My birthday fukōbukuro, in three parts
37Yes, I know there’s an “official” reveal thread . . . I’m bucking the system.
My birthday fukōbukuro - Part I
In my absence, while toiling away from home for an extended time for work (I’m quite literally having the time of my life, I can freaking die now that I’ve crewed on an actual Star Wars space saga . . . although, I don’t want to [die that is] - so knock wood where ever you are, you fuckers), @MrsPavlov was quicker than a twenty dollar hooker on the left mouse button and scored a Meh birthday fuko. She neglected to tell me during our early morning phone calls that it had been offered for sale, let alone that she was lucky enough to actually get one - and she keeps secrets very well. Maybe too well, but that’s a whole other thread.
So, when Meh’s birthday fuko, lisping-ambidextrous-vinegar, arrived on my birthday (7-21), which is also my anniversary, which is also the day I landed back in the US for a short visit before having to go right back to the grind (and it really is work, no matter how fun and how enthralled I am every minute to be working with these great people whom are all so damn talented that I actually at times wonder who I’ll have to blow to stay) . . . Well, I was absolutely thrilled! I didn’t know what to expect though, with it weighing in at a whopping 34.6 lbs and measuring a very large 27 x 20 x 22.
Finally we lugged the box to one of the studio spaces . . .
I had no idea what was in store for us as we opened it up . . .
It was even more confusing when we removed the top bubble wrap and the tape . . .
I mean, what is this carved wooden thing?
Is it a giant wooden vase of some kind? (That was my guess)
Is it purely ornamental? (That was @MrsPavlov’s guess, as she had seen Satan’s penis in the reveal thread - I hadn’t yet stared at it while coveting it in awe . . . I so want one)
Did it fall off the back of a truck? (That was a given)
Well - here it is . . . And, as it turns out - it is a chest!
We’ll get back to the chest in a bit.
First, let’s discuss air. Good ole’ American ('Murica!) Texas air. 62 total bags of Texas air. 49 of them were fully inflated bags of Texas air (and one really long tail of plastic). That’s right boys and girls, do the math . . . 13 of those precious bags leaked while in transit, spreading their Texas deal of the day pollen all over the back of some FedEx truck, just finally oozing out when some unsuspecting college student opened the cargo doors of that truck when it arrived in here Kansas. Those young men and women lumping that truck in the wee early morning hours all felt a bit lighter, and a bit happier, and they all had the sudden shared urge to go online and buy something. And they didn’t know why . . for a force they could not understand had lifted them up ever so slightly, elevating their work day from routine and mundane to somewhere just ever so slightly above mostly shitty (and really fucking hot, as in temperature hot, it is brutal here lately) - and for but a brief and shining moment they were all hit by the urge to gleefully participate in e-commerce! And now, we all know why. It was those 13 bags of deal-iciousness that permeated their senses and changed them that morning. If ever so slightly. Lucky bastards.
Anyway, that was all over in like a few milliseconds I’m sure, and then they all just got back to working for the man . . .
So, moving right along.
Underneath the chest was:
- The obligiatory fukōbukuro bag in bright “gotta have it, I’m a deal-whore” red
- One Napoleon Dynamite photo album
- A pair of Meh branded sunglasses
- One Meh branded beer koozie, black (you have no idea how happy this made me)
- One Meh sticker
- One Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer bottle topper
- “Happy Birthday to You!” by Dr. Suess, a mini pop-up book, hardcover
- An opened bag of Wal-Mart balloons, 12 count - 5 remaining, assorted colors
- One Star Wars ruler (you have no idea how happy this also made me)
- and one Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation 4,000mAh - white, appears to be brand new, in retail box.
That my fellow Mehtizens was an awesome haul! All of that, along with the chest!
But just like that cheap late-night low-budget infomercial you all order from just so you can get your fix when Meh’s deal of the day completely sucks sweaty ass - wait, there’s more!
