My mom has officially made it to the Meh forums.
24Yep, that's my mom over there commenting on my Puerto Rico thread. Everyone, meet mom. @melindakirksey, meet everyone.
Let's giver her a mediocre welcome. Share you favorite gif with her and let's see if she can figure out how to post one herself.
This oughta be great.
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@melindakirksey Howdy, Ma'am.

@melindakirksey aka @MEHcusMOM

Mom doesn't get a special Mom badge? wth?
@lilystang A "Mediocre Mom" badge.
Hi MOMcus!
Why hello there @melindakirksey ! I sure hope you can bear us!

Well hi everyone, good luck putting up with my son. He can be trying at times.
Oh and what the heck is a gif?
@melindakirksey Here you go. Sites like are full of them.
Welcome :-)
Hi MOMcus!



Glad to meet you.
Oh my gosh, FINALLY, I've been waiting to use the hallowed, "MOM?!" from deals.woot lore. Oh Cheri, how I miss the antics.
@studerc Thank you for this morning's first touch of nostalgia.
I see that everyone is sucking up and ignoring @MEHcus' specific request that we give @mommeh a mediocre welcome. Y'all are trying too hard.
I know how to follow instructions, @melindakirksey. And you can always count on me to be straight with you. I'm sure you're a lovely lady, but I'm somewhat obligated to just say "meh" and indifferently shrug.
hi @melindakirksey! will you be regaling us with stories of @MEHcus's youth?
hi I came for the embarrassing stories
@carl669 Yes, @melindakirksey, make with the dirt!
1) Does @MEHcus make you proud? (what do you think of his current job)
2) What's something you could tell us that he would find embarrassing?
3) If there was 1 thing you could change about him, what would it be?

Welcome, @melindakirksey, even if you didn't spell it "mehlinda." Also, now you know what your son is getting you for Christmas, and it's only October, so you have plenty of time to practice being surprised.
Let's hope Meh sells a scanner by then so you can post his baby pictures here. For, you know, the holiday.
If I wasn't too busy being a mom, I'd stop and say "hi". Hey kid, STOP POOPING IN THE YARD!!

Welcome to meh.
@carl669 yes I am proud of him. This job is perfect for him. I'm not sure that any story I could tell about @MEHcus would embarrass him. I don't think anything needs to change about him. Well maybe he should be involved with his niece and nephews a little more, they are growing up fast!
@melindakirksey you're too sweet. I'm almost certain my mom would have taken the opportunity to share at least one embarrassing tale at my expense - you're a good MOMcus.
@melindakirksey Spoken like a true mom! :-)

Hi, @melindakirksey! When worlds collide, what could possibly go wrong?
I'm envious. Two of three of my circus monkeys choose not acknowledge my presence on any social media of any sort "because it's safer that way, Mom." Poop heads.
However, my eldest has realized that it's the lazy/easy way of keeping in contact without having to make the effort of actually calling once or twice a month to check in and say "I love you, Mom." Not that I'm complaining, TORY. It's not like I tell the Tory & the deer poop story to ALL your friends...
@LaVikinga We're not Tory's friends; will you tell us?
@jqubed You asked for it...About 6 months after I delivered twins, we made the trip from DC to the family cabin in the middle of the central PA woods. The cabin has been in my Dad's family since the early 40s & sits at the top of a rather large meadow valley. I call it heaven on earth. When the wind & acoustics are just right, you can clearly hear conversations from over 500 yards away. (Yeah, it's my facebook account. Don't judge. Don't get weird on me, ok? )
Our eldest was 3 1/2 at the time. She loved going on nature walks with her GrinDaddy. My Dad happily carries on my grandparents' tradition of teaching woods lore-- what you can eat, what you shouldn't, how moss grows, what to do if you see animals, snakes, etc.
They had walked all the way across the meadow and were on their return. We could distinctly hear Tory's voice chattering away as my dad answered her questions and could watch them as she picked flowers or pointed something out.
Suddenly, she stopped in the middle of the path and I swear time slowed down to a crawl just like in the movies. We heard "OH, GrinDaddy!!! Emma Ems!!" and as she said this we saw her bending over to pick something up from the ground. Her little hand goes to her mouth as I'm trying to get the words "Nooooo, Tory! Don't!!" to come out of my mouth. Slow motion, I tell ya!

The next thing we hear is "DAT'S not EMMA EMS!!" in a quite disappointed & disgusted voice, and my Dad chuckling away.
To hear my Dad tell it, he saw the little pile and swears he "...had no idea the child would actually pick up deer droppings and PUT THEM IN HER MOUTH!! Any way, she didn't swallow them and they're just processed grass & berries. It was a good lesson and she's built a memory." He's big on building memories and that one was a whopper!

creeping intensifies
@LaVikinga Emma Ems are the best though
@Thumperchick Girl, you iz speshul!
@LaVikinga That's funny! If she was only 3½ I don't see why she'd be embarrassed about that. Surely that's long enough ago to laugh now! Is she still school age or something?
@jqubed I think it's more of a "yes, I've been an idiot from an early age" sort of thing. She hasn't been school aged in a long while. Too long awhile.
@mehcus I'll let you explain to your mom why I'm really hoping this never happens to me.
@marklog I just laughed so hard it didn't make noise.