10The thing I miss most from Deals.woot is being able to ask questions and getting a lot of opinions and information. I asked questions of everything from fried egg sandwiches to lift jacks to monitors. I wasn’t sure if I could do that in these forums but then jqubed asked for opinions about undershirts and he got a lot of answers so here goes my first one.
We need a new mattress. The last ones were bought from the Original Mattress Factory that I’ve been happy with, although the one for the spare bedroom is a pillow top and I’m not sure I like it. Anyway, I think we’re going to switch from a king to two twin XLs if I can figure out how to get them apart far enough to make them. In the store we found one that we both liked and then, as an afterthought, laid down on a 10” memory foam. Whoa! That felt really good. Two problems. To get two twins would be over $2,000. Kind of pricey. Second, I have friends that have a 5” memory foam from Overstock for $500. In separate conversations they each said, “I like it but it’s a little warm, but then I’m warm.” Warm is the last thing I need. Are the more expensive ones less warm? Or is it a crapshoot?
- 23 comments, 59 replies
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Have you considered a gel foam topper?
@Thumperchick I second this. We got a gel foam topper (instead of a regular memory foam topper) and it drastically helped with the heat issues.
What I hate about (any) foam is the rolling issue; I like a soft bed and foam is great for that, but we end up with a dent in the middle and roll towards center all the time.
@metageist We have a high spot in the middle, and sink into our pre-worn low spots. This happens with all mattresses over time, really.
@Thumperchick Yeah true. But you just gave me the idea to put something under the middle to see if it helps, thanks!
@metageist I don't recommend storing a dead hooker there, it probably won't solve the problem adequately without creating a host of other problems.
@djslack Four Rooms. BOOM!
I probably won't be much help here... We used to have a cheapo mattress with like a 4 inch (single layer) foam topper. That did get pretty warm.
We now have a Serta iComfort memory foam bed and we love it. It's sorta a long story, because the mattress store tried to hose us. We did our research, shopped around, and found one we liked before going there. They didn't have the exact model at the store (the Inception), but the guy showed us the Prodigy model which was the same price, but he said it was the next tier up in quality or something. They had a sale going on, so it was a good price. We tried it out in stored and liked it well enough. Got it home and quickly found out it wasn't firm enough. Doing more research, we discover it's not really a "tier above" the Inception and it is indeed less firm than the one we originally wanted. After complaining, we got our Inception for an even trade because we were misled by the salesman.
One thing I'm aware of now is there ARE differences in the the layers that will impact firmness and coolness. I think the Inception is cooler than the Prodigy. Maybe just by being firmer it is cooler because you don't sink as much... Keep in mind these mattresses are the same price. Here's how they compare:

So whether you go for a foam mattress or a foam pad, just know that not all memory foam is created equal.
I also have a Serta iComfort and love it... if you get one and do get a saggy spot, simply walk all over it (basically pretend you are stomping grapes) and it will revert to its' original form.
Mattress have huge markups. One thing they do is make the same mattress with a slight difference in model numbers, Like MT-12345a and MT-12345b. Same mattress but different fabric pattern, therefore you can't price match or shop around easy. I bought my mattress from amazon. Lucid Mattress
907 4 star reviews and 60 answered questions So kinda knew what I was getting. I love it. My aunt paid $2000 for hers and mine $350. I can't see where the $1650 more was spent. They are practically the same firmness and comfort. At that price I could replace it 6 times! Being on amazon I got real reviews on coolness, layers inside ect with no salesman spin on it.
@StrangerDanger What did you put this on?
@pooflady I cheated and used my old box spring so it lined up with my headboard. My wife doesn't care for it so that might change.
This is the greatest bed I have purchase in a while.
10 Inch Cooling Memory Foam Mattress with 20-Year Warranty, with Upgraded Bonus Memory Foam Pillow
by Resort Sleep
@connorbush What did you put this on?
@pooflady Sleep Master Easy To Assemble Smart Platform Metal Bed Frame, Twin
Sold by: LLC
just curious but what made you decide you want 2 twin XL?
@chellemonkey Husband's cold, I'm hot. For years I've been buying one set of heavy flannel sheets and one set of regular sheets. I have a friend that's a seamstress. She cuts them in half and sews them together. A little expensive but we're both happy. In addition to the flannel sheets, he has a thermal blanket, a regular blanket, and, in the winter, a down comforter. I have a sheet and a thermal blanket. So I thought it might be cheaper to go with the twins.
