@smigit2002 Probably. At least for their 100% cotton shirts, the women’s sizes are even narrower than AA’s, albeit hourglass shaped, not straight cut like AA.
@smigit2002 All I know is I’ve bought like 5 MEH shirts and NONE of them were the same size. One fits great, two are way too big (for a large), and one was extremely small. Women sizes are even more hit or miss. I’d love it if they stuck to one brand, and had accurate sizing information.
@narfcake so I made a mistake. My TeeTurtle shirt is smaller than my Next Level. At least the one I grabbed to take some photos below. My Next Level is definitely bigger than my AAs though.
I have a Next Level shirt. The sizing is bigger than American apparel in the standard men’s t-shirt. I actually wear one size smaller and they fit pretty similar.
It’s one of my favorite shirts, but that’s probably because it’s a Nine Inch Nails tour shirt with a sublimation print.
@Pantheist No one ever sees it. I get so many comments when I wear my meh shirts. Usually it’s, “that’s how I feel today.” Then I explain it’s also a web site and have to pull up the web address on the bottom for people to see.
Sizing chart I found through Google shows these run a size larger than AA but I’m no expert. Narfcake says they fit like AA. Riotdemon says they don’t. I gambled that these might be big enough for a fat guy.
Based on narfcake’s vast knowledge of t-shirts and the size chart for this specific line 2many2no posted below, I think I’m jumping out. The size chart I looked at by googling was different and not specific to this line.
@SSteve You’re doing it wrong. Everyone knows t-shirts are meant to be stored in a loose pile on top of a stack of boxes you totally intend to take care of someday.
POLYESTER? Polyester does not breathe. I can’t wear synthetics. It is almost impossible to find a wearable cotton t-shirt. Damn and this caught my interest more than anything you posted in the LAST 23 HOURS.
Got a ton of AA meh shirts. Love every single one of them - so soft. This 100% polyester shirt needs to be $5 or less before I take a flyer on it. I’m out.
@narfcake While we all know that it’s tri-blend, we also know that the specs state both “100% Polyester” AND “50% polyester/25% combed ring-spun cotton/25% rayon jersey” and this frightens us.
As a community.
@clarinetbob and since it’s a synthetic shirt and the size/fit is unknowable at this time, if you overshoot your size know that you can’t wash it in hot water and throw it in the dryer to shrink it.
I’m not buying any of these because the lettering looks as if it’s been photoshopped on to stock images. If Meh doesn’t care enough about me to take a picture of an actual printed shirt, I don’t care enough to buy one.
@narfcake You’re assuming that they’d have to print the entire order just to get a couple of shirts to take pictures of. It’s pretty simple actually. Print 4 shirts. Take pictures of them. Wait for people to order. Print all shirts ordered.
@phatmass No it’s not simple. You’re asking the shop to go through and expose the screens, set them up to print, get the ink mixed, print FOUR shirts, take the setup down, and have to set it back up again in a week? How much extra are you paying?
That’s not the way screen printing normally works. This is especially not the way to do it when it’s not their facility, which I suspect as such because they’re not fully built out at HQ#2 yet.
If I had to guess, either meh is using the same print shop as before or they’ve contracted it to TeeTurtle to print them up when they’ve got a “slow week” of only printing like 10k shirts.
@narfcake 1. They are going to have to expose the screens at some point, so lets move on to your next objection… 2. It takes like 5 minutes to setup a screen on a press, next… 3. Ink mixed? You’re kidding right. You don’t have to mix black and white ink. It already comes in those colors out of the bucket… Go home, you’re drunk. Just admit that Meh is lazy. No excuse not to have actual pictures of real shirts instead of photoshopped mockups–except, laziness.
@phatmass almost nobody prints shirts to take a picture of like that, it’s not cost effective. Even big companies. Especially for something stupid simple like a single color logo on a solid shirt. You pay a lot of labor, waste ink, have to do cleanup, and disrupt your printers from doing meaningful jobs that will make you far more money than anyone will pay you to do a sample of their upcoming run, never mind 4 of them. Plus you have to order in the sample run of blanks which since you’re just buying single pieces won’t get you any kind of volume discount, never mind a meaningful one, and it gets even worse.
