I have an Xbox 1 (FAR CRY 5), Xbox 360 (The Simpsons video game), a Nintendo Switch (Luigi’s Mansion 3/Pikmin 4), and a functioning Game Cube without memory cards.
I have an Apple IIe, Atari 2600, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Wii modded to play Gamecube roms with GC controllers, Xbox 360 and a Switch. Also, an arcade machine with an X-Arcade tankstick controller that plays just about every 80’s coin-op you can think of. Oh, and a dedicated Minecraft server. I felt it was important to teach my daughter the classics.
@capnjb Most Wii consoles play GameCube discs and accept GameCube controllers and memory cards. Only the last ones made (they called them ‘Family Edition’ consoles) are incompatible with GameCube games.
Actually never owned one. I never saw the draw. I played a lot of early games on computer, the SSI D&D games, the Wizardry series, Bards Tale, Ultima, you get the picture. Loved the old Dungeon Hack (have the GoG version that plays in Dos Box, but would love to see it updated like BT and Wizardry have been recently). Even have some of the more recent ones. But FPS were boring to me.
My daughter had a Sega Genesis back in high school, but after she went to college, she gave it away. It was outdated. Loved Toe Jam and Earl. We played hours together.
I also Mudded back in the day and helped run a MUD that still exists today and still has active Devs. Haven’t been in there in years, but I bet there are still things I built in it Met wonderful people from all over the world back when everyone didn’t believe me.
Have helped run game cons back eons ago, think the first ones were in the early 80s and later ones in the early 00s. Set up LANS all that stuff, watched people play guitar hero and DDR after too much uberwater.
But all in all game consoles still don’t attract me at all.
@Cerridwyn Nice! I logged a lot of hours with the Wizardry, Bard’s Tale and Ultima games. I’m guessing you also played Might & Magic. Might be time to break out the old Proving Grounds floppies
@Cerridwyn Dang, I also used to love MUDs. It’s probably been over 30 years since I last played, but they were a blast. Wish I could remember the server I played on.
@capnjb the updated version is quite red. It really is like playing the old one with a new computer. You can play with new graphics and the old Graphics are all there. They basically took the game and just rebuilt the graphic user interface
@capnjb there were so many of them you’d probably have to know which mud you played. I played Avatar and that’s the one I also worked on for many many years
Impossible to choose a favorite. I’ve got at least one example of almost every console and handheld Nintendo has released and I spend a lot of time playing all of them! Mario games have always been my overall favorite, though.
In comparison, I own and play very little non-Nintendo consoles and games, with the Halo series accounting for most of that, and I don’t game on PC at all.
I’ll try to put them in approximately chronological order. Some aren’t exactly game consoles, and some “favorites” I’m not entirely sure about. I don’t generally pick favorites, so my games will just be one of a series.
Texas Instruments TI-99/4a (Hunt the Wumpus)
Commodore Vic-20 (Dig Dug, but I’ve barely played it)
Atari VCS/2600 (Adventure)
Nintendo Entertainment System (Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode)
Sega Master System (R-Type or Phantasy Star)
Gameboy (Link’s Awakening)
Sega Genesis (Gunstar Heroes)
Neo Geo MVS (Prehistoric Isle II)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (LoZ: A Link to the Past)
Sony Playstation (Barely played… Mr Driller?)
Nintendo 64 (Resident Evil 2, just for the fact that it exists)
Panasonic 3DO (Jammit, the only game I have)
Gameboy Color (Harvest Moon GBC)
Sega Dreamcast (Shen Mue)
Gameboy Advance (Metroid: Zero Mission)
Playstation 2 (Katamari Damacy)
Nintendo Gamecube (LoZ: The Wind Waker)
Microsoft XBox (Barely played, Midway Arcade Treasures?)
Nintendo Wii (Barely played, Nerf N-Strike Elite?)
XBox One (Barely played, Minecraft Dungeons?)
Nintendo Switch (LoZ: Breath of the Wild)
I omitted PC, since it’s not a console, but included some old computers whose base models were little more than game consoles.
2 x NES - Legend of Zelda (best Zelda evarr. Fight me)
1 x OG Gameboy ( Kirby’s Adventure, but Gameboy camera was revolutionary)
1 x Gameboy Color (Top Gear Pocket w/ rumble pack!!!)
1 x N64 (Goldeneye / Smash Bros)
1 x OG xbox modded back in college w/ 120g HD, remote power on/off, and running XBMC. XBMC was amazing (sold :sad face: )
1 x PS2 (Burnout series)
1 x Wii (Wii Sports Resort Frisbee Golf)
Honorable mention: Racing sim (PC) with RSRBR and the Samir pacenotes mod. I can’t make it through a stage without laughing. Not my video, but still great: Sami!! You’re breaking the car!
I have an Apple IIe, Atari 2600, Sega Saturn, Sega Dreamcast, Nintendo Wii modded to play Gamecube roms with GC controllers, Xbox 360 and a Switch. Also, an arcade machine with an X-Arcade tankstick controller that plays just about every 80’s coin-op you can think of. Oh, and a dedicated Minecraft server. I felt it was important to teach my daughter the classics.