@pooflady Seems like a lot of work... why not just buy different twin or full size sheets and forgo the cutting and sewing? Maybe one sheet is better for intimate times? If that's true, separate beds won't help there.
@medz Because buying twin size sheets won't work on a king size bed, particularly fitted sheets.
@pooflady I'm going to have to suggest this to my parents as they could use a new bed and have a similar problem. I feel like a memory foam mattress would help there to not have a hard line down the middle, although maybe you would like that so there is no argument about if you are on your side or not.
Also, I bet you can grab some crazy deal on clearance twin xl right after back to school too
@pooflady Ohhhh the fitted part... Gotcha.
@pooflady I don't know if other companies do this, but I just ordered wool comforter samples from Holy Lamb Organics, and in the process noticed that they actually make half-and-half comforters for couples who need different temps!
@brhfl That's pretty neat but their prices are way out of my range. Maybe someone else here can use the info. Thanks.
@chellemonkey I feel stupid, but this just occurred to me. If one of us doesn't like it and the other one does, one can be returned!
Just a heads up that if you have trouble staying warm or cool in bed, this is a thing.
V1 gets crazy-enthuastic reviews on Amazon, which was the tipping point for me kicking in on this version. The V2 campaign is over, but a message to the creator might get you details on a preorder or something.
@editorkid That looks interesting.
I have often thought we should have a thread of interesting kick starters here. I always forget to look, and sometimes it seems a lot to weed through them all.
I haven't actually used one yet but this will be my next mattress. The reviews are excellent and I love the way they do business - you don't like the mattress they donate it to charity and refund all your money.
Does anyone own a Sleep Number bed? Just wonder if it lives up to the hype. I think this is what I want (but could never afford).
@KDemo Have had the Sleep Number for many years and love it. Comfortable and obviously fully adjustable at whim
@KDemo i owned an older Select Comfort (same thing but without numbers) and it was very comfortable. Considering one when our mattress wears out, but they are pricy.
I also stayed in a hotel recently that had Sleep Number beds. To butcher a Mitch Hedberg quote, I can't say the name of it but it does involve two trees.
@djslack Oh, I miss Mitch Hedberg.
@readnj - I tried one at the mall years ago, it was heavenly, but you can't really tell in a 2-minute test.
@KDemo We stayed in two hotels with them for a couple of nights each. My wife loved it, but to me it was kind of meh... it felt like there was a harder layer under the inflatable layer; you could pump it up hard, but if you tried to go softer you'd start pressing down into a harder underlayer. Maybe it was just a cheaper version...
@KDemo I've had several friends with them and interestingly enough the majority have said they would never buy one again. Some do love them (like readnj above) but not nearly enough to ever persuade me to spend that kind of money. (Says the guy with an original Tempurpedic)
@KDemo Yes I bought one after sleeping on a very old style one. I bought the very bottom model and then bought two foam (ordinary foam, not memory foam) cheapie walmart toppers and it is perfect. The main difference between the models is the covering to the air mattresses. Also pillow tops get beat down in the middle over time so if you have your own padding you can swap it out were that to happen. You do need to put air in it on occasion (just like with tires). Best mattress I have every had. Mine is getting on in the years but is going strong. Plus you can buy replacement parts if need be (eg air mattress gets a hole you can’t fix - just by that). I have mine on a piece of plywood on the bed (antique bedframe that used to be a rope bed frame so it is higher). The mattress is relatively light and so I put some of that anti slip stuff you put under a rug on a wood floor under it to keep it from sliding on the plywood.
@duodec Your problem was that it needed more padding on it. The hotel had bought a low end model. The difference between models is just the padding.
I purposely bought the bottom model (much cheaper). That was way too hard in the same way as you found. Then I custom padded with off the shelf mattress pads. I did this on purpose though as I had already slept on an older one that had no “number” and the remote was on a cord. That was padded with sleeping bags so I realized the problem/issue/need prior to buying and could “fix” that after market. Saved a ton doing it this way.
I think I want one of these Tuft & Needle mattresses, but I don't know anyone who has one and I'm afraid I'm just being swayed by their marketing.
@katylava Yeah, I'm kinda sketched out by the prevalence of companies like this. Not that they don't exist or don't ship anything, they just seem to be all the exact same.
See these two as well:
@katylava @blandreth94 @pooflady
We just moved so instead of taking our older mattress with us we ordered a queen from Tuft & Needle. We've only been sleeping on it for a few days now but it's awesome!!