@MrsPavlov went and did exactly what I was actually a bit afraid to do . . . she opened the fucking chest.
Now, let’s be clear here. At this exact point in time, I’ve been away from home for weeks. I get home, get called along with the Mrs. to the office to open a box from Meh that I had no idea was coming, I mean, yeah - it was great and wonderful surprise! But, well, how do I say this . . . I read the menu just like any other guy when I’m out and about, but with the wonderful woman I’ve got now, I always eat at home - so when she opened that chest, well, it was a choice between digging through it wondering “what the actual fuck am I in for”, versus spending a few hours of quality time alone with my gorgeous wife
knowing pretty much “what the actual fuck am I in for” - and frankly, I chose the latter.
We split for home, and @MrsPavlov put on her leather chaps . . .
Thank the Flying Spaghetti Monster that my son is at Boy Scout Camp for ten days and my heart held out with all that Viagra.
Meanwhile, right there that full chest remained, for an entire day. And there’s where I leave you now dear reader - Soon, I’ll be back, and we’ll be on to part II of my story . . .
- 15 comments, 35 replies
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Part II teaser! (I couldn’t sleep).
@MrsPavlov You do know whatever is in there is likely to be broken despite all the padding LOL. On the other hand did you pop all the balloons to check the contents?
@Kidsandliz Shhh - that’s part II . . .
I’d be careful with bucking the system with duplicate threads, you might get hammered
so i see what y’all are doing, you missed the whole anticipation building bit, so now you are transferring that to the aMeh.ricans and Meh.xicans waiting breathlessly…
@Yoda_Daenerys I’m generally already hammered when I post here . . .
mmm… birthday chest.
Waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting waiting for part II
@Pavlov rub rub rub rub rub?
You make good choices.
@Pavlov Awesome thread … damn you’re funny ! What fun you guys must have at the Pavlov home ! Happy Belated birthday & Happy Anniversary to both You & your Wife ♡♡ Your thread made my night … will look forward to the next part of the big reveal.
@Pavlov touche … very nice … one of my boyfriend’s favorite movies & quotes. I knew exactly what it was before I even opened it … well done. (you probably are making fun of me … which is fine. I am sure that you are always entertaining I just have been going through some major medical stuff the last year and a half, so i haven’t been spending the time in the forums like I would of liked to. I never post anything btw … but I just had been pretty bummed lately with what’s going on and after reading your post … that was the first time I actually laughed outloud … so I thought I would be so bold (for me) & tell you that I thought you were funny & wish you well. (translation … thanks for making me laugh … when it hasnt happened in awhile) It’s the little things …
@Amila99 He wasn’t making fun of you.
@pavlova you had me at star wars. Now I have to wait around for the rest of this tale?
/giphy dammit
@jimmyd103 that giphy is ridiculously cute.
@Thumperchick Doesn’t get much more appropriate and cute.
My birthday fukōbukuro - Part Deux (II)
Or, you’ve Gouda Brie kidding me.
On Friday, we returned to the office intent on examining the contents of the chest. It appeared that one or two of the balloons had deflated, and it was obvious that they each held some sort of “treasure” - so let’s check it out!
Inside the chest we found:
Is that all?
I guess we need to get to popping . . .
The first balloon yielded two small items now forever designated Sodom and Gomorrah . . .
After popping, @MrsPavlov exclaimed “well, there’s no looking back now” and thus they were so named when I cracked a biblical salt joke - and we pressed on.
On the very next pop we were reminded to render unto Caesar . . .
I started laughing and said, “I really need a drink” . . .
“Behold, a sign!”, said @MrsPavlov.
So that’s what I did, I began drinking terrible, and terribly fast at that . . .
A few minutes later @MrsPavlov said that things had to get better . . . I somewhat impolitely disagreed.
And on the very next pop, wouldn’t you know it, Lucifer himself appears . . .