I used to work in the industry, you’d be surprised how many companies don’t even bother to convert their Photoshop files to flattened images before throwing them up in their media repositories. And boy, you wouldn’t believe the retouching they do either, some of the files I saw over the years had whole sections of garments either Photoshopped together out of ‘whole cloth’ or wrinkles smoothed into oblivion with the clone stamp tool, it was kind of amazing to look at some of the files. I’m talking serious brands here too, companies like Nike, New Balance, Patagonia, etc.
Hell, Patagonia was almost the worst if you ever looked at one of their actual catalogs. They didn’t even put photos of the garments, they had vector drawings of a sweatshirt, say, then masked in a fabric ‘swatch’ behind the lines. Clone and replace swatch for each color.
@jbartus blah blah blah. I know plenty of printers who’ll print a single shirt for $7 + $25 setup fee. If Meh can’t dish out $32 to show me a real picture then I don’t want a shirt.
@phatmass those would almost certainly be direct on garment printing shops which would not provide an accurate depiction of a screen printed shirt. Thanks for taking the time to give my reply a thoughtful response though. “Blah blah blah” was very informative. I’ll remember next time not to “bother you” with the facts.
@jbartus blah blah blah was the most thoughtful reply I could think of as it described my reaction to your response perfectly. I think honest replies are the most thoughtful. I had a screen printing setup in my garage for over ten years and have printed thousands of shirts. I’m not speaking out of my arse.
@phatmass a small time operator working out of their garage has very different cost structures from the kind of print operation Meh is almost certainly dealing with. If making $32 was enough to get you to go to all that effort that’s all well and good but most print shops don’t want to be bothered. The time can better be spent setting up a 10,000 shirt run.
@narfcake@Thumperchick I missed a shot at the fuko because of it.
Oh, who am I kidding? I will NEVER get fuko.
I think they are real. I just can’t prove it.
@narfcake i thinks odds and market share have different units of measurement
( kind of like i'd walk a gallon f )
( or a camel )
o ^__^
o (oo)\_______
(__)\ )\/\
||----w |
|| ||
I put an XL Next Level over a XXL AA. The Next Level says it’s 100% cotton.
XXL AA over the Next Level.
TeeTurtle XL over the XXL AA.
Tried to put the TeeTurtle over the Next Level but it was impossible to see that the TeeTurtle was much smaller. If TeeTurtle does indeed use Next Level, maybe they use a different style of blank than the one I have, because the Next Level is definitely bigger.
@RiotDemon Possible mislabel on the NIN blank? It happens from time to time.
I can vouch that TT predominantly uses the Next Level 3600 for the men’s. They used to for the women’s (petite) until changing over to Live and Tell a couple years ago, as they offered a wider range of women’s sizes.
This is an ugly ass shirt. I don’t like the fabric; it’s too thin. I don’t like the “white” Meh letters. They are grey. Why, oh why, did AA have to go out of business? My shirt buying days are doomed.
Really, really disappointed in this shirt. These run even smaller than the AA shirts (to the point I can’t even wear it without looking like an idiot) and like @Barney said above, it’s too thin. Not only too thin, but I can see right through the damn thing. The arm length is really short too. The only thing I remotely like about it is the color (heathered black). Feeling a bit pissy about spending even $10 on it.
@dave - Please tell us this was truly just an experiment with this brand and there won’t be any more of them in the future.
@cinoclav I never even got to the “trying it on” part. I’m too old to be wearing a see-through shirt, so I just tossed it into the back of a drawer. Yeah, I hope they don’t sell any more of this kind.
I like the Next Level shirts a lot. I don’t like thick boxy Gildan style shirts at all. These are t-shirts. They should be light and airy. If you want thick, ask for sweaters.
@RiotDemon I’ll just hoist up my elastic waistband and use that for support instead. (I tried to find an image for that and now I have to go scrub out my eyes.)
I also really like this shirt. Never tried it on, washed and dried it, fits perfectly. I like the light blend, very comfortable. I really disliked my last cotton shirt so much I gave it to Goodwill for @narfcake to find. I just wish there had been more color options.
Something is really wrong with the world when I keep posting nice things about the things I have purchased lately and everyone else is bitching.
It’s like bizzaro meh for me.
What’s in the Box?
1x Meh shirt
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Wednesday, July 22nd - Monday, July 27th
/giphy legible-uplifted-camel

