@Mac454 I use Beep-n-go. Since I hate carrying the tags in my pocket, I usually leave them in my car for when I get to the store. And then, when I’m at the register, they’re still in my car. My phone, however, is in my pocket.
@RiotDemon i carry a lot of keys - one for the car, two for the apartment, two for my partner’s office, two for my parents’ house, one for his mom’s house, and two for my weekly housekeeping client. but i wonder how you know which key is which in this thing. i mean i still pull out about three bits from a swiss army knife before i get the one i want, and those don’t even look the same. is there some kind of labeling system? seems cool in theory but a pain to use if it’s dark or you’re in a hurry and/or your hands are full.
Got a polycarbonate one for 3 bucks at Fred Meyers in Portland. They were in a deal bin near the front of the store around the seasonal/ novelty stuff. Might still be there! Stadium location.
The standard metal KeySmarts go on lightning sales fairly often, so you can pick one up on Amazon for a similar price if you miss out here (it could be said that today’s item is for VIPs only, because you can definitely get this cheaper with free Amazon shipping).
Warning: be ready to drill new holes in your keys to make them fit, especially those that aren’t very conventional. And make sure to use PURPLE Loctite when putting it together.
@RiotDemonBLUE might be passable, but I wouldn’t risk it, because you might strip the head of the bolt if you have to take it apart. Purple makes it secure without making it permanent.
RED is going to require drilling through the bolt to take it apart.
@ShotgunX I’ve had mine for close to two years, didn’t need to drill any keys, or use loctite. But maybe that’s because it’s the real thing, not a clone.
I purchased one of these a couple of years ago (ok, like >3) from the source. I still have mine and I LOVE it. I have 8 keys on it (I have the metal one) and could add more with the expansion pieces that I originally purchased. The key cutter at my Ace Hardware was very envious the last time I was in there!!! LOL
I actually bought one of the metal versions a couple years ago. It was nice, until the screw started randomly unscrewing itself in my pocket and dumping keys and spacers in there. It’s currently disassembled from the last time it fell apart and strewn all over my dresser. Thinking about possibly putting it in the scrap bucket if I can’t find another use. Great product while it works, but when it stops it gets to be more of a hassle than a help.
@awk Thanks, that’s not a bad idea - the only problem is I’m down to 2 keys that would be in it anymore (downsized once it became a problem), so I don’t really need it anymore. I’ll keep it in mind though if I want to start using it again!
@ShotgunX I would use blue for anything that holds a pivot (like this or on a pocketknife). Purple seems more for vibrations and other mild stuff. But if it works for you, can’t argue with that.
@craigthom Blue will most likely be fine; it’s just that I wouldn’t risk it if there’s an ostensibly better option. If it gets too tight, you might need a vice to be able to unscrew it, and might strip the head in the process.
I backed the KS for this. Neat design and quality product, but at least for the generation I had, the hole in the key had to be pretty big for the pin to fit through.
I see no value in this over a simple free keyring or one that allows you to easily take a key on or off. Like when you drop your car off for service or when you valet your car.
I already have a keysmart (extended aluminum). Good product. The screws loosen up over maybe a couple of months but not so much to fall apart and all you need is a penny to tighten them again. Also you could use some super glue or whatever to prevent that if you don’t care to change configuration later.
@f00l bought a plastic one for my son who runs cross country and swims competitively so if thrown in a swim back or sweaty from running it wouldn’t cause issues. Sister is a zoologist and has multiple keys so bought her an aluminum one and she loves it. Both came with a wrench and spacers to take apart and to add more or less. So I guess the preference is up to you.
On a side note: the way the picture is showing them holding it further back to unlock the door- if you hold it at the bolt part it puts less torque (if that’s the right discription word) on the holder and it lasts longer. And no it will not hold keys with a molded end on it. Only plain old fashion keys. You can also get additions like a screw head and other Swiss Army knife type inserts.
@WTFsunshine Also if you hold it from the back while fully extended like that, you have plenty of sideways torque to snap a key off in a lock.
Guess how I know …
@f00l Metal. Mine looks like new after a couple of years. Also, the plastic version looks a lot thicker. If you’re getting this to slim down your keys, why get the fat version?
@blaineg the plastic version is very slightly thicker where the screws are but it’s not a huge difference. The aluminum is slightly slightly longer than the lite so the light actually appears more compact.
@P1h3r1e3d13 I’m assuming you found out the same way my son found out. Yep, hold it as close to the bolt where the key is extended. Our locksmith is on speed dial. Thankful he responds 24/7.
@terrry Yes, but you might need to drill new holes at the thickest parts of the keys. Depending on key length, you might be required to do this. Go to a hardware store, and they should be able to do it easily.
Besides the key head being fatter, so fewer keys would fit, most of the plastic headed keys I’ve seen have a rounded side profile. So instead of laying nicely flat against each other like bare metal keys, it will be more like stacking ball bearings.
And depending on the head’s profile, as you swing out one key, the others may get looser, and then they’ll flop out too.
@Pantheist Like thick keys? It doesn’t appear to me to be able too. I saw the kickstarter for this and they offered an “extender” but these here do not appear to be made for fat keys.
Why not - two for my cruise ship traveling parents - if they don’t like them or can’t use them then as others said - backup Christmas presents.
/giphy raunchy-somber-farm
/image raunchy-somber-farm
Doubling down since giphy usually doesn’t work for me.
too bad i just cancelled my vip membership last week, after nothing worth buying for 3 months. i would have bought this. but im a cheap skate and dont want to pay shipping.
I’ve carried keys in my front pockets for nearly 30 years and I’ve never stabbed myself. I’m usually carrying a pocket knife too. What am I doing wrong?
@sightsandsounds for what it’s worth, I’ve been testing the plastic version out for a couple weeks with 4 keys and haven’t had any problems. I assembled with a penny. disclaimer I am the buyer on this, so obviously I am somewhat biased. I also had no problem fitting my keys on their but they’re pretty “normal” keys. A couple house keys and a mail key.
@RiotDemon yes . Squishy floats are better then nothing but depending on size of keys can be insufficient buoyancy. These key buoys are great and inflate big and you can see and get it easy.
I notice that the “totally random source” has this to say about meh.com (my favorite part is where it points out that meh.com has .com extension):
Meh.com receives about 16,641 daily unique visitor.
According to Alexa Traffic Rank Meh.com is ranked number 16,446 in the world.
Its Website Authority value is 40/100 .
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At first I was like, “you bastards…” because I got one of these from Amazon just a couple days ago, but then I looked up my order and realized I paid the same price as this because it was a “Lightning Deal”. So now I’m revising it to “you stupid bastards”. If you had put this up for sale like a week ago you would have that money now instead of Amazon having it.
