Meh Button Upgrade
6Would it be of any use to do a overhaul on the meh buttons and make them useful? Maybe have a thumbs up or down next to them so people can express if they like the deal or would never get it. Either button would trigger the meh face and the color of the meh face for that day on the month calendar would be red or green.
Yes I know buying the item means you obviously like the deal, but there are some things I like seeing and wouldn't mind getting them later but now is not the time, etc.
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So, button buttons? No wait, thumbs to trigger the face = face hands? Hmmm.
Not sure how that would look on the 2nd birthday t shirt.
Go back to reddit! :P
Works great.

@medz Showoff!
@Mehrocco_Mole yea, seriously, why didn't his/her 9/11 click get deleted
@DMlivezey Because this is America and I'm free to celebrate our freedom by clicking the meh button any damn day I so desire. USA! USA! USA!
Hell no.
I like the Meh button because it means nothing. No approval, no dissatisfaction, no rewards program, nothing. Just, Meh.
@emt305 Ya I was just wondering if they want to make it more useful. But if not then it is perfect in every way.
Sort of defeats the purpose, the very essence of "Meh" doesn't it? I mean, jus sayin
I click meh even when I buy. I'm at a whopping 17 in a row! Oh yeah
a bold suggestion @darkzrobe, but nothing will make me click the meh button. ever.