@Thumperchick Love is a beautiful thing
Not American Apparel???

/giphy frightened and confused
@awk They got bought out and aren’t USA made anymore.
@awk Nice giphy- it kinda suits you

/giphy UnAmerican
Maybe if there was a hat…
Finally colors of Meh shirts I would wear more often… but feeling very Meh…
$10 is a little steep considering it’s an ad for you.
So how’s the sizing on these? Do they still run small?
@smigit2002 Probably. At least for their 100% cotton shirts, the women’s sizes are even narrower than AA’s, albeit hourglass shaped, not straight cut like AA.
For men’s, they are very close in their cut.
@narfcake Thanks!

/giphy problematic-gentle-ravioli
Oh my god, that is so cute!
@smigit2002 All I know is I’ve bought like 5 MEH shirts and NONE of them were the same size. One fits great, two are way too big (for a large), and one was extremely small. Women sizes are even more hit or miss. I’d love it if they stuck to one brand, and had accurate sizing information.
Need v necks
Are these tagless? It’s 2017. All shirts should be tagless.
@KCFalcon59 DIY tagless. Most Next Level shirts have tearaway tags, though if this is older stock, it may be woven and you’d want to use scissors.
@KCFalcon59 Does that mean in 2018 you are going to refer to tagless shirts as “so 2017?”
Somewhat tempting, but I think I’ll pass.
(Now, if I could get a VMPer to buy this for me and I’ll send them $10, maybe I’d be slightly more tempted…)
@mflassy size?
@mflassy tic toc
Men’s medium.
@mflassy i used to be you
Paging @narfcake for shirt info.
@cinoclav Should fit like AA. At least all my TeeTurtle shirts do and they’re Next Level.
@narfcake my next level and tee turtle shirts are bigger than my AAs except for my tee turtle in green, that one is smaller.
@RiotDemon Weird. All mine in men’s large have been pretty close to one another.
@narfcake so I made a mistake. My TeeTurtle shirt is smaller than my Next Level. At least the one I grabbed to take some photos below. My Next Level is definitely bigger than my AAs though.
So… What size is this? Is it a women’s size that has the Pajama neck?
and can I get a dot on each nipple please
@medz this size is called NE
@Yoda_Daenerys lame. Why they trick us so?
Think Geek did it first…
Better just go ahead and buy one of both to add to the collection. I can now go for almost 4 straight weeks with a clean meh shirt everyday.
@studerc ahhh but has your underwear and sock collections caught up to that? Otherwise…

Polyester? Blech. Uh, I mean meh.
Pay $10 to advertise your site? Meh
My fave is still the barely visible meh on a black t-shirt and they were $5.
Next Level is taco. Ye
Boring colors…

@mflassy That’s better.
I’m with everyone who wants to know how these sizes run, why the specs have two different fiber descriptions, etc.
@mossygreen TeeTurtle uses Next Level. They fit like AA shirts.
@narfcake Thanks!
Hmmm… gray… ok… ($247)…
/giphy abrupt-obligated-governor

Ok! Finally a giphy not from TWD!
@baqui63 Now you lose my giphy star. I liked the house one.
@mfladd I for one think it’s relevant. Spreading your legs is a quick way to get rid of those pesky obligations.
Dang, after shipping that’s 3 times what I paid for my meh shirt back when I was vmp
Not fitted at the bicep? You’ve gotta be kidding me.
I have a Next Level shirt. The sizing is bigger than American apparel in the standard men’s t-shirt. I actually wear one size smaller and they fit pretty similar.
It’s one of my favorite shirts, but that’s probably because it’s a Nine Inch Nails tour shirt with a sublimation print.
/youtube nine inch nails copy of a
I don’t like how it says meh.com at the waist- if that weren’t there I’d get it.
@Pantheist The waist? Wait, you know what, I don’t want to know.
@ShotgunX yes, the waist is the part of the human body above the hips and below the ribs.
@Pantheist No one ever sees it. I get so many comments when I wear my meh shirts. Usually it’s, “that’s how I feel today.” Then I explain it’s also a web site and have to pull up the web address on the bottom for people to see.
@Pantheist So according to you, the logo is below the ribs in the photos?
@cinoclav That’s fair, but I’d know it was there…
@cincoclav I guess this proved your point.
@Pantheist Ooh, you were talking about that. I just saw the “Meh” and not the entire link, so something got lost in translation.
Wait, that’s still not really the waist though…
@Pantheist just cut the bottom part off. Problem solved.
Sizing chart I found through Google shows these run a size larger than AA but I’m no expert. Narfcake says they fit like AA. Riotdemon says they don’t. I gambled that these might be big enough for a fat guy.
/giphy deaf-beaming-family

