If you're buying this note that you're gonna need an amp (your receiver will work). The 45 watts of power the writeup refers to is what they will handle, not what they make themselves.
Also, I initially read this as 'Murica speakers. Would totally rock if they came with some Skynrd.
@Foxborn the psychology of pricing can be interesting. These speakers might garner more credibility if they listed the MSRP at something like $129 or $99. Unless of course if they sound really amazing... but there doesn't seem to be much independent evidence of that so far.
@UncleEdZed come on, new crap is always better than same old crap. plus while I might not want to pay this price for these, I wouldn't mind having some of these land in a fuku
@narfcake I've owned good sounding speakers that didn't have low sensitivity (of course requires more powerful amps) but the low power handling capability does counter that.
These are really good for the price. Easy to install. If you can't run the wire up through the ceiling, pull away your baseboard and cut off a bit off the bottom of your sheet rock. Run the wires through that gap and then back up through the wall behind your receiver and then replace your baseboard.
These may not be audiophile quality but multiple sets are great for 5.1 or 7.1 audio for your movies. These speakers will beat the he11 out of any sound bar. Now all you have to do is wait for meh to sell a subwoofer.
Lots of useful installation information and parts at inwallstore, and if you go there you can see how much it would cost you to move a step up.
Just installed my Atmos setup. Would not use these. Far too low RMS power handling to match up with any decent amplifier that has Atmos.
These would make great kitchen, bedroom, office music speakers to use with an older amplifier, not for home theater usage. $45 for the bundle isn't bad, since the wire, posts and rheostat + shipping will come close to that anyways. Quite meh, since I went infinity and klipsch for my setup.
Considering the volume control the price is pretty good. As a comparison I went over to monoprice and built the same 'kit' and even before shipping the price was $60 and then shipping is another $15. I assume the monoprice speakers are better quality for less money, but the rest of the kit adds another $20+ on top.
Just be careful. 50W can easily get blown by new and old receivers/amps. Don't go cranking it up, until you know what your receiver/amp puts out in your rear channel. Frequency response is impressive for the price and size of the speakers. The volume control is a nice touch!
Thinking of installing these in bathroom ceiling with knob on the wall by the light switch and speaker posts in a closet. Then putting an old shelf system in the closet and running a Bluetooth dongle to an input on the shelf system. So long as volume knob can zero out I should be good to steam from a cell phone... any thoughts?
@omegaroach bathroom = wet/steam (noticed your "steam"/stream play on words). Since these do not appear to make any moisture resistance claims, an outdoors-rated setup might be a better match.
RE, the volume going to zero, from the manual:
Attenuation is accomplished in eleven steps plus positive off.
I need a cheap receiver I would install these in my bed's headboard for sexytimes with the wife. Drop a AudioCast to stream music to the speakers. Sounds like too much work. nvm
I Still love these! (I'll have to re-read the comments to made sure the speakers and van photo is to scale.) The speakers have a sizable plate to cover up my cutting mistakes. These will probably be the closest I get to a $45,000. speaker system for $50 shipped. I'm not buying them, but I'll love anyone that does.
Wall Speaker:
Ceiling Speaker:
Condition: New
Warranty: 90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery: 3/22 - 3/25
Shipping: $5 or free with VMP
What’s in the Box?
2x In-Ceiling or In-Wall Speakers
1x 100’ CL-3 16/2 speaker wire
1x Wall plate with two pairs of 5-way binding posts
1x 50W impedance matching volume control
Included with wall
Included with ceiling
Price Comparison
$199.95 List for Wall Speaker
$199.95 List for Ceiling Speaker
Find a relevant price comparison? Please share it in a comment in this thread
Estimated Delivery
Monday, January 28th - Monday, February 4th
Untz Untz Untz!
@thismyusername 11 sec in
Sounds like a good deal.
This isn't pie-related.
@heartbleed It is, if your pie is a speaker.