They even have a 100 day trial period where you can return it for a full refund if you don't like it. There's really nothing to be afraid of, on their FAQ their answer to "how do you sell them so cheap?" basically calls out all other mattress manufacturers and says it's not that expensive to make a good mattress, they just mark them up like crazy.
Love my Tuft & Needle mattress so far, would recommend.
I want one of these, but it'd never with with sheets.
@medz Interesting... we use sidesleeper pillows (from Woot long ago) but something like that mattress might be better...
@medz what's it even called?
@medz - Pretty great idea. I wonder how hard it would be to get popcorn out of there.
@KDemo or chicken wings
@medz It comes w/ a person under the mattress. I hope they helped them. I hope they got out safe !
@medz I'd like one of those too. Happen to know her name?
Does anyone have a Casper or Leesa Mattress?
Not a fan of the memory/foam/gel/newfangled stuff. Traditionalist here.
Hate. Detest. Hate. Detest mattress shopping. Hate it. Sleezebag industry that does everything possible to make comparison shopping difficult to impossible. It's the latest "tin man" show. Mattress stores pop up and quickly die.
We go to Costco and buy the size we need. Let Costco do the shopping. The Serta/Simmons/whatever we have is now probably 8+ years old. And with the bedding removed appears to be as flat it was when we bought it.
@RedOak Are y'all pretty light? I've yet to find a spring mattress that will stay flat after a year or so under my girth. I'm about 230 these days.
@medz Definitely lighter than that. Costco tends to spec high quality goods - and importantly, on high margin items to also be a good buy. It wouldn't be surprising to learn ours is a pretty high end mattress. (With a mid-level price.)
@RedOak Definitely, huh? Jerk face. :-P (kidding) I'm also 6'2", so I'm not like a huge blob or anything.
@medz sorry, that word was more reflective of us than you! We've been fighting personal attempts (me to stay under 200 and my so, less than xxx) to fight middle age gains.
for memory foam mattresses, if you're heavier, make sure you can return it if needed. when i weighed more (around 270), i always woke up with back pain when i slept on amemory foam mattress (can't remember the exact brand). maybe it wasn't firm enough or something, but i have seen others complain about this in other forums.
(side note: i'm down to 167 now and have no issues with back pain on the memory foam mattress. i actually like it quite a bit. except, as someone else mentioned, it does seem to hold heat. good in winter, but bad in the summer)
@carl669 Agreed. I put a 10" memory foam mattress in our camper trailer. I am in bliss, my heavy husband is miserable. He sinks down over the night so much he can't even turn over, and his back hurts.
I sleep on 140 lbs of buckwheat hulls. It is awesome. I started with a buckwheat hull pillow, after realizing how much I hated my spendy memory foam pillow - in hot weather it essentially melted into nothing, and in the cold it barely conformed at all.
@brhfl Totally not for me, but truly one of the most interesting sleep options I've ever seen. I've used the pillows but never really liked them very much.
We have a memory foam mattress. Bought it earlier this year and love it. We have found that it is just slightly warmer, enough so that I have been able to ditch the mountain of blankets that I normally used, but my husband is still ok with a very lightweight blanket. He had a broken tailbone years ago that didn't heal well, and it seems to help a little bit.
We did get it at a discount mattress store that's been around for 15 years or so (I bought my previous bed there), but only after a couple weeks of me going to every store in town to get a good idea of what was out there.
@KittySprinkles I didn’t know they made memory foam in coffin size.

Definitely leaning toward the Tuft & Needle. I like the 100 day trial. Have read all the questions and answers and will be starting on the reviews, but 85% of the 1400 reviews are five stars.
I'm trying to figure out how, if I get two twins, you separate them to make them. (And two twins might be best for two different likes and dislikes of the sleepers.) My guess is I have to start from scratch with a frame and platform and headboard.
@pooflady Word of advice for this and anything where there are reviews -- check out the 3 star reviews. People tend to either gush exuberantly or get out their hatred in 5 and 1 star reviews. Three star reviews tend to talk about both the positives and the negatives so you can see both sides.
Seriously need a new mattress myself... back problems that aren't helped by a 10 year old mattress :/ I'm horrible at making decisions like these, and I'd love something that I can try out at home for a while. Need to look into those options.
@kalira Almost all the 3 star reviews returned the mattress because it was too firm...or too soft. LOL
@pooflady Now I'm leaning toward the Leesa.