Based on narfcake’s vast knowledge of t-shirts and the size chart for this specific line 2many2no posted below, I think I’m jumping out. The size chart I looked at by googling was different and not specific to this line.
No more t-shirts! I can’t fit them in my drawers. How about a polo with a little broken flask icon?
@SSteve Actually, that’s a pretty damn good idea… I’d be willing to buy one in almost any color (except yellow) if the price was right.
@SSteve I mean, I hate polos, but at the same time I’d probably buy two.
Seriously though, I’d love a windbreaker.
@SSteve YES!
@SSteve You’re doing it wrong. Everyone knows t-shirts are meant to be stored in a loose pile on top of a stack of boxes you totally intend to take care of someday.
NEXT Please
POLYESTER? Polyester does not breathe. I can’t wear synthetics. It is almost impossible to find a wearable cotton t-shirt. Damn and this caught my interest more than anything you posted in the LAST 23 HOURS.
Still no talls…
Got a ton of AA meh shirts. Love every single one of them - so soft. This 100% polyester shirt needs to be $5 or less before I take a flyer on it. I’m out.
@clarinetbob It’s not 100%. It’s tri-blend – cotton/polyester/rayon.
@narfcake While we all know that it’s tri-blend, we also know that the specs state both “100% Polyester” AND “50% polyester/25% combed ring-spun cotton/25% rayon jersey” and this frightens us.
As a community.
@mossygreen In that case, blame
@kidsandliz@dave.@narfcake Can do!
@clarinetbob Next Level brand is better than AA. Trust me. I’m a fabric connoisseur.
@clarinetbob and since it’s a synthetic shirt and the size/fit is unknowable at this time, if you overshoot your size know that you can’t wash it in hot water and throw it in the dryer to shrink it.
@dave two requests:
Please put a meh flask shirt up for sale!
Can you please make this a shirt!

3. Catshirts.
@narfcake @dave @ThomasF @Matthew
@mflassy Can it be a squirrelicorn?
Ask @mfladd.
@mflassy @narfcake

WTF Not?

/giphy gargantuan-dumb-pepperoni
/image gargantuan-dumb-pepperoni
@hems79 Hey, sorry I tried to fix your /image command and it didn’t work - also, it changed your cute gif to this one.

/giphy No worries, hepcat.
I think “shirt” is spelled wrong.
I have a grey one that has a girly Meh design so I figure a black one would complete my pessimistic wardrobe.

/giphy versatile wrathful scout
NICE! Gotta love the reference to the movie
/image versatile wrathful scout
Image doesn’t want to play?
I like the other giphy of the bully getting payback.
@hems79 I did too but I had to edit and I lost it.
Need pocket tees!
A t-shirt without a pocket is underwear.
@sjk3 Pockets!?

If you have underwear with pockets, do they become t-shirts?
Between the socks and the shirt, Meh has sold out to polyester. Sad.

