My Soapbox II: November 2016 Elections


The Soapbox Troll is back.

We have the opportunity in November to elect a new President. It’s either Donald or Hillery at this point.


I think what we need in this and future national elections is an automatic NOTA candidate: None Of The Above.

This is from Wiki:

  *When None of the Above is listed on a ballot, there is the possibility of NOTA receiving a majority or plurality of the vote, and so "winning" the election. In such a case, a variety of formal procedures may be invoked, including having the office remain vacant, having the office filled by appointment, re-opening nominations or holding another election (in a body operating under parliamentary procedure), or it may have no effect whatsoever, as in India and the US state of Nevada, where the next highest total wins regardless.
If ending corruption in politics were the goal, then a "None of the Above" victory could be executed in a way, which makes all current candidates ineligible for the current election, then require a new panel of candidates for the position be proposed, evaluated and revoted upon. This would allow for a more accurate representation of the People's true opinion, in the American political landscape, and a reversal of financial influence in Congress.*

[(Full article)][1]

What do you think?

(Let’s try to keep this discussion away from this
or this
But this is OK

Aaaaaaand GO!