Always wanted to try/make one of these. I went with the plastic so that when they break I will have the hardware to custom fit my own and the experience of using someone else’s design to refine it for my tastes/needs. They also sell expansion kits cheap on Amazon if I want to go for a radical form (three post key organizer/fidget spinner anyone?)
i made one of these 15 years ago with a drill press and stationary posts. it is how i have carried all my keys ever since. i even make a non-chip copy of my car keys so i can put one on the chain in case i lock myself out. i used to cut the thumbs off the keys to make them even more compact, but i got too lazy at some point. probably when i moved away from my father’s bench grinder.
so, with all these similar looking keys, how do owners of these gadgets tell which key is where? i just picture myself standing on the doorstep loaded down with bags going ‘nope, not that one…or this one…’
@cahuston yeah, unfortunately even though my keys have been in the same position on my keyring forever i still have to look at them to know which is which. i think i will pass on this one. i guess you could also get those colored or patterned keys, though.
@StrangerDanger yeah, but then i’d have to buy seven bottles of nail polish which is expensive on top of $15 for a keyring. good idea if one already has nailpolish, though. also, i try to avoid crafty stuff because i always make a huge ugly mess even out of the simplest projects haha!
@jerk_nugget remembering the order of keys on a ring is difficult because it’s an endless loop. remembering which key is first, second and third from the top in this stack is substantially easier. honestly, you don’t even have to try.
@tjamesturner i appreciate that that works for you and many others, but it doesn’t for me glad for all the suggestions though, but still gonna pass. it’s a cool idea but not for me personally.
i have identical looking keys that i differentiate based on what other key they are next to and the stamps on the heads of the keys. i’m a visual person, i know things by their appearance. i know the key that looks identical to my house key is not my house key because it says ‘ace’ on the head and is next to a key with a square head, for instance.
also, i’ve read a couple reviews where older doors and tough locks put a lot of strain on this device and it’s not worth the risk to me. (i live and work in the boston area and every door has a ‘trick’ to it practically, haha. especially in the summer when all the wood swells it takes some manhandling.)
As been said before. Looking at these for a while. For myself and potential unknowing gift recipients. We shall now see how it goes.
Also more interesting useless stuff is much better that blu tooth blu speakers.
Guess I’m one of ‘those’ people who think these are insanely stupid. It’s actually bulkier than just putting some keys on a simple ring and more difficult to discern which key is which. Sometimes simpler is still better…
@therealjrn Random interwebs photo, not MY keys. MY keys are all facing the same way. Also, my money in my wallet is all faced and in order from smallest to largest denomination.
@cinoclav that’s how i keep my money, and i am always organizing my partner’s money so it’s like that too. i don’t know how he lives with just crumpled up ones and fives and a few folded twenties. (he basically pays for everything with a twenty instead of using the exact change he already has, resulting in various wads of smaller bills.)
Virgos are said to be the most analytical and organized members of the zodiac. Their perfection-oriented worldview makes them extremely efficient and diligent workers. However, Virgo’s unwavering attention to detail also paves the way for a multitude of character deficiencies, including a hypercritical nature. However, you can always trust the sturdy Virgo to get the job done, and done correctly.
@cinoclav My plan is to put the one key I use most often --my own house key-- on the keychain by itself, and all the random 2ndary keys (shed lock, bike lock, etc) in the flipper. Most of the time, this saves me time futzing w/ keys.
@therealjrn Mine don’t face all the same way either. Why? Because then I can more quickly tell which key is which. Apt key faces a different direction so I can pick it out more quickly and by feel when my arms are full.
If I didn’t already have one I would buy it! I have the aluminium black one and Love it! One side I use for home keys and the other side I use for work. And since I know the order of my keys it’s not like I have to constantly wonder which key is which, it’s the 3rd top key for this, bottom first for that.
Well, the one thing I have to say about this is, If you put all those keys, then add auto key, it may get kind of heavy… The starter on your car isn’t really made for lots of weight, and are expensive to change. I have seen some pretty heavy key chains on car keys… Silly, I used to have at least 20 keys on my work chain… Damn thing liked to pull my scrubs down… lol, I now have 9… thinking, thinking… Maybe, Maybe Meh…
I ordered a 1-pack metal and a 2-pack plastic. The envelope came with the first, but not the second. Anyone else?
Sent my note to meh. Just wondering if it was just me.
@ConAndLibrarian@somf69 My metal one arrived today, not shipped from Meh. (The plastic pair seem to have disappeared in Texas a week ago.)
I have 3 keys in it right now, and bet I could do 6 but probably not 8. The studs don’t seem to have to engage all the way, so it can grow in thickness. Though it would be nice if they did so that you could crank the screws all the way tight and still be able to swivel the keys.
I can’t get my keys to line up so they nest beside each other, at least not without leaving a key directly rubbing against a scale with no washer. But this means I can push on one key to expose the other. It would have been nice if that card that came in it had at least a hint of instructions on it.
As it is, kinda Meh. I’ll see how it works. I’d have been disappointed if i paid $20 for it.
So I went to their site. It turns out that the posts are supposed to extend the whole way through the keys, so the metal ones as shipped do only hold 2 keys.
Expansion pack for 2-14 keys is $2+2 shipping from their site. They reference a 2-8 key kit but it isn’t available. I’m waiting on the plastic ones to arrive to decide to order, as they might have extra posts included.
@djslack I went to their site and spoke with their CS and had to purchase the expansion pack. This really annoys me as I purchased this thinking it can hold the four keys I have on my key ring, but can only hold two.
I contacted meh’s CS, and I was directed to KeySmart’s website which I had already done. I am a bit frustrated.
I miss @hollboll, even if she could help me she would send me back a cat video or two.
@ConAndLibrarian@djslack Yes, this is frustrating. (And the plastic ones are even smaller than the metal ones). The write up certainly showed that they would hold more than two keys.
The metal ones shipped directly from keysmart so likely no one at Meh saw them. Since the plastic ones came from Meh I thought they may have been accurately described. I hope Meh steps up, though. They usually do.
@djslack we actually tested both versions with 8 keys. Well, 7 plus the metal holder for a car key, which counts as a key. We posted some pics below. That’s the plastic version for reference. Hope that helps!
@mandirose There’s no way to get 4 basic metal Schlage keys onto each side of the metal Keysmart, even without spacers! Schlage keys are slightly thicker than Kwikset keys (and various mailbox/security keys). I can get 4 thinner keys onto an end, but at that point you only have about one turn on the screw.
Note: The spacers are only about a 1/3 of a Schlage key width but can be used to correct between differences in key thickness from side to side.
Realistically, one should have a ‘spacer’ between keys so they turn out easier.
