New Black Friday Store To Open In Montgomery AL
This seems like an interesting model. Haven’t we had similar discussions about a price drop model here? This sounds like something Mediocre could get behind.
Wow, a lot of those items look like they’d be a good deal at $7, sounds interesting
Somehow I bet the newspaper got that wrong, and $7 was just an example provided.
I mean, I know the return channel can get these guys merchandise of unknown condition for pennies on the dollar, but appliances and, say, books will both be $7? They must be just very few pennies if that’s the case, and the books will be around until Tuesday or Wednesday.
It looks like it’s on Atlanta Highway in Montgomery AL btw. We may have mehtizens nearby who can report on it.
Also, it’s called Black Friday Deals because Fist Fight Fridays is just opening them up to liability.
@djslack Nope, their Facebook page says the same:
@callow wow. Yep, fist fight Fridays.
@djslack idk. If they could get good shit you would think meh could finally get something. Maybe the batches they can secure are too small for a deal a day sight and just a dozen here and there of multiple products
@djslack @unksol I’ll let you know when I have a chance to check it out in a couple of weeks. I can see how if they have some decent crap in inventory it would be worth a trip to be there at opening on Friday, then Mon or later to pick up stuff that you are meh about.
@chienfou @djslack lol not for me either way. The nearest salvage types stores are 40 miles away. Alabama is a lot farther. I agree with others if they actually got big ticket items they would have to be loss leaders and not sure they could sustain the interest/break Even in such a limited market.
@jaybird Wow… that sounds interesting. Guess I need to pick up the pace on my reading of the Advertiser. I am 3-4 days behind and they are stacked up in my living room awaiting me getting time to do that next week. (yes… I’m the guy that still gets a physical newspaper delivered daily)
Just curious, are you local or just happen across that article?
(I’m about halfway between MGM and Auburn…)
@chienfou I’m in South Florida. It showed up in my google feed.
@jaybird OK, that makes sense. I thought we might be "meh"bors.
I will be headed towards your neck of the woods next week, Pinellas park, Clearwater then Orlando to visit relatives/friends. Not quite SoFL but closer than I am now…
@chienfou @jaybird but are you going to drive to Alabama and camp out to hope you score. Mehby item meh couldn’t bite on?
@jaybird @unksol 35 minute drive from my house to that building. I would only do it if I needed to be in town on a Friday anyway. Once you saw the initial inventory you might be able to judge if the trip would be worth it on a regular basis and when the ‘sweet spot’ is for max ‘bang for your buck’
@chienfou I have a relative in Prattville, so I’ll get the scoop from them.
@mike808 other side of MGM from me but I do go there on occasion. They have an Aldi there and a nicer Office Depot than one of the ones in MGM. Actually picked up a computer there in Dec. Prattville is the retirement community destination for lots of the Air Force guys locally.
After looking at their Facebook page, I bet this is similar to a place close by me. They buy pallets of Amazon returns. On Saturdays and Sundays all items are $5, with the bins being stocked each morning, and then for the rest of the week they sell whatever is left over. On Mondays all items are $3, Tuesday’s $2, and Wednesday’s $1.
I only went on a $1 Wednesday, but I ended up leaving with about $50 worth of merchandise that probably would have been around $400 retail.
The place was insanely busy, I can’t even imagine what it would be like on the weekend. They’ve posted some pictures where people find items like Xboxes and all sorts of crazy items on the weekend. Nothing is guaranteed that it’s going to work though. They do have a testing area so you can attempt to try it out before you leave the store.
I meant to make a post about this but I promptly got busy with other things and kind of forgot. The weirdest things that I ended up buying was a bunch of prosthetic elf ears and fangs, and the weirdest thing that I saw in the store and regretted touching was a male chastity cage. Next time I’m wearing gloves.
@RiotDemon …not called Fist Fight Fridays is it?
@RiotDemon since there are three Amazon distribution sites in AL that would make a certain amount of sense.
@chienfou haha, no. They close Thursday and Friday to restock for Skirmish Saturday.
@chienfou @RiotDemon
Not “Shoot First Saturdays”?
@mike808 @RiotDemon That’s the Chicago store…
@chienfou @mike808 @RiotDemon people have always been pretty civil when they started that black Friday rush when I worked security. even though I think it’s entirely rediculous. But I haven’t done it for at least 6 years.
I just told them please let all be calm and don’t duck the gate. Give me time to finish bringing it up so no one gets pushed into it. When it’s up I’ll wave you through. But no running’ like a stupid pool guard.
Maybe it’s worse in larger cities. They pretty much were nice