can i really only buy 1? I was even willing to buy 9 extra to share with 9 friends who would then tell 9 friends about how cool i was for getting them a shirt. and maybe about your website. MEH.
@mediocrebot I kinda really want this (I know I'm late, it's been a crazy day), but it'd be extra cool if it had the mediocre labs logo on the back. Definitely worth twice the price!
@somf69 I know! What am I supposed to stuff into my T-Shirt Cannon??? They wanted us to "spread the word", what better way than a fast moving T-Shirt to the face?! They missed a great opportunity, provided I actually had a T-Shirt Cannon....
@saramwrap Because he doesn't buy things online, he just tells me when he wants me to get something for him. I created the account for him on Day 0. Heck, I even let my VMP run out after the first 30 days was up and just renewed tonight (after buying way too much the first couple weeks I had to go on a spending hiatus).
@PurplePawprints Well even at $6 total I can't afford to buy one so maybe they will let you "use up" my one shirt. Email halp and ask and reference them to this comment.
@Kidsandliz I ended buying the second one from my husband's account. Thanks, though. I've had weeks where I wouldn't have been able to afford this also, so I understand how much it sucks.
Shame can't buy more than 1, can add the extras to the "donate to the homeless" boxes out there. It's even better advertising, outdoors 24/7! Maybe next shirt can have Irk on a sleeve, they can be 'printed' there right?
@Sparky_Susan Crap, I must be wrong. I've never tried it, but I thought I'd read that there was a cancellation window. @JonT any chance you or someone else can help?
@PurplePawprints@Sparky_Susan@Thumperchick is right, if you can't see the cancellation option anymore go ahead and send in a halp request from the link she posted above.
I was really banking on the first non-SDF being next week on my birthday when I would make my first purchase. Now my perfect non-purchase streak is being broken for $6.
@JonT I think I got it. I guess my credit card company lists the apartment before the street address (which is odd?) so it must be checking for an exact match...maybe I'll contact halp to clarify.
I've been trying, Meh! I HAVE! I've told well over a dozen people!
One them even told me to not tell anyone else because he wanted the deals to himself!
Honestly, I want you guys to succeed like mad. I have been way to poor to purchase anything, to the point I can't even get this shirt, but I've been telling anyone I can about Meh so I can be excited about amazing deal purchases vicariously through others.
Send me business cards, I'll spread 'em. I'll put leaflets on car windshields if you tell me to. I don't socialize enough for a t-shirt to do anything anyway...
@Talidan If you really can't afford a shirt can Meh send you one on me? Sounds like you're telling your 9 people plus you can cover mine, so . . . a good deal, yes? I get to be lazy, you get a shirt.
@bluedyn That would be amazing and I would be eternally grateful. Part of me wants to be humble and deny it, but another part is saying, "F--- YEAH, MEH SHIRT!". I love Meh and everything it's about and have been kicking myself for not knowing about the Kickstarter when it was happening. I haven't been able to purchase anything since the site was up, I just recently hit a pretty bad low, financially, but I still always check (It's torture, really. I'm probably a closet masochist). In the end, my lack of funds really falls on my own irresponsibility, so ultimately I would have to deny the offer of something that I can't I say earned. @TaRDy it would be an awesome feature. When I did have a stable, well-paying job, I spent most of my extra income gifting things to people, friends and strangers. Deal sites were always an awesome way to do that. Most months now, that's actually why I usually have little for myself. :P But I love to give (and hate to take).
@JonT@bluedyn I... don't know what to say or do. I don't want to be an ass and resist, because that's just plain rude, but c'mon... I mean, you guys are all being awesome and I definitely wouldn't let Meh down. I'd spread that word so hard. I just have a hard time accepting generosity from others.
@Talidan Would it make you feel better if they forced a speaker dock on you in exchange for the gift of the shirt? Then it's a less kind gesture. Come on, take the shirt. I have a regular job that pays well and a freelance job that pays well. All you have to do is give your shirt size. And you know, tell my 9 people about Meh. :)
@TaRDy@snapster That is such a cool idea although it would probably need some irk type note in there so the person didn't think it was sent by accident and send it back LOL
@Talidan Did you cough up your shirt size to @JonT before they started running out? I'd hate to think you're not going to get one because of a sell out. Then I'll have to go talk to 9 people, dammit.
@bluedyn No worries, we got it covered! I'm reaching out today to get @Talidan's info and we'll send over a shirt on your behalf. Just promise to buy something else that's $6 and we'll take care of the rest.
@JonT Sweet! I'll definitely spend more money here; my VMP just renewed. Also, the fact that you're choosing not to charge me doesn't mean I now feel obligated to tell 9 people.
@bluedyn I wasn't sure about doing it here or if @JonT or someone would shoot me an email for my other info. I haven't been able to order anything, so I gots no address on my account. But damnit, you guys are awesome. I can't even find the right gif to express my appreciation!
Only 1? I want to gift it to my friends, wife, friends of wife, mother, father, motherinlaw, fatherinlaw, university officers, and my academic supervisor. I need it more!!!
@coleslaw9 that's right the first rule of meh club is you don't talk about meh club; if word got out, we'd all have to make a mad rush for the buy button! Keep the deals secret so we can leisurely sip our morning coffee secure in the knowledge that the dreaded "sold out" is still somewhere ahead. So, you ignored the FIRST RULE!? Ah, meh...
So, I know you don't normally tell us in advance, but could you let us know how many of these you plan to sell before 'sold out' time? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth risking my husband's wrath (not really, but still) by ordering a second shirt tonight from his account, or if I'm safe waiting until morning and asking him first.
@kyle170 He's at work and I have no way to contact him and no VMP on his account. :-/ If I hadn't just spent waaaay too much on vaping supplies (and we didn't already all have the first shirt) he probably wouldn't care. I just want aaaaallllll the shirts.
@JonT Well, thankfully the size I wanted didn't sell out by the time he got home from work and he said yes. I even bought vmp for his account this time around. Now I won't have to make my children share one shirt. Crisis averted!
@jqubed sometimes I just buy meh stuff. I am sure one day an item will come that makes me go "wow that's not meh" and I'll have to decide if I should lie and hit the button or not. Lie it shall be!
There's got to be some other product I can buy super cheap in exchange for a promise to spread the word. Black tshirt? No thanks. Ambiguous message that projects an image of me as someone who is incredibly jaded? I'll pass. Don't get me wrong the site is great and I AM incredibly jaded, but the latter is something I prefer to keep to myself.
@42snails But wouldn't the neck hole defeat the whole purpose of wearing a diaper? Gross. Of course, the biggest flaw in the diaper plan is that the logo would be upside down.
@belowi No, it would simply be a ˙yew diaper.. Perfect for those who are fans of the coniferous tree that has red berrylike fruits, and most parts of which are highly poisonous. Yews are linked with folklore and superstition and can live to a great age; the timber is used in cabinetmaking and (formerly) to make longbows.
Yea! Something I can both afford and use! It kind of stung to pay for shipping from an address I can walk to, but still, I'm happy I finally got to buy something!
What size should I order? I usually wear a L (in US size). Meh said "Cut for skinny hipsters, so you should probably buy one size larger than usual". So I either have to order the XL?
@seungil I order AA shirts two sizes larger than normal. They're cut (and sized) for skinny hipsters that like their shirts skin tight. I like mine slightly baggy. So, I have to order XL instead of Medium...stupidest sizing in the apparel industry.
@PurplePawprints now I don't follow.... I forgot to log in on day zero so I didn't get a shirt... I ass-u-me they were $10, I then ass-u-med that you would also pay $5 to ship. I then bought one today VMP. 2 X ass-u-me -1 = -$14
@badmnky Eh, we're all suckers. We're paying (not much, of course) to advertise a retail site. But, at least we get some deals and a great community out of it.
@caffeine_dude Too true! I let my vmp run out, so it cost me $6, but that's still a good trade-off. I'm not complaining about the price (not complaining at all, I love Meh) just saying we're suckers and they've figured this whole marketing thing out. :-)
This shirt could be the poster child for "shipping kills the deal."
