OK, so end of May I fell while 6 ft up an 8 foot ladder while I was trimming some limbs with a pole saw. Front ladder leg sank into the ground, ladder went one way, I went another. When I landed I thought I might have fractured my left fibula, so I want to the ER (where I work) and had an xray done. No fracture (yeah!) but my ankle was swollen so we figured it was a bad sprain. Worked my next 2 work cycles (7 on/7off) and each day it was swollen and tender, but got better at night after I was off it. SWMBO kept telling me to see an ortho, I kept saying it was going to be OK (she was right, I was wrong…)
While diving into the pool from the pool deck at the end of June I felt/heard a pop in the back of my ankle and a bunch of pain. Got out of the pool, and could still walk, but back of ankle hurt like hell.
Saw ortho (finally – 6 days later) on 6/30 and got diagnosis of ruptured Achilles tendon. Surgical repair 7/2 and have been in a boot with NO weight bearing from then until about 2 weeks ago.
Finally able to get around with ‘weight bearing as tolerated’ using either both or one crutch for the past
couple of weeks. Can now get by primarily with one crutch, (or none for short distances) and just returned to work today after being out for 7 and a half weeks!
Still in boot for next 5-6 weeks at least but have started doing some limited wt bearing without the boot in the pool using some floatation to keep some of the weight off the injured foot
TL:DR currently recovering post surgical repair of ruptured left Achilles tendon.
Does drinking a beer on the patio count as outdoor cardio?
@shahnm sure hope so!
@tinamarie1974 Sounds like the two of us will be in great shape!
What specific shape I don’t want to discuss…
@shahnm pretty sure if we drink enough beer (and maybe tequila) we won’t care!!
@tinamarie1974 That’s been my plan for a long time, now… *hic.
@shahnm @tinamarie1974
hey… round is a shape!
@chienfou @tinamarie1974 Indeed it is! Hence my favorite knight of Camelot: Sir Cumferance…
Cool! I’ll wait here, in this chair, for you to get back.
where it is air conditioned
at not 80 degrees at 9 at night
Well, if ever GETS cool, I’ll do some outdoor cardio!
Got the bicycles all ready to go once the rain stops.
Let’s do some indoor carbo-loading! (and by that, I mean stay in and eat pasta and cake)
Cool! I’ll gaze at the Meh NSFW picture for a while.
Basketball or skateboarding.
Do cardio? OK, I’ll wave as you go by.
i’ll swim in the ocean or walk on the beach, but not for the primary purpose of “cardio.”
No. It’s hot as balls and smoky.
Most likely work in the yard, though that is currently out of the question due to an unforeseen injury…
@chienfou what happened, are you ok???
OK, so end of May I fell while 6 ft up an 8 foot ladder while I was trimming some limbs with a pole saw. Front ladder leg sank into the ground, ladder went one way, I went another. When I landed I thought I might have fractured my left fibula, so I want to the ER (where I work) and had an xray done. No fracture (yeah!) but my ankle was swollen so we figured it was a bad sprain. Worked my next 2 work cycles (7 on/7off) and each day it was swollen and tender, but got better at night after I was off it. SWMBO kept telling me to see an ortho, I kept saying it was going to be OK (she was right, I was wrong…)
While diving into the pool from the pool deck at the end of June I felt/heard a pop in the back of my ankle and a bunch of pain. Got out of the pool, and could still walk, but back of ankle hurt like hell.
Saw ortho (finally – 6 days later) on 6/30 and got diagnosis of ruptured Achilles tendon. Surgical repair 7/2 and have been in a boot with NO weight bearing from then until about 2 weeks ago.
Finally able to get around with ‘weight bearing as tolerated’ using either both or one crutch for the past
couple of weeks. Can now get by primarily with one crutch, (or none for short distances) and just returned to work today after being out for 7 and a half weeks!
Still in boot for next 5-6 weeks at least but have started doing some limited wt bearing without the boot in the pool using some floatation to keep some of the weight off the injured foot
TL:DR currently recovering post surgical repair of ruptured left Achilles tendon.
Hiking or swimming
fishing in the kayak.