Meh went back in time....
6To 2007 and infiltrated the genius boffins at Channel 4 in England and planted a meh shirt on Roy in The IT Crowd!!!!
What sorcery is this???
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Congrats, you discovered that even their genius company name is only Meh...
Here's the image in case someone doesn't want to click the link
@cengland0 The wearer looks more meh than the shirt,
The IT Crowd rules.
So does ThinkGeek
What do I win?
Just binge watched the IT crowd (annual occurrence) Moss rules
@basementwaj But did you watch the 1 hour after series special, "The Internet Is Coming"?
It is located here if you missed it:
@thismyusername yeah, but I didn't love it.. However, bad IT Crowd is better than the best US sit com
@basementwaj Ya know, I was the same with the Red Dwarf rehash, but after watching it again it grew on me! I think it was the age change... the only one that didn't age was cat.
@thismyusername ... Man! I got their complete series and movies but it seems PBS is being chintzy on the new series; got a link to it where some yanks can have a bit of fun too? Thanks.
@unkabob sadly it's not streaming-legit yet (in the usa anyway).... but netflix does have the disc if you have snail-mail-netflix. Disc1 has all 6 episodes and Disc2 is the making of extras. You have to search for red dwarf then click the ADD button then select season 10 then you can see the discs.
@thismyusername Thanks, I'll give it a shot.. Is that all they made, 6 episodes? Wasn't sure how many the Brits create during a season, thought it was more.
@unkabob Yea the UK varies like it does in the US but the UK ones are usually pretty small for a series/season... 6 is a common season there.
@unkabob Amazon sells the imported box set, all 4 seasons plus extras for $25. Its worth a purchase. We watch the entire box set over 4 nights at least once a year. Its LMAO hysterical every time
Here is the link
I have that shirt
@Cerridwyn prove it
@hoosier ... He can't.. The washing machine ate it.
Reviving zombie thread to point out you can stream it now... (well as of 8/1/15 anyway)
On Hulu Seasons 1-5 (no subscription needed for this title):
On Netlix Seasons 1-4:
@thismyusername I know that everyone hates the commercials on hulu, but I find it so generous that they make The IT Crowd and Peep Show available to all that I can't be mad at them.
I've had that shirt since 2002 as well.