I’ve made two attempts to talk to Meh customer service in the past week and still no one has gotten back to me… HELP. Is there an email address or phone number?
@therealjrn, wow! You don’t know how speech works? We are the customers that are looking for service. I didn’t mince words.
Also, I didn’t wait any amount of time. You may have made a comment 3 years ago, but it needed addressing. The support site doesn’t seem to work correctly. I stand by my statement. Yours seems to have not aged so well.
@sammydog01 We have gotten a lot of rain in the DFW area recently. No real flooding that I’ve heard of, but with the ground pretty much completely saturated it could be highly localized.
They do eventually respond and take care of things… sometimes in unexpected ways but you generally aren’t left hanging, out in the cold, with an unsolved problem…
@woodhouse Is this the case for morningsave as well. I also sent an email about an item I never received. I know sometimes items sell out so what do you suggest. I still would like the item. I never received it yet it says it was delivered at a time that I was at home.
Yeah, the same thing happened with me regarding a morningsave order. I will try that link like you said. I thought VMP’s were supposed to get responses sooner but IDK.
I don’t think so. At least I do not remember seeing that as a part of VMP.
edit of second sentence for clarity:
Separately, like others above me, I was happy how things were resolved the one time I had to involved customer service. I have no reason to believe my case was handled any differently because I am a VMP.
The postal delivery drivers scan items in bulk when they take a break. Then they deliver them later. I had a very large order that I did not get a while back. I
was waiting for the driver the whole time he just delivered it to someone else. No recourse with the post office then because they said if we show it as delivered we cannot help you.
@tkocka That should not be happening (obviously). Most post offices have gps points attached to the scans.
You can call the 800 ask usps or go on the website to report problems. You can also go to the postal inspector website. Problems reported this way are tracked by the postal service. It may not help one specific problem but if there shows a trend maybe it can be investigated. If you do not notify anyone it is presumed that everything is fine. Theft can be called in to the local police if something is taken after delivery.
@tkocka That happens here. Our house numbers are the same as another house on an adjacent street. They get our mail more than we get theirs.
One time, a piece of mail was delivered to our address, I caught the carrier on his way down the street and handed it back to him. It was a sub and he actually ARGUED with me about it. Like I didn’t know who I was or where I lived.
The last time this happened, a package of watch batteries was mis-delivered to that house for Amazon Sunday delivery. We got it the following week. The package had been opened, the batteries removed and taped back up. Nothing inside. No more Sunday delivery for us. It was under six bucks and Amazon just wrote it off.
@lisaviolet I live on a “road” and there’s a “court” with the same address. Our numbers are in the ten thousands. Really, planning guys? Tens of thousands of numbers to work with and you give us the same house number?
@sammydog01 I never thought of that. I’m in the over 10,000 block too. We have matching house numbers a couple blocks over. ! Now you’ve done gone and cheesed me off!
Only fix I know is to repeatedly call consumer affairs. And if needed force the local mgr to call you back.
And then do it again. And again.
Local mgrs get tired of making those calls. And if they don’t call you, you can call consumer affairs again and complain that the mgr was supposed to calm you and didn’t.
The PO logs those.
This usually fixes things. Not saying you will never ever have another problem tho.
I get better service talking to local consumer affairs than the national line, but either will do.
The alternative is to figure out which PO delivers your mail (not necessarily the one in your zip code) and go in. Insist on speaking to a mgr.
@lisaviolet You can file again saying they never contacted you. Headquarters does keep track of complaints and the reason when you use the website or the national phone number.
If you talk directly to local, they are supposed to keep a local log. Depends on the person if that works better or not. Keep a record of when and what problems as well as who you are telling. In some places, the person that answers the phone is an employee that may say nice things but not be able to do something or choose to not get someone in trouble.
If you have a good regular carrier, sometimes a little note in the mailbox with the flag up will get the information to the person that needs it.
Keep after it. They will think it is not a problem anymore if you do not tell them.
@f00l The local supervisor is an idiot. Our carrier has told us many stories of her inability to do the job correctly.
We had a bunch of stuff (heavy) sent two day priority. It didn’t get here on the day it was supposed to. Brian talked to our carrier, he said the supervisor told him “you’ve got too much other mail to deliver, just leave that and deliver it tomorrow”. Priority mail, right?