I made an appletini, to honor the snake, and the four additional salt packets served to urge us to not look back . . . so we pressed on.
Wouldn’t you know it. I looked and there before me, a pale horse . . .
(Okay, it’s a goat - but still, Revelation 6:8 is working to my favor here)
And death followed!
I head off to the media room and pipe this song throughout the office:
@MrsPavlov freaks the fuck out.
For realz. I pinky promise for realz. She’s actually about to lose her shit . . .
I calm her down, and realize that in the circumstance and coincidence of these items appearing I may have not used my best judgement making these religious connections / puns with her as she is in fact a bona fide recovering Roman Catholic. But hey, now that I’m half fucking lit and messing with her shit, part of me is really wondering what will appear next . . .
Not being able to contain myself, I exclaim, “Holy hell, an eye for an eye!”
@MrsPavlov screams, punches me in the arm, and leaves the room.
After a short while, and a good sized bowl later (I convinced her it actually was 4:20, somewhere) things settled down considerably . . .
@MrsPavlov decides to just pop all the balloons at once into the chest and take the items out one at a time. She also finds a few things that have been flung across the floor and missed when she popped the first several balloons and she places those things inside the chest too. POP POP POP POP POP, etc. (you get the idea)
Reaching in to the treasure chest (which I have by now referred to as the Ark of the Covenant twice just to watch her squirm - HA!)
First she pulls out . . .
@moose saying hello!
Hi @moose!
A small orange plastic action figure . . .
?? We tried to figure it out for a few minutes . . .
Meanwhile, I’m getting the munchies . . . and out of the chest appears next . . .
and . . .
And come to find out that if I make a run for food, Meh’s got me covered!
These would have come in handy Thursday evening . . .
(she’s gonna sucker punch me for that one)
Then, out flies that Cheerson we listed earlier . . .
followed closely by a miniture rubber chicken packing some very serious heat . . .
And another gold coin . . .
Next, a package of balloons (opened) . . .
Here’s the Meh sticker!
And look - a giant red gem!
What’s this??
Yeah, I bet you died laughing, you ghost. BOO!
Hi, @chadp!
Next is something much more than Meh! A genuine Mediocre t-shirt!
And speaking of birthday chests . . . here’s @MrsPavlov’s. (@carl669, you’re welcome, you global gallivanting flask flaunting fucker!)
I have no idea how they stuffed that shirt into a balloon, but they did - although, it wasn’t inflated when it arrived - damn good job guys!
(So many jokes to make, so little time)
Anyone need a new car?
Here they are after @MrsPavlov’s OCD kicked in . . .
If you haven’t heard it yet, check out this song by my friends Rhett & Link of Good Mythical Morning . . . My OCD (@MrsPavlov’s very own personal theme song)
Next out of the chest:
illooms LED balloons! Check them out at
THESE ARE SO AWESOME! Please sell these!!
We thought we were done, but there’s one more note inside the chest!
@hollboll - Cheezus! Sacré bleu! You’ve Gouda Brie kidding me. That really could have been Cheddar.
(I think you’re grate anyway.)
So - that’s all ladies and germs - or so I thought! What did we find nestled inside what appeared to be an empty balloon while cleaning up this giant mess??
Stay tuned for Part III to find out!
@Pavlov I would just like to say that you have the second most entertaining series of posts related to the unboxing this round. Second only to a demon drum with a giant penis, so you’re rating pretty damned high! Thanks for writing them!
@jbartus Lucifer’s Long-john is so fucking awesome . . .
@Pavlov I literally could not stop laughing reading his post for a solid five minutes. Every time I thought I’d calmed down I burst out in a new fit of laughter. I’m grinning to myself just thinking of it
@Pavlov i think @MrsPavlov is the one flaunting in this thread. you are one lucky bastard.
@Pavlov Wait, there is a part three? I figured that pic of @mrspavlov was what you considered parts 2 and 3… Hmm.