Further, the writeup pictures Meh used shows 9 keys on one, 14 keys on another, and only 5 keys on the plastic ones… but conveniently made no mention of the spacers, additional hardware required, nor the differences between capacity of plastic vs metal.
@caffeineguy I had to purchase additional hardware, I hope this can make these functional. This is by far the worst purchase I have made here. I am really disappointed, I always love the stuff I get here.
@caffeineguy the plastic and metal don’t have different capacities as we shipped them. They both hold up to 8 keys. We personally tested both versions in the office with 8 keys and needed no additional accessories in order to fit 8. The spacers are not meant to be used in between each key. Only to make both sides even. We added pictures to show how to get to 8 above. Hope that helps.
@mandirose I know-- I stated that they won’t hold 4 standard Schlage keys on one side (even without spacers) because Schlage keys are thicker than Kwikset and PO box keys.
Hey everybody, we took some pics of our keys to help explain.
To get the max of 8, you’ll need to remove all of the spacers, and overstack the keys past the posts, It’s strong enough to hold even past the posts. I’ve been using mine for almost a month now, and haven’t had any problems as of yet.
images for your reference.
Hey guys! Also, here is the link for assembly instructions if anyone needs it. Highly recommend watching the first video. After reading some comments, I’m thinking possibly people are putting the black spacers in between each key. These spacers are actually just meant to even out the sides if needed. If you have 8 keys you will use none of the black spacers. Hope this helps and feel free to reply to this or @bpl5683 with anymore questions.
@mandirose@bpl5683 Thanks. I instinctively overstacked (albeit with spacers between keys), but then their instructions linked above led me to believe this was wrong.
@mandirose@bpl5683 So I looked at your pictures and actually read the assembly instructions, a new experience for me. I think I’ll go with my original game plan and give the two plastic key holders away – let someone else deal with them.
I really like the metal key holder. However, I’m thinking that I will buy the expansion pack, if I decide to use it. I feel this should have been a standard feature, of the keyholders, instead of charging extra for it.
Hey, that’s just my opinion. But then again, I don’t like candy corn either.
@ConAndLibrarian With careful application of the spacers and keys cut/mounted the correct orientation, it’s possible to get keys to nest slightly better with interference of the key patterns
Well, after fairly regular use, one of my plastic KeySmarts broke this morning. The thin part at the end. It is the one I have my work keys in, so I will be able to continue to use it, but I need to think about getting a new one… Probably a metal one… Any chance of Meh running this again?
What’s in the Box?
1x Aluminum Keysmart
1x Loop Piece
2x Polycarbonate Keysmart
2x Loop Piece
Price Comparison
Polycarbonate: $33.98 (for 2) at Amazon
Aluminum: $19.98 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Monday, Nov 7 - Friday, Nov 11
My IQ is going up just looking at these bad boys.
Need one for store membership tags
^^^^^ THIS
@ThoR294 There are apps for your phone that do that. I use one that is called KeyRing. Works wonderfully.
@Mac454 I use Beep-n-go. Since I hate carrying the tags in my pocket, I usually leave them in my car for when I get to the store. And then, when I’m at the register, they’re still in my car. My phone, however, is in my pocket.
What the Meh are these? No Bluetooth?!!!
I’ve had one of these for over a year and really like it.
@wfondren which kind Aluminum ?
@sightsandsounds transparent? Hello computer…
@sightsandsounds I use the aluminum and it is great. Only have 4 keys in it and my car fob attached like the Meh photos.
@wfondren how hard is it to get at the key you need? how are they distinguished?
@tirams It’s pretty easy. It’s not like a pocket knife, more like a key fan that you can pick the right key.
@sightsandsounds Yep. Black.
The perfect Christmas gift for all the janitor friends of yours.
@jjohns71 You must mean our “Sanitation Engineer” friends.
@Kerig3 as a “Sanitation engineer” that picks up garbage & drives a truck, yes, i bought two.
@huja By the fruit of another?
@Da6T3 By the (refurb’ed) speaker dock of another.
Saying you had one in the past but “lost it” doesn’t inspire much confidence for a product that holds something as important as your keys.
@Lister It’s not the product’s fault. Just don’t give anything important to @skemmehs.
I really like this idea, but I don’t really carry many keys anymore. I have my keyless car fob thing and a house key.
@RiotDemon Same with me.
@RiotDemon i carry a lot of keys - one for the car, two for the apartment, two for my partner’s office, two for my parents’ house, one for his mom’s house, and two for my weekly housekeeping client. but i wonder how you know which key is which in this thing. i mean i still pull out about three bits from a swiss army knife before i get the one i want, and those don’t even look the same. is there some kind of labeling system? seems cool in theory but a pain to use if it’s dark or you’re in a hurry and/or your hands are full.
Got a polycarbonate one for 3 bucks at Fred Meyers in Portland. They were in a deal bin near the front of the store around the seasonal/ novelty stuff. Might still be there! Stadium location.
@brenda What an oddly specific sale location. If Imma ever in Portland, I’ll check it out.
@therealjrn Make sure you go to the right Freddies!
Is it the one with the big parking lot?
@therealjrn Order online,
@sightsandsounds Where is the Fred Meyers in Portland site? The one by the stadium? Do I just mail them $3?
I’m out of the dozens of keys game – three keys, less hassle.
These things are actually amazingly useful (I got one for running). However, the one I have is a competitor leather strip version: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01H7WTA5O
The standard metal KeySmarts go on lightning sales fairly often, so you can pick one up on Amazon for a similar price if you miss out here (it could be said that today’s item is for VIPs only, because you can definitely get this cheaper with free Amazon shipping).
Warning: be ready to drill new holes in your keys to make them fit, especially those that aren’t very conventional. And make sure to use PURPLE Loctite when putting it together.
@ShotgunX I love purple.
@ShotgunX thanks. I didn’t know purple threadlocker existed. Only seen blue and red.
@RiotDemon BLUE might be passable, but I wouldn’t risk it, because you might strip the head of the bolt if you have to take it apart. Purple makes it secure without making it permanent.
RED is going to require drilling through the bolt to take it apart.
@ShotgunX Red can be removed easily after heating the screw (soldering iron, hot air station, etc).
@awk That might not be smart with the plastic one, though.
@RiotDemon blue and red make purple
@awk Red burns up @275 F just saying
@ShotgunX I’ve had mine for close to two years, didn’t need to drill any keys, or use loctite. But maybe that’s because it’s the real thing, not a clone.
I purchased one of these a couple of years ago (ok, like >3) from the source. I still have mine and I LOVE it. I have 8 keys on it (I have the metal one) and could add more with the expansion pieces that I originally purchased. The key cutter at my Ace Hardware was very envious the last time I was in there!!! LOL
I actually bought one of the metal versions a couple years ago. It was nice, until the screw started randomly unscrewing itself in my pocket and dumping keys and spacers in there. It’s currently disassembled from the last time it fell apart and strewn all over my dresser. Thinking about possibly putting it in the scrap bucket if I can’t find another use. Great product while it works, but when it stops it gets to be more of a hassle than a help.

