time) to grow up with something furry.
I have:
• 3 cats
___••Boushka and Sophie, and they
just turned 14 this month - they are brother and sister from the same litter my Aunt’s cat, Carrot, created after it sneaked our die a night on the town. When my oldest human child was an infant my husband would make her cackle with laughter by holding a certain stuffed animal and swooping it toward out baby girl, while he said “baaAAAH…! baaAAH…! BOUSHKA!” As for Sophie, when we discussed names for our first baby girl, that was on the list but vetoed by my husband. I acquiesced and said “ugh, fine, then when we get a girl cat, her name will be Sophie.
_••Awesome, he will be 8 in September. He and 2 of his litteemates were found on the street in Philly by an old coworker’s mother’s mailman. He mentioned finding the kittens to her, and then co-worker emailed everyone at the company to see if anyone would adopt them. I called my husband to beg to let me bring one home, and he gave in. Awesome’s name came from a drunken conversation with a friend, before we even got the kitten.
• 1 dog
_•• Oscar is a 7 year old miniature (yet overweight) dachshund. I begged my husband to let me get a dog for my birthday. We got him from a family in our town as a puppy, after their male and female miniature dachshunds surprises them with a litter. I forget what name I chose for the pup, but in the end my husband won by singing out the “Oscar Meyer hot dog song” to our young children.
• 1 Lop-Earred Rabbit
_•• Benny (aka Bunjamin) is 4.5 years old. I found an add on the Philly Craigslist site, in which his owner was looking for a home for the new family rabbit. As for his name, the night before my kids and I picked him up, I had a dream about the bunny and in the dream I’d named him Benny.
Pet tax:
@Thumperchick No pets. Tiny apartment, travel too much, and have enough problems taking care of myself to ethically care for any other living thing.
@janelane1980 I want to hug Benny!
Dog - Oscar
Cats - Maggie and Simba
Because people suck and my animals don’t call me bad names. At least I don’t think they do. Who knows what they’re barking/meowing at me?
Cats: Ash and Gary. I’ve always loved cats, never had cats, we figured as our first pets we’d get cats.

Dog: Bruno (the black one), and currently a foster, Elsa. Wife loves dogs, always had dogs as a kid, wanted to keep having dogs.
Chickens: Justin Clucker and Hen Roethlisberger. Wife wanted chickens. We got chickens. We had four (Joe Flocko and Eleven), then the above foster got to one of them. She lived, but we moved their enclosure outside the fence. That’s when foxes got to them…
I love that every few days, I get a new notification for this, with descriptions or pics of everyone’s furry family members.
Who is your favorite Superhero?
@Supportathan Invincible
@snapster is
@Supportathan Captain America
I like what he stands for.
@Supportathan DareDevil
@Supportathan Thor…he has a beard.
@Supportathan Hellboy. I just love Mignola’s art style.
@Supportathan Thor. He’s hot. At least in the superhero movie I watched.
@Supportathan the anti-hero, of course.

/giphy deadpool
@Supportathan Wonder Woman
@Supportathan Iron Man.
@Supportathan. Groot
@Supportathan The Question.
@Supportathan Wonder Woman for no other reason than she’s cute.
@sammydog01 @Supportathan I second this!
every nurse in the world
@Supportathan Mom of course!
@Supportathan does Irk count?
@Supportathan Quail Man
@Supportathan Spiderman. The original wise-cracker
@Supportathan my dad!
@Supportathan Batman. Voiced by Kevin Conroy.
I also like Rorschach. Basically heroes who don’t chatter a lot.
Superman I guess.
@Supportathan I’m still a sucker for Spiderman.
@Supportathan irk.
Oops I was beaten to that response.
/giphy super Irk

@Supportathan Channing Tatum.
@Supportathan @Thumperchick Is that why Mario Lopez isn’t hanging around at Morningsave anymore?
Is there jello involved?
@RiotDemon Do you want jello to be involved?
@Supportathan maybe I’d rather it be pudding.
@RiotDemon as long as it doesn’t involve that weird jello stuff that little ole ladies bring to potluck dinners.
@tnhillbillygal depends on if you’re planning on eating it.
@RiotDemon Pudding. Always pudding.
if someone has pics of riotdemon jello diving please post em.

there was a time that was a big thing.
i remember radio stations and local tv stations giving out prizes for it
@RiotDemon never
@RiotDemon Only when it is dried and stuck to the wall.
