Are you serious? Just like shiny things?
From Simone Giertz (Yetch), Queen of crappy robots.
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From Simone Giertz (Yetch), Queen of crappy robots.
Only a dollar a day.
@blaineg They need to get with the times. It’s 63 cents a day, that’s $19 a month, and we’ll give you a t-shirt so you can show the world you waste money on all kinds of cra–I mean, so you can show your support.
Absurd. As if anyone cares about just clicking something daily. There’s no way it’s enough gratification to keep you motivated and coming back, right guys? Right?
(Any attempt of a perfect streak here was dashed on day zero. I couldn’t meh click a shirt, y’know.)
@ExtraMedium @narfcake I have to click meh. I have NO money to even purchase anything.
@ExtraMedium @narfcake One of Simone’s comments on the instruction sheet is: “Be kind to yourself”.
Yea, that will never work.
A bit steep, but the fit and finish is nice. Sure you could make your own, and pretty easily, but it wouldn’t look as good. Overpriced? Yes.
That’s a clever $20 product they have there… how much do they want for it?
$365- that’s absurd! Might be a fun project to make my own though if I ever get spare time.
@OnionSoup Just wait until they show up on Meh.
@OnionSoup This isn’t a $20 product, the parts alone exceed that, and the design and finish are worth something.
Is it worth $365? That’s an individual call. It’s not cheap, but it’s been worth it to me.
@blaineg @OnionSoup
You could make a functional similar one for under $20 but not the nice shiny one.
The under $20: Go with real buttons instead of touch. For for several hundreds tiny flat buttons, it is about 1c a piece, then for the LEDs ($3 for 1000) and a couple hundred diodes for the buttons ($5 for 1000), some arduino clone with enough pins (28) to charlieplex the whole contraption with some really messy code, that combines polling with driving led lights: $3-4. Now we’re at $12 or $13 with some resistors. And the price is getting tight. I need some particleboard panel to hotglue my handsoldered contraption on, cover it with a spacer that has individual holes and cover that with a plastic sheet. The whole thing will look and feel like the horrible buttons on a stove or microwave. I assume that I got enough solder and free enameled wire from that motor I found. It will be tight, but $20 could do it. And it will be nice for long winter nights to sit there and solder twenty to thirty buttons a night.
@blaineg @OnionSoup
The nice and shiny one: Assuming 16"x24" (40cmx60cm). A double sided pcb this size in larger quantities is already slightly more than $20, but once populated your project is almost done. Touch buttons add another $16. Total? At least $60 but probably under $100.
@formfeed @OnionSoup Go for it! And don’t forget to post photos.
@OnionSoup I do like the look of Simone’s product (as an art piece), but not something I would use (or build - unless I finish about 200 other things on my bucket list).
@formfeed yeah… I’m not actually going to make it either for same reason… I just feel like I would rather build one myself for that price.
Yeah, I’m totally going to make one of these myself as a DIY project.
It’ll be so quick and easy to make one from scratch, and will only take $20 of materials, and since my labor has no monetary value, I’ll end up way ahead on costs.
@806D2701 Your project reality Fu is strong
@806D2701 @werehatrack So’s their sarcasm!
@806D2701 it really would depend on approach. I mean, if I wanted to cannibalize a touch screen from something obsolete rather than go the full button route, could 3D print a frame to go over the top to look like buttons. (ChatGPT could generate me an OpenSCAD script for a 3D model in seconds… And then I’d spend an hour fixing it’s mistakes… But still doable)… If I went that route it would be under a day to set up and free with parts I have on hand. (I’m not going to do that). The coding would be super simple.
As for cost @FormFeed gave some good cost estimates above if doing physical buttons and buying everything for the project new. It would be significantly over $20.
I would think for a company like Sharper Image to make these with the economy or scale though it could make them (perhaps with less bling) for $20 each, I’m sure.
FormFeed’s estimate was for a similar-but-rough mockup. Claiming that the coding would be super simple doesn’t mean that it actually is super simple, it’s more of a flex. Learning to use OpenCAD is not instant. Fixing AI mistakes would take more than a single hour. I estimate you could draw 365 circles on a piece of paper for $20.
@806D2701 the coding would be super simple (if you know coding… If you don’t it’s not). Certainly under an hour of work for a programmer. (If doing my touchscreen hack)… If individually buying LEDS and coding for them that would probably be a little more work (especially since more than normally channels available) I would need to probably look up how to handle that.
OpenSCAD I’m no expert and you don’t need to be with AI. I suck at 3D stuff… But it’s scripted so ChatGPT does surprisingly well at it if given clear instructions. You don’t need to know how to use it.
And you could even leave that out… Have black on touch screen around the buttons, that was just for a nice aesthetic…
I have an app called Finch. I put in goals and when I complete them I get prizes for my virtual pet. It’s free. (Also I cheat.)
@sammydog01 if you’re not cheating, you’re not trying
didn’t know simone had a web store…
considering the Screw/Screwdriver rings for the GF and I…
I like those
One man’s view.
@blaineg This guy is just as excited as my cat would be over the box itself!

@Lynnerizer If you don’t remember Adam Savage, he was one of the leads on Mythbusters. He’s one of those rare people that seems to never have lost his sense of wonder.
And I suppose X-ing out the day on a regular paper calendar like I watched my MIL do for the past 34 years doesn’t work anymore?
This one doesn’t even have a pretty picture for each month!
I’ll pass…
@Lynnerizer How about Every Day’s a Fabulous Holiday?
@blaineg Love it! Like, seriously, I love it enough to buy it!

Two thoughts (or maybe 3):
@rockblossom No, it doesn’t crap out, you’re safe from power outages. No batteries to worry about either.
I’ve doodled on it before.
@blaineg You actually have one?
@Kyeh @rockblossom Of course, I’m a sucker for shiny objects! And it actually has been very useful.
@blaineg @rockblossom Huh! Well, congratulations, I guess!
If you don’t know Simone, here’s a very brief taste.
Is Simone the robot or the girl?
@Lynnerizer Yes.
Even if you have no interest in crappy robots or creating stuff, check out her channel. Most of the videos are pretty entertaining.
She took power tools to her Tesla, and turned it into a truck - years before the Cybertruck. It looks a lot better too!
@blaineg @Lynnerizer
Yay for her Truck-La!
…and I agree that it’s tons better than Egon Must’s Sibeher Truk
My mom got me a bubble wrap calendar that was like this. Very satisfying and was frustrating to only get to pop one bubble per day.
We love Simone and her buddy Laura Kampf- they have some awesome and funny build videos.
At first blush, this looks fun because I like things with buttons and lights but I also know that I lack follow-through in my personal life so, I am certain I will lose interest after maybe 5 days and then it will just make me feel guilty for not having clear goals.
When life gives you lemons, give up and make a lemon.