@fastharry Are they stuffed with normal fluffy pillow fill, or are they like those pillows that are stuffed with millions of tiny little styrofoam beads?
Bought these on Dec 25th 2017 same price at 5 bucks each delivered they exceeded my expectations although they are still in the box they came in each pillow comes in a plastic bag grab these if you’re on the fence and have a spot for them enjoy Meh heads it’s a good deal…
@mfladd and I have some “pillow talk” to catch up on…
So genuinely satisfied to know my endorsement of M pillow helped motivate you to buy an item that provides relief for your erector…spinae…
@dseanadams great write up. My daughter is an aspiring creative writer (headed to Franklin & Marshall College in PA to study just that) as she approves of it as well.
Hey @dseanadams you can’t just say something like that and NOT include a picture of your dog! I refuse to spend a red cent on shit I don’t want until this issue is rectified!
I couldn’t help but buy these. Our 9-year old daughter, when currently asked about how she feels regarding virtually anything will always reply, “Meh.”
What’s in the Box?
1x White Meh Face
1x Black Meh Face
Pillows front
Pillows back
Black front
Black back
Bottle for scale
White front
White back
Bottle for scale
Merry Christmas!
90 Day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Nov 14 - Wednesday, Nov 16
Face it - pillow talk tonight
@AttyVette thinking ‘bout Sylvia, now.
King Meh
Mine are still in their original bags from last time.
@PlacidPenguin Mine too! I’m thinking about buying more.
@mossygreen @PlacidPenguin I bought a spare set from Morningsave already.
@mossygreen @sammydog01
Here I am posing with my pillows.
@PlacidPenguin Take your pillows out of the bag already! They’re soooo soft and squishy.
I’d sooner take my Woot blanket thingy out of the bag.
@PlacidPenguin @sammydog01 So handsome.
@PlacidPenguin Mine from last time are starting to grin at me… Should I be worried?
At the corners of the resealable flaps on the bags, there are gaps.
Felt the pillows, and they ARE soft.
I might have to buy 4 more. Two more wouldn’t work, since I would want to keep those sealed as well.
This puts me in a predicament, since my order history ONLY contains mehrchandise (Meh branded gear, Fukus, and Fukos).
If I don’t buy these pillows, there will be no order from me until July…
Only be concerned if they start winking.
@phendrick @PlacidPenguin Might mean it’s a good time to go to sleep. Or a very bad time to go to sleep.
@PlacidPenguin ditto
When will they upgrade these to the color versions?
Bought these last time…love 'em…
@fastharry Are they stuffed with normal fluffy pillow fill, or are they like those pillows that are stuffed with millions of tiny little styrofoam beads?
@steelopus Fluff!
@steelopus mine are still in cellophane…but they are def not beads…they actually have a nice squishy consistency to be honest…
@cinoclav Perfect. I’m in.
@steelopus You’ll barely be disappointed.
Already have a pair. They are already lost under the couch.
No, just no!
Faces of mehth.
Yay. @dseanadams. Finally some real talent around this place.
Welcome. You have a dog. We like you.
@medz #SkemmisSmells

/giphy yeah he does!
@medz sean is easily one of my top ten favorite modern writers. https://www.amazon.com/Sandwiches-Steve-Short-Kindle-Single-ebook/dp/B00IEHP77M
What kind of dog?
@sammydog01 @dseanadams And of course, bonus points for a picture.
I love these, but I have three of them. I think that’s enough.
Meh sex pillows.
/buy -coupon VMPBRIBE -q 3
@baqui63 Sorry, I couldn’t place your order. Something went terribly wrong.
@mediocrebot well la di dah!
/giphy innocent-excited-library

@baqui63 May I suggest giving this a read.
Welcome @dseanadams!
But considering the places @skemmehs wrote from before, should we be worried? He didn’t go off into space exploration did he?
@djslack Oops

/giphy space tesla
@djslack Not the picture I was aiming for, but it’ll do.
@dseanadams - cheer up sucker!
How Meh-ta.
I want to buy more of these, but I already have four. Maybe if they were different colors…
@Willijs3 they are different colors! One is white, and the other is black.
There is also a set where one is black and the other, white. If you’re lucky you might get that set!
@djslack Well, shit. When you put it that way…

/giphy detrimental-mandatory-hunchback
Way too Meh for me!
@robm It worked! Your order number is: worthy-grating-finger
/image worthy grating finger

Merry Christmas!
It’s like Ebony and Ivory, but much less interesting.
@ponagathos It worked! Your order number is: sly-psychotic-sun
/image sly psychotic sun

Do you have to click them to make them spin?
/giphy spin

K, fine, bought two more. The price is just too good. These are useless but I don’t care.
Wonderful write up. MFA well deserved dsean!
usingwasting a coupon on this?/image uninviting gruntled bit


/giphy you chose poorly
@ACraigL Well it’s not like I can
wasteuse it for a catshirt here!(Hi, @snapster!)
@ACraigL @narfcake hahahaha giphy won’t even admit it
@midcontrast @narfcake Yeah, the contrast was too funny to edit.
I’m not sure why I bought this, and I’ll probably never use them, but hey it was only $15!
Bought em the last time they were offered because I was drunk. Buying them this time because they’re awesome.
/image raunchy-chivalrous-elf