No. Rather not.
@RiotDemon Maybe.
@RiotDemon Hate jello.
@RiotDemon As long as you don’t put fruit in it. Never, ever put fruit in it.
@melwin @RiotDemon I love the jello that mom makes. She uses strawberry juice instead of water and it has strawberries, grapes, pineapple, and bananas in it. More fruit than jello actually.
@Kidsandliz @RiotDemon That might not be terrible. I guess I’m just used to the lime green jello and the canned fruit cocktail that people used to bring to family reunions, church potlucks, etc. I think I even have an old cookbook or two with the exact awful recipe of those two ingredients. And to top it off, make it in a Bundt cake mold pan. Gross. Aspics, I think they call them, when you add chunks of gross things to gelled gross things?
@RiotDemon Jiggle It: The History of Gelatins, Aspics and Jellies
@Kidsandliz Meant to tag you on that one
@melwin @RiotDemon Well yes there are gross versions of what can go into jello for sure. And I think it is better not to know what the actual jello part is made of (with respect to the jello part, not what is put in the concoction like strawberries…)
My mom’s recipe is pretty good though.
Doesn’t Aspics have meat in it or something? That sounds disgusting.
Guess I should of been more specific. I meant jello in the pit. I was responding to the OP.
@PlacidPenguin How did the bucket taste?
Better than the Beanboozled jelly beans which I didn’t have.
@PlacidPenguin @Supportathan We didn’t either the plan is to make a video of some of us trying them. I expect it to go very poorly.
@Supportathan @Targaryen @ChadP
My offer still stands for you to send me some so that I could participate.
@ChadP @PlacidPenguin @Targaryen If you make a purchase, I’ll ask @chadp if I can bag some up and include them in the package.
Thank you for the offer.
What is your favorite Harry Potter book/movie, and why?
@Supportathan I can’t pick one. I guess the last few because they got a lot darker. I had originally watched the first few movies and just thought they were okay. A coworker loaned me all the books and I binged them in a couple of weeks. Then I had time to watch all the movies so I could see the last 2 or 3 in the theatre.
@RiotDemon @Supportathan Book 6. Movie 3.
@Supportathan Never read em, the movies were…meh.
Philosopher’s/Sorcerer’s Stone
Everything is so new and exciting. I enjoy watching the relationships form, meeting the characters for the first time, and there are some great quotes that I use from that movie any time I can.
But all of them
Great. Started thinking about @MEHcus.
@Supportathan I’m with @ChadP.
The 6th book is the best DECADE-OLD SPOILER ALERT for lots of reasons, but one of them is how the author kills off Sirius and deals with the aftermath. It was abrupt and shocking. When you read it, you wish you can go back in time two paragraphs and change something. It’s way better than the hackneyed method the film used.
The third film is the best because Alfonso Cuaron is just a terrific filmmaker. It’s all the more impressive because it’s the best film AND it features time-travel, which should make it an easy candidate for worst.
The worst movies were the last two. They forgot they were making Harry Potter and started making Lord of the Rings, and it just didn’t make any sense. And it handled death so ham-fistedly when compared with the book.
@Supportathan Goblet of Fire. I had a long commute at the time and audiobooks were my savior. I found the HP series about the time book 3 was released. By the time #4 came out I was caught up. Jim Dale, BTW is an amazing voice actor and if you haven’t heard the books read by him you’re missing out. It will make you appreciate it all over again.
So my commute was terrible, sometimes in excess of 2 hours. When he had to fly around those dragons during the tournament, I was so mesmerized, and caught up in the action, not only do I have no memory of driving home (or paying the toll!) but I sat in my garage for another half-an-hour just to hear it play out.
So, yeah, Goblet. Hands down.
never read the books, the movies were okay…1st one was probably the best…
@ACraigL My sister-in-law has long sung the praises of Jim Dale. I listen to audiobooks on my daily commute as well (though its only about 40 minutes round trip) but I tend to choose things I haven’t read before. I really should give HP a try.
@stardate820926 Highly recommend you do it. Even for the first one. But you’ll be hooked.
@ACraigL @stardate820926 after getting the first book out in the library via audio and falling in love w/Jim Dale’s voice…i bought all the books and audio books…i listened over and over…he is amazing…now I’m trying to read HP to the tot and I can hear Jim’s voice in my head as I am a poor poor substitute
The entire book series. Only saw a couple of the movies… they were ok but movies never seem to live up to the books.