@capnjb gives you three cheers
@capnjb Most Wii consoles play GameCube discs and accept GameCube controllers and memory cards. Only the last ones made (they called them ‘Family Edition’ consoles) are incompatible with GameCube games.
Actually never owned one. I never saw the draw. I played a lot of early games on computer, the SSI D&D games, the Wizardry series, Bards Tale, Ultima, you get the picture. Loved the old Dungeon Hack (have the GoG version that plays in Dos Box, but would love to see it updated like BT and Wizardry have been recently). Even have some of the more recent ones. But FPS were boring to me.
My daughter had a Sega Genesis back in high school, but after she went to college, she gave it away. It was outdated. Loved Toe Jam and Earl. We played hours together.
I also Mudded back in the day and helped run a MUD that still exists today and still has active Devs. Haven’t been in there in years, but I bet there are still things I built in it Met wonderful people from all over the world back when everyone didn’t believe me.
Have helped run game cons back eons ago, think the first ones were in the early 80s and later ones in the early 00s. Set up LANS all that stuff, watched people play guitar hero and DDR after too much uberwater.
But all in all game consoles still don’t attract me at all.
@Cerridwyn Nice! I logged a lot of hours with the Wizardry, Bard’s Tale and Ultima games. I’m guessing you also played Might & Magic. Might be time to break out the old Proving Grounds floppies
@Cerridwyn Dang, I also used to love MUDs. It’s probably been over 30 years since I last played, but they were a blast. Wish I could remember the server I played on.
@capnjb the updated version is quite red. It really is like playing the old one with a new computer. You can play with new graphics and the old Graphics are all there. They basically took the game and just rebuilt the graphic user interface
@capnjb there were so many of them you’d probably have to know which mud you played. I played Avatar and that’s the one I also worked on for many many years
@Cerridwyn I did a little googling and found what I was looking for. I played on SlothMUD. A lot.
Early 90’s.
The Ratchet & Clank series on playstations are fun…
@blaineg I have no PlayStations but those games are ones I am going to get first.
+Astrobot. Astrobot deserved GOTY
I have a PS3. Haven’t played it in years though. All my gaming is on computer or tablet.
I’ve been playing Powerwashing Simulator on the switch.
Impossible to choose a favorite. I’ve got at least one example of almost every console and handheld Nintendo has released and I spend a lot of time playing all of them! Mario games have always been my overall favorite, though.
In comparison, I own and play very little non-Nintendo consoles and games, with the Halo series accounting for most of that, and I don’t game on PC at all.
Wii, Sega Genesis, Xbox 360, Xbox one, Xbox series s.
I’ll try to put them in approximately chronological order. Some aren’t exactly game consoles, and some “favorites” I’m not entirely sure about. I don’t generally pick favorites, so my games will just be one of a series.
Texas Instruments TI-99/4a (Hunt the Wumpus)
Commodore Vic-20 (Dig Dug, but I’ve barely played it)
Atari VCS/2600 (Adventure)
Nintendo Entertainment System (Golgo 13: Top Secret Episode)
Sega Master System (R-Type or Phantasy Star)
Gameboy (Link’s Awakening)
Sega Genesis (Gunstar Heroes)
Neo Geo MVS (Prehistoric Isle II)
Super Nintendo Entertainment System (LoZ: A Link to the Past)
Sony Playstation (Barely played… Mr Driller?)
Nintendo 64 (Resident Evil 2, just for the fact that it exists)
Panasonic 3DO (Jammit, the only game I have)
Gameboy Color (Harvest Moon GBC)
Sega Dreamcast (Shen Mue)
Gameboy Advance (Metroid: Zero Mission)
Playstation 2 (Katamari Damacy)
Nintendo Gamecube (LoZ: The Wind Waker)
Microsoft XBox (Barely played, Midway Arcade Treasures?)
Nintendo Wii (Barely played, Nerf N-Strike Elite?)
XBox One (Barely played, Minecraft Dungeons?)
Nintendo Switch (LoZ: Breath of the Wild)
I omitted PC, since it’s not a console, but included some old computers whose base models were little more than game consoles.
2 x NES - Legend of Zelda (best Zelda evarr. Fight me)
1 x OG Gameboy ( Kirby’s Adventure, but Gameboy camera was revolutionary)
1 x Gameboy Color (Top Gear Pocket w/ rumble pack!!!)
1 x N64 (Goldeneye / Smash Bros)
1 x OG xbox modded back in college w/ 120g HD, remote power on/off, and running XBMC. XBMC was amazing (sold :sad face: )
1 x PS2 (Burnout series)
1 x Wii (Wii Sports Resort Frisbee Golf)
Honorable mention: Racing sim (PC) with RSRBR and the Samir pacenotes mod. I can’t make it through a stage without laughing. Not my video, but still great: Sami!! You’re breaking the car!
Also, the original video as well, for reference: Sharp right! Sharp right!
Can we see the screenshot with your 7s?
I should request this on the other thread…
(I did)