So, Brian hops in the truck, drives down there, speaks to someone other than the supervisor and is taken to the boxes and he starts loading them up himself. He gave the supervisor an earful.
Did it matter? Nope.
Another time (one of us is almost always home) a sub carrier left a notice in the mailbox that he tried to deliver it, but no one answered the door. Door was open. I was waiting for him, notice in hand, when he came back down the street.
@lisaviolet We have the same situation with a house one block away. We’re both corner houses, don’t know if that has anything to do with it. They’re lucky we’re honest folks - we walked a couple of packages over to them right before Christmas.
@lisaviolet Those kind of people drive me crazy. Just do your job. I can see the one day once in awhile that you get 5 foot of snow or a hurricane or whatever but otherwise do your job or quit.
I live on a “road” and there’s a “court” with the same address.
That’s really interesting… locally when we did the e-991 addressing years ago we used distance as the basis. So, every 100 numbers represents 0.1 mile from the beginning of the “street”. A 10k number locally would represent a house that is 10 miles from the start of numbering… and would indicate a seriously long court!!!
It’s about half that where I live. One hundred numbers is about 0.05 miles, and a 10k address is about five miles from the start.
/giphy cool map
That is good information and I appreciate it. In the previous case I did report it . The postal delivery person had a series of problems and infractions and no longer works there. Our carrier now is really wonderful!
Something is wrong with your site. Today’s special is 3 toothbrushes for $12. Your auto-fill is only calculating $4 dollars. Your error message tells me I need to purchase at least 3 tooth brushes, which is what I want to do.
@mcpher Just choose the “want another” thing and keep picking until you get to your three items. They did that to give people their choice of colors. Not too many choices left this morning though.
Am I the only one offended by the frequent use of the F-word on the MEH descriptions ? I have complained and they just seem to say there is nothing wrong with it.
@hamrad It’s just a word. You’re free to be offended and they’re free to use it. A word only possesses the power you bestow upon it. I tell my young child that it is silly to get upset about specific words, but I caution her that they are not always appropriate in certain settings. (like school)
What’s important is the context in which the word is being used. Someone can be very hurtful while using only the nicest words. Likewise, meh.com can be totally harmless while using “naughty” words.
Q: I’m offended by that product/your story/that video/you – to whom do I complain to get you to change your ways and behave more professionally?
A: If you’re offended, then, to paraphrase Obi Wan, these aren’t the experiences you’re looking for. Leave if you don’t like us.
@hamrad@medz Yeah, I’ll admit there are times I cringe, not only at some of the descriptions but also some of the conversations. I won’t use profanity and there are threads I simply ignore. Early on I had someone almost apologize for the atmosphere. But like I assured them, that’s the thing about a voluntary group - I can always leave.
It is sad that attitudes regarding profanity (and a lot of other things!) have changed so much in the last several decades. All due respect @medz, it isn’t just a word. Not to me and not to a lot of others. But I recognize that there are a lot of people that don’t share that view and think the changing attitudes are a good thing. And I also recognize that I’m not going to change that. Nor (and this is important) do I think any less of those who do - we just have different perspectives.
And as to the descriptions, I typically don’t read them. I read the specs and online reviews and decide if I want it. And then I engage in conversations I find interesting. Things I don’t like, I ignore. If they were my family, I’d smack 'em upside the head. But I can’t have the same expectations of others - nor do I have the same influence. But I can hopefully be a positive influence, if even in a small way.
@hamrad@medz And yes - I have known some GREAT people that I absolutely love who swear like sailors and others, with whom I would just as soon never spend time, who are “pure as the driven snow”, at least on the outside… Sometimes you just have to look past the language to the heart of the person.
Years ago, my mom’s family visited from Ireland. Brought the kids. Two teens and a six year old.
On the way to Disneyland, I was driving the Mustang, top down with the kids. Husband and my cousins in the truck behind us.
On the way, the six year old starts flipping off his parents. This little fist with finger extended.
OMG, I about wet my pants. This was in the time period of freeway shootings. “Sean! Sean! We don’t do that here, people are nuts! You could get us all killed!”
Q: How can I contact you?
A: At our support form. You can find it in our footer, too.
Q: But how do I talk to a real person on the phone?
A: Nope, we don’t do that. Call someone you truly like, or who likes you (Hi Mom!). Besides, email support is cheap, and so are we.