/giphy raunchy-chivalrous-elf
Purple!!! Please???
(still going to buy another pair of these, though…)
Absolute useless crap
Nah. That honor goes to these three listings:
@PlacidPenguin well played sir, well played…

I absolutely will not buy these, but I liked the write-up. thank you, and goodnight
@PHRoG It worked! Your order number is: favorable-scientific-moon
/image favorable scientific moon

Bought these on Dec 25th 2017 same price at 5 bucks each delivered they exceeded my expectations although they are still in the box they came in each pillow comes in a plastic bag grab these if you’re on the fence and have a spot for them enjoy Meh heads it’s a good deal…
@mfladd and I have some “pillow talk” to catch up on…
So genuinely satisfied to know my endorsement of M pillow helped motivate you to buy an item that provides relief for your erector…spinae…
@shells Did you even see meh had an entire front page write-up about your thread ?
“pillow talk”
Yessssssss indeed I did…I had hoped that my writing contribution would sell more of those high quality pillows, with genuine therapeutic benefit.
I think they sold like 10,000 more than last time. Lots of happy endings out there! I really love my pillow though, all jokes aside.
I hope you think of me when your pillow is feeling you up!
And yes, I bought these yin yang pillows because…meh…I’m a sucker for…
Well, there goes my second vmp coupon…

/image beaming-joyful-gecko
/giphy beaming-joyful-gecko
I can’t buy these because I spent all my $$$$
on these pillows … [rock pillows][1]
[1]: http://www.rockpillows.com/rock-pillow-sets/
Bought these last time. They’re small and completely useless. Thinking of buying more.
I think I might actually buy something
The model # is epic.
@dseanadams great write up. My daughter is an aspiring creative writer (headed to Franklin & Marshall College in PA to study just that) as she approves of it as well.
That suspense though. What kind of dog?
Can these be used to support my fairly large sack…of nuts??
@Bumplepimp They support an elephant!
Can we get a AA AAA battery sale. I’m running low.
@daniel85 Helpful hint: Sneak into @shahnm’s house and check the refrigerator.
@cinoclav +++++++
@savvysapphire It worked! Your order number is: gigantic-wasteful-cellar
/image gigantic wasteful cellar

Let me know when they are 24 x 6
Why did I just buy these…
Hey @dseanadams you can’t just say something like that and NOT include a picture of your dog! I refuse to spend a red cent on shit I don’t want until this issue is rectified!
@TheCraiggers In case you missed it: https://meh.com/forum/topics/meh-face-pillows-1#5abe497e36c0ce005c23e715
@dave Thanks! Your services have not gone unnoticed!
In for 3. Mehtastic.
At least it’s not a crappy bundle, like the last few Saturdays
@rtjhnstn *Friday
@ACraigL @rtjhnstn I was hoping I didn’t come into work today for no reason.
@ACraigL You’re right. I’m used to the 1st day off at the end of the week being Saturday.
These have the sewing quality of a 90’s mom’s craft store.
@Rakaim Crap, missed our chance to add that as a feature. Maybe next time.
I couldn’t help but buy these. Our 9-year old daughter, when currently asked about how she feels regarding virtually anything will always reply, “Meh.”
@steelopus It worked! Your order number is: pleasing-overblown-cleric
/image pleasing overblown cleric

Heck yeah!
@ManBehindPlan It worked! Your order number is: busy-macabre-punishment
/image busy macabre punishment

Just wanted to say:
/giphy black meh face

I have 1 set… I bought 2 more. sigh
/giphy ruddy-obsolete-tinkerbell

@Cydrik Sorry, the
command is currently only available to VMP members.aback-bawling-pest perfectly describes who I bought these for.
@blaineg It worked! Your order number is: parasitic-last-sugarcane
/image parasitic last sugarcane

@mediocrebot Hmm, that’s kinda pretty.
Thank you all for the warm welcome. To answer the question posed many times above, my dog is a pit mix. Here is a picture of him in front of a lake.
@dseanadams Now THIS is the content I come to the internet for. Please tell him he is a good dog for me.
@dseanadams Oh weird, he looks like a swan.
@dseanadams Are you sure he’s not behind the lake?
Wife thought they were a waste of money until she was into her 3rd trimester and needed to elevate her feet on the recliner.
How big are these? About a 1ft in diameter?
@lakeboy1 I think that’s about right. Don’t have one with me to measure.
As per the product specs, 11 inches.
@PlacidPenguin Thanks, I missed that.
even my dog wouldn’t eat this shit and she’s eaten two couches
also happy easter
@Bevvie So you’ve bought some and she’s tried?

@narfcake “So you’ve bought some and she tried?”
Oh dear God, I promised myself no more pillows from Meh.

Apologies for the ginormous tall picture; that’s what ya get!
Got these the first time, ordered a couple of more.
We really like these. Hubby wishes they came with different emotions and I asked “Happy Meh? Angry Meh? Meh Meh isn’t enough for you?”
Yeah, well, I guess…
I am disappointed that there are no faces in the eyes of the faces in the eyes of the face today.
Truly meh.
Looking forward to reading some words from the MFA.
Kick it over here mehby pop
And let all the fly skimmehs
Feel the beat.