@Stallion I understand. I’m using one, too. It hasn’t annoyed me enough to take my keys off it, yet, but I’m not convinced it’s an improvement over just a ring.
@craigthom@Stallion Me three. I have quite a few keys I have to lug around and have segmented my (3) and my daughter’s (3) house and mailbox keys to an Aluminum Keysmart. I use it daily, but I’m still not sold on the concept. I must be clumsy or something because I still find it difficult to operate one-handed.
The pool, office, and other property keys I have divided amongst regular, old-fashioned key rings. I think I like the old-fashioned rings better.
@hems79@Stallion Thank you. I will read no further. My thoughts exactly the first time I saw it and again now. Thanks for saving me ?? bucks. I will keep my old faithful key ring. A suggestion, take the time to go back to your old key ring, Find some old keys somewhere to put on this gadget, give it to some little kid and you both will be happy. Oh, and by the way, stop pounding on the poor dummy. That must hurt.
Meh the community has decided our next mission is to make you sell meh t shirts again. We want to represent our communities in the most average way we can, you know you wanted another movement to happen so here it is. I will post this every day until the t shirt sale happens. Apparently the community is getting greedy with the shirts and they need more than just one simple meh shirt. No the community apparently wants meh shirts for every occasion listed here: @surfeit wants a cat meh shirt, @wstull1 wants one that says “I bought candy corn at meh”, and @nolrak wants one that says “I still have most of the candy corn I bought from Meh”.
I got pro version last time it was on sale, I already had a normal one but I liked the idea of the Tile and light on it.
Only been a few months and light doesn’t work and the battery in it dies really quickly. If I wanted to use the Tile functionality I’d have to charge it every day.
Maybe I got a dud, but overall the normal Keysmart’s are really good, and definitely save space in your pocket.
@x9751 Thanks for your honest review. I don’t think I’ll get one now. I have Tile on my keys now, but the batteries die and then you have to throw them away?? So wasteful and expensive. But I don’t feel like charging my keys too every day. Hmm, maybe then I’d know where they were if I were always charging them…
Bought this last year. I sort of like it. It loosens up at times, but I just tighten with my fingernail. It’s much better than having keys digging into me. I regretted not buying a spare when it came up shortly after, and I figured I’d never see it on here again. But I’m in for a spare now.
Buying 4,5,6 tonight. It is a pocket and leg saver with the expansion. Great gift, going to give one to co-worker who admired mine. Rousing-Massive-Sand
Meh. I bought some a while back. And recently while cleaning out a unused cubby, found a bubble envelope and thought, ‘what the hell is in here?’ Yup, these things. So seriously, I bought these damn things, and not only never used them, but threw them in a cubby…still in the bubble envelope they arrived in and completely forgot I even owned them. No thanks
Love these things. I have three of them in different colors loaded up with keys for different purposes (personal, work, other work) and I honestly couldn’t be happier.
I have the pro. Bought it here maybe a year ago. It has not failed, but I am not Sure I would buy again.
The key holder only fits four keys for me. I might be able to fit a fifth, one of the keys is pretty thick.
Really though, in a world with bulky car key fobs (and bulky rfid keys on older cars) it’s kind of pointless. I have two fobs and a bulky car key. The extra bulk of my house and work keys is pretty much noise. Even forgoing the fob for my wife’s car, the car stuff is probably bigger than the four keys I carry.
The light is lame. I use my phone instead. It’s nice to have as a backup though I guess.
The tile, then. I love tile, except for the disposable/repurchasable nature of it.
It’s not as loud as a regular tile but it works ok for me.
Is rechargeable, unlike regular tile. This is a plus and a minus. Not disposable, plus. Another thing to charge, minus. I have lost the keys and discovered the battery dead when I finally found them.
I’m just a blue collar, keys on a caribiner on the beltloop guy. I did, get Tile after missplacing my keys recently. That was the first time ever, that it took mote than thirty minutes to find them, 24 hours.
Since I’ve got a regular Keysmart and Prime, I think I’ll go with the latter.
I know i could get any old quick disconnect for cheap, and this is more than the keysmart cost me, but right now my bottle opener is dangling off the ring with the car key, and I’ve only got four keys in the keysmar t (and two are for padlocks).
@therealjrn What? I assume that was supposed to be funny, but it only makes sense if you only have your keys with you while driving. Or if you just like carrying a lot of separate things around.
And, yes, I never know when I’ll need to open a beer, so I like to have a bottle opener in my pocket, but that’s got nothing to do with using* my car key; it’s just always attached to my other keys.
I don’t actually use my car key; I just need to have it on me when I use the car.
@therealjrn Maybe you only have your car key with you when you are driving. Mine is attached to my other keys, which I always carry, whether I am driving or not. My car key is always in my pocket. As is my house key. As is my shed padlock key. As is my bottle opener. If I am wearing pants, I have my keys in my pocket (and my wallet in another pocket).
If I am out cutting the grass my car key is in my pocket, because I have my keys in my pocket, and my car key is attached to them, and I am wearing pants. Usually.
@craigthom learn the lighter trick. Once you got that down, basically anything hard with some sort of edge will do…a knife, a hair brush, a key…etc etc.
@craigthom@Thumperchick thanks for the concern, but I’ve been doing it for 20+ years. No scars. I don’t quite get how the cap can impale your knuckle, but it must have gave everyone a good chuckle. Plus, you’d be surprised how impressed the ladies are when you can open their bottle with almost anything.
@blaineg@craigthom@goldnectar I still don’t really understand the need to carry a bottle opener.
If you’re drinking at home, you should have one at home. If you’re drinking at a friend’s house, I would expect them to have one. If you are drinking at a bar or restaurant, I would expect them to open the bottle for you, or at least provide an opener.
