22You know what Bothers me… It really Irks me deep inside… The loss of speaker Dock and/or Knife Friday. The lack of live streams from the Meh Crew, The Random crap I didn’t know I wanted until I had it showing up because I’m a VMP… The VMP only sales that showed up on Mediocre’s sites and we got an email on… The overall hijinks that you guys used to pull… (The toothbrush one is getting close to epic Irk Status, But it’s still missing a little bit of an oomph!
So Maybe it’s just Nostalgia I’m looking for or maybe it bothers me more than it should…
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Back in the days, folks cringed over the regular barrage of speaker docks and knives.
In a few years, we’d probably reminiscent over the candy corn, fidget spinners, and wireless headphones too.
Now get off my lawn!
I love the idea that people are nostalgic for the days where we repeated things way too often.
@dave Do you mean like repeated T-shirts with repeated lack of tall sizes? Yep, love that with nostalgic vigor
@dave ya know what else I miss??? Pagination
I just miss the more common and experimental vignettes. The possum chronicles was something I never thought I’d love so much.
It’s nostalgia, but also because we’re boring.
I simply agree.
Just wait until they hit the sullen teenager phase. You’ll long for these days.
I miss candy corn!
/giphy waaaah
+1 for the VMP / Mediocre sales secret emails. Made me extra happy to spend that $5 a month.
@hanzov69 +1 from Me too.
WORM DANCE PARTY! Alas, the good ole days.
Seeing @sohmageek and @connorbush both posting in the same thread is nostalgic for me in itself
The experiment to revive the classic deal-a-day site has failed. At least they tried.
Sure would be nice to see more of a dedicated “creative” staff presence on the site. As wootazon realized, it just ain’t worth the investment these days.
@medz 5-y&geo=US&,
@medz I too, miss the days of hand-crafted, small-batch artisan meh.
@narfcake but do people really search for “”? Wouldn’t people search for “meh”, which is where their SEO-jitsu has them top ranked?