How do you get ahold of customer service? We bought some luggage and one piece came damaged. We were going to use this luggage for a trip we are taking in a couple of days. I have emailed two times but have not gotten a response and I cannot find a phone number. Is there a phone number?
Q: How can I contact you?
A: At our support form. You can find it in our footer, too.
Q: But how do I talk to a real person on the phone?
A: Nope, we don’t do that. Call someone you truly like, or who likes you (Hi Mom!). Besides, email support is cheap, and so are we.
@momofaharem support should get back to you within 1 business day, if it’s been longer than that make sure to check any spam/promo/update folders in your email.
My order arrived damaged. #frosty-reunited-jubilance
Now there’s little chance I’ll get a replacement in time for Christmas. Thanks Meh! It was “supposed” to be a present.
Looks more like gag gift now, dented box and all. Merry Christmas Mom!
Kinda surprising really. Meh is usually a bit more careful with packaging. This time they just threw it in a shipping box twice the size it should have been and when it arrived the box was dented, warped and otherwise non-gift worthy.
I wrote meh customer service after I received my Meh Christmas bulldog shirt had a cut in it never saw a reply back from them so I finally gave up and sewed the cut up in the shirt so I could wear the shirt
@AttyVette how long ago did you write in? they’re taking about two business days to respond right now. If you didn’t see your response it most likely went to your spam or promotions or update email boxes.
@AttyVette@RiotDemon I’ve had that happen twice with tshirts from mediocre. The first time they sent out a new shirt (yay!) and the second time they refunded me (still yay I guess, but I’d rather have the shirt)
I’ve never known meh support to be less than fair, the few times something has gone wrong.
@RiotDemon@therealjrn y’all are right they are the best! They responded apparently the very next day to my email but I never saw it as it went to my spam folder…Had to search for awhile on my iPad to find it (tried searching on my iPhone and search just kept searching without finding anything) but it was there. MEH YOU ARE MEHvalous!
You are right…I got an email from Meh that I never saw that went to my spam folder apparently …finally found it after searching my spam folder and meh refunded my purchase price!!!
Who hoo-meh you are the best! Thanks for the prompt action ( even though I didn’t know it apparently).Meh rocks- I, on the other hand, do not!
@magicart87 They don’t work weekends so if you put in a complaint on Saturday they haven’t had time to process it yet. I hope you didn’t tell them they ruined your Christmas. That makes them sad.
Meh is the worst at responding to people. They also think that it’s a great idea to cancel people’s orders if they ask questions. Way to ruin a Mothers’ Day surprise, Meh!
@Ignorant, not sure why you thought to ask the question. Would you be able to explain why, after reading my input, you felt the need to ask if I was okay?
I’m in the process of correcting the mistake, however I’m okay with none of this. They have told me to go back to the one-day-sale page to reorder it. How is that supposed to work?
@krock1 I get that you are upset but spamming every topic isn’t the answer.
They re-open some old sales when things go wrong, so if you haven’t already tried to reorder it and they suggested it, I would try that. If that doesn’t work, reply to support and work with them.
@Ignorant, did I spam anything? I replied to a grand total of 2 threads:
The item I ordered.
Customer service.
If you think that that’s “spamming every thread”, then you clearly have no idea about customer service or spamming. As I said, I have tried to “reorder” and “work with them”.
Beyond that, it is of no concern to you what I do, and since you have nothing helpful to add, Good day!
Ignorant is a volunteer moderator (you can tell by the medical bag next to their name). He’s not just a random troll.
The forum isn’t the best way to get assistance from meh. The support line is. They don’t read all the threads here. If you think they didn’t respond check meh.com/support/tickets to see if a response got filtered out of your email.
I know support has been working with you on this so I hope you got it resolved.
So, I bought a brand new 2021 Toyota Corolla last week.
Is this where I register my complaints about the fact that it wasn’t a Prius?
Also, where do I complain about car dealers that treat cash buyers like a piece of crap? WTF is wrong with those people? Why aren’t they happy to take my money?
@therealjrn hey, nice to “see” you again! Sorry about the car experience. You didn’t play their game where they win back all their price concession trickery in the financing. Now if you go somewhere else for servicing, you’ll really frost their cupcakes.