@chacham @heartbleed I think that's circular logic.
@sligett speaker for yourself, i like my pie in the sky logic
"W" is for floor? Someone needs some remedial Sesame Street.
@SSteve f the friends who do things together
@kus u is for ukulele.
@SSteve Typo fixed — comment no longer makes sense. Shoulda posted a screenshot but I was about to sit down for dinner.
Oh, look. It was still sitting on the screen of my computer.

If you're buying this note that you're gonna need an amp (your receiver will work). The 45 watts of power the writeup refers to is what they will handle, not what they make themselves.
Also, I initially read this as 'Murica speakers. Would totally rock if they came with some Skynrd.
@djslack Skynyrd. FREE BIRD! FREE BIRD!!!
@ruouttaurmind Hush, you.
That's tomorrow's deal.
Nice! In for 3. These will work great in my van down by the river.
@jml326 saving you the effort
@mehdaf best part for me is I'll be 35 on Thursdays
Why am I suspicious of a $200 speaker being sold at $45?
@Foxborn because you know it's probably really worth $15?
@thismyusername Might have something to do with it ;)
@Foxborn not implying white van are you?
@Foxborn IMHO, you shouldn't be. I've worked at Best Buy and 300% markup (or more if comparing to MSRP) is normal for speakers.
@Foxborn the psychology of pricing can be interesting. These speakers might garner more credibility if they listed the MSRP at something like $129 or $99. Unless of course if they sound really amazing... but there doesn't seem to be much independent evidence of that so far.
DAAAAAMN @RedOak back at it again with the white vans?
Speak up -- reminds me of a song -- another manic ( replace manic with meh) Monday wish it was Sunday "--oh wait it's still Sunday :) meh anyways
I think I know what Dolby Atmos is, but what is Dolby Atmos "tuning"?
@awk I suspect it has to do with paying Dolby a fee to use their name and logo on the box, but there might be more to it than that.
While I have no use for these (I rent), I appreciate meh changing it up with something different.
@paco650 agreed.
Well, you can't spell Meh without Musica Dual Speaker Kit. At least it's some kind of different speaker system type of kit/set
If I was building a house, I'd be in for three sets. Unfortunately, I'm not building a house.....
@eeterrific Thank goodness I'm not building a house. If I were, these speakers would be the least of my worries.
Hooray! Something new! Good job meh!
Uhhh....new meh is still MEH!
(don't encourage them)
@UncleEdZed come on, new crap is always better than same old crap.

plus while I might not want to pay this price for these, I wouldn't mind having some of these land in a fuku
If I could find a few reviews indicating these are at least decent, I'd be interested in a set, but without knowing anything about them, in for none.
Wish I had some idea what these sound like (from an independent source).
Not gonna cut holes in our home's walls/ceilings for $45 for "$200 speakers" but they are tempting for a cabin we're planning "up north".
@RedOak The moderate wattage handling and low sensitivity is a hesitation here.
(Not to mention I already have a few sets of NIB Monoprice in-wall and in-ceiling speakers I bought at Goodwill.)
@narfcake I've owned good sounding speakers that didn't have low sensitivity (of course requires more powerful amps) but the low power handling capability does counter that.
@narfcake i was thinking the same thing about the sensitivity. 89db is typical 91 or 93 preferred. 87ok...
Two reviews over on Amazon
@jwill1981 was hoping for more sound quality review depth than:
Not exactly an audiophile level of detail on those 5 stars. You can be assured though that they match that guys other speakers at least.
@RedOak so even the reviews make you say "meh"?
That's almost as helpful a review as: "What a pretty color! Matches my hairband!"
Beautiful for me. But no funds this second.
@wew what about this second
Dolby Atmos tuning for that "voice of God" effect
"I wan't you to think about what you've done Kent, and from now on, stop playing with yourself"
@EffinMojo Real genius comment.
@EffinMojo Ok God....GIVE IT TO ME!