/giphy dorky-frantic-pancake
/giphy dejected-debonair-toast

I’m not buying any of these because the lettering looks as if it’s been photoshopped on to stock images. If Meh doesn’t care enough about me to take a picture of an actual printed shirt, I don’t care enough to buy one.
They actually look like that in real life though.
@phatmass That’s because they have NOT been printed yet. We order, meh figures out how many of what color/sizes, and then they’re printed.
@narfcake sounds lazy.
@phatmass Sounds like common sense. Otherwise they’d be stuck with too many of one size and too few of another.
@Brasssong It’s not that simple.
@narfcake You’re assuming that they’d have to print the entire order just to get a couple of shirts to take pictures of. It’s pretty simple actually. Print 4 shirts. Take pictures of them. Wait for people to order. Print all shirts ordered.
@phatmass The birthday shirts looked a lot different than the mock-up so my guess is no, they can’t.
@phatmass No it’s not simple. You’re asking the shop to go through and expose the screens, set them up to print, get the ink mixed, print FOUR shirts, take the setup down, and have to set it back up again in a week? How much extra are you paying?
That’s not the way screen printing normally works. This is especially not the way to do it when it’s not their facility, which I suspect as such because they’re not fully built out at HQ#2 yet.
If I had to guess, either meh is using the same print shop as before or they’ve contracted it to TeeTurtle to print them up when they’ve got a “slow week” of only printing like 10k shirts.
@narfcake 1. They are going to have to expose the screens at some point, so lets move on to your next objection… 2. It takes like 5 minutes to setup a screen on a press, next… 3. Ink mixed? You’re kidding right. You don’t have to mix black and white ink. It already comes in those colors out of the bucket… Go home, you’re drunk. Just admit that Meh is lazy. No excuse not to have actual pictures of real shirts instead of photoshopped mockups–except, laziness.
@phatmass almost nobody prints shirts to take a picture of like that, it’s not cost effective. Even big companies. Especially for something stupid simple like a single color logo on a solid shirt. You pay a lot of labor, waste ink, have to do cleanup, and disrupt your printers from doing meaningful jobs that will make you far more money than anyone will pay you to do a sample of their upcoming run, never mind 4 of them. Plus you have to order in the sample run of blanks which since you’re just buying single pieces won’t get you any kind of volume discount, never mind a meaningful one, and it gets even worse.
I used to work in the industry, you’d be surprised how many companies don’t even bother to convert their Photoshop files to flattened images before throwing them up in their media repositories. And boy, you wouldn’t believe the retouching they do either, some of the files I saw over the years had whole sections of garments either Photoshopped together out of ‘whole cloth’ or wrinkles smoothed into oblivion with the clone stamp tool, it was kind of amazing to look at some of the files. I’m talking serious brands here too, companies like Nike, New Balance, Patagonia, etc.
Hell, Patagonia was almost the worst if you ever looked at one of their actual catalogs. They didn’t even put photos of the garments, they had vector drawings of a sweatshirt, say, then masked in a fabric ‘swatch’ behind the lines. Clone and replace swatch for each color.
@jbartus blah blah blah. I know plenty of printers who’ll print a single shirt for $7 + $25 setup fee. If Meh can’t dish out $32 to show me a real picture then I don’t want a shirt.
@phatmass those would almost certainly be direct on garment printing shops which would not provide an accurate depiction of a screen printed shirt. Thanks for taking the time to give my reply a thoughtful response though. “Blah blah blah” was very informative. I’ll remember next time not to “bother you” with the facts.
@jbartus blah blah blah was the most thoughtful reply I could think of as it described my reaction to your response perfectly. I think honest replies are the most thoughtful. I had a screen printing setup in my garage for over ten years and have printed thousands of shirts. I’m not speaking out of my arse.
@phatmass a small time operator working out of their garage has very different cost structures from the kind of print operation Meh is almost certainly dealing with. If making $32 was enough to get you to go to all that effort that’s all well and good but most print shops don’t want to be bothered. The time can better be spent setting up a 10,000 shirt run.
@jbartus what is preventing Meh from hiring a small time operator to print 4 shirts? Don’t answer. I already know. Laziness.
@jbartus why do you hate Amaerica?
@therealjrn what? O.o
@phatmass one man’s laziness is another man’s pragmatism.
Fuck it - Last (with 1 second to go)
@mfladd Awww, fuck! I was so busy answering questions I thought it was for the hour!
@narfcake oh no!
@Thumperchick On the other hand, the odds of me running out of shirts to wear is even smaller than Windows Phone’s market share.
@narfcake @Thumperchick I missed a shot at the fuko because of it.