@Supportathan Not a big fan here…the movies were ok I guess.
@Supportathan The first time we saw Sorcerer’s Stone the projector broke when the troll burst into the bathroom. The sound was still going so we all thought they had been swallowed. It took several minutes of obviously-we-weren’t-swallowed dialogue for us to realize what had happened. The theater issued rain checks and we went back a few days later.
@Supportathan I saw the first two movies but never read the books. I don’t have a favorite.
@Supportathan I can’t choose a favorite. You can’t make me.
Read them before too many of you were born, they were cute - the first time.
@Supportathan I like the series overall but prefer the later books. The first two seem written for a younger audience. Books are better than movies. Jim Dale is awesome. If you are nerdy enough give Stephen Fry a listen, too! I am not sure which I like better.
@Supportathan never read or seen them!
@Supportathan I still love the first one, it brings back so much nostalgia and whimsy
@Supportathan Also, is anyone going to LeakyCon?
Meh. Listened to them all on Audiobook. Not terribly impressed.
@Supportathan Harry Potter and the stain that came out of his shirt just by rubbing it with a wet paper towel.
@Supportathan The first. It’s the only one I’ve seen all the way through, without interruption. It bothers me that I don’t ever remember what order they go in. Why do they have to be so confusing?
What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?
@Targaryen Bears eat beets
@lichme @Targaryen Bears, Beets, Battlestar Galactica
well, now it’s that bears eat beets…
@Targaryen Major General Ross the British comander of the fleet that attacked Baltimore in war 1812 (battle was in 1814) was killed in action at battle of north point, pickled in jamaican rum, shipped up to nova Scotia in the barrel of rum, buried , and then the rum was served as rum rations to his sailors.
@Targaryen That your mind goes completely blank when someone asks you a question like “What’s the most ridiculous fact you know?”
@Targaryen That a person’s ears and nose never stop growing.
A dead opossum under your shed smells just like a skunk.
@Targaryen For some types of deep sea anglerfish, the males are tiny. A male finds a female, bites her, then permanently fuses to her, sharing her circulatory system. From then on, he exists only to provide sperm for the female whenever she is ready to spawn.

/giphy whoa
@Targaryen The eyes of an ostrich are bigger than its brain
@Targaryen The medical term for a stomach growl is borborygmus.
@Targaryen The Machine Language Hex code for Z80 LDIR (Load, Increment, Repeat) is EDB0 or and the processor uses little endian.
That you posted this question?
@Targaryen That novelist Jacqueline Susann (allegedly) had an affair with Ethel Merman and when it ended stood outside her apartment building in the rain, calling her name. As one does.
@Pony @Targaryen the medical term for fart is “pass flatus.” Learned that in a medical write up of a guy who went to the hospital after participating in an eating contest. The MRI was interesting.
@Targaryen the clarinet was invented by Johann Dunner, whose father made hunter horns. Its not that ridiculous of a fact, but I did make good use of the phrase “hunter horns.”
@Targaryen Hippos are the deadliest mammal in Africa.
That the definition of fact that I learned in school for “fact” is simply whether it can be proven or disproven, not that a thing is true.
So anyone says that something is a fact can be a bold face lie.
@jst1ofknd very meta!
@Targaryen banana slugs can have “penises” that are 6 times the length of their own body
@Targaryen I know all the words to Dirty Dancing, Overboard and Dodgeball. Does that count?
Which Mission Impossible movie is your favorite?
Never watched any of them.
@ChadP The first, by a wide margin. Horribly disrespectful to the source material, but easily the most interesting. I’ve probably watched it ten times. I haven’t watched any of the others more than once.
@ChadP I honestly don’t think I’ve seen any but the first.
@ChadP all. Can’t believe they get better later on in the series lol.
@ChadP I wonder if I can watch the newest one without watching all the others.
1st one
@ChadP Not a huge fan so I don’t have one.
@ChadP the one that wasn’t impossible after all.
@ChadP - I’m going to imagine your question was about Kevin Smith movies and choose “Clerks”.
@ChadP Honestly, I don’t think I’ve even watched one
@ChadP I’ve never watched one, so I can’t choose a favorite.
@ChadP They are all mediocre.
The original TV show
@ChadP don’t like tom cruise! Prefer original series!