@Pavlov @MrsPavlov OK, that was pretty damn awesome, everyone else at work now believes I am even crazier than they thought after I laughed and snickered for the last 20 minutes.
Congratulations and Happy whatever you call this conflagellation of holidays and “gifts.”
@Pavlov I really love it when you go all Story Time With Uncle Pavlov
@Pavlov that’s a lot of cheese
puffspuns, nice story!what’s the easiest way to post pictures here at Meh. these days?
@Pavlov Are you using your own site to host the images? Not sure if I’m the only one but quite a few of your pictures don’t load. When I try to load them by themselves I’m seeing an error message for the images.
Edit: Loaded the page in another browser and the pics loaded. Reloaded yet again in the original browser and they loaded. They seem to come and go…
@cinoclav The images are hosted on one of our dedicated severs at GoDaddy under a dormant domain that was registered for one of my husband’s clients that was never used and it was abandoned. I’ll have someone at the office double-check if there is an issue. If I understand correctly, there is no limit on transfer [bandwidth?] from that machine, so I’m not sure what might be going wrong. Sorry!
@MrsPavlov Problem determined right there: GoDaddy…
@cinoclav I’m pretty sure @Pavlov keeps some hosting there just because he likes the way I say “Go, Daddy.”
@MrsPavlov That would be ‘OhDaddy’ hosting.
I need to come party with you two. Geez
You never disappoint good sir, bra! Looking forward to the conclusion of this amazing journey.
I’m still grinning… We have some of the most creative ppls out there in our little forum.
I’ve got to get ready to jet - I’ll be back in a few weeks!
@MrsPavlov will wrap this up with Part III - I’m sure she’ll be posting it late tonight or sometime Monday!
Be good, fellow fuckers!
@Pavlov May the meh be with you. See you in a few weeks!
This beats the 200 pair of Trip Glasses I received last year!
Here is my lucky bag. The clown thing is a giant pez dispenser piggy bank…weird and creepy.
@nickebobbe FYI your photo goes on the second birthday fuku reveal thread click here for correct thread for reveal photos
@nickebobbe @Kidsandliz
It’s all good! Not a problem!
@MrsPavlov I saw your name on the thread as having replied and got all excited for part 3. Tease!
@jbartus I’m finishing it up now! Had to wait until after my 2:00 AM call to @Pavlov to read it to him first! Now just uploading images!
@MrsPavlov It’s 4:17 AM and I have a 10 AM meeting. Hurry please! My relationship with my client depends on it!
Pavlov’s birthday fukōbukuro - Part III
AKA - The best way to pay.
When we were cleaning up on Friday, I noticed something odd in the small pile of popped balloons my husband was toting to the trash. It was another balloon, deflated just like the rest of them, but you could tell it held something inside. It was very thin, rectangular, and it was of a size and shape that any woman who shops half as much as I do would immediately recognize. From across a football field. With players on it. In a crowded stadium.
Faster than @studerc can star his own Meh forum post, I snapped that balloon away from @Pavlov, and scared the complete shit out him making him drop all of the other balloons. He just stood there looking at me like I was psycho, and I told him it was his fault that he dropped them because he was drunk.
He agreed that he was drunk, but not that it was his fault.
Not wasting any time, I opened that little fucker up like a prisoner ending a hunger strike after being told there’s a file baked into his cake.
Momma smelled money! And I was right!
Yay! Yay! Yay!
@Pavlov just looked at me, shook his head, and said, “Guess that’s the last time I’m ever holding that.”
I glared at him and replied, “Now there’s a sentence you never want to hear me say to you.”
He laughed nervously, then this weird scared look washed over him when I deadpan stared him down. He mumbled something about needing another drink when he finally realized I was keeping the gift card.
Grabbing my ass on the way out, he went searching for ice.