@pooflady My parents had some sort of metal frame that pivoted attached to a headboard. Mom then pushed out the foot of one bed - imagine the bottom part of a k where normally the right bottom part would be parallel - to make it. Mom didn’t find it hard, but I can’t remember exactly how it worked.
Check out I sent out for their free sample and am impressed. Currently waiting to move then buying one or 2 for the new home.
Side note we purchased a BOB-O-PEDIC 9 HYBRID MATTRESS from Bob’s discount furniture for my toddlers 1st bed. My wife loves it and naps in it from time to time.
@jml326 I sleep on a purple pillow. It has a good combo of being firm but supportive.
I am also in the market for a mattress for my summer place. In the winter I sleep on a waterbed (yeah, the kids call me a die hard hippie) and I love it. Would do one for up north but draining it every fall when I return to the states is not in the cards.
I have been reading mattress reviews at Sweethome ( I like that they say up front no mattress works for everybody and “The subjective feelings of “firm” or “soft” complicate the matter further”.
(side note: I bought a frame and a ‘medium firm’ mattress from Ikea for my guest cabin. I slept on it one night and it was like sleeping on concrete. Ordered foam topper for it. I can’t imagine what the firm would be like.)
Anyhoo, I’m looking at Sweethome’s rankings to decide. Everything I’ve purchased using Sweethome’s advice has been spot on. They do long tern testing and give pros and cons.
Buying a mattress is like buying underwear, hate doing it. I don’t want to shop for it, just have it show up in my house. And be perfect. <sigh>
When I first saw this topic, I read it as “Mistresses.” That would have been more interesting reading.
@huja well you can start a thread like that… just sayin’
I like my mattress to be only marginally softer than the floor. I like my pillow to have firmness just short of a concrete block. When we travel I usually have to stuff two pillows into one pillowcase, and sometimes also need to slide a magazine in there for added firmness. Basically as long as it doesn’t crush my ear or bruise my hip the firmer the better.
@moondrake so you enjoyed those bamboo pillows then?
@RiotDemon Probably would have if I’d bought one. I use a very heavy gel pillow.
we got a tempurpedic a few years back, quite pricey, but we love it. i’m usually warm and the level we bought (towards the lower end) had some reviews where people complained of getting hot. i haven’t had an issue with the heat, so that was a relief.
also got a memory foam mattress from costco for my daughter that was more reasonably priced and she’s happy with that.
We bought this bed from Amazon for our son’s room and I’ll be getting one for our next mattress.
Zinus Memory Foam 12 Inch / Premium / Ultra Plush / Cloud-like Mattress, King
Honestly I got because it was cheap and he’s a 75lb kid and anything would really do for him. Turns out my wife and I both love it.
@stilesja I got a $200. queen Zinus, the Green Tea kind, and it’s the best mattress I’ve ever had. Put it on the box spring from the set I’d had for five years.
@OldCatLady @stilesja That is so funny. I just bought the full size 6" Zinus’s for my kids new bunk beds.
I am about to buy myself the 12" Queen Green Tea Memory Mattress too.
OCL - Great minds think alike.
@mfladd Ask whether they will honor the price they had on Nov 27, which was $199.99. It’s worth a try.
@mfladd We were torn between the green tea and the cloud versions. Both had tons of great reviews and they seem to be substantially the same mattress except for 1 inch top layer. The cloud was a little more expensive but was on sale at the time which made it closer in price to the green tea version. Plus it just looked softer and we thought that since he was a kid he might not have the weight to soften up the green tea version. I will say this one had a little odor to it for a couple days but that cleared up.
@stilesja Thanks for the info. There is this one too that comes with less reviews - newer model I am guessing. Slightly more expensive than the Green Tea, it is a Gel-Infused Green Tea mattress.
@stilesja @OldCatLady Just wondering if you also bought the Zinus high profile steel frame boxspring to go along with your mattresses?
@mfladd No need to. I kept the folding metal frame and box spring from the Serta set I’d bought five years previously. I obsessed about the steel frame and slats and all that, but it turns out not to be an issue. The box spring was in excellent shape, and the Zinus works perfectly with it.
@mfladd I actually got the 14 inch smart base. It’s great. Seems very sturdy even with my wife myself and the kids all on it at the same time.
Zinus 14 Inch SmartBase Mattress Foundation / Platform Bed Frame / Box Spring Replacement / Quiet Noise-Free / Maximum Under-bed Storage, Queen
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