@sammydog01@ybmuG It’s got cameras and computers and EVERYTHING! You play your cards right, missy, I’ll let you be the first to fart in the seat! :poot: HA ha! We also have gas here in Tulsa. Come on over! ROWWRR.
Assume that if there is an easy way and a hard way to deliver something, the post office is going to do it the hard way. Although our old and new house had different zip codes, they were still serviced by the same post office. But forwarded mail came to the post office, was sent down to Fort Myer approx 100 miles away and then was returned to the same post office for delivery. Our PO in action.
Hi @tjfriesen, try this: https://meh.com/support
@therealjrn, this only gives you unhelpful responses. We need to talk to people that can help.
@krock1 What could possibly be so important that you waited THREE YEARS to call me out? And who is this “we”? Do you have a mouse in your pocket?
@therealjrn, wow! You don’t know how speech works? We are the customers that are looking for service. I didn’t mince words.
Also, I didn’t wait any amount of time. You may have made a comment 3 years ago, but it needed addressing. The support site doesn’t seem to work correctly. I stand by my statement. Yours seems to have not aged so well.

I heard they’re underwater- you may just need some patience.
@sammydog01 We have gotten a lot of rain in the DFW area recently. No real flooding that I’ve heard of, but with the ground pretty much completely saturated it could be highly localized.
They do eventually respond and take care of things… sometimes in unexpected ways but you generally aren’t left hanging, out in the cold, with an unsolved problem…
@tjfriesen Like @sammydog01 said, we’ve been a bit backed up. You should have just gotten a response from me, though!
@woodhouse Is this the case for morningsave as well. I also sent an email about an item I never received. I know sometimes items sell out so what do you suggest. I still would like the item. I never received it yet it says it was delivered at a time that I was at home.
@mehrrychristmas Did you ask the local post office to look into this for you? Sometimes they have more information than you can see.
Thanks Woodhouse!
Yeah, the same thing happened with me regarding a morningsave order. I will try that link like you said. I thought VMP’s were supposed to get responses sooner but IDK.
I don’t think so. At least I do not remember seeing that as a part of VMP.
edit of second sentence for clarity:
Separately, like others above me, I was happy how things were resolved the one time I had to involved customer service. I have no reason to believe my case was handled any differently because I am a VMP.
@bdb Actually, I think they said quicker response is a part of VMP. I don’t think they promise it’s better though.
The postal delivery drivers scan items in bulk when they take a break. Then they deliver them later. I had a very large order that I did not get a while back. I
was waiting for the driver the whole time he just delivered it to someone else. No recourse with the post office then because they said if we show it as delivered we cannot help you.
@tkocka That should not be happening (obviously). Most post offices have gps points attached to the scans.
You can call the 800 ask usps or go on the website to report problems. You can also go to the postal inspector website. Problems reported this way are tracked by the postal service. It may not help one specific problem but if there shows a trend maybe it can be investigated. If you do not notify anyone it is presumed that everything is fine. Theft can be called in to the local police if something is taken after delivery.
:steps down from soap box:
@tkocka That happens here. Our house numbers are the same as another house on an adjacent street. They get our mail more than we get theirs.
One time, a piece of mail was delivered to our address, I caught the carrier on his way down the street and handed it back to him. It was a sub and he actually ARGUED with me about it. Like I didn’t know who I was or where I lived.
The last time this happened, a package of watch batteries was mis-delivered to that house for Amazon Sunday delivery. We got it the following week. The package had been opened, the batteries removed and taped back up. Nothing inside. No more Sunday delivery for us. It was under six bucks and Amazon just wrote it off.
You need to call local USPS Consumer Relations.
I’ve call might not fix this. Many called prob will. The PO logs the number of calls to Consumer Relations caused by each PO.
Also you can force the manner for the local PO to call you back.
Keep doing that (making the manner of the local station call you), and things will improve.
@f00l I put in a complaint and they sent me a message saying they got my complaint, then a week or so later another message asking “how did we do”?
I wasn’t really nice when I responded to that one. “You did NOTHING!”
@lisaviolet Yeahbut, didn’t they do that really, really well?
@lisaviolet I live on a “road” and there’s a “court” with the same address. Our numbers are in the ten thousands. Really, planning guys? Tens of thousands of numbers to work with and you give us the same house number?