There I am holding $50 to Amazon thinking ‘Momma needs a new pair of shoes’ and figuring that I had better spend it fast before it burns a hole in my purse (I really like that fucking purse don’t ya know) - and then I just suddenly stopped and stood there, and started to cry a little bit.
It wasn’t the booze. It wasn’t the weed.
Earlier in the week an email had arrived from my son’s Scout troop about one of the other first year boys that my son had gone to camp with this year. In fact seeing my son on visiting day on Sunday afternoon was one of the big reasons @Pavlov came home when he did - to celebrate his birthday, poke me for our anniversary and also to get a chance to visit with our precious boy before he had to get back to work. It was a winning trifecta!
Anyway, back to the email - this boy’s family has been through a really rough time lately and they had to get a partial scholarship from our local Council just to be able to afford to get their son to camp and the troop wanted to surprise them with school supplies, etc to help them out a bit. I had actually told @Pavlov about all of this during one of our nightly (my night, his morning) calls.
Momma doesn’t need a new pair of shoes. But damn if I didn’t know a bright young boy that does.
I had marked on my calendar to get with a few of the other mom’s this week to see what we could put together for him and their family and I had forgotten all about it. That is I had forgotten until I was standing there thinking what I was going to do with $50 of found money that had arrived in a box celebrating Meh’s birthday that was meant to be a gift for my husband to surprise him on his ‘birthaversary’ - and there I am standing there thinking selfishly.
I fixed my face and walked back into the office and sat down at the first computer I could find. I punched up Amazon and drained that card’s balance into my account.
One pair of Nike Revolution 2. Black with white swoosh and red on the tongue and sole - colors that I know he’d like! The size was right! $50 flat, and with free Prime shipping to even further sweeten the deal.
CLICK (I’m fast on that left mouse button, remember?). Ordered and on the way.
I went back into the studio area to finish cleaning up. I took a few pictures of the trunk and measured it to see if it would fit where I wanted it to in our bedroom, and after some time I realized that I hadn’t seen the old man in quite a bit.
I went off looking for him and found him in his office on his computer. I poured myself another drink and we sat there and talked about life for an hour or two, just more catching up. When we got up to leave, he said he needed to finish something on the computer. I asked him what was up and he said that he was burning that gift card on pencils, pens, folders - a bunch of school supplies for the boy in the troop that needed some help.
Knowing he was pretty high, I decided to mess with him a bit. I looked at him and admitted I had already spent it.
Predictably, he started to get in my ass about it and I thought about stopping him in his tracks once or twice, but I let him go on. Then I laid on him what I had done earlier with the balance.
All the emotion drained from his face. He tried to stammer his drunk ass out of it and I shushed him. I asked him if all the stuff was still in his shopping cart on Amazon. He got very quiet and looked at the screen. I heard five or six clicks over the next silent thirty seconds or so and then he said, “No. I just bought it. It’ll be here Tuesday, please make sure they get it.”
I told him I loved him and we took an Uber home.
To @hollboll, @chadp, @moose and all of the other wonderful people that make up Meh, thank you for the most amazing fuko (fuku), to mark the occasion of your birthday.
I know that these are completely random. It was a wonderful coincidence that it arrived on the day that it did. But I couldn’t have asked for anything more - or for anything better.
Your treasure chest brought me two afternoons (evenings) of great fun, and reminded me about what is most important in life - to pay it forward.
It is, after all, the very best way to pay.
Happy Birthday Meh! We love you!
@MrsPavlov I didn’t see that coming as part three of this saga but I’m glad it was what it was. You guys are both awesome people, I’ll bet that boy will be thrilled and his parents grateful.
@jbartus Sometime you’ll have to fill us in on what you thought might have been coming!
@MrsPavlov random acts kindness… always melts the heart
@MrsPavlov I love that you mess with @pavlov… and that you are so very generous of heart as well as money!
@MrsPavlov I take it back. I don’t want to party with you two. I want to come do good things with you two.
Then we’ll party.
You people are awesome.