Seriously, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. However, I'm about to move and I'd be long gone when SmartPost finally got around to delivering it. Also, my Letter Carrier seems to be losing/throwing away/misdelivering 90% of my mail at this point, there's no reason to think this shirt would fare any differently than all the rest of my mail. (I've received one single piece of mail in the last 17 days. Sadly, it was a bill.) If I order something, it can't involve the USPS.
@ChunkyBitz send it to your new address? you'll be there by the time the shirt arrives. And if it doesn't, it only cost you a buck to learn that your new lettercarrier is like the old one. (presuming you have VMP)
@Thumperchick A Christmas tip isn't a bribe. A bribe is a bribe! That's what I give to get my carrier to leave other people's Meh packages on my doorstep.
The first time I've actually bought something from meh, and it was a shirt. I don't even need a new shirt. Darn it @marklog, this is clearly your fault.
So ... I blanched when I saw they were AA shirts (because these never fit me at my usual size) so this time i bought two sizes up ... hope the strategy works.
@henare by contrast, as a skinny fucker, I applaud Meh's choice of AA since it's one of the only t-shirt brands available widely in the U.S. that fits me at all.
I have a soft spot for this tee... For when I'm ultra-meh. I already have a picture of myself wearing the kickstarter meh tee.
Edit: I should totally get two tags: the kickstarter backing and VMP... Because I'm a sucker and regularly throw my money away on this type of site. Is "sucker" a badge yet? thinks
@JadenKale Technically you do have both! Hover over your Kickstarter badge and it mentions all of the other ones you have, it just displayed your rarest badge.
Sorry Meh, I almost fell for it and told people but then I read the FAQ:
Q: No Facebook? No Twitter? Are you incompetent?
A: Look, you should like and follow your friends & family, what they’re making, what they’re doing. Stop following businesses. And businesses, quit begging for follows, pleading for email subscribes, and requiring likes to get deals. It demeans us both.
@Ruger9mm That aren't begging for newsletter subscriptions or requiring likes. They're asking nicely for you to talk about them in exchange for a $1 T-shirt.
@snapster I don't know...the conditions of the shirt are pretty clear, we MUST spread the word to nine people or there will be vengeance. I always believe everything in the product write-ups.
@snapster Integrity intact? That is implying there was integrity to begin with. I believe I remember a catchy little ditty about someone being a sellout. Oh, and the article about someone breaking their 3 year contract by leaving after 2 years. So much for integrity. (/s The views in this post are for entertainment purposes only.)
@JonT@snapster I'm sorry, Okay. I realize that that came off way more dickish than I meant (also just realized it's probably not a good idea to piss off a multimillionaire who has my address and credit card info.). I have paid my penance I posted this deal on Facebook and got several (well at least 1) of my coworkers to buy a shirt.
Word of mouth. You guys are cute. Why can't I click a button after I buy your schwag that shares it to my FB feed? Way more than 9 friends... 12, 13 even!
Finally something on this site I actually want, and they're sold out of my size by the time I get up in the morning. Now I'm as let down as I usually am on SDF.
I promised that I would put my VMP membership back with less speaker dock. I'm keeping my word. Though, I was a bit too late for a medium. Time to eat more! Or wash hotter.
Yay for my first post and my second rad shirt :) So far today I have 2 new recruits as well! Hail to the almighty Meh! And my order bumpy-oppresive-parrot who knew?
Yeah, I bought the shirt. I'm hoping that can capture the atmosphere and frenzy that W00T once had. I would stay up every night until 1 AM (Eastern time zone) so I would have a chance at great deal before it sold out. Anything that sold out in minutes if not seconds was something I had to have (even if I didn't have a use for it). To this day, I have a never-opened "Mystery Brand 5.1 Channel 6pc Speaker Set" in my garage. When I say "never-opened", I mean the box it was shipped in is still sealed as it was when it was delivered in 2005. I still don't have a use for it. I will wear my "meh." shirt proudly.
Proof that I'd whine if I was hung with a new rope: not only was I jonesing for a speaker dock, I hate black shirts. But thanks to my effing browser, I couldn't buy the first one, so this will have to do. Plus at $1, it's almost free! And apparently I wouldn't be a good American if I didn't get my "free stuff", and scream for more.
So, why the eff cold I only buy one? How am I going to lord it over my neighbor that while he's out working (what a joke huh? Working is for losers) I snagged all the free stuff? There, I've now done my patriotic duty, just in ime to run down to Mickey-D's for a nice healthy breakfast.
Meh....who cares. (Thank you for the free stuff though!)
Hey, cool sentiment on the sale today, maybe if you put an easy share link on the main page it would be easier for us to spread the word? Facebook and Twitter easy share buttons would work wonders. But, meh.
Seeings how "meh" is not immediately associated with in most folks' minds, it would have been better advertising to put "" on the shirts. They see a shirt with on it and they'll want to see what it's about. They see a shirt with just meh on it and they'll think it's just a shirt about indifference or a Simpsons reference or something. Could have put a small ".com" after the big "meh" logo. Just sayin'.
@Starblind Not a very good comparison since Nike is a highly recognized brand while meh is more known as an expression. Nike doesn't need to put .com after it since people know it's a brand.
@snapster I agree that it is more wearable, but since you're begging for more exposure in today's write up, an ambiguous meh shirt won't help as much. Edit: you know, cuz a person in your shoes obviously need my advice
@Starblind Oh sure that's a good comparison. A major brand backed by millons in marketing budget and founded in 1964 (Chmn. Rutledge was probably born around then) to a startup in Austin that nobody knows about.
@medz@larry If I see someone wearing a shirt then I think they are essentially unable to afford their own attire and their opinion of a website is less relevant. If I see someone wearing a Meh shirt I probably just think they are a clever person from the internet. If I happen to comment on their shirt then they can chose to tell me it's actually Basically I love that quality of introduction.
In case you're wondering, clicking "Oops. Let's try that again" over and over after it scolds you about having more than one order does not work. Blockbot seems to have endless stamina.
@machomatt It's a function of torso length and shoulder width, not just belly girth. I was wearing L-XL even when I was skinny and exercising for hours every day.
Why couldn't this have been sold a couple days earlier. My bday is this Sunday and it would've been perfect to wear the shirt that day. On the plus side I bought myself an iPad Mini so i'm now looking for a speaker dock.
@diadem I have the opposite problem. Everything on the clearance rack is always medium or smaller. Edit: I'm betting a lot of the men's small-large are being bought for ladies since AA women sizes are tiny.
@diadem I too am disappointed at the size selection, even before noon there was nothing under XL available. This is normal-sized people discrimination!
Seriously?! You are trying to use these as promotions and 1. I can only buy (1) and 2. you only have women's sizes left and 3. I can only use a CC, not Paypal, etc etc etc. ?? #marketing_fail
@Tamooj 1) Yes, you can only buy (1) they're $1 and we're already covering $9 per shirt (if you really wanted more than one you could always make multiple accounts) 2) That's because we already sold a bunch in men's sizes, new deals go live at midnight Eastern. 3) Once you enter your CC information once it'll auto-fill next time, but you're right for now we don't offer any other options. #unsuccessful_hashtag_due_to_underscores
@Tamooj By the way we're not necessarily using the shirts for marketing, the deal is you tell 9 friends about the site and spread it through word of mouth, not word of shirt.
@katylava I think you're reversing it, since we're out of all men's sizes she was wondering how a man would look in a XL woman's shirt. I think that even an XL woman's size is pretty small for an XL guy.
If you want me to get other people to sign up then why don't you give me an option of giving you some email addresses so I can send the people a link that allows them to buy it at $1 (plus shipping).
@Ryaneil I forgot my stopwatch at home so I couldn't clock it live, but right now it says you're 1 minute behind but that could be just because it rounds to the nearest minute.
@harrison I think I'm bookmarking this post for September Goat of the Month, because when crashes and burns, it's because @larry didn't know how to put a link in a email.
Just finished spreading the meh word on Facebook and Twitter. To way more than ten people. Oh god, I can be bought for 9 dollars off a t-shirt. I need a drink.