@caffeine_dude Whatevs dude, I hope somebody fills your house full of popcorn
(This comment will look silly once you fix the typo.)
While I desperately wanted (something like) these when I was younger, in this age of wireless and Bluetooth... why bother?
@haydesigner the bluetooth mangling is generally why people go with wired.
plus you could always connect to the good stereo system that drives these with bluetooth or airplay or googlecast or what not...
Ya sneaked that daylight savings time change in on me, didn't ya Meh!
Still wondering when you other 49 states are gonna get with the program and bail on that crap.
@ruouttaurmind Are you miscounting Hawaii or Arizona?
@narfcake Hawaii, 'cause I didn't realize they don't play the clock game either!
@ruouttaurmind We're not a state, but Saskatchewan says hi too. UTC-6 year-round.
@PhotoJim Cheers from UTC-7, 365!
These are really good for the price. Easy to install. If you can't run the wire up through the ceiling, pull away your baseboard and cut off a bit off the bottom of your sheet rock. Run the wires through that gap and then back up through the wall behind your receiver and then replace your baseboard.
These may not be audiophile quality but multiple sets are great for 5.1 or 7.1 audio for your movies. These speakers will beat the he11 out of any sound bar. Now all you have to do is wait for meh to sell a subwoofer.
Lots of useful installation information and parts at inwallstore, and if you go there you can see how much it would cost you to move a step up.
So you've heard these models? If they sound crappy they aren't "good" at any price. Good for the price compared to Klipsch, Infinity & Polk in-walls?
@RedOak Heard of but don't own. Like I said, better than a sound bar. If you're looking for audiophile, buy audiophile.
General rule of thumb... if the sensitivity is less than the warranty, pass.
Can these be bi-amped?
Is the volume control stereo?
I may buy a bunch of these under different accounts and sell them out of my white van in parking lots around the country...
Just installed my Atmos setup. Would not use these. Far too low RMS power handling to match up with any decent amplifier that has Atmos.
These would make great kitchen, bedroom, office music speakers to use with an older amplifier, not for home theater usage. $45 for the bundle isn't bad, since the wire, posts and rheostat + shipping will come close to that anyways. Quite meh, since I went infinity and klipsch for my setup.
Considering the volume control the price is pretty good. As a comparison I went over to monoprice and built the same 'kit' and even before shipping the price was $60 and then shipping is another $15. I assume the monoprice speakers are better quality for less money, but the rest of the kit adds another $20+ on top.
If Meh wants to air-express these to the Peachtree-Dekalb airport this morning I can have a glowing review written by 3PM today. It could happen...
Just be careful. 50W can easily get blown by new and old receivers/amps. Don't go cranking it up, until you know what your receiver/amp puts out in your rear channel. Frequency response is impressive for the price and size of the speakers. The volume control is a nice touch!
Thinking of installing these in bathroom ceiling with knob on the wall by the light switch and speaker posts in a closet. Then putting an old shelf system in the closet and running a Bluetooth dongle to an input on the shelf system. So long as volume knob can zero out I should be good to steam from a cell phone... any thoughts?
@omegaroach bathroom = wet/steam (noticed your "steam"/stream play on words). Since these do not appear to make any moisture resistance claims, an outdoors-rated setup might be a better match.
RE, the volume going to zero, from the manual:
1995 called and they want their speakers back. Do people still put holes in walls for speakers?
I need a cheap receiver I would install these in my bed's headboard for sexytimes with the wife. Drop a AudioCast to stream music to the speakers. Sounds like too much work.
@j8erg You never want to have to work for teh sexytimes.
I Still love these! (I'll have to re-read the comments to made sure the speakers and van photo is to scale.) The speakers have a sizable plate to cover up my cutting mistakes. These will probably be the closest I get to a $45,000. speaker system for $50 shipped. I'm not buying them, but I'll love anyone that does.
84dB sensitivity. Better have a big amp - these suck.