Wait a sec.. How is it that I've seen this before? It says it was just uploaded yesterday on the YouTube, but I'm 99.8% certain I've watched this video (or parts thereof?) in the past. Either that or I'm experiencing some seriously heavy déjà vu...
@Thumperchick THANK YOU for putting my mind at rest! I was worried I might have been experiencing some sort of cranial schism or mental fugue or something horrid like that.
it really annoys me, when people walk with traffic and ride bikes against traffic. I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself, it would really serves them right if they got hit because they weren't following the rules of the road. Am ia bad person?
@marklog You are correct. Not following the LAW and being safe certainly bother me more than it should. I'm gonna go rob a bank with a butter knife now.
I was behind a car the other day that had 3 I heart my Shih Tzu stickers surrounding a Shih Tzu on board sticker. I purposely slammed my car in to them. I feel no shame.
@KDemo d'awwww ...and here I was avoiding this thread because I expected the still inevitable ridicule! Seriously though thank you for the kind words :)
God bless you, @JonT. I'm right there with ya on the whole turn signal and consideration thing. I once ended up in a heated car-to-car conversation (at 65 mph, heading down 75 into Dallas from the 'burbs) with someone who kept throwing candy wrappers out his window. If I ever turn serial killer, I'm pretty sure I'll target the folks who underuse their turn signals, throw trash out their car window, talk (or text) on their cell phone while they drive slowly in the far left lane, wander in and out of lanes and cut me off. 'Cause, really, if you manage all of that (and the sad thing is there are plenty who do), one could make the argument that your cost-benefit to the rest of us is unreasonably high. It may be that I have serious emotional issues. It's a good thing I take the train to work. Of course some of those folks are real assholes too. Don't get me started . . .
@JonT You're the employee most often seen on the forums, so you're a big part of the direction and tone of the community. So I say sincerely thanks for keeping it cool, fun, friendly, hip, hilarious, and just generally awesome.
I'm pretty sure you were the one who stood up to the handful of whiners who complained about the word "fuck" in a product description. That was sort of a turning point for the site, it went from a nice attempt to reboot Woot to someplace I visit several times a day. I've been enthusiastically recommending Meh to friends ever since.
In our tightly packed little editorial warren here, I had to watch without sound, but I liked how sometimes the camera got a little closer and sometimes it backed off a little. Really felt like there were times I was getting into @JonT's brain and then times it was more "Whoa, let's just back away a little here." In summary, this was the best movie since that GIF of Conan with googly eyes and I plan to see it dozens of times.
Great to meet you, @JonT!

What an ugly shirt. I recommend burning it.
@denboy you're just jealous because you can never wear yours again, I offered to do a M/W/F deal with you and everything.
@JonT kind offering but still doesn't solve the problem of me arriving to the office in your shirt. Meh.
@TaRDy Have you ever seen them at the same place at the same time?
@jsh139 I even have similar glasses frames now. My mom even said I looked like Seth Rogan when I posted a picture of me wearing them. Eh…I'll take it.
When do we get to meet @marklog?
@Alien88 if you feel like you don't know enough about me, you want to know too much about me.
Aww, this is from before he knew how messed up we truly are.
Wait a sec.. How is it that I've seen this before? It says it was just uploaded yesterday on the YouTube, but I'm 99.8% certain I've watched this video (or parts thereof?) in the past. Either that or I'm experiencing some seriously heavy déjà vu...
@curtise It was originally posted on mediocre's forums a few months ago.
@Thumperchick THANK YOU for putting my mind at rest! I was worried I might have been experiencing some sort of cranial schism or mental fugue or something horrid like that.
@curtise the Primer time travel loop of meh
Feel like I've seen this before.
@Ignorant please see above.
@Ignorant 10-4 thanks pal.
@Ignorant How did I just realize now that you were talking to yourself the whole time.
"Have you ever noticed that anybody driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac?"
- George Carlin
I like your new glasses so much better.
Very progressive.
When can we meet @Irk ?
it really annoys me, when people walk with traffic and ride bikes against traffic. I can't tell you how many times I've thought to myself, it would really serves them right if they got hit because they weren't following the rules of the road. Am ia bad person?
@jaybird maybe it bothers you more than it should.
@marklog or maybe it's just your fault.