@Mavyn: It's actually gotten typical for this sizing in the imprint industry, though some brands are even smaller than AA. @Mandamm: Always check the sizing charts. Always. Even as a guy, I need to check because cuts/sizes vary from one to another.
@narfcake That only works if the sizing charts are accurate. According to the chart, a womens large should have fit me, but I know AA is cut slim so I ordered XL to have it a little looser. Unfortunately the XL is too snug for me to wear comfortably. I also had no idea that the sleeves on womens shirts are much tighter than on the mens. So much for that experiment; I'm back to ordering mens shirts even though they are too long.
@gio That is definitely how I'm feeling today. I did peruse the sizing chart and the Women's large should have been sufficient, but ordered XL, just to have a little extra room. Needless to say - I think I have another shirt for my 6 yr old nephew's birthday. And that makes me a sad panda.
Got mine today. Woot! Err, um, I mean...meh. Serious question time, is the "meh." supposed to be kind of off-center? Like, it's centered between the 'e' and 'h'. I guess it makes sense, but since the period is so small, it kinda makes it look odd. Just curious.
@jsh139 Mines a little off as well; I think it’s too through off those that would try to take our shirts. Jump left to safety! @JonT any chance of a polo or dri fit meh shirt? With a collar I can expose meh at work and dri fit I can just look like I might be coming or going to the gym.
@jsh139@JonT No, mine was printed a little wonky too. More centered, but at a bit of an angle. Somehow the simple fact that it looks that way and says 'meh.' seems fitting. If I had paid $10/$12/$15 for it, I'd complain. As it is, meh...
@JonT Wonky prints ... you guys didn't by any chance contract out these to shirt.woot to print, did you? My luck with them printing straight hasn't been all that well in the past couple years.
@narfcake I'm glad I'm not the only one having that problem with Woot. I sent them pictures of one that was bad and they said it was fine. I figure if that's their standard I can buy shirts elsewhere. My Meh shirt looks good, though!
@jsh139, @jqubed: I've tended to post in the QC thread with pics. Such allows the community to be the judge whether something is minor ... or major like this.
I just got mine today and SMALL was an understatement. I got the woman XL and it will fit my 10 year old neece. I should have gone for the mens sizing. I'll know better next time. If this shrinks it won't fit her either. Dang and I was so looking forward to people asking me what my shirt was all about. MEH!
@silverqueen Aw crap! Just what I didn't want to hear. I ordered a women's XL since the men's M & L were both sold out. Dagnabit! Guess I'll have to frame it and hang it on the wall instead of wearing it.
I used to be able to reliably order men's AA mediums (have 2 from the 99% Invisible podcast, many from our local NPR affiliate KALW, an & a few Google shirts) & while I have gotten a bit bigger now that I am that side of 40, I don't think I've gained THAT much weight.
Got mine today. Something different - the tag isn't at the neck, but rather sewn into the seam along the side, near the bottom. Never saw that on an AA shirt before. At first, I thought it was actually missing the tag. Meh.
@hexxed I’d love to take it off your hands! You can email me directly at {redacted for your privacy} I have a woman’s XL I can send you in exchange if you know of someone it might fit.
I got my meh shirt, men's large. There were no problems with the print. For an AA shirt, it seems tighter in the sleeves and at the stomach than usual, but not to the point where it's a problem.
The average woman's dress size is 14. American Apparel thinks that's an XL. Might you consider finding a vendor for women's plus-size (16 and up) shirts, so that women have the same sizing options as men?
@madamehardy As a plus-sized lady, I'm a fan of the men's shirts. The way they're made makes them a good overall fit with bust/hips in the men's cut - even if it is a straight line. Also, the men's sizes, while a bit slimmer than most, are more along the line of "normal" adult sizing, rather than junior's - which is what the women's sizes seem to be.
there were some point in my life, i reached the rock bottom and then skyrocketed. what you are sharing right now is something i wish that someone had told me before.
Condition - New
Warranty - 90 Day Meh
Ships Via - FedEx SmartPost
What’s in the Box?!
Meh Shirt
Price Check
$48 at Craigslist
90 days
@mediocrebot Taylor Swift shirts. Expensive.
And to think I actually bought a speaker dock to get this a week ago! Meh...
@Dickbutt Your name...I picture you as an 8-year-old boy now.
@ChadP I think you mean "Jeff Dunham Shirts"
@mediocrebot I can't buy more than one, R U KIDDIN ME?
Great product ! ^.^
@pitamuffin Maybe Richard Buttensky or something?
@mediocrebot No smalls? meh...
can i really only buy 1? I was even willing to buy 9 extra to share with 9 friends who would then tell 9 friends about how cool i was for getting them a shirt. and maybe about your website. MEH.
@mediocrebot So sad...out of large already
@mediocrebot I'm so Meh-xcited
@mediocrebot I was excited to buy one but you're sold out of all men's sizes!
@mediocrebot I kinda really want this (I know I'm late, it's been a crazy day), but it'd be extra cool if it had the mediocre labs logo on the back. Definitely worth twice the price!
No Speaker Dock?!? I demand a refund!
Friday is speaker dock day silly
@Dopepeddler... Today is Friday
YES! No more #SDF! Got one and will wear it proudly (but in a meh kind of way)
Fuck Yah!....finally....this is exactly want I wanted!
So what was the point of being a day zero kickstarter?
@pgathens It's like they are clearing out their own surplus, only it is themselves getting rid of it. Genius!
@pgathens You got a Fukubukuro, and the only Meh shirt in Kickstarter green with the Kickstarter K.
@pgathens Your Day Zero meh shirt has a K on it.
@pgathens You get to advertise for two companies at once. And do it in green.
@JonT fair enough.
@JonT dispite being a kick starter I missed it.... I am still very disappointed in myself that I missed that one.... Meh....
@pgathens Different color logo!
@pgathens the kickstarter version has green text and a letter K at the bottom.
@pgathens The true elite have at least one of every version of Meh shirt.
@pgathens Only the kickstarters have the ability to own TWO of these shirts.
@JonT not quite...I'm still waiting. The wife got hers, I have an email saying you haven't forgotten. But I think you have. Meh.
Why can we only buy one?!?! I WANT TO BUY MORE! You want us to spread the word? Let us buy more...
@zboy71 I tried my phone, my ipad ( Safari and chrome ), then my laptop before I realized this:(
@zboy71 It's because at this price, they're losing money on each one, and they've calculated that they can't afford to sell more than 50,000 of them.
Really, I can only buy one......what the meh?
@somf69 I know! What am I supposed to stuff into my T-Shirt Cannon??? They wanted us to "spread the word", what better way than a fast moving T-Shirt to the face?! They missed a great opportunity, provided I actually had a T-Shirt Cannon....
Life is great! A second chance! Thanks!
BTW, has anyone actually paid $48 for that meh shirt on CraigsList?
I have. The Kickstarter I want another $1 shirt?
@kyle170 Another Materpiece form my hommie ChanWook.
Only one???? Nooo, I need two for my kids in larger sizes than I bought last time.
@PurplePawprints This is when you make a second account.
@jqubed Well, I could use my husband's account, but then I have to pay shipping twice. Not sure I really want to do that.
@PurplePawprints Why aren't both accounts VMP?! :D
@saramwrap Because he doesn't buy things online, he just tells me when he wants me to get something for him. I created the account for him on Day 0. Heck, I even let my VMP run out after the first 30 days was up and just renewed tonight (after buying way too much the first couple weeks I had to go on a spending hiatus).
@PurplePawprints Well even at $6 total I can't afford to buy one so maybe they will let you "use up" my one shirt. Email halp and ask and reference them to this comment.
@Kidsandliz I ended buying the second one from my husband's account. Thanks, though. I've had weeks where I wouldn't have been able to afford this also, so I understand how much it sucks.
Shame can't buy more than 1, can add the extras to the "donate to the homeless" boxes out there. It's even better advertising, outdoors 24/7! Maybe next shirt can have Irk on a sleeve, they can be 'printed' there right?
@BabyBear can't you just wipe your nose on the sleeve, and achieve the same effect?
@3XP I get you must be a Singin' Cowboy or Possum Head Chronicles fan. Don't hate on Irk just cause he's not a cuddly as rotten possum skull.