I have one or two on DVD. Whichever those are by default, I guess.
@ChadP Minority Report.
@marcee definitely the best one.
@ChadP Maybe the first one- it has a number of great moments including the suspending in the server room, and the whole mystery vibe through it.
Ye find yeself in yon dungeon. Ye see a FLASK. Obvious exits are NORTH, SOUTH, and DENNIS.
What wouldst thou deau?
If somebody is with me:
If nobody is with me:
If I could get in trouble that way:
@ThomasF patch the cracked FLASK and head DENNIS
@ThomasF engage Dennis in leisurely discussion.
@ThomasF take flask.
Look inside.
Go Dennis.
@ThomasF is Dennis attractive or unattractive?
Isn’t that why there’s a flask?
@PlacidPenguin You can not take ye flask!
@CaptAmehrican Uhhhhh. @denboy, are you attractive?
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @ThomasF
Slightly old pic.
@ThomasF - Join Tiny Tub Mummy on her giant rubber ducky and ride the Dennis to freedom.
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @PlacidPenguin @ThomasF
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @sammydog01 @ThomasF
Was thinking of a different Dennis.
@CaptAmehrican @ThomasF I’m pretty attractive if you like pasty skin tones, chicken legs and a lack of emotional intelligence.
@ThomasF Probably get eaten by a grue…
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @ThomasF
Emotions just get in the way of doing stuff.
@CaptAmehrican @PlacidPenguin @ThomasF oh I don’t know, there are plenty of terrible paths emotions can open up
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @ThomasF
Terrible by whose perspective?
And terrible as in lousy, or terrible as in destructive to all involved?
@ThomasF North?
@ThomasF Take flask, hand to Dennis, exit north…wait. Nah… take flask and drink whatever is in it and then exit left after throwing empty flask at Dennis
@CaptAmehrican @PlacidPenguin @ThomasF ick, finding logical bearing for this discussion just sucks
@CaptAmehrican @denboy @savvysapphire
Shame @ThomasF doesn’t let us touch the flask. It would would’ve solved MANY issues.
@savvysapphire You can not take ye flask!
@ThomasF fine. Dunk Dennis in the flask. And walk north?
go north, stay away rom dennis, he is a menace!!
@Sabre99 @ThomasF Twice in two days. Ouch.
smell flask
give flask dennis
order dennis drink
cackle gleefully
@ThomasF Talk to Dennis. Is Dennis threatening?
@PlacidPenguin my bird loves to eat those meal worms. It’s sort of disgusting watching him eat them though. He bites their heads off and they make an awful crunching sound.
@ThomasF panic because I am in a dungeon and that never ends well!
@ThomasF Eat grue.
Follow Dennis out in the hopes he knows how to get out.
@ThomasF Plugh
@ThomasF Echo.
@ThomasF Is this like a Stephen King book where everyone dies?
If you could do one really nice thing for someone in the; what would it be and for whom?
I mean, @narfcake and @f00l once made @Barney cry.
Do you mean something along those lines?
@Thumperchick I’m already doing that by sending off the un-wanted bits of my fuko to the ppls who want those fun items…no trade required
Actually, I recently considered sending boxes of stuff better than a BoC, and only slightly worse than Fukus, and more intact than Fukos, to several Mediocre employees.
I’m just not sure if this would be considered torment, or an act of kindness.
Out of the blue, @mfladd granted my random wish for a food saver one time. Still remembered and appreciated. Others have sent me thoughtful packages as well, and I’ve sent some things myself. There are many giving souls in this forum.
Good question @Thumperchick.
@tHumperchick I’d like to send Narfy some dogshirts.
To start with, I would give @mfladd a flask shirt in his size. He’s still a stupid jerk, but he’s a good stupid jerk.
He probably would never admit this, but he was so helpful in answering my questions about rehab when my mother had fallen and broken her hip. This was a time in my life when I felt so helpless and confused. I’ll never forget his generosity.
There were many people who helped me and cheered me up (and yes, made me cry), after Mom had her stroke just a few days away from going home from her hip rehab. You know who you are; there’s way too many of you to list here.
I wish I could do something for each and every one of you. I will be forever in your debt. Thank you.
This forum, the people who hang out here (including the Meh staff), are the bestest people ever to be found anywhere.