@sammydog01 I never thought of that. I’m in the over 10,000 block too. We have matching house numbers a couple blocks over. ! Now you’ve done gone and cheesed me off!
Only fix I know is to repeatedly call consumer affairs. And if needed force the local mgr to call you back.
And then do it again. And again.
Local mgrs get tired of making those calls. And if they don’t call you, you can call consumer affairs again and complain that the mgr was supposed to calm you and didn’t.
The PO logs those.
This usually fixes things. Not saying you will never ever have another problem tho.
I get better service talking to local consumer affairs than the national line, but either will do.
The alternative is to figure out which PO delivers your mail (not necessarily the one in your zip code) and go in. Insist on speaking to a mgr.
And repeat.
They will take notice. It might take a few tries.
@speediedelivery might have better ideas.
@lisaviolet You can file again saying they never contacted you. Headquarters does keep track of complaints and the reason when you use the website or the national phone number.
If you talk directly to local, they are supposed to keep a local log. Depends on the person if that works better or not. Keep a record of when and what problems as well as who you are telling. In some places, the person that answers the phone is an employee that may say nice things but not be able to do something or choose to not get someone in trouble.
If you have a good regular carrier, sometimes a little note in the mailbox with the flag up will get the information to the person that needs it.
Keep after it. They will think it is not a problem anymore if you do not tell them.
@f00l The local supervisor is an idiot. Our carrier has told us many stories of her inability to do the job correctly.
We had a bunch of stuff (heavy) sent two day priority. It didn’t get here on the day it was supposed to. Brian talked to our carrier, he said the supervisor told him “you’ve got too much other mail to deliver, just leave that and deliver it tomorrow”. Priority mail, right?
So, Brian hops in the truck, drives down there, speaks to someone other than the supervisor and is taken to the boxes and he starts loading them up himself. He gave the supervisor an earful.
Did it matter? Nope.
Another time (one of us is almost always home) a sub carrier left a notice in the mailbox that he tried to deliver it, but no one answered the door. Door was open. I was waiting for him, notice in hand, when he came back down the street.
His excuse? “It was heavy.”
@lisaviolet We have the same situation with a house one block away. We’re both corner houses, don’t know if that has anything to do with it. They’re lucky we’re honest folks - we walked a couple of packages over to them right before Christmas.
@lisaviolet Those kind of people drive me crazy. Just do your job. I can see the one day once in awhile that you get 5 foot of snow or a hurricane or whatever but otherwise do your job or quit.
:end rant:
Keep calling the national consumer affairs number and complaining then. Every time.
And always ask for a supervisor callback. The complaint logs you are creating will be a problem for the local person.
And if you have carrier issues, get the person’s name if you can.
Supervisors get moved around a lot.
@lisaviolet @sammydog01
That’s really interesting… locally when we did the e-991 addressing years ago we used distance as the basis. So, every 100 numbers represents 0.1 mile from the beginning of the “street”. A 10k number locally would represent a house that is 10 miles from the start of numbering… and would indicate a seriously long court!!!
@chienfou @lisaviolet @sammydog01

It’s about half that where I live. One hundred numbers is about 0.05 miles, and a 10k address is about five miles from the start.
/giphy cool map
That is good information and I appreciate it. In the previous case I did report it . The postal delivery person had a series of problems and infractions and no longer works there. Our carrier now is really wonderful!
Something is wrong with your site. Today’s special is 3 toothbrushes for $12. Your auto-fill is only calculating $4 dollars. Your error message tells me I need to purchase at least 3 tooth brushes, which is what I want to do.
@mcpher Just choose the “want another” thing and keep picking until you get to your three items. They did that to give people their choice of colors. Not too many choices left this morning though.
@mcpher after you choose which color, click add another until you get three.
@RiotDemon jinx
@therealjrn beat me by That much.

Am I the only one offended by the frequent use of the F-word on the MEH descriptions ? I have complained and they just seem to say there is nothing wrong with it.
@hamrad It’s just a word. You’re free to be offended and they’re free to use it. A word only possesses the power you bestow upon it. I tell my young child that it is silly to get upset about specific words, but I caution her that they are not always appropriate in certain settings. (like school)
What’s important is the context in which the word is being used. Someone can be very hurtful while using only the nicest words. Likewise, meh.com can be totally harmless while using “naughty” words.