I bought one so fast I accidentally ordered L instead of XL. I guess my dog can wear it...
@Sparky_Susan You have time to cancel and reorder in the right size if you do it quickly!
@PurplePawprints I can't see where to do that - only a place to email for help!
@Sparky_Susan Click on "I need help with this"
@Sparky_Susan Crap, I must be wrong. I've never tried it, but I thought I'd read that there was a cancellation window. @JonT any chance you or someone else can help?
@Sparky_Susan it's American Apparel, wash it in hot and put it in the dryer, then it will fit
@somf69 this some sort of reverse shrinking tech i'm not aware of?
@PurplePawprints @Sparky_Susan @Thumperchick is right, if you can't see the cancellation option anymore go ahead and send in a halp request from the link she posted above.
@somf69 um, then it'll be even smaller.... Not larger...
@Thumperchick or send it my way.
@ChadP 2shrinky4me~!
I legitimately feel bad after reading that product description. But, Meh.
Finally, something to use my VMP for.
Woohoo! Glad I stayed up tonight. Got one. I'll be sure and spread the word. Oh, and yay for AA shirts.
I feel bad buying another one of these... I already bought the zero day one... but I want to get all the colors!
@snapster Meh on black. I want purple.
sniff ... it's ... :)
@narfcake HA!
My husband and I (without knowing) both wore our Meh shirts today. I'm scare they are going to wear out. Glad to know I have a backup now :)
@jenny got 2 on Kickstart day... vacuumed bagged one to save forever!
I was really banking on the first non-SDF being next week on my birthday when I would make my first purchase. Now my perfect non-purchase streak is being broken for $6.
CURSE YOU @marklog
@JonT Billing Address is Failing Validation, I guess I'll have to wait to purchase in the morning...
@TaRDy looks like @marklog has been messing with your account
@TaRDy I'll make sure we look into it, just send an email in to if you still can't order.
@JonT I think I got it. I guess my credit card company lists the apartment before the street address (which is odd?) so it must be checking for an exact match...maybe I'll contact halp to clarify.
No brainer with VMP! Even if it is just a lousy t-shirt. Meh.
Grey on black - that really is meh. And I wish I had VMP already, but, okay, I'll do it.
Now I get one of those neat-o order numbers.
@darksaber99999 they're taken from if I'm not mistaken:
I've been trying, Meh! I HAVE! I've told well over a dozen people!
One them even told me to not tell anyone else because he wanted the deals to himself!
Honestly, I want you guys to succeed like mad. I have been way to poor to purchase anything, to the point I can't even get this shirt, but I've been telling anyone I can about Meh so I can be excited about amazing deal purchases vicariously through others.
Send me business cards, I'll spread 'em. I'll put leaflets on car windshields if you tell me to. I don't socialize enough for a t-shirt to do anything anyway...
@Talidan If you really can't afford a shirt can Meh send you one on me? Sounds like you're telling your 9 people plus you can cover mine, so . . . a good deal, yes? I get to be lazy, you get a shirt.
@bluedyn I wanted to request this feature, kind of like someone can feel generous and just ship another random member something for the fun of it.
@TaRDy That's a way to get more publicity Meh. Kind of like the Starbucks pay it forward thing.
@TaRDy I'm game if they'll make it happen. I remember the previous thread talking about it, and today's a good day to start.
@JonT or @ChadP Can I please gift a shirt to @Talidan so he can spread the word to his 9 and my 9?
@bluedyn That would be amazing and I would be eternally grateful. Part of me wants to be humble and deny it, but another part is saying, "F--- YEAH, MEH SHIRT!". I love Meh and everything it's about and have been kicking myself for not knowing about the Kickstarter when it was happening. I haven't been able to purchase anything since the site was up, I just recently hit a pretty bad low, financially, but I still always check (It's torture, really. I'm probably a closet masochist). In the end, my lack of funds really falls on my own irresponsibility, so ultimately I would have to deny the offer of something that I can't I say earned. @TaRDy it would be an awesome feature. When I did have a stable, well-paying job, I spent most of my extra income gifting things to people, friends and strangers. Deal sites were always an awesome way to do that. Most months now, that's actually why I usually have little for myself. :P But I love to give (and hate to take).
@Talidan (self) And wow, that looks ugly without paragraphs. I type a lot, but... ew. I won't do it again.
@Talidan You're good people.
@JonT I absolutely agree, and feel even stronger about my offer. You're gonna help us out, yes?
I'll see what we can do.
This whole sub-thread makes me smile so hard! The Meh community is good people.
@JonT Thanks! And I'm good if he can't use my VMP. I'm in for $6.
@JonT @bluedyn I... don't know what to say or do. I don't want to be an ass and resist, because that's just plain rude, but c'mon... I mean, you guys are all being awesome and I definitely wouldn't let Meh down. I'd spread that word so hard. I just have a hard time accepting generosity from others.
@Talidan Would it make you feel better if they forced a speaker dock on you in exchange for the gift of the shirt? Then it's a less kind gesture.
Come on, take the shirt. I have a regular job that pays well and a freelance job that pays well. All you have to do is give your shirt size. And you know, tell my 9 people about Meh. :)
@bluedyn, @JonT could meh leverage
@Talidan: Perhaps don't think of it as "taking." Instead, focus on being able to share the joy and pleasure of giving?
@magic_cave I am also happy to send @Talidan a shirt :)
@bluedyn I'm in for $5 to cover the extra shipping for the speaker dock.
@mwarren i was thinking the same. Im active over there and there are some similar subreddits
@TaRDy @snapster That is such a cool idea although it would probably need some irk type note in there so the person didn't think it was sent by accident and send it back LOL
@Talidan Did you cough up your shirt size to @JonT before they started running out? I'd hate to think you're not going to get one because of a sell out. Then I'll have to go talk to 9 people, dammit.
@bluedyn No worries, we got it covered! I'm reaching out today to get @Talidan's info and we'll send over a shirt on your behalf. Just promise to buy something else that's $6 and we'll take care of the rest.
@JonT Sweet! I'll definitely spend more money here; my VMP just renewed.
Also, the fact that you're choosing not to charge me doesn't mean I now feel obligated to tell 9 people.
@bluedyn I wasn't sure about doing it here or if @JonT or someone would shoot me an email for my other info. I haven't been able to order anything, so I gots no address on my account. But damnit, you guys are awesome. I can't even find the right gif to express my appreciation!
@Talidan You're welcome :)

@Talidan Email sent!
@JonT Thank you, kind sir

@bluedyn @JonT @Talidan Good Job everyone
I'm glad that there is a secondary market for these shirts -- but at 4800% mark-up, I'd say there is room for competition
@capguncowboy I know, but in a market crowded with Penn and Teller bowler shirts, what can you do?
Shouldn't the title be "meh. American Apparel T-Shirt"?
Wow. I thought today's deal was gonna suck.
I'll post about meh on my Twitter with 14 some-odd followers. Does that count?
@peas Yes! 14 is more than 9.
@pitamuffin I don't know a lot about math, but I think this checks out.
Why didn't you guys call out the real reason there are only 50,000 members on here? @marklog is holding everyone back.
@BillLehecka well, i am currently shackled in his basement, so if by "back" you mean" as a love slave", then yes, you are correct...
@42snails Are you @marklog 's dog?
I was hoping to be blamed for getting UP TO 50,000 users in a month. That's not half bad...
I need more than 1! How can I live a life filled with joy and happiness if I have to wear shirts that don't proclaim Meh!
@Zelucifer Exactly. I would wear a Meh shirt every day if I could. It's a Meh life.
@jenny Maybe they'll listen to our pleas and do 2 for Tuesday with more shirts.
@Zelucifer will a roomba be included? mine is lonely and i think it needs a friend
I'm telling everyone
@DaveInSoCal Sleep Train Amphitheatre?
@JonT formerly cricket wireless amphitheatre and Coors amphitheatre before.
@JonT This is what Cat Stevens rides now.
@DaveInSoCal Soundgarden and Nine Inch Nails. Nice!
