No holidays this month?! (August 2020 goat nominations)
8Ah, August. A month of warm hot weather and without a major holiday to show for it. I mean, shouldn’t National Underwear Day be a real holiday?
That also means @OnionSoup’s reign of goatdom is coming to a close and it’s time for another mehtizen to take the dubious serious honor of being the next goat of the month.
So nominate away!
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@OnionSoup drew on you with sunscreen while you were asleep.
Ah crap. I’ve been derelict of my duties the last week. I will be back on the forum more tomorrow. I am a bad bad goat.
Next goat will be much better.
@OnionSoup is definitely to blame.
@OnionSoup You did fine. No one likes an overachiever.
@OnionSoup You showed up. You’re already ahead of other goats.
(And yes, that’s plural.)
@narfcake yeah… Took a week off. , kayaking, biking, hiking… Not all at the same time. Made sure to click my meh buttons but otherwise have been absent from here for a little over a week. Digital detox… Then back to the office today and 180 emails waiting for me.
Next goat will not be allowed a vacation.
That’s @OnionSoup’s fault.
@OnionSoup “Next goat will not be allowed a vacation.”
Just when I was about to stop resisting, I read that.
@OnionSoup wears socks with sandals.
@narfcake @OnionSoup
Oh, I thought maybe you had one of these:

Nope, you done good!
(I sexpecially liked the toothed vagina legend…)
@OnionSoup wears socks with sandals.
How about @ThunderChicken?
@sammydog01 I hear he’s a jerk.
@sammydog01 @ThunderChicken Then… perfect!
@sammydog01 He’s such a jerk he likes his own comments.
@ThunderChicken Some of my favorite people are jerks.
@sammydog01 Present company included?
@sammydog01 @ThunderChicken I’m all ready to start blaming someone else.
… Jerk chicken… That’s got me wanting Caribbean food.
@OnionSoup If the recent past is any indication, @mediocrebot will ride you for a few days into August.
@mediocrebot @OnionSoup @ThunderChicken Which would be the new goat’s fault… but mediocrebot would blame the goat emeritus…which would be the new goat’s fault…but medio…
@OnionSoup drew on you with sunscreen while you were asleep.
@mediocrebot @ThunderChicken oooh look at that TC, you’re a goat!
Muah ahahaha haha.
/giphy evil laughter

That’s @OnionSoup’s fault.
@mediocrebot no it isn’t, damn it. The credit for all things wrong is no longer mine.
@OnionSoup good job! Hope you enjoyed your month!!
@tinamarie1974 thank you, yes it was a fun change of pace.
Me, my wife blames me for everything…so you all might as well too
@riceatusc that’s funny I already blame you when my wife accuses me of something
@OnionSoup totally did it.
@MrMikenIkes I probably did it…so it’s ok
Holidays in Aug
For example national hangover day, relevant to many on this list is the first Saturday in August. And to others is Aug 17th which is National Thrift Shop day.
I rather like the idea of Aug 1 which is National raspberry cream pie day.
And Aug 20th is national mosquito day, although part of this country has celebrated that without a break since summer started…
And mid August there is the Perseid Meteor shower which is rather cool. I remember looking at that some years ago in the country with a very dark and clear sky.
And Aug 3rd is National grab some nuts day. With a slightly different interpretation of nuts to go with another thread where someone suggested to meh that they buy up all of American Airlines excess nuts (that would be the edible kind LOL) and sell them.
The list is is nearly endless… On all of the days if you don’t like one of the holidays there are others to choose from.
@Kidsandliz In the unfortunate (for all of us) event that I am goat, every day in August will be a holiday of my choosing.
@OnionSoup totally did it.
@ThunderChicken Then you should really have fun on grab some nuts day.
@Kidsandliz That’s on my short list for August 3. Thanks!
@Kidsandliz I’ve been camping twice during the Persids and had great views. Neither time was intentional to collide with the meteors.
First time was at the beach with my kids. I couldn’t sleep so decided to get sit on the sand and watch the sea. I stopped counting at over 100 shooting stars. With no light pollution and a wide open sky you see a LOT.
Second time was with my brother in the mountains. Didn’t see quite so many that time because the mountains above and the trees around blocked a fair portion of the night sky, but still saw at least a couple dozen.
Tried going a third time to intentionally see the meteors, but it was cloudy and rainy the whole time and saw nothing.
@OnionSoup So many people who live in the city and never/seldom leave never realize just how many stars are in the sky, how impressive the night sky can be.
I enjoyed my time as Goat way back when!
@OnionSoup drew on you with sunscreen while you were asleep.
@PooltoyWolf @mediocrebot @OnionSoup

yep, same here.
@chienfou @mediocrebot @OnionSoup Hahaha
Whaddya mean no holidays? My birthday is this month, and I get the day off and cake an ice cream and stuff. Maybe fireworks or at least sparklers and barbque and adult beverages and abluegrass concert on facebook.
Rhonda and Moron Bros
@cranky1950 That sounds fun! I may join you.
@caffeineguy for making Irk swear:
@eonfifty thanks! Forgot all about that one!