/image threadlocker
@awk Thanks, that’s not a bad idea - the only problem is I’m down to 2 keys that would be in it anymore (downsized once it became a problem), so I don’t really need it anymore. I’ll keep it in mind though if I want to start using it again!
@Tingo1313 I mentioned this in my own reply above, but make sure to use the PURPLE one if you use it at all.
@ShotgunX I would use blue for anything that holds a pivot (like this or on a pocketknife). Purple seems more for vibrations and other mild stuff. But if it works for you, can’t argue with that.
@awk I visually marked the bolt, and so far it hasn’t moved at all after a year of use. And I used very little.
@ShotgunX Blue can be removed with hand tools, and it’s more readily available.
I’d be happier if this had a Torx head. A small one would require making it thicker.
@ShotgunX OK, you convinced me. I’ll order the purple online.
@craigthom Blue will most likely be fine; it’s just that I wouldn’t risk it if there’s an ostensibly better option. If it gets too tight, you might need a vice to be able to unscrew it, and might strip the head in the process.
As a bonus, purple is also great for https://www.amazon.com/Alytimes-Stainless-Practice-Training-Butterfly/dp/B01DJ58U22, which is what I originally got it for. Don’t ask!
Oh, I definitely have to ask!
@punkynpye For when you’re in a greaser gang but are a pacifist?
@Carebear No, for that, you get one of these.
Once again, PLEASE DO NOT ASK. I will not be able to tell you, nor is anyone here ready for the opening of that sort of Pandora’s Box.
I backed the KS for this. Neat design and quality product, but at least for the generation I had, the hole in the key had to be pretty big for the pin to fit through.
Been wanting to try these. Also the most NSFW order number I have ever seen.