@Thumperchick Wait? Is being nice a requirement? Seriously nice isn’t in my book…wait. I guess it is. But I dunno. It’s so hard to say. I’m sure I would like to do something nice, but I feel like it would have to be something someone really needed and I could send it to them…I mean if I could. I did however find a way to pair up with someone for the selfie game lol!
@Thumperchick If I had the money I would give @kidsandliz a reliable car. I know she has been having car issues and health issues and is still trying to take care of others.
Get @snapster to get mediocritee up and running so well… cat shirts, for you know who
@Thumperchick Several someones that I would like to surprise with something to make them smile. This is a fun place to lurk in and play.
@CaptAmehrican @Kidsandliz @Thumperchick This is pretty noble. I feel like this is achievable. GoFundMe?
@brainmist @CaptAmehrican @Thumperchick I really appreciate the thought but fundamentally my car is OK. It is only 13 and a bit (bought it at 10 y.o. when my 25 year old ghetto van bit the dust) and only has 194,600 miles on it so it has hit that stage where everything is breaking at once because stuff is wearing out. I also need new tires and the mini spare has dry rot, has a front end thunk I need to get diagnosed and fixed… but I figure once I get all that crap taken care of then it should be good for a while before things start breaking again. Fundamentally it is a good car - Honda Element which has the Honda Accord engine so hopefully I can get 500,000 or so miles out of it.
What is more important to me is hanging on to COBRA (3 cancers, one with no cure, several other significant health issues, one caused by chemo so going without really isn’t an option), pay enough on my medical bills that they don’t cut off care, and making sure my 17 year old cats get their meds (one has asthma and that is very expensive, all three are hyperthyroid). I’d do without a LOT to make sure my cats have their meds and the health stuff is not a casualty of the no job situation. When I had the post chemo disaster I ended up living in someone’s shed (which wasn’t as bad as it sounds) since I could only afford health insurance or rent, not both, and I had to have the health insurance.
I may end up having to resort to a gofundme (youcaring has lower fees so I’d do it that way) just for the basics, but at least for a couple more months, unless something really bad happens, I should survive. With luck I’ll find a job soon (the gap in my vitae from the 2 cancers in one year and then the chemo disaster aftermath makes this harder as anything I say leads to more questions, say nothing and it leads to questions. Haven’t found a good way to deal with that).
Figure out how to solve the immediate problems of the people on these forums who have had bad crap fall into their lives.
@Thumperchick I’d anonymously send a bunch of pizzas to Meh HQ at lunchtime.
Answer their poll questions?
Wow, I just read all of the other responses to this question. I admit to not expecting such genuine and sincere kindness it the responses.
@jst1ofknd There are a bunch of people on this list who have done some really nice stuff for others. Here is a thread that mentions some of them:
@Thumperchick I would buy someone a purple donkey and have it shipped to their house in a giant Fuku bag.
Would you rather be able to see 10 minutes into your own future or 10 minutes into the future of anyone but yourself?
@Supportathan I’d like to see 10 minutes into the future through a stock trader’s eyes.
@Supportathan Someone else of my choosing. Sadly, I would station myself next to the changing room at a Victoria Secrets show.

Neither. While I prefer to have stuff figured it, I like having the future being an unknown.
@Supportathan probably someone else.
Can you buy lotto tickets ten minutes before the drawing?
@Supportathan Uh. Neither.
someone else, the guy that walks up to a slot machine, drops in a dollar, and wins the million $ progressive jackpot…! (while i am in the same casino though…)
@RiotDemon @Supportathan around here they cut them off an hour before…
But could I foresee a situation where I could see myself seeing myself seeing myself seeing myself seeing myself seeing myself seeing myself 10 minutes in the future and then go buy a lottery ticket with minutes to spare?
You can’t do that with other people’s futures…
@djslack I guess it depends if this is a one-time thing or a new superpower you’ve somehow developed.
@stardate820926 it’s got to be a superpower. If it’s a one time use thing, I’d agonize over what the right ten minutes to use it would be and never get to use it. That or waste it on something like “I bet that dude is going to fall, let’s see!”
@djslack @woodhouse @ruouttaurmind
In April 2017, I would the theme of the topic of the day which @ruouttaurmind came up with, and post related Twilight Zone episodes.
@Djslack just came up with an interesting point about holding onto time, and never using it, due to never knowing the right time to use it.
Twilight Zone (reboot)- S01E07b - Paladin of the Lost Hour.