@DaveInSoCal Sleep Train Amphitheatre sounds like one of our order numbers
@DaveInSoCal i thought it said "in the garden of sound and snails" and i was so excited :(
Mwa-hahaha! I sorta feel bad for those suckers who bought a speaker dock last week just to get a shirt!
@jqubed sadly, I was one of them, but I did it just so I could say that I participated in #SDF
Only 1? I want to gift it to my friends, wife, friends of wife, mother, father, motherinlaw, fatherinlaw, university officers, and my academic supervisor. I need it more!!!
@Gaster i was going to bride my parole officer with one :(
@42snails Hmmmm... She must be a hard core meh fan if she wants a meh shirt over a ring.
I'm gonna be such a hipster wearing this shirt
@jjohns71 are you going to reintroduce meh to the hipster crowd?
@jjohns71 What is your beard status?
I'm waiting for woot to come out with the Korean printed version, then I will buy one those
@somf69 i would be all over that!
@somf69 Brilliant idea.
@somf69 I would really seriously buy a Korean Meh shirt produced by Meh. They can hold me to this.
@somf69 멯
Even though I could only buy one I did my part. I posted on Facebook AND Twitter. Shouldn't that get me a second shirt for my kids????
Wow, the Meh click count is actually behind the total purchases! (some1 else do a screenshot for me)
@TaRDy @Thumperchick
40 minutes later and still going strong....lets keep this up!
@TaRDy best part is all the people signing up for VMP just for this. also how do you post pictures?
@cbaker Simply put the img url into your response. You should refer to the Meh Style Guide so you can post good
@Thumperchick @kyle170 Thank you for helping me be lazy, here is an update at 9 AM EST:
I'm not sure how I'm going to explain that face in the last picture, but I have my ways.
OK.Now, it's T-shirt Friday !!
@Gaster #TSF
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
@lowlypeon tell my wife I said, "hello."
@lowlypeon All I know is, my gut says maybe.
In for 1 and I gotta go out and find 9 friends!
And this was the Friday I was ready to buy a speaker dock.
@GoatLord Thats how it works with speaker docks, they get ya whether you buy them or not.
Where's my horse head? If my "friends" don't step up, I'll need something to tuck under their covers!
@coleslaw9 that's right the first rule of meh club is you don't talk about meh club; if word got out, we'd all have to make a mad rush for the buy button! Keep the deals secret so we can leisurely sip our morning coffee secure in the knowledge that the dreaded "sold out" is still somewhere ahead. So, you ignored the FIRST RULE!? Ah, meh...
@mwarren double meh
So, I know you don't normally tell us in advance, but could you let us know how many of these you plan to sell before 'sold out' time? I'm trying to decide whether it's worth risking my husband's wrath (not really, but still) by ordering a second shirt tonight from his account, or if I'm safe waiting until morning and asking him first.
@PurplePawprints just get it....if you got VMP its no biggie, otherwise, wake him up :P
@kyle170 He's at work and I have no way to contact him and no VMP on his account. :-/ If I hadn't just spent waaaay too much on vaping supplies (and we didn't already all have the first shirt) he probably wouldn't care. I just want aaaaallllll the shirts.
@PurplePawprints get one better safe than sorry.
@caffeine_dude He'll be home soon, safer to wait. Haha
@JonT Well, thankfully the size I wanted didn't sell out by the time he got home from work and he said yes. I even bought vmp for his account this time around. Now I won't have to make my children share one shirt. Crisis averted!
sweaty-judgmental-antelope. I resemble that remark!
Is the horse head mask included?
I need to know more about this 90 day warranty that comes with the shirt. Will it be covered against @LazyZombie 's corn dog related damages?
@metaphore Mustard is a serious concern when one corndogs.
배송비가 더 나올 것 같아서 안타깝지만...PASS!! ㅠ0ㅠ
Unfortunately, the shipping will cost me more...PASS!!ToT
meh. T-shirt.... I can see it now. Today... $6. Tomorrow......Instant collectors item. Profit....
I have a half dozen nieces and nephews who want this shirt and a few friends as well....
and I can only buy one...
@jmhsrv Tell your nieces and nephews and friends to sign up for the site and buy it themselves. Problem solved.
@JonT Meh...would rather buy 9 and hand them out myself.
Cheap tee shirt or perfect Meh record... Hmmm...
@duodec You're doing this whole Meh thing wrong, me thinks.
@duodec I did both, because I'm pretty ambivalent about it.
@jqubed sometimes I just buy meh stuff. I am sure one day an item will come that makes me go "wow that's not meh" and I'll have to decide if I should lie and hit the button or not. Lie it shall be!
Sorry, its going to be Meh and keep my perfect record because NO TALLS in the size chart... and the dog doesn't need another regular. TShirt.
And so much for that. No T-shirt and my Meh didn't get recorded. So consecutive meh count reset to 0, no T shirt, all in all a totally meh experience.
AA t-shirt for $6 shipped? First buy and signed up for VMP membership!
Hmm, can the Bezos purchase of this site be far behind??

Just tell me how to erase the printed letters.
@dintury777 Acetone, probably. The fabric might turn funny colors permanently too. Which is either a deal-breaker or EXTRA AWESOME. You decide.
@dintury777 sharpie
@shawn "Sharpie" is meh's answer to every customer complaint, isn't it?
There's got to be some other product I can buy super cheap in exchange for a promise to spread the word. Black tshirt? No thanks. Ambiguous message that projects an image of me as someone who is incredibly jaded? I'll pass. Don't get me wrong the site is great and I AM incredibly jaded, but the latter is something I prefer to keep to myself.
@belowi You're a VMP. For a buck you can use it as a dust rag.
@belowi you could buy it and give it to someone else... a homeless donation or whatever. or even a rag.
@belowi put your legs in the sleeve holes and wear it as a diaper you big baby.
@42snails But wouldn't the neck hole defeat the whole purpose of wearing a diaper? Gross. Of course, the biggest flaw in the diaper plan is that the logo would be upside down.
@belowi No, it would simply be a ˙yew diaper.. Perfect for those who are fans of the coniferous tree that has red berrylike fruits, and most parts of which are highly poisonous. Yews are linked with folklore and superstition and can live to a great age; the timber is used in cabinetmaking and (formerly) to make longbows.
Yea! Something I can both afford and use! It kind of stung to pay for shipping from an address I can walk to, but still, I'm happy I finally got to buy something!
first meh purchase. fun fun fun. ;)
Tweeted and shared on facebook.
I've done my part meh.
What size should I order?
I usually wear a L (in US size).
Meh said "Cut for skinny hipsters, so you should probably buy one size larger than usual".
So I either have to order the XL?
@seungil My suggestion would be to check the sizing chart at the top of this thread.
@PurplePawprints Right. So I need to order a L. Thank answered.
@seungil :-) I'm glad I could be helpful.
@seungil I order AA shirts two sizes larger than normal. They're cut (and sized) for skinny hipsters that like their shirts skin tight. I like mine slightly baggy. So, I have to order XL instead of Medium...stupidest sizing in the apparel industry.
@seungil Are you in Korea? American Apparel shirts are sized like Uniqlo shirts in Korea.
@ChunkyBitz -_-;; The good experiences.
@ardgedee 헐.... 그게 사실이라면 ㅠㅠ 사이즈를 바꿔 주문해야겠네요. 조언 감사드립니다.
@seungil Hah, you're welcome. I'm not Korean, but I had to buy emergency clothing in Seoul. Yay Uniqlo.
@ardgedee Ooh, just checked them out and see they're opening 2 stores in the Philly area. I can't wait to be a Korean hipster!
@Cinoclav Uniqlo is a Japanese company. And the Uniqlo shirts I bought in the US have US sizes.
@Cinoclav In other words: American Apparel XL == USA Uniqlo L == Korean Uniqlo XL == USA Gap L
@ardgedee Okay, a Japanese hipster.
@seungil The whole thing is too beautiful
@marklog can't you see most people on here wanted multiple shirts! It's all your fault I'll have to do laundry more than once a month.
What would people say, think, or do if one bought 31 identical shirts and wore them each day?
@Ryaneil hmmm... I'm almost willing to buy 14 or so identical shirts just to find out
@Ryaneil they'd say "Steve Jobs did it better; his turtlenecks weren't so ... meh."