/giphy please share with the class
/giphy forceful bloody head

@Wolverine350r :shocked:
/image forceful bloody head

I have looked at these for years and have never pulled the trigger. With this deal, how can I not!!
I got one as a birthday gift and love it. Can’t wait for the spares to arrive in my compliant-colossal-custard
Mmmm… custard.
I see no value in this over a simple free keyring or one that allows you to easily take a key on or off. Like when you drop your car off for service or when you valet your car.
Maybe I am just sleepy…
@Woody1 You ever jog before?
I sounded like Santa’s sleigh until I got one of these. Also, the penis-poking.
@Woody1 Well in a pinch you can make crazed skyjack terrorists think it’s a switch blade.
Isn’t all that a design benefit of having lots of keys?

/giphy penis-poking
@therealjrn Of all the NSFW results giphy turns out with simple words… and THIS is what comes up?
@ruouttaurmind I know! I was shocked.
Hey cool it’s even got a little loop so you can put it on your key chain.
@cranky1950 I use that for a car key with a fat head. It wouldn’t fit well with the other keys.
What happens if I get this and use it, and my friends are not impressed when they see it?
That’s some serious potential pain and suffering and trauma there. A pit of despair for me to be trapped within.
And trapped all alone, nothing for company except my keys and this key-thingie-thing.
@f00l Paint little faces on the keys and then they can be your friends and it won’t be so bad.

@f00l You’re buying this for all the wrong reasons. This product will test your mettle as an opinion leader. Be bold.
/giphy brutish-ecstatic-sign

I already have a keysmart (extended aluminum). Good product. The screws loosen up over maybe a couple of months but not so much to fall apart and all you need is a penny to tighten them again. Also you could use some super glue or whatever to prevent that if you don’t care to change configuration later.
Thinking about buying another to give away…

@44R0N7 it’s a good thing your keys are all nice and compact.
@RedOak It’s true, my keys are small except the one on the ring.
The order numbers always pique my interest, but sometimes I need to find out here…

/giphy wild-long-samurai
Could have been worse!
/buy --set “1-pack aluminum” --color “blue”
Since I had to go to the “buy” page to get the variable and value for “set” I could have just clicked the button. But what the heck.
@craigthom It worked! Your order number is: tainted-determined-grass
/image tainted determined grass

@craigthom nicely executed. That would have otherwise surely been doomed to failure!
Plastic or metal?
Come on, need to know.
@f00l I bought metal.
@f00l Yes.

@f00l bought a plastic one for my son who runs cross country and swims competitively so if thrown in a swim back or sweaty from running it wouldn’t cause issues. Sister is a zoologist and has multiple keys so bought her an aluminum one and she loves it. Both came with a wrench and spacers to take apart and to add more or less. So I guess the preference is up to you.
@f00l I bought metal… and plastic for gifts (yep, I’m cheap).
On a side note: the way the picture is showing them holding it further back to unlock the door- if you hold it at the bolt part it puts less torque (if that’s the right discription word) on the holder and it lasts longer. And no it will not hold keys with a molded end on it. Only plain old fashion keys. You can also get additions like a screw head and other Swiss Army knife type inserts.
@WTFsunshine Also if you hold it from the back while fully extended like that, you have plenty of sideways torque to snap a key off in a lock.
Guess how I know …


/image “cheap purple”
@f00l if had bought one, it definitely would have been metal.
@f00l Metal. Mine looks like new after a couple of years. Also, the plastic version looks a lot thicker. If you’re getting this to slim down your keys, why get the fat version?
@blaineg the plastic version is very slightly thicker where the screws are but it’s not a huge difference. The aluminum is slightly slightly longer than the lite so the light actually appears more compact.
@P1h3r1e3d13 I’m assuming you found out the same way my son found out. Yep, hold it as close to the bolt where the key is extended. Our locksmith is on speed dial. Thankful he responds 24/7.
Are you Keyed up tonight meh?
all my keys have molded plastic on the end will this work for them ?
@terrry I doubt it, did you look at the pictures?
@terrry Yes, but you might need to drill new holes at the thickest parts of the keys. Depending on key length, you might be required to do this. Go to a hardware store, and they should be able to do it easily.
@terrry Not well, no.
Besides the key head being fatter, so fewer keys would fit, most of the plastic headed keys I’ve seen have a rounded side profile. So instead of laying nicely flat against each other like bare metal keys, it will be more like stacking ball bearings.
And depending on the head’s profile, as you swing out one key, the others may get looser, and then they’ll flop out too.
@blaineg I hate it when things flop out.
Can it Hold chipped keys?
@Pantheist Like thick keys? It doesn’t appear to me to be able too. I saw the kickstarter for this and they offered an “extender” but these here do not appear to be made for fat keys.
@therealjrn That’s what I figured. Thanks!
/giphy uber-chipper-werewolf

/image uber-chipper-werewolf
Why not - two for my cruise ship traveling parents - if they don’t like them or can’t use them then as others said - backup Christmas presents.

/giphy raunchy-somber-farm
/image raunchy-somber-farm
Doubling down since giphy usually doesn’t work for me.
Seriously!? Isn’t Miley already pretty uncensored? And what does any of that have to do with the words /image?
/giphy jumpy-predictable-clam

My first purchase from meh since July 4th last year… I’m starting down the slippery slope.
@IndianJesus LOL, thats what I am afraid of,
too bad i just cancelled my vip membership last week, after nothing worth buying for 3 months. i would have bought this. but im a cheap skate and dont want to pay shipping.
I’ve carried keys in my front pockets for nearly 30 years and I’ve never stabbed myself. I’m usually carrying a pocket knife too. What am I doing wrong?
@supichoo You might need tighter pants?