@Supportathan 10 minutes is hardly worth anything. I know I’d be doing the same thing I’m doing now. If you asked about 10 years from now, that would be more interesting.
@Supportathan I don’t think so. I am busy enough with the present.
@Supportathan Do I get to pick the 10 minutes or is it just a jump ahead 10 minutes?
@Supportathan Neither. But I would take the ability to send past me important messages about crucial things like medical decisions on dogs. I’ve had some veterinarian flubs that I would be glad to erase from my timeline.
@therealjrn Now that is brilliant because then you could use the outcome of that to do all sorts of good deeds and take care of all sorts of money dependent issues.
@brainmist Same here but with my cats. Not so long ago a vet (I no longer used) nearly killed my cat by cutting the dose of her meds and then that also gave her a mild stroke - but she nearly died because of the dose cut) and it took several months and a lot of money for her to recover (she was left with some residual issues but is otherwise back to her loving self).
@Kidsandliz Um…sure…for charity.
@therealjrn LOL… Well I have heard that charity starts at home… Right?
@Supportathan 10 minutes into my own future
@Supportathan I think that might be an awful superpower. Can I pick teleportation instead?
1 dog - Zephyr (beagle)
6 cats - 3 inside - Turtle, Taco and Blind Sara
3 outside - Abby, Gabby and Rodger (he’s French)
Dog was my son’s. He moved to a place that didn’t allow pets. We are keeping him til he can find a home for him. Let’s see - it’s been 7 years now? I don’t think he is trying real hard. But that’s OK. He was raised with my grand kids and this way they all still get to see each other. Would have been a lot of broken hearts otherwise.
Outside cats were all strays that read the invisible sign over our front door that reads “Any cat that needs food or free medical care, please come here”. Abby and Gabby are sisters abandoned by neighbor guy when his house was repo’d and just skipped town. They were somewhat feral at first. Spent the first year or so here spewing out babies until we could trap them and get them spayed. That’s where we got Turtle and Taco from.
Kind of a pain in the rear sometimes. Hard to get away for any length of time. Wanting to take a 3 or 4 day road trip next month. Will cost more to board the animals than the trip will cost.
@dvshrt Get a responsible kid with a responsible parent to feed them, walk them… Up until some of mine required meds twice a day that is what I have done with my cats. Or just feed cats and board dogs and and get a kid to feed them. My cats (pre meds) could go 3 days on food and water I’d leave behind (perhaps not your outdoor ones since other critters might eat it - coons around here finish off the food left out for the feral cats).
Are there any new CS staffers I can fall in love with?
/giphy in love

Jack and Dani are our 1 year old Pit puppies. We have these dogs because I am a sucker. After 25 years of a steadfast ‘no dogs’ rule, my husband retired from being a full time firefighter. Right around the same time, coincidentally, my friend found out that her dog who was supposedly having six pups- gave birth to ten. Double whammy. I figured that after 31 selfless years as a hometown hero my husband deserved to have his dream dog, and I could help out a friend at the same time. So we went to pick out our Dog (singular-one and only one) and we each picked up a dog and instantly fell in love. Crap. “Two’s no different than one,” he said…
Needless to say, my children are both grown so my husbands puppies have decided that clearly I need to be followed around 24/7/365 to make sure I don’t get bored…
In case you’re wondering. Yes, my husband is enjoying his retirement… while I take care of his DOGS.
@ldibble Aw, my wee man is a staffy, and yes, they are super needy. I need to get him a companion. We had one…see the previous comment on vet errors, and be very cautious if your vet ever prescribes an NSAID and doesn’t provide you with the FDA required client information sheet.
@brainmist -Oh no! That’s just awful
I was hoping they could focus their ‘neediness’ toward my husband… at least while I’m in the bathroom. Lol
@brainmist @ldibble I have a foster cat who needs to (tries to) be in my lap while I am on the toilet. She is a pest in that regards. I had another foster who would come in there and gently tap me on the leg with a paw for attention. Sweet cat.
Two of mine find it necessary to drink out of a running tub faucet so check to see if I am willing to turn it on any time I am in the bathroom… Umm yup rewarded that behavior too many times and am now paying the price. Discovered that the research findings that intermittent reinforcement results in the hardest behavior to extinguish is so true. Totally
mythe goat’s
cuz she showed up at our door and wouldnt leave.