@jaybird the problem with riding a bike with traffic, is there could be a prius behind you and you'd never know.
@marklog You are correct. Not following the LAW and being safe certainly bother me more than it should. I'm gonna go rob a bank with a butter knife now.
@katylava You do have a point, however it should also be against the law to drive a prius. Just sayin
I was behind a car the other day that had 3 I heart my Shih Tzu stickers surrounding a Shih Tzu on board sticker. I purposely slammed my car in to them. I feel no shame.
@MEHcus I bet they had a few "wag more bark less" stickers too right?
@hollboll At least they didn't have cat stickers...
@MEHcus Hey! I don't have any cat stickers. Unlike someone I know.
@MEHcus that escalated quickly. and now there's coffee on my computer.
I was beginning to think there was more than one JonT because he's here all the time. But nice meeting you.
I found my self listening to the back ground tune. Where was the dub step?
@Ryaneil 2:03 to 2:10ish
It's adorable @JonT thinks you can't tell people off for violating social norms
I'm full on WuTang these days. Mostly because I have a Baby on Board. And partly because these streets changed me. Yolo.
@brandon wutang would never say yolo.
@brandon My favorite comments are ones where I can't tell if I just got trolled or not. - Sincerely 0xXx69YOLOSwag42069xXx0
@ChadP correct. coolio did some of that ish
Nice to put a face to your name and a voice to your comments. Thank you, @JonT, nice to meet you.
@JonT, these forums would be nothin' without you. Thanks for making me smile every day.
@KDemo d'awwww ...and here I was avoiding this thread because I expected the still inevitable ridicule! Seriously though thank you for the kind words :)
@JonT WWAND what would a nazi do?
Fun fact, @matthew shot this video on my very first day on the job.
Talk about a welcome, I had no idea what he was going to ask, no idea what to do, and no time to prepare so it set my expectations perfectly!
@JonT they wanted to document proof of who you were before they started there experiments on you. :o
It was a total bum rush
(I don't mean excitement coursed through my hindquarters. OR DO I)
If you don't like bad drivers, you're in the wrong state

What a cute guy.
재복 많은 관상인 듯
1) Love the dubstep breakdown. That caught me off guard
2) Man, @JonT is really filled with a lot of quiet rage. But in a likeable way.
@JonT For being ambushed on your first day, I think you did quite well. You held your own.
God bless you, @JonT. I'm right there with ya on the whole turn signal and consideration thing. I once ended up in a heated car-to-car conversation (at 65 mph, heading down 75 into Dallas from the 'burbs) with someone who kept throwing candy wrappers out his window. If I ever turn serial killer, I'm pretty sure I'll target the folks who underuse their turn signals, throw trash out their car window, talk (or text) on their cell phone while they drive slowly in the far left lane, wander in and out of lanes and cut me off. 'Cause, really, if you manage all of that (and the sad thing is there are plenty who do), one could make the argument that your cost-benefit to the rest of us is unreasonably high. It may be that I have serious emotional issues. It's a good thing I take the train to work. Of course some of those folks are real assholes too. Don't get me started . . .
I'm just nervous that you might have a thing against profanity. Because in that case my hopes for a secret brotherhood are fucked.
@carl669 Do your homework and go to bed, dear.
@JonT You're the employee most often seen on the forums, so you're a big part of the direction and tone of the community. So I say sincerely thanks for keeping it cool, fun, friendly, hip, hilarious, and just generally awesome.
I'm pretty sure you were the one who stood up to the handful of whiners who complained about the word "fuck" in a product description. That was sort of a turning point for the site, it went from a nice attempt to reboot Woot to someplace I visit several times a day. I've been enthusiastically recommending Meh to friends ever since.
TLDR: JonT, you're swell.
You like Gurren Lagann @jont, and that's really all I need to know.
You're A-O-K in my book.
tears up lie-detector results
In our tightly packed little editorial warren here, I had to watch without sound, but I liked how sometimes the camera got a little closer and sometimes it backed off a little. Really felt like there were times I was getting into @JonT's brain and then times it was more "Whoa, let's just back away a little here." In summary, this was the best movie since that GIF of Conan with googly eyes and I plan to see it dozens of times.
Good vid JonT - as a reward, I made this special for you:
My guess Jon, is you're a Virgo maybe Capricorn - Great video