@darksaber99999 I’m pretty sure the “Phantom” calorie comes from the high-calorie peep eyes. The per-peep calorie count doesn’t include the eyes, for tax purposes. So… 1/6 calorie per peep eye. That doesn’t sound like much, but they are tiny and hardly filling.
@sammydog01 Looks like I need to stop by my Ollies. Then again, I do not need all that sugar, but Peeps! From your picture there are good colors, too. Yes, I am racist when it comes to peeps.
@speediedelivery I am not particular about color but I haven’t found a flavor other than marshmallow that I like. According to the inventory at Ollie’s I’m not alone.
In a stupid attempt to work politics into a peep post I would say: Peeps could win the popular vote and still not get elected. This is due to peepcism and the inability of a marshmallow to break through glass ceilings.(They are softer by nature than many other confections.) Although, a 69 year old peep might be hard enough to break glass. But certainly not tempered glass, like the glass on your smart phone. I would expect a glass ceiling to be made from tempered glass so, yeah, probably not.
More videos like these please, they don’t even have to be Peep related!
/giphy make peeps great again

@darksaber99999 I’m pretty sure the “Phantom” calorie comes from the high-calorie peep eyes. The per-peep calorie count doesn’t include the eyes, for tax purposes. So… 1/6 calorie per peep eye. That doesn’t sound like much, but they are tiny and hardly filling.
I don’t even like Peeps. Why do I love these videos so much?
The week before last I found where Peeps go to die- Ollies!

I love Peeps but didn’t buy any because they were all shriveled up. I guess Matthew is less particular.
@sammydog01 Looks like I need to stop by my Ollies. Then again, I do not need all that sugar, but Peeps! From your picture there are good colors, too. Yes, I am racist when it comes to peeps.
@sammydog01 stale peeps are best peeps.
@Pantheist Puffy microwaved Peeps are the best Peeps.
@sammydog01 @Pantheist no peeps is best peeps.
@sammydog01 ooh those are good too
@speediedelivery I am not particular about color but I haven’t found a flavor other than marshmallow that I like. According to the inventory at Ollie’s I’m not alone.
Yeah, but wow do they taste stale? Peeps must also be tried stale for full peeping experience.
@denboy I actually prefer them stale, slightly crunchy on the outside and a bit more chewy on the inside.
@denboy Stale I like, even prefer. Shriveled I don’t know. Those Peeps just don’t look right.
@Groovymarlin Like a cockroach then?
@Groovymarlin Yes, that balance between firm outside and chewy inside is key. It makes them feel like they taste better. It’s like Dr. Strange magic.
@denboy I like them stale but usually do not have the patience needed to wait.
apt user name I guess, “speediedelivery”
In a stupid attempt to work politics into a peep post I would say: Peeps could win the popular vote and still not get elected. This is due to peepcism and the inability of a marshmallow to break through glass ceilings.(They are softer by nature than many other confections.) Although, a 69 year old peep might be hard enough to break glass. But certainly not tempered glass, like the glass on your smart phone. I would expect a glass ceiling to be made from tempered glass so, yeah, probably not.
No refurbs, please.
I want please! /buy
I don’t think even the chocolate dipped ones are supposed to look like that, but thanks for the update!
I feel like you’d get along with my brother really well.
congrats on having an extremely cool brother, I take it
@matthew Well, opposites attract… So yeah, it does sound like you would get along well with his extremely cool brother…
@Matthew I saw those and passed. They just didn’t sound right. The candy corn ones also sound awful.
I am also picky on the color of my peeps.
@speediedelivery Peep racist.
pale scrotum peeps