meh. Fantasy Football: 2024-2025
5Anyone interested in fantasy football?
It’ll be on ESPN…unless someone else wants to be the commissioner…
The draft probably wouldn’t happen until late August/early September but wanted to capture interest for those who are hit and miss on the forum.
@sammydog01, @tohar1, @zinimusprime, @carl669, @gallogj @yakkoTDI, @christinewas, @brendles, @carl669, @metaphore, @jhinra, @therealjrn, @sillyheathen, @christinewas, @cozzafrenzy
- 39 comments, 72 replies
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/giphy I’m in!

@sammydog01 no problem Ms. Commish!!!
i’d be down. with my usual caveat of putting zero effort in.
@carl669 that’s the best effort!!!
Sure, it would just depend on the draft day/time, in a couple of other leagues.
@RealScorz commissioner @sammydog01, another invitee!!!
/giphy YES

/giphy minion dance

I’m in
@metaphore excellent!!!
Dragontrainer wants to play.
/giphy festivus

Thanks for tagging me but I only think about Fantasy Football when this thread comes around each year.
@yakkoTDI sounds like a great reason to join the league. Plus there is an upgrade in commissioner this year - @sammydog01!!!
@njfan @sammydog01 But joining would require me to think about sports ball more than I do now. That would cut into my YouTube time.
@njfan @yakkoTDI You obviously haven’t heard of auto-draft.
I’m bumping this so I can find it easier. I sent an invitation to @realscorz. Anyone else?
I also would like a check-in from anyone that played last year and is coming back- I already see several.
@njfan is there a way to email people from last year? (Never mind, found it).
Also anyone have a complaint about the scoring? Speak now or forever hold your peace. (I’m looking at kicker points and number of quarterbacks.)
@sammydog01 I felt like missed field goals were punished too harshly. I think there might have been other things I didn’t like much, but that was the one I actually remember.
@metaphore Four quarterbacks is a lot too but I’ll see how many teams we have.
@sammydog01 yeah, depending on how many teams we get the number of QB will have to be adjusted. Last year we had like 8 teams? and could run 2 QBs, but anymore than that there’s not really enough to go around. Total should go down if we are only starting 1.
13 teams? Never seen that before
@RealScorz The numbers are weird, probably from changes year to year. Are you joining us?
I’ll play again
@gkimbrell Got it.
We’re at 7 teams checking in. Last call for @zinimusprime and @realscorz. Or anyone else that wants to play.
I haven’t gotten an answer to my question about a Buy-In. Is there one? I would like to play with a little skin in the game, nothing crazy but in my experience when there is nothing on the line, people tend to drift away.
@RealScorz We’ve never done a buy-in. We mostly play to taunt each other. For example @carl669 autodrafts and never changes his line-up.
@RealScorz but drifting away is the best part of the meh fantasy league.
@medz Yeah a mod should probably fix that. Not that we have any new people joining.
@medz @sammydog01 Still needed? What’s the target?
@medz @werehatrack If not saying unofficial doesn’t bother you it doesn’t bother me.
I’m sorry guys, I am going to pass. Last year I did 4 leagues, it proved to be overwhelming and ultimately not fun. So I’m gonna cut back and try to enjoy my one league, which is entering its 11th year (and I am the defending back-to-back champ
Sooooooooo - we doin this?
@gkimbrell Yep, it’s on my calendar for this afternoon to get it all straightened out. Since you asked, any times good for a draft? I autodraft and don’t care.
@sammydog01 Thanks for the reply. I’m pretty much good with whatever as I’ll probably autodraft also
Hey everyone, looks like we have seven players from last year, no new teams, and we’re missing @zinimusprime. That makes 7 teams so I left zinimus’s team in to even it out. I can reassign it at any time if someone wants to join, and it will be on autodraft. We can even reassess a couple of games into the season and give it to the worst performing team if it’s better. Also it looks like he made a comment on the forums within the last month so HEY ZINIMUS YOU HAVE A TEAM IF YOU WANT IT.
I scheduled the draft for Sunday at 4 pm. If everyone who drafts live could let me know if that works I would appreciate it. We have some auto-drafters so it shouldn’t be too hard to find a time, I just wanted to get it on the books.
As for scoring, @njfan used a custom setup last year. I can keep it (with maybe an adjustment to kickers since a few of us were butthurt last year, yes I mean me) and maybe drop the number of quarterbacks to 3. Or I can switch it over to the default PPR settings. Let me know what you think.
@sammydog01 since it looks like we’re still on the smaller league size, we can keep the 2 starting QB like we had last year. If we do that keep the bench at 4. But if you want to limit it to 3 bench and 1 starter that works too.
Most of the scoring from last year seemed fine. Some things felt a bit extreme, but since everyone is getting scored the sane way it works out.
Except for kickers, let’s not screw them over as much so I’m not just tempted to leave mine on the bench and play without one.
Pretty much any time this weekend for the draft works for me, but the sooner a time is nailed down the better.
@sammydog01 I want it! Sorry, it’s been a busy summer and I haven’t had time to check personal email. I’m definitely in.
@sammydog01 last year’s commissioner was not very good. I defer to whatever you think is best. I think the default w/ a small league should provide ample opportunity for people to score points even if they draft three kickers in the first five rounds.