@Kerig3 Tramp Stamp Needed,
@sightsandsounds You’re looking way too hard!
Anyone who has one of these how does it do with the little club cards like your CVS or gym mini cards? Do those work in it? Also weird shaped keys?
Liked the concept but the screws that hold it together snapped apart the first time I was assembling it. Cheap construction, do not buy
@SaintO Thats what I was looking for , you just know there will not be any bad reviews at amazon, too expensive there, thanks
@sightsandsounds for what it’s worth, I’ve been testing the plastic version out for a couple weeks with 4 keys and haven’t had any problems. I assembled with a penny. disclaimer I am the buyer on this, so obviously I am somewhat biased. I also had no problem fitting my keys on their but they’re pretty “normal” keys. A couple house keys and a mail key.
@mandirose So if it doesn’t sync up or hold a charge…we can count on you?
@SaintO I can’t see that happening unless you’re a torque monster.
@therealjrn Haha Luckily this shouldn’t require too much tech support like the Olio’s. Gotta have time to go out and find more cool stuff for y’all!
I carry a couple of the SwissTech tools on my keyring, but hate that my keys rattle… worth $10 to see if I can improve the situation.
/giphy puzzled-incredible-blade

@accumulator Muslims Taking Over,
/giphy huh?

Who has 8 house keys per car? I’ve got closer to 8 car keys per house?
/giphy laboring-tilted-maid

@kshannon1 He is mad that the channel was changed, LOL thanks I needed that
/giphy delicious-marvelous-desk

@wooterondo Watching a blind date eat,
I don’t have enough keys for this
we are boaters… do they float or do I need to put a lift jacket on them while at the boat??
@shadow7118 Better get Aluminum Keys,
@shadow7118 Do your keys normally float?
@shadow7118 sail or power?
@shadow7118 you need a key buoy
@CaptAmehrican that thing looks pretty awesome. My brother has a fishing boat and uses one of those traditional squishy oval floats.
Have any experience with one falling in the water?
@RiotDemon yes . Squishy floats are better then nothing but depending on size of keys can be insufficient buoyancy. These key buoys are great and inflate big and you can see and get it easy.
@RiotDemon consider it a christmas gift suggestion for your fishing brother.
/giphy benevolent-hulking-raccoon

@notrobocop THATS RIGHT Its My Birthday !
I notice that the “totally random source” has this to say about meh.com (my favorite part is where it points out that meh.com has .com extension):
Meh.com receives about 16,641 daily unique visitor.
According to Alexa Traffic Rank Meh.com is ranked number 16,446 in the world.
Its Website Authority value is 40/100 .
The domain has N/A Facebook Likes,
N/A Facebook Shares,
493 Google+.
Meh.com has .com extension.
Updated: 2016-12-19 11:30:28
Used bandwidth: 599,076 MB / Month (599 GB, N/A TB)
At first I was like, “you bastards…” because I got one of these from Amazon just a couple days ago, but then I looked up my order and realized I paid the same price as this because it was a “Lightning Deal”. So now I’m revising it to “you stupid bastards”. If you had put this up for sale like a week ago you would have that money now instead of Amazon having it.
Heads up, we just secured a few more of the black-aluminum, which were previously marked as sold out.
Always wanted to try/make one of these. I went with the plastic so that when they break I will have the hardware to custom fit my own and the experience of using someone else’s design to refine it for my tastes/needs. They also sell expansion kits cheap on Amazon if I want to go for a radical form (three post key organizer/fidget spinner anyone?)
/giphy curved-morose-low

So what am I doing wrong? In two years of having one, the best reaction I’ve had was “oh, that’s kinda cool”.
Would it work for two Mul-T-Lock keys I have like these?
@makhay Yes, but you would need to get a hole drilled to the right of the purple bit.
i made one of these 15 years ago with a drill press and stationary posts. it is how i have carried all my keys ever since. i even make a non-chip copy of my car keys so i can put one on the chain in case i lock myself out. i used to cut the thumbs off the keys to make them even more compact, but i got too lazy at some point. probably when i moved away from my father’s bench grinder.
@tjamesturner How does the drill press fit in your pockets?
@djslack only the keys and the stationary posts go in my pocket. since i only use the drill press to add new keys, i carry it in a bag of holding.
@tjamesturner Good plan!
Shipping kills it. Stat track shows this goes on Lightning deal frequently on Amazon at $9.98 with free shipping… ):
watery-wooden-oak, does this mean if we drop it in water it will float?
at this price it really should have included a bottle opener.

