Local holidays.
9Does your location celebrate a holiday the rest of the nation/world doesn’t? What is it? How do you celebrate?
Fyi today is Defenders Day the annual celebration of Maryland winning the war of 1812 due to the battles in Baltimore sending the British packing and they sued for peace afterwards (not the star spangled banner is about these battles) (also note battle of new Orleans the USA won but occurred after peace had been declared)
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Um, does Saturday count as a holiday?
Boston celebrates Evacuation Day as a city holiday. City employees usually get the day off and kids don’t go into school. It’s the day that the British were evacuated from the city, it’s easy to remember too because it always falls on St Patrick’s Day
@MrMikenIkes sounded like somebody wanted an excuse to have saint Patrick’s day off.
@RiotDemon I mean I’m not complaining haha. We also have Bunker Hill Day to celebrate the Battle of Bunker Hill every June 17th.
I personally don’t get these days off as an essential worker but I do get paid for them as part of my contract so it all works out for me haha.
Casimir Pulaski Day!
A place I used to work at celebrated “Derby Day” as a (paid) company holiday. Does that count?
The company gave the Friday before the Kentucky Derby as a paid day off because, traditionally, so many people had been calling in “sick” in order to celebrate the derby with, I suppose, several mint juleps?