/giphy woo hoo
@njfan Last years commissioner went the extra mile and made special settings. I put in minimal effort and will revert to default settings. And the only thing dumber than drafting three kickers would be the have them all with the same bye week. What idiot would do that.
The league is set and draft is Sunday at 4 pm. Format is default ppr. Speak now or forever hold your peace. Also I was going to randomize divisions but couldn’t figure out how. So unless someone complains (and tells me how to fix it) we’re the same as last year.

/giphy let’s go!
Dak Prescott.

/giphy eww
At least I only got one kicker.
After draft projections:
@njfan The top three lost first week. Thanks for the helpful information, espn.
there was a draft?
And the award for the first manager to start a player who was officially declared out goes to Landry’s Legacy! Take a bow @gkimbrell. I would have put money on it being @carl669.
@sammydog01 I want a redo! this award should have been mine!
/giphy literally laughing out loud

@carl669 You get the award for first player to start two ruled out players. And you’re probably going to win.

/giphy unfair
I wish I had a take a bow emoji.
Not sure how I missed that one
@gkimbrell Apparently the second manager to start a player designated as out is me. Congrats on the win.
@sammydog01 thanks. I feel for ya. I had no idea McCaffrey could miss the game and it turns out that they told Mason that he’d be starting last week. Sucks that they hid that info
@gkimbrell @sammydog01 plus they made the announcement Monday leaving very few options.
@gkimbrell @njfan It’s OK, it gave me first waiver pick. Gonna go stud shopping tonight.
@gkimbrell @sammydog01 stud shopping?! This is a family friendly forum, young lady!
@gkimbrell @njfan Am I allowed to say I should have handcuffed a running back when I had the chance?

/giphy handcuffs
A pre-game warmup injury? SERIOUSLY?
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
@sammydog01 Good thing you didn’t even need a full team this week.
@metaphore It really was.
@njfan I felt bad about Engram’s performance until I looked at Kelce’s numbers.

/giphy hahaha
@carl669 Did you know you’re in first place? You won’t be on Tuesday morning.
@sammydog01 well… where am i now?
@carl669 3rd. Pretty good actually.
@gkimbrell. You took the Bill I wanted.

/giphy sad
Wow giphy, you OK?
ok people. i’m turning over my team management to my 6 year old nephew.
i’m not sure what would be worse, losing to the guy who does absolutely nothing, or losing to a 6 year old.
good luck and may the odds ever favor the lazy.
@carl669 I’m just glad I played you and not a 6 year old. I like to win.
@carl669 Your nephew needs to swap out the players with “O” next to their names. You have enough guys on your bench, just tap on the button under edit.
@sammydog01 I’m not sure he’s actually logged in yet. I usually get a notification when someone uses my login, and haven’t gotten anything yet
@carl669 You have a projected win probability of 9% and it’s only Friday. Impressive. That’s OK, Dragontrainer needs the win.
Last week I dropped Swift and he scored 30 points. This week I dropped Mooney and he scored 32 points. I guess next week I’m keeping everyone.
@gkimbrell. Hunt and Hill, nice! Now pick up Deshaun Watson for the domestic abuse triad.
@sammydog01 if only Ray Rice was still playing!
@gkimbrell There’s a kicker that abuses flight attendants that’s supposed to do well. Funny how they get fired for stuff like that until a team is desperate.
@sammydog01 thanks for the heads up!
@gkimbrell Congrats on the thug team win. McManus scored 12 and is still available, better than your well-behaved kicker.
This reminds me of that season I had Watson when he was scoring a ton of points for the Texans. The first I heard of his non-contact practice injury was when one of the other managers picked up his backup and tried to trade him for someone good. I think that manager’s name was Eli-something. @njfan do you remember who that guy was?