@Ryaneil: They might say "stop being like narf."
Well, I've never been happier to have forgotten to log in on day zero. I saved like $14... suckers.
@badmnky I don't follow.... Do you mean you saved money on Day 0 not buying and are saving again by not buying today?
@PurplePawprints now I don't follow.... I forgot to log in on day zero so I didn't get a shirt... I ass-u-me they were $10, I then ass-u-med that you would also pay $5 to ship. I then bought one today VMP. 2 X ass-u-me -1 = -$14
@badmnky No, they were the same price on Day 0 as now. :-)
@PurplePawprints well then I saved $5... and no one is a sucker.
@badmnky Eh, we're all suckers. We're paying (not much, of course) to advertise a retail site. But, at least we get some deals and a great community out of it.
@PurplePawprints Speak for yourself the shirt cost me $1 shipped. Shipping must cost more. They are paying me to buy the shirt.
@caffeine_dude Too true! I let my vmp run out, so it cost me $6, but that's still a good trade-off. I'm not complaining about the price (not complaining at all, I love Meh) just saying we're suckers and they've figured this whole marketing thing out. :-)
@badmnky Yeah, but... that green text. That green text.
Mother fuckers!!!!!!!!!!!
@LASig I'm guessing you bought a speaker dock/shirt bundle?
@Thumperchick I bought a speaker dock/shirt bundle and then bought this too, because I feel better about spending $3/shirt than $5/shirt.
@Thumperchick Yep!
where can you get $10 AA shirts?
@faze They're a bargain in lots of 500 or more.
This is my kind of meh.
I'm only telling eight friends. Owned.
@ModusPwnens i guess you want another speaker dock
Finally popped my meh cherry. Here's to many more.
This shirt could be the poster child for "shipping kills the deal."
Seriously, I'd buy it in a heartbeat. However, I'm about to move and I'd be long gone when SmartPost finally got around to delivering it. Also, my Letter Carrier seems to be losing/throwing away/misdelivering 90% of my mail at this point, there's no reason to think this shirt would fare any differently than all the rest of my mail. (I've received one single piece of mail in the last 17 days. Sadly, it was a bill.) If I order something, it can't involve the USPS.
@ChunkyBitz send it to your new address? you'll be there by the time the shirt arrives. And if it doesn't, it only cost you a buck to learn that your new lettercarrier is like the old one. (presuming you have VMP)
@ChunkyBitz I suggest larger Christmas tips for your new mail carrier.
@Cinoclav I don't think you should bribe your letter carrier to do their job. Thanking them for a job well done though, that's a good thing.
@Thumperchick A Christmas tip isn't a bribe. A bribe is a bribe! That's what I give to get my carrier to leave other people's Meh packages on my doorstep.
The first time I've actually bought something from meh, and it was a shirt. I don't even need a new shirt. Darn it @marklog, this is clearly your fault.
I would've been here earlier, but I didn't realize the site was live yet.
Finally bought my first item at meh!!
@snapster I actually shilled for you. I feel dirty now. I hope you are happy.
@SSteve I know right. It beats shilling for yourself - I'm even dirtier :)
@snapster Thanks. That makes me feel better.
So ... I blanched when I saw they were AA shirts (because these never fit me at my usual size) so this time i bought two sizes up ... hope the strategy works.
@henare by contrast, as a skinny fucker, I applaud Meh's choice of AA since it's one of the only t-shirt brands available widely in the U.S. that fits me at all.
I want More Meh!!!
I have a soft spot for this tee... For when I'm ultra-meh. I already have a picture of myself wearing the kickstarter meh tee.
Edit: I should totally get two tags: the kickstarter backing and VMP... Because I'm a sucker and regularly throw my money away on this type of site. Is "sucker" a badge yet? thinks
@JadenKale Technically you do have both! Hover over your Kickstarter badge and it mentions all of the other ones you have, it just displayed your rarest badge.
Sorry Meh, I almost fell for it and told people but then I read the FAQ:
Q: No Facebook? No Twitter? Are you incompetent?
A: Look, you should like and follow your friends & family, what they’re making, what they’re doing. Stop following businesses. And businesses, quit begging for follows, pleading for email subscribes, and requiring likes to get deals. It demeans us both.
@Ruger9mm That aren't begging for newsletter subscriptions or requiring likes. They're asking nicely for you to talk about them in exchange for a $1 T-shirt.
@JazzyJosh whew yes. integrity intact!
@snapster I don't know...the conditions of the shirt are pretty clear, we MUST spread the word to nine people or there will be vengeance. I always believe everything in the product write-ups.
@TaRDy Vengeance, certainly. But we're not requiring or requesting anything of you before you see the deal.
@harrison true.
@snapster Integrity intact? That is implying there was integrity to begin with. I believe I remember a catchy little ditty about someone being a sellout. Oh, and the article about someone breaking their 3 year contract by leaving after 2 years. So much for integrity. (/s The views in this post are for entertainment purposes only.)
@JonT @snapster I'm sorry, Okay. I realize that that came off way more dickish than I meant (also just realized it's probably not a good idea to piss off a multimillionaire who has my address and credit card info.). I have paid my penance I posted this deal on Facebook and got several (well at least 1) of my coworkers to buy a shirt.
@Ruger9mm oops, I missed the earlier one. I'll have to pretend I was pissed. Good work!
Any chance of getting this by next Wednesday? If so I'll make a buddy wear it for his bachelor party.
@jml326 no.
@jml326 It's a possibility, depends on how far away you are.
Crap! Out of Men's Medium. Hope Woman's Large fits and doesn't looks like "women's" large.
@dungoyle It's cut narrower in the waist and flares a little at the hips.
@dungoyle Also has shorter sleeves. The Women's sizes are more like a Ladies Juniors size.
Word of mouth. You guys are cute. Why can't I click a button after I buy your schwag that shares it to my FB feed? Way more than 9 friends... 12, 13 even!
Finally something on this site I actually want, and they're sold out of my size by the time I get up in the morning. Now I'm as let down as I usually am on SDF.
I was hoping for a speaker dock today, I finally found a use for one... no Speaker dock now.
a dingo ate my baby because @marklog told it to
I don't need another one of these shirts yet I bought another one. What kind of voodoo magik is at work here?
I promised that I would put my VMP membership back with less speaker dock. I'm keeping my word. Though, I was a bit too late for a medium. Time to eat more! Or wash hotter.
And shared on f-book!
its not much, but there is my shout out to my 106 followers!
@jgdovin oh right, i guess i could just do this:
still figuring out the forums :-pWell meh...I ordered one but due to my iphone incompetence I ordered a women's XL instead of a women's Medium!
@tightwad you should have time to cancel and reorder if you do it quickly
@JazzyJosh Can't figure it out, going to turn this into a gag gift as long as it gets here in less than a week....any chance @jonT ?
@tightwad Send an email to or click the "I need help with this" button from and we may be able to help swap them out for you.
@tightwad Are you sure the WXL won't be a good fit? AA's Ladies sizes run really small.
I can't use PayPal. I has a sad.
Order id: mediocre-wonderful-prose
I'm conflicted now.
I ordered one.... meh.
a week ago I bought this shirts with a speaker dock. It was $10 then! now it's only $1?! lol
@leesanghada Actually, that shirt was $20 and they paid you $10 to take the speaker dock. So it's even worse than you think.
Yay for my first post and my second rad shirt :) So far today I have 2 new recruits as well! Hail to the almighty Meh! And my order bumpy-oppresive-parrot who knew?
Yeah, I bought the shirt. I'm hoping that can capture the atmosphere and frenzy that W00T once had. I would stay up every night until 1 AM (Eastern time zone) so I would have a chance at great deal before it sold out. Anything that sold out in minutes if not seconds was something I had to have (even if I didn't have a use for it). To this day, I have a never-opened "Mystery Brand 5.1 Channel 6pc Speaker Set" in my garage. When I say "never-opened", I mean the box it was shipped in is still sealed as it was when it was delivered in 2005. I still don't have a use for it. I will wear my "meh." shirt proudly.