/image holy-majestic-fox

@sargesmith Adorable.
@ShotgunX Whoa wotta fox!
so, with all these similar looking keys, how do owners of these gadgets tell which key is where? i just picture myself standing on the doorstep loaded down with bags going ‘nope, not that one…or this one…’
@jerk_nugget most of my keys are different but after a while you start remembering where each one is. Ir you could paint the edges.
@cahuston yeah, unfortunately even though my keys have been in the same position on my keyring forever i still have to look at them to know which is which. i think i will pass on this one. i guess you could also get those colored or patterned keys, though.
@jerk_nugget You could paint the heads with a light layer of nail polish so they are color coded.
@StrangerDanger yeah, but then i’d have to buy seven bottles of nail polish which is expensive on top of $15 for a keyring. good idea if one already has nailpolish, though. also, i try to avoid crafty stuff because i always make a huge ugly mess even out of the simplest projects haha!
@jerk_nugget remembering the order of keys on a ring is difficult because it’s an endless loop. remembering which key is first, second and third from the top in this stack is substantially easier. honestly, you don’t even have to try.
@tjamesturner i appreciate that that works for you and many others, but it doesn’t for me
glad for all the suggestions though, but still gonna pass. it’s a cool idea but not for me personally.
i have identical looking keys that i differentiate based on what other key they are next to and the stamps on the heads of the keys. i’m a visual person, i know things by their appearance. i know the key that looks identical to my house key is not my house key because it says ‘ace’ on the head and is next to a key with a square head, for instance.
also, i’ve read a couple reviews where older doors and tough locks put a lot of strain on this device and it’s not worth the risk to me. (i live and work in the boston area and every door has a ‘trick’ to it practically, haha. especially in the summer when all the wood swells it takes some manhandling.)
As been said before. Looking at these for a while. For myself and potential unknowing gift recipients. We shall now see how it goes.
Also more interesting useless stuff is much better that blu tooth blu speakers.
I’ve had the metal version since 2015 and use it as my work key ring. Also bought the rugged version for another set of keys. Like it alot
Guess I’m one of ‘those’ people who think these are insanely stupid. It’s actually bulkier than just putting some keys on a simple ring and more difficult to discern which key is which. Sometimes simpler is still better…

@therealjrn Random interwebs photo, not MY keys. MY keys are all facing the same way. Also, my money in my wallet is all faced and in order from smallest to largest denomination.
@therealjrn @cinoclav You’re my kind of people.
@cinoclav that’s how i keep my money, and i am always organizing my partner’s money so it’s like that too. i don’t know how he lives with just crumpled up ones and fives and a few folded twenties. (he basically pays for everything with a twenty instead of using the exact change he already has, resulting in various wads of smaller bills.)
@therealjrn I tend to keep my keys oriented the same way relative to the lock they open. Which makes them flippy-floppied relative to one another.
@Barney @jerk_nugget I’m a Virgo…
@cinoclav I’m a Capricorn. Capricorns have upset stomachs.
@brhfl Chaos! Chaos I say!
@cinoclav My plan is to put the one key I use most often --my own house key-- on the keychain by itself, and all the random 2ndary keys (shed lock, bike lock, etc) in the flipper. Most of the time, this saves me time futzing w/ keys.
@giolee88 Just put a cap on or paint the head of the house key. Easy to find, less to deal with.
@therealjrn Mine don’t face all the same way either. Why? Because then I can more quickly tell which key is which. Apt key faces a different direction so I can pick it out more quickly and by feel when my arms are full.
@cinoclav You are either an accountant/banker or have OCD LOL.
@Kidsandliz Nope, just a Virgo.
If I didn’t already have one I would buy it! I have the aluminium black one and Love it! One side I use for home keys and the other side I use for work. And since I know the order of my keys it’s not like I have to constantly wonder which key is which, it’s the 3rd top key for this, bottom first for that.
I think this is a great idea, I just don’t have anyone in mind to buy it for.
Hey! Can we have a Meh Christmas gift exchange party this year?
@wew If you organize it I am sure some people will come…
@skemmis lost a little of my respect for buying through a facebook ad. Hopefully you saw it then searched for it independently on amazon or something.
No place for a car key. Make one that houses a vehicle key and I will buy one.
@up2zero Make one that has a programmable key fob with retractable car key built in and I’ll buy one!
Well, the one thing I have to say about this is, If you put all those keys, then add auto key, it may get kind of heavy… The starter on your car isn’t really made for lots of weight, and are expensive to change. I have seen some pretty heavy key chains on car keys… Silly, I used to have at least 20 keys on my work chain… Damn thing liked to pull my scrubs down… lol, I now have 9… thinking, thinking… Maybe, Maybe Meh…
/giphy unstructured marvelous orca