Oh, who am I kidding? I will NEVER get fuko.
I think they are real. I just can’t prove it.
@mfladd TBH, I didn’t even try at all today. I still thought I was going to buy a shirt.
Probably for the better, really. One less meh shirt, one more catshirt instead.
@narfcake i thinks odds and market share have different units of measurement
@Yoda_Daenerys Percentages.
/google Windows phone market share 2017
Closing the books on Microsoft’s Windows Phone - Recode
@narfcake Shirts are on Morningsave!
@sammydog01 @narfcake
$12 if I sign up for the $2/month shipping. Hmmm…
@mflassy $10.80 shipped if you have VMP.
Sold out?
@nadroj Timed out.
@sammydog01 oh well, off to bed then
@nadroj Good call.
@nadroj Available on Morningsave today- $10.80 since you have VMP. if you still want one.
I put an XL Next Level over a XXL AA. The Next Level says it’s 100% cotton.
XXL AA over the Next Level.
TeeTurtle XL over the XXL AA.
Tried to put the TeeTurtle over the Next Level but it was impossible to see that the TeeTurtle was much smaller. If TeeTurtle does indeed use Next Level, maybe they use a different style of blank than the one I have, because the Next Level is definitely bigger.
@RiotDemon XL vs XXL.
@narfcake that was my point. The Next Level is an XL versus AA is XXL and they fit the same.
@RiotDemon Possible mislabel on the NIN blank? It happens from time to time.
I can vouch that TT predominantly uses the Next Level 3600 for the men’s. They used to for the women’s (petite) until changing over to Live and Tell a couple years ago, as they offered a wider range of women’s sizes.
@narfcake suppose so, or it was a different style blank all together.
@narfcake found a size chart for the model number they gave:
This is an ugly ass shirt. I don’t like the fabric; it’s too thin. I don’t like the “white” Meh letters. They are grey. Why, oh why, did AA have to go out of business? My shirt buying days are doomed.
Really, really disappointed in this shirt. These run even smaller than the AA shirts (to the point I can’t even wear it without looking like an idiot) and like @Barney said above, it’s too thin. Not only too thin, but I can see right through the damn thing. The arm length is really short too. The only thing I remotely like about it is the color (heathered black). Feeling a bit pissy about spending even $10 on it.
@dave - Please tell us this was truly just an experiment with this brand and there won’t be any more of them in the future.
@cinoclav I never even got to the “trying it on” part. I’m too old to be wearing a see-through shirt, so I just tossed it into the back of a drawer. Yeah, I hope they don’t sell any more of this kind.
@cinoclav I didn’t order it because I wasn’t sure about the quality and then caved the next day on MorningSave. Now I hope it gets lost in the mail.
@sammydog01 For your sake, I hope it gets lost in the mail, too.
@Barney I like the material. It doesn’t fit because I ordered the wrong size. Oh well.
@sammydog01 I’ve pretty much decided that my T-shirt buying days are over. But that’s okay, I have enough to last me several lifetimes and then some.
My grey one looks nice enough. Didn’t try it on. Gotta wash first.
I like the Next Level shirts a lot. I don’t like thick boxy Gildan style shirts at all. These are t-shirts. They should be light and airy. If you want thick, ask for sweaters.
@phatmass Yes- I want a Meh sweater. And I want for my bra to not show with a t-shirt.
@sammydog01 just don’t wear a bra. That’ll fix it.
@RiotDemon I’ll just hoist up my elastic waistband and use that for support instead. (I tried to find an image for that and now I have to go scrub out my eyes.)


/giphy did I do that?
I’m super glad you switched to tri-blends, I never want to wear a full cotton shirt again.
I also really like this shirt. Never tried it on, washed and dried it, fits perfectly. I like the light blend, very comfortable. I really disliked my last cotton shirt so much I gave it to Goodwill for @narfcake to find. I just wish there had been more color options.

Something is really wrong with the world when I keep posting nice things about the things I have purchased lately and everyone else is bitching.
It’s like bizzaro meh for me.
@mfladd You know I’m not travelling thousands of miles to find it at your local store, right?