@knavekid So you still haven't solved the mystery of the brand?
@jqubed According to the forum chatter, these were Dell model 5650 speakers made by Altec Lansing. I have no reason to doubt this.
Aww, none left in my size.
@Mkris87 Just size up and shrink it. You'd probably end up doing that anyways and then be SOL
What do you mean, "you people"?
@jc283 What do you mean, "you people"?
Now I want some juicy fruit gum.
Non left in my size either....
A coworker and I were finally going to pull the trigger on our first purchases from here. Unfortunately, you guys are out of Small and Mediums. :-(
@atx85 it is an AA shirt: are you an elf?
Proof that I'd whine if I was hung with a new rope: not only was I jonesing for a speaker dock, I hate black shirts. But thanks to my effing browser, I couldn't buy the first one, so this will have to do. Plus at $1, it's almost free! And apparently I wouldn't be a good American if I didn't get my "free stuff", and scream for more.
So, why the eff cold I only buy one? How am I going to lord it over my neighbor that while he's out working (what a joke huh? Working is for losers) I snagged all the free stuff? There, I've now done my patriotic duty, just in ime to run down to Mickey-D's for a nice healthy breakfast.
Meh....who cares. (Thank you for the free stuff though!)
Wish I'd noticed you could only buy one before ordering. Did it say anything about a limit?
Hey, cool sentiment on the sale today, maybe if you put an easy share link on the main page it would be easier for us to spread the word? Facebook and Twitter easy share buttons would work wonders. But, meh.
In for 3.
I don't know nine people....
@Starblind LOL, yup, that's me! Except a more Chicago-y looking island. ;-)
Seeings how "meh" is not immediately associated with in most folks' minds, it would have been better advertising to put "" on the shirts. They see a shirt with on it and they'll want to see what it's about. They see a shirt with just meh on it and they'll think it's just a shirt about indifference or a Simpsons reference or something. Could have put a small ".com" after the big "meh" logo. Just sayin'.
@medz Nah, I think that would knock the wearability way down. A lot of people would wear a Nike shirt who wouldn't consider wearing a shirt.
@Starblind Not a very good comparison since Nike is a highly recognized brand while meh is more known as an expression. Nike doesn't need to put .com after it since people know it's a brand.
@medz definitely with @Starblind on this one. Also, I like picking my spots to have conversations versus being asked what is.
@snapster I agree that it is more wearable, but since you're begging for more exposure in today's write up, an ambiguous meh shirt won't help as much. Edit: you know, cuz a person in your shoes obviously need my advice
@medz sounds like another thing a sharpie could fix
@medz Nope. Just your money.
@shawn This might be a job for a paint pen.
@medz Well I made that point some time ago. I'm the eccentric guy who sold them the domain name.
@Starblind Oh sure that's a good comparison. A major brand backed by millons in marketing budget and founded in 1964 (Chmn. Rutledge was probably born around then) to a startup in Austin that nobody knows about.
@larry Who are you callin' nobody?
@medz @larry If I see someone wearing a shirt then I think they are essentially unable to afford their own attire and their opinion of a website is less relevant. If I see someone wearing a Meh shirt I probably just think they are a clever person from the internet. If I happen to comment on their shirt then they can chose to tell me it's actually Basically I love that quality of introduction.
@shawn Ok, send me one and I'll...Actually don't send it. I'd feel too pressured to ruin a perfectly good shirt.
Was going to make my first purchase... but most men's sizes are already sold out. Meh.
I'm in for 15 but you won't let me. Boo! That's 15 x 9 = 135 new meh customers, plus gazillions of dollars.
You guys keep attracting all of the s/m sized people you want - I'm just hoping that if shoes ever get sold they are in a size 14 for a change.
Then again - I hope to never see shoes sold out here, but love the 3xl option for shirts!
@Lurcher99 I feel ya. I wear a size 15. It's awful.
Why can't I buy dozens!?!?!?!
For a buck, yea, I'm in. Dammit meh, stop taking all my money!
@cruzinstephie If a buck is all your money, you may want to save it for something else.
This would be awesome... If there was anything left under XL. I'm so slow...
In case you're wondering, clicking "Oops. Let's try that again" over and over after it scolds you about having more than one order does not work. Blockbot seems to have endless stamina.
To feel less guilty about telling nobody new so far today, I bumped the deal for this shirt on deals.woot:
I wouldn't be surprised if it got deleted; I heard you can't even mention meh in the forums at woot. But whatever.
@darksaber99999 why aren't you doing this every. single. day?
@darksaber99999 It is still there and it looks like sort of in duplicate...
That girl in the second picture today looks to be very attractive. It's too bad they don't show her face.
@JonT Nice to know the dude is fair game for us ladies who come here to gawk.
@plinville That guy in the 3rd picture ain't so bad, he even owns a restaurant in New York!
@plinville She's seen in another company photo somewhere.... but it'd be
kind ofextremely creepy if you tracked her down.@girlgonemild I think she might be in this picture?
@plinville see now you're creepy
@girlgonemild Damn it! I clicked on @plinville link. Don't judge me!
@girlgonemild So, she's the chick in green on the far right of that pic, right?
@medz Shhhh. She might want to keep her anonymity.
@plinville You can still have a happy ending if you use your imagination.
Fat men: start buying. Skinnies are out of luck - only XL (or larger) left.
@machomatt It's a function of torso length and shoulder width, not just belly girth. I was wearing L-XL even when I was skinny and exercising for hours every day.
@ardgedee I know how clothes work. Just angry. meh.
@machomatt Buy a women's size. It'll look real cute on you, I bet.
@machomatt Woohoo! My time has finally come! Take that, you skinnies, your healthy lifestlye has been your undoing.
Why couldn't this have been sold a couple days earlier. My bday is this Sunday and it would've been perfect to wear the shirt that day. On the plus side I bought myself an iPad Mini so i'm now looking for a speaker dock.
@bigjajapoof Hey! Happy (early) Birthday, mine is Sunday too!
@bigjajapoof I bought a shirt for $25 and got a free speaker dock last week. Let me know what you want to pay for it.
@bigjajapoof I feel you. I was actually hoping for Speaker Dock Friday, as I need one now
Nothing under XL left? I think you've overestimated how large your audience is.
Come to think of it, why it is it always a pain to find clothing in non-obese sizes?
@diadem I have the opposite problem. Everything on the clearance rack is always medium or smaller. Edit: I'm betting a lot of the men's small-large are being bought for ladies since AA women sizes are tiny.
@diadem I too am disappointed at the size selection, even before noon there was nothing under XL available. This is normal-sized people discrimination!
@amyal04 That or more S-L sized people were here at midnight.
Theres no men's sizes left... so I'm not buying one..
@rjroser buy a women's and gift it or donate it!
@rjroser All Men's shirts sold out about 20 minutes ago.
@medz good plan. The deed is done
@rjroser It's never too late to be a mediocre drag queen.
I'm curious - do you actually get any legit responses to the craigslist ads from folks who aren't in on the joke?
@bluedog expect a post on this next week.
A skinnyshirt for my tub of flab? Meh.
Seriously?! You are trying to use these as promotions and 1. I can only buy (1) and 2. you only have women's sizes left and 3. I can only use a CC, not Paypal, etc etc etc. ?? #marketing_fail
@Tamooj 1) Yes, you can only buy (1) they're $1 and we're already covering $9 per shirt (if you really wanted more than one you could always make multiple accounts) 2) That's because we already sold a bunch in men's sizes, new deals go live at midnight Eastern. 3) Once you enter your CC information once it'll auto-fill next time, but you're right for now we don't offer any other options. #unsuccessful_hashtag_due_to_underscores
@Tamooj By the way we're not necessarily using the shirts for marketing, the deal is you tell 9 friends about the site and spread it through word of mouth, not word of shirt.
Then Meh will be popular, and it'll get bought out :(
Found out too late. Wondering how good an XL Man will look in an XL Woman...
@judy Perhaps you meant "on" an XL Woman?
@judy that's what i buy. they fit, but aren't flattering. i buy them anyway.