Dammit I don’t need this but I want more weird stuff. This purchase is for you @mandirose. Don’t let me down.
Anyone had these ship yet? Still processing for me…much longer than usual for Meh…
@mattardz They still have lots of time mine is processing. “FedEx SmartPost: Monday, August 14th - Thursday, August 17th”
@therealjrn I have been patiently waiting on mine as well.
@ConAndLibrarian I KNOW! My detachable keyring fell apart AGAIN this morning!
HEY! hurry up meh!
I ordered a 1-pack metal and a 2-pack plastic. The envelope came with the first, but not the second. Anyone else?
Sent my note to meh. Just wondering if it was just me.
@thismyusername I’m getting my second and final package tomorrow. First was the plastic, then the metal.
@ratman I think the above ^^^ comment is for you.
@ratman and to add, I got my metal one today, still no plastic ones.
Got mine…another huge let down.
If I want to put more than 2 keys on it I need to buy extention screws…
@somf69 The specs say holds up to 8 keys… If an additional purchase is required then they could say holds up to infinity keys.
Mine should be here any day now, curious to see how let down I’ll be.
@somf69 I agree, I could only get two keys on. I was very disappointed.
@ConAndLibrarian @somf69 My metal one arrived today, not shipped from Meh. (The plastic pair seem to have disappeared in Texas a week ago.)
I have 3 keys in it right now, and bet I could do 6 but probably not 8. The studs don’t seem to have to engage all the way, so it can grow in thickness. Though it would be nice if they did so that you could crank the screws all the way tight and still be able to swivel the keys.
I can’t get my keys to line up so they nest beside each other, at least not without leaving a key directly rubbing against a scale with no washer. But this means I can push on one key to expose the other. It would have been nice if that card that came in it had at least a hint of instructions on it.
As it is, kinda Meh. I’ll see how it works. I’d have been disappointed if i paid $20 for it.
@djslack It does have a hint: go to their site. I might get around to that eventually.
So I went to their site. It turns out that the posts are supposed to extend the whole way through the keys, so the metal ones as shipped do only hold 2 keys.
Expansion pack for 2-14 keys is $2+2 shipping from their site. They reference a 2-8 key kit but it isn’t available. I’m waiting on the plastic ones to arrive to decide to order, as they might have extra posts included.
@djslack I went to their site and spoke with their CS and had to purchase the expansion pack. This really annoys me as I purchased this thinking it can hold the four keys I have on my key ring, but can only hold two.
I contacted meh’s CS, and I was directed to KeySmart’s website which I had already done. I am a bit frustrated.
I miss @hollboll, even if she could help me she would send me back a cat video or two.
@ConAndLibrarian @djslack Yes, this is frustrating. (And the plastic ones are even smaller than the metal ones). The write up certainly showed that they would hold more than two keys.
@Barney it says 8 keys right here in the specs.
The metal ones shipped directly from keysmart so likely no one at Meh saw them. Since the plastic ones came from Meh I thought they may have been accurately described. I hope Meh steps up, though. They usually do.
@djslack Eight keys. No way.
@djslack we actually tested both versions with 8 keys. Well, 7 plus the metal holder for a car key, which counts as a key. We posted some pics below. That’s the plastic version for reference. Hope that helps!
@mandirose There’s no way to get 4 basic metal Schlage keys onto each side of the metal Keysmart, even without spacers! Schlage keys are slightly thicker than Kwikset keys (and various mailbox/security keys). I can get 4 thinner keys onto an end, but at that point you only have about one turn on the screw.
Note: The spacers are only about a 1/3 of a Schlage key width but can be used to correct between differences in key thickness from side to side.
Realistically, one should have a ‘spacer’ between keys so they turn out easier.
Further, the writeup pictures Meh used shows 9 keys on one, 14 keys on another, and only 5 keys on the plastic ones… but conveniently made no mention of the spacers, additional hardware required, nor the differences between capacity of plastic vs metal.
@caffeineguy I had to purchase additional hardware, I hope this can make these functional. This is by far the worst purchase I have made here. I am really disappointed, I always love the stuff I get here.
@caffeineguy the plastic and metal don’t have different capacities as we shipped them. They both hold up to 8 keys. We personally tested both versions in the office with 8 keys and needed no additional accessories in order to fit 8. The spacers are not meant to be used in between each key. Only to make both sides even. We added pictures to show how to get to 8 above. Hope that helps.
@mandirose I know-- I stated that they won’t hold 4 standard Schlage keys on one side (even without spacers) because Schlage keys are thicker than Kwikset and PO box keys.
@caffeineguy ahhh im sorry I understand what you’re saying now
@mandirose Some Measurements:
Schlage Keys: 2.40-2.42mm
Schlage Copy (Walmart) 2.14mm
Schlage Copy (Hillman) 2.08mm
Kwikset Clones (Various): 2.0-2.06mm
Safe/Desk Locks: 1.96mm
Mine shows shipped but no tracking numbers… weird
Mine arrived yesterday, and later in the day I got an email saying it had shipped.
Hey everybody, we took some pics of our keys to help explain.
To get the max of 8, you’ll need to remove all of the spacers, and overstack the keys past the posts, It’s strong enough to hold even past the posts. I’ve been using mine for almost a month now, and haven’t had any problems as of yet.
images for your reference.
@BPL5683 I’m not sure I trust anyone whose name begins in B.
Thanks for the pix!
@Barney So if we copy that key with a file we can get into the Meh warehouse?
@caffeineguy Yeah, but I’m afraid we’d open the warehouse and find it overflowing with these keyholders.
Hey guys! Also, here is the link for assembly instructions if anyone needs it. Highly recommend watching the first video. After reading some comments, I’m thinking possibly people are putting the black spacers in between each key. These spacers are actually just meant to even out the sides if needed. If you have 8 keys you will use none of the black spacers. Hope this helps and feel free to reply to this or @bpl5683 with anymore questions.
@mandirose I actually did put the spacers in at first, but then took them out and still could only fit two keys.
@mandirose @bpl5683 Thanks. I instinctively overstacked (albeit with spacers between keys), but then their instructions linked above led me to believe this was wrong.
Thanks for showing us the way!
@mandirose @bpl5683 So I looked at your pictures and actually read the assembly instructions, a new experience for me.
I think I’ll go with my original game plan and give the two plastic key holders away – let someone else deal with them.
I really like the metal key holder. However, I’m thinking that I will buy the expansion pack, if I decide to use it. I feel this should have been a standard feature, of the keyholders, instead of charging extra for it.
Hey, that’s just my opinion. But then again, I don’t like candy corn either.
@djslack glad it worked out! Always happy when we can help out
@ConAndLibrarian With careful application of the spacers and keys cut/mounted the correct orientation, it’s possible to get keys to nest slightly better with interference of the key patterns
Well, after fairly regular use, one of my plastic KeySmarts broke this morning. The thin part at the end. It is the one I have my work keys in, so I will be able to continue to use it, but I need to think about getting a new one… Probably a metal one… Any chance of Meh running this again?