@hamrad You should read the FAQ.
@hamrad @medz Yeah, I’ll admit there are times I cringe, not only at some of the descriptions but also some of the conversations. I won’t use profanity and there are threads I simply ignore. Early on I had someone almost apologize for the atmosphere. But like I assured them, that’s the thing about a voluntary group - I can always leave.
It is sad that attitudes regarding profanity (and a lot of other things!) have changed so much in the last several decades. All due respect @medz, it isn’t just a word. Not to me and not to a lot of others. But I recognize that there are a lot of people that don’t share that view and think the changing attitudes are a good thing. And I also recognize that I’m not going to change that. Nor (and this is important) do I think any less of those who do - we just have different perspectives.
And as to the descriptions, I typically don’t read them. I read the specs and online reviews and decide if I want it. And then I engage in conversations I find interesting. Things I don’t like, I ignore. If they were my family, I’d smack 'em upside the head. But I can’t have the same expectations of others - nor do I have the same influence. But I can hopefully be a positive influence, if even in a small way.
@hamrad @medz And yes - I have known some GREAT people that I absolutely love who swear like sailors and others, with whom I would just as soon never spend time, who are “pure as the driven snow”, at least on the outside… Sometimes you just have to look past the language to the heart of the person.
@hamrad @medz @ybmuG This is me resisting a terrible urge to swear all the wirty dords in this thread.
You’re welcome.
@hamrad @medz @therealjrn
@hamrad @medz @therealjrn Can’t help it…

/giphy resistance is futile
@hamrad @medz Exactly. It’s just a word. A scene from the movie Pirate Radio with the late great Philip Seymour Hoffman explains it best.
Pirate Radio, the F Word Scene
@hamrad @ironcheftoni @medz
Get the fuck out! You don’t say?
@hamrad @ironcheftoni @medz @therealjrn
Years ago, my mom’s family visited from Ireland. Brought the kids. Two teens and a six year old.
On the way to Disneyland, I was driving the Mustang, top down with the kids. Husband and my cousins in the truck behind us.
On the way, the six year old starts flipping off his parents. This little fist with finger extended.
OMG, I about wet my pants. This was in the time period of freeway shootings. “Sean! Sean! We don’t do that here, people are nuts! You could get us all killed!”
That’s him in front of his mom (who’s screaming).
@hamrad @ironcheftoni @lisaviolet @medz
Aaeeiii!!! LOL
Where in the world do these kids learn this stuff?
Whats the number to Customer Service
How do you get ahold of customer service? We bought some luggage and one piece came damaged. We were going to use this luggage for a trip we are taking in a couple of days. I have emailed two times but have not gotten a response and I cannot find a phone number. Is there a phone number?
@momofaharem from the FAQ:
@momofaharem support should get back to you within 1 business day, if it’s been longer than that make sure to check any spam/promo/update folders in your email.
@momofaharem they don’t have a phone number and I only have the email address to contact them at.
My order arrived damaged. #frosty-reunited-jubilance
Now there’s little chance I’ll get a replacement in time for Christmas. Thanks Meh! It was “supposed” to be a present.
Looks more like gag gift now, dented box and all. Merry Christmas Mom!
Kinda surprising really. Meh is usually a bit more careful with packaging. This time they just threw it in a shipping box twice the size it should have been and when it arrived the box was dented, warped and otherwise non-gift worthy.
@magicart87 did you contact meh.com/support?
@magicart87 I understand as my Meh bulldog Christmas shirt had a cut in it - I know the shirt was only $10 but still
Yes. I did but it was after hours. Now they won’t answer until Mon at the earliest assuming they respond.
I wrote meh customer service after I received my Meh Christmas bulldog shirt had a cut in it
never saw a reply back from them so I finally gave up and sewed the cut up in the shirt so I could wear the shirt 
@AttyVette how long ago did you write in? they’re taking about two business days to respond right now. If you didn’t see your response it most likely went to your spam or promotions or update email boxes.
@AttyVette @RiotDemon I’ve had that happen twice with tshirts from mediocre. The first time they sent out a new shirt (yay!) and the second time they refunded me (still yay I guess, but I’d rather have the shirt)
I’ve never known meh support to be less than fair, the few times something has gone wrong.