/giphy table flip
Ps: You’re projected to beat @njfan.
@njfan @sammydog01
that’s just the way the laissez-faire ball bounces
@sammydog01 @carl669

/giphy smirk
@carl669 @njfan Sorry I was too lazy to randomize the divisions again, you and Dragontrainer should be separate. Although Carl’s nephew is gaining ground.
attention all:
so as not to cause confusion, my 6 year old nephew has started managing my team. my brother tells me the young one has placed waiver claims. i totally know what these are.
as always, i remain disengaged from doing all the things.
yours truly,
@carl669 I saw he got new players, I’m impressed. He seriously lucked out with the draft and can be competitive. Unlike some of us.
@carl669 Which team is yours?
@zinimusprime team mehcronomicon
@carl669 He definitely made some good moves
@metaphore You peaked at the wrong time.
@sammydog01 I feel like every year my guys always wait till fantasy playoffs to get their shit together.
At least I won’t be last place.
@metaphore I usually start strong and tank by the playoffs. I’m not sure which is worse.
Anyway, congrats?
@metaphore Since my Brocks both let me down and I’m out of the playoffs…
Week 16, you pick the scoring system. Perhaps even a wager, loser sends the winner a thing of loser’s choice with a value of under $10?
@sammydog01 I’m down. Let’s just use the league’s scoring rules. Loser sends the winner something from one of the sister sites for around $10.

/giphy it’s on
@sammydog01 where do you want your prize shipped?
@metaphore I was so sure you would beat me. Stupid Josh Allen.
@sammydog01 still haven’t got a prize headed your way, but it’s gonna happen. Probably this year.
Fantasy football = New England Patriots with a decent qb
@ItalianScallion any New England regional team with a decent OL now (the Bills, that 3rd NY team, has a good enough QB + offensive line; the other more well known NY teams have squat)
@carl669 Tell your nephew I’m impressed with the way he handled his team right until he went all in on the 49ers. (Yeah they got me too.)
@sammydog01 will do!
Congratulations to all participants this year!
Champion: Team Dragontrainer
1st Loser: Landry’s Legacy aka @gkimbrell
2nd Loser: team njfan aka @njfan
3rd Loser: Zinlandia Zinimehsprimes aka @zinimusprime
4th Loser: Team Dog aka @sammydog01
5th Loser: Team Mehcronomicon aka @carl669 ('s 6 y/o nephew)
6th Loser: Team Mehtaphore aka @metaphore
Toilet Bowl: Meh Tohar1 aka @tohar1
@njfan @gkimbrell @zinimusprime @sammydog01
@metaphore @tohar1
i give credit to the mehcronomicon for my laziness and my nephew for his attention to this neglected team.
@carl669 @gkimbrell @metaphore @njfan @tohar1 @zinimusprime For anyone not following along the championship match went back and forth all weekend and was eventually decided by just over a point in overtime with Dragontrainer overcoming a projected win chance of 1%. Great job both Dragontrainer and @gkimbrell. (Also @njfan ended out the season with the high score after losing in the semis by under a tenth of a point.)
Had a great time this year! Same time and place next year?
@zinimusprime Me too. It’s @njfan’s turn next year. (Right?)
@sammydog01 @zinimusprime …yeah, definitely

If you are looking for people next year, I’m In! Won my work league for the 2nd time, this year.
@Oldelvis is best for me to See the email, But I use for ESPN.