@katylava I think you're reversing it, since we're out of all men's sizes she was wondering how a man would look in a XL woman's shirt. I think that even an XL woman's size is pretty small for an XL guy.
@JonT ah yeah, i was confused by the username
@JonT ...yes. Mistype, I meant to say what size guy would fit inside an XL Woman.
@judy NO. An XL Woman's shirt. Good lord.
@judy ಠ_ಠ

If you want me to get other people to sign up then why don't you give me an option of giving you some email addresses so I can send the people a link that allows them to buy it at $1 (plus shipping).
You know like a "tell a friend".
@larry Do you need me to post a tutorial on how to put a link into an email and send it to people?
@larry The link is if it helps.
last to laugh again @JonT can we get the seconds on this one to know just how slow?
@Ryaneil I forgot my stopwatch at home so I couldn't clock it live, but right now it says you're 1 minute behind but that could be just because it rounds to the nearest minute.
@harrison Ever hear of friction?
@darksaber99999 i lost to a man in a singlet :( I might have to get a runsie.
@larry I think I remember that Bill Nye episode yeah
@harrison I think I'm bookmarking this post for September Goat of the Month, because when crashes and burns, it's because @larry didn't know how to put a link in a email.
@darksaber99999 Is that Breakin or Breakin 2: Electric Boogaloo?
@Cinoclav On imdb, he's only listed in the first Breakin', so I guess that.
Just finished spreading the meh word on Facebook and Twitter. To way more than ten people. Oh god, I can be bought for 9 dollars off a t-shirt. I need a drink.
glad your out of men sizes now i don't have to bug 9 of my friends I thought i stumbled onto a Amway site
Balls. Spent all day trying to remember my mediocre account details and all the men's sizes went away. Now how will people know how mediocre I am?
What with the sleeves? Can't afford enough fabric to make them more than two inches long? You're really skating close to the wife-beater category.
I was in for one. Wish I could get more than one.
Thank you for using AA shirts. I stopped buying shirts at Woot when they changed to those ill-fitting no-name shirts.
Only 2771 ? That's an odd number. Usually when you buy shirts in that quantity you get a break when you buy by the gross (72)
@somf69 Well they are selling "one" on craigslist for a zillion dollars each… and then staff "shrinkage", perhaps saving some for a future fuku...
@somf69 IIRC, cancelled orders reduce the total sales but the cancels don't get added back to the pool of unsold merch.
@somf69 By the way, a gross is 144 (12 units of 12), not 72.
@Starblind yep , you are correct sir
My Rad purchase of a Woman's size XL T Shirt looked like it should have been an x large Childs,, So MEH!@!! WTH?
@Mandamm That would be normal AA sizing.
@Mavyn: It's actually gotten typical for this sizing in the imprint industry, though some brands are even smaller than AA. @Mandamm: Always check the sizing charts. Always. Even as a guy, I need to check because cuts/sizes vary from one to another.
@narfcake That only works if the sizing charts are accurate. According to the chart, a womens large should have fit me, but I know AA is cut slim so I ordered XL to have it a little looser. Unfortunately the XL is too snug for me to wear comfortably. I also had no idea that the sleeves on womens shirts are much tighter than on the mens. So much for that experiment; I'm back to ordering mens shirts even though they are too long.
@gio That is definitely how I'm feeling today. I did peruse the sizing chart and the Women's large should have been sufficient, but ordered XL, just to have a little extra room. Needless to say - I think I have another shirt for my 6 yr old nephew's birthday. And that makes me a sad panda.
Got mine today. Woot! Err, um, I mean...meh. Serious question time, is the "meh." supposed to be kind of off-center? Like, it's centered between the 'e' and 'h'. I guess it makes sense, but since the period is so small, it kinda makes it look odd. Just curious.
@jsh139 huh, that does look odd.
@jsh139 I don't think most of them look that way, so congrats on your super special limited edition one of a kind shirt!
@JonT just what I always wanted!
@jsh139 Mines a little off as well; I think it’s too through off those that would try to take our shirts. Jump left to safety! @JonT any chance of a polo or dri fit meh shirt? With a collar I can expose meh at work and dri fit I can just look like I might be coming or going to the gym.
@jsh139 @JonT No, mine was printed a little wonky too. More centered, but at a bit of an angle. Somehow the simple fact that it looks that way and says 'meh.' seems fitting. If I had paid $10/$12/$15 for it, I'd complain. As it is, meh...
@JonT Wonky prints ... you guys didn't by any chance contract out these to shirt.woot to print, did you? My luck with them printing straight hasn't been all that well in the past couple years.
@narfcake Here, here.
@narfcake I'm glad I'm not the only one having that problem with Woot. I sent them pictures of one that was bad and they said it was fine. I figure if that's their standard I can buy shirts elsewhere. My Meh shirt looks good, though!
@jsh139, @jqubed: I've tended to post in the QC thread with pics. Such allows the community to be the judge whether something is minor ... or major like this.
@narfcake Good idea. I've gotten a few woot shirts printed that way, too. I've always just emailed CS and they replaced them.
I just got mine today and SMALL was an understatement. I got the woman XL and it will fit my 10 year old neece. I should have gone for the mens sizing. I'll know better next time. If this shrinks it won't fit her either. Dang and I was so looking forward to people asking me what my shirt was all about. MEH!
@silverqueen Aw crap! Just what I didn't want to hear. I ordered a women's XL since the men's M & L were both sold out. Dagnabit! Guess I'll have to frame it and hang it on the wall instead of wearing it.
I used to be able to reliably order men's AA mediums (have 2 from the 99% Invisible podcast, many from our local NPR affiliate KALW, an & a few Google shirts) & while I have gotten a bit bigger now that I am that side of 40, I don't think I've gained THAT much weight.
More foo than meh, IMHO.
Picked up a men's Large, and it's great. The lady's XL, however, wouldn't fit a small child. Bad.
Got mine today. Something different - the tag isn't at the neck, but rather sewn into the seam along the side, near the bottom. Never saw that on an AA shirt before. At first, I thought it was actually missing the tag. Meh.
guess I'm screwed out of mine. tracking shows delivered but I got nada.
@lizbeth374 If you want a Woman's XL, I'll send you mine. Too small for me, I can't wear it.
@bluedog Wow - I'm super glad I'm not the only one. That is crazy small.
@bluedog then it might be too small for me too. i ordered a men's XL
@lizbeth374 Probably will be too small for you. I wear a men's M/L. Anyone else want it? I'll even mail it to you for free.
made in USA. a rare thing i see since i came to the US 1 month ago.
I have a men's large that doesn't fit like I hope if someone missed out on it (and you think it might fit you).
@hexxed I’d love to take it off your hands!
You can email me directly at {redacted for your privacy} I have a woman’s XL I can send you in exchange if you know of someone it might fit.
Got my shirt yesterday.
I got my meh shirt, men's large. There were no problems with the print. For an AA shirt, it seems tighter in the sleeves and at the stomach than usual, but not to the point where it's a problem.
Image search from order number:
Thank you so much for the December present!
The average woman's dress size is 14. American Apparel thinks that's an XL. Might you consider finding a vendor for women's plus-size (16 and up) shirts, so that women have the same sizing options as men?
@madamehardy As a plus-sized lady, I'm a fan of the men's shirts. The way they're made makes them a good overall fit with bust/hips in the men's cut - even if it is a straight line. Also, the men's sizes, while a bit slimmer than most, are more along the line of "normal" adult sizing, rather than junior's - which is what the women's sizes seem to be.
there were some point in my life, i reached the rock bottom and then skyrocketed. what you are sharing right now is something i wish that someone had told me before.
@lytong what do you wear when not skyrocketing?
@therealjrn wow, someone out there hears me out. your reply really made my day, dude
@lytong Yet, my question goes unanswered.
@therealjrn what left unanswered would be there for the rest of eternity. i know you would think i am a freak which i am. anyways, thanks a lot
@lytong You don’t “know” me at all.
As the meh boat goat I officially object to the octopus attempting to sink a boat. @snapster how could you?
@CaptAmehrican Woot started it.

@sammydog01 yes but as the octopus was pulling down that ship meh should have the octopus propping up and helping the ship.