@RiotDemon @therealjrn y’all are right they are the best! They responded apparently the very next day to my email but I never saw it as it went to my spam folder…Had to search for awhile on my iPad to find it (tried searching on my iPhone and search just kept searching without finding anything) but it was there. MEH YOU ARE MEHvalous!
You are right…I got an email from Meh that I never saw that went to my spam folder apparently …finally found it after searching my spam folder and meh refunded my purchase price!!!
).Meh rocks- I, on the other hand, do not!
Who hoo-meh you are the best! Thanks for the prompt action ( even though I didn’t know it apparently
Update on #frosty-reunited-jubilance…
Nope still no response from Meh. They blew it!
@magicart87 They don’t work weekends so if you put in a complaint on Saturday they haven’t had time to process it yet. I hope you didn’t tell them they ruined your Christmas. That makes them sad.
Meh is the worst at responding to people. They also think that it’s a great idea to cancel people’s orders if they ask questions. Way to ruin a Mothers’ Day surprise, Meh!
@krock1 you ok?
@Ignorant, no. I’m highly upset with Meh for canceling a Mothers’ Day gift without even asking if that was the right thing to do.
@Ignorant, not sure why you thought to ask the question. Would you be able to explain why, after reading my input, you felt the need to ask if I was okay?
I’m in the process of correcting the mistake, however I’m okay with none of this. They have told me to go back to the one-day-sale page to reorder it. How is that supposed to work?
@krock1 I get that you are upset but spamming every topic isn’t the answer.
They re-open some old sales when things go wrong, so if you haven’t already tried to reorder it and they suggested it, I would try that. If that doesn’t work, reply to support and work with them.
@Ignorant, did I spam anything? I replied to a grand total of 2 threads:
If you think that that’s “spamming every thread”, then you clearly have no idea about customer service or spamming. As I said, I have tried to “reorder” and “work with them”.
Beyond that, it is of no concern to you what I do, and since you have nothing helpful to add, Good day!
@krock1 yes multiple comments saying basically the same thing in a thread and replying to comments from 2018.
We get the point.
Your case is being worked on, stuff takes time.
@Ignorant, I asked you privately, now I’m saying it publicly: Stop trolling me!
@Ignorant, 2 threads isn’t spamming. If you think it is, then you are the one with the problem.
@Ignorant @krock1
Ignorant is a volunteer moderator (you can tell by the medical bag next to their name). He’s not just a random troll.
The forum isn’t the best way to get assistance from meh. The support line is. They don’t read all the threads here. If you think they didn’t respond check meh.com/support/tickets to see if a response got filtered out of your email.
I know support has been working with you on this so I hope you got it resolved.
@RiotDemon, I saw their icon, which is why I was perplexed by their reaction. It was an unnecessary, flippant response.
I am grateful for your response, and that of those who sought to resolve my issue. Thanks.
So, I bought a brand new 2021 Toyota Corolla last week.
Is this where I register my complaints about the fact that it wasn’t a Prius?
Also, where do I complain about car dealers that treat cash buyers like a piece of crap? WTF is wrong with those people? Why aren’t they happy to take my money?
@therealjrn hey, nice to “see” you again! Sorry about the car experience. You didn’t play their game where they win back all their price concession trickery in the financing. Now if you go somewhere else for servicing, you’ll really frost their cupcakes.
@ybmuG Hey man…mmmm…cupcakes.
@therealjrn @ybmuG TAKE MY MONEY DAMMIT. Pretty car. When can I go for a ride?
@sammydog01 @ybmuG It’s got cameras and computers and EVERYTHING! You play your cards right, missy, I’ll let you be the first to fart in the seat! :poot: HA ha! We also have gas here in Tulsa. Come on over! ROWWRR.
@therealjrn @ybmuG It’s kind of a long walk but I should get started now.
@sammydog01 @ybmuG
lmk when you get close, I’ll swing by and pick you up. No problem, that’s the way we roll out here.
@sammydog01 @therealjrn so did you ever get that boat you
wanteddeserved?@sammydog01 @ybmuG
Assume that if there is an easy way and a hard way to deliver something, the post office is going to do it the hard way. Although our old and new house had different zip codes, they were still serviced by the same post office. But forwarded mail came to the post office, was sent down to Fort Myer approx 100 miles away and then was returned to the same post office for delivery. Our PO in action.