If you’re a kid sneaking beer out in a field or something, I expect you wouldn’t have paid the upcharge for nicer beer that doesn’t come with a twist-off cap.
I’m not being snide. I’d really like to know. How often does your carry-around bottle opener get used, and in what context?
@craigthom@therealjrn I was told not to dangle heavy keys from the new car fobs because of stress on the steering column or something, otherwise I would have everything on the same ring… carabiner keeps me from digging around in my purse for them. So mehbe I’m only slightly absurd? Guitar house key, blue guitar is faded Kenny Chesney bottle opener.
@blaineg@craigthom@Limewater OMFG…you must not be lazy. Do you know how far it is from my patio to my kitchen?!? Like…10 feet. However, that still requires getting out of my chair, walking, opening a drawer, grabbing a bottle opener, open bottle, putting back the opener, closing the drawer, walking back, and sitting back down. Meanwhile, you’re carrying the bottle the whole time! That’s like…a million unnecessary steps. Or, lethargically reach for your keychain bottle opener or hack life with the lighter trick…even lazier.
In a related note, I think I have getting lower back pain from sitting too much. Worth it.
@blaineg I saw that. I think that’s the one that comes with the kit.
I’m a bit concerned with those reviews, though, because it looks as if some people are getting knockoffs. And it’s my theory that they throw the third party “fulfilled by” items into the same bin as the Amazon ones, so if someone sent them knockoffs you may get one even if Amazon is the seller.
@blaineg@goldnectar@Limewater I don’t use the bottle opener in my pocket very often, but those rare occasions when I need one I really need one.
For example, maybe your friends are better at it than mine, but an opener near a cooler tends to wander a bit. It’s easier to just have an opener than try to figure out where the last person put it.
Also maybe someone brings you a beer when they go get one, but they forget to open it.
Or someone looks in the drawer and the opener isn’t there, and they can’t remember who had it last. Or you get the beer out of their refrigerator and don’t know where they keep their opener, and it’s not stuck on the refrigerator with the magnet the way a sane person does it.
Or you take a cooler of beer to go see the eclipse or go camping or go to a picnic), and nobody remembers to bring an opener. True story.
I need an opener maybe once or twice a year, but when I need it I need it.
@blaineg@craigthom@goldnectar Thank you for the replies so far.
Maybe there’s a segment of the beer market I’m discounting, but if it’s something you’re going to drink straight from the bottle, I would expect it to be a twist-off.
It seems to me that you only start getting into the beers that are not twist-offs once you’re getting to the higher-end stuff you’d want to pour into a glass anyway.
Am I missing something? Are there a lot of people out there drinking microbrews straight from the bottle?
Not sure what your definition of microbrews is, but I like good beer (not BCM) and often drink it with my friends straight out of a big cooler of ice at the athletic fields. Most of the bottles do not have twist-off caps, and the more bottle openers available, the better.
Should good beer only be consumed it an appropriately dignified environment with proper lighting and temperature control?
The only time I drink shitty beer is if I’m at a neighbor’s house and he offers me one.
Generally if I’m at a picnic or cookout I pour into a plastic cup, when I then rinse out.
But if there is no cup, I’d still rather drink good beer in a less than optimal way than drink shitty beer.
To be truthful, I tend to buy beer in cans for those situations, because it’s lighter to carry and isn’t as likely to be light damaged. But some beers don’t come in cans.
@blaineg@craigthom@goldnectar I haven’t said anything about what people should do. My observation, though, is that most people drinking outside, away from their homes are drinking cheaper, mass-market beer.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anyone savoring a rich, dark stout at the beach on a hot summer day. But it probably happens occasionally.
Personally, if I’m going to be drinking anything nicer than Yuengling, it’s going into a glass, and I thought that was the norm. I guess I was mistaken.
There’s only been once in my life where I’ve needed a bottle opener and not had access to one. That was when I helped a friend move, so all of his stuff was packed away. And that was actually just to open a fancy coke.
I really was just wondering when one needs to carry a bottle opener. And I think y’all have answered that question well.
@blaineg@craigthom@goldnectar@Limewater True story … I was at a D.R.I. concert a few years back, and after a song, the bassist grabbed a bottle of beer that was sitting on top of his amp, and then looked about helplessly when he saw just how cruelly unopened the bottle was. I jumped to the rescue by handing my keys up to him, which had a bottle opener attached to them. Popped the top, took a swig, gave me a thumbs up, kept my keys, stole my car and home, and began to live my old life, leaving me homeless and destitute. Most of that is true.
I’m no hero, guys. Just a man with a bottle opener on his keyring.
@blaineg@craigthom@goldnectar@jrstinkfish I don’t. I carry a two-inch gerber lock-back pocket knife. It’s small, and a good knife. Multi-tools are a lot bulkier, and tend to suck at being knives.
So, as a fan of the keysmart, I always told myself that I’d get the pro if meh ever sold it again, so I want ahead and snagged it. @craigthom linked to the pack that has the quick disconnect in it on Amazon, so I snagged that too. I don’t have 14 keys, but I still feel like I get plenty of use out of the keysmart.
@fastharry You forgot your insatiable need to show the world you carry a gun…that is, unless your gun is attached to those keys somehow. Then it would apply.
@fastharry@goldnectar The whole EDC posting trend is more annoying than this keysmart is. (nobody cares what is in your pockets) It’s just an online pissing match.
At least 4 of your keys could be put into one of these saving them from jingling around in your pocket and making them easily accessible when needed.
I have a version of this from another company , with a silicone outside instead of aluminum or stainless steel.
And I needed to expand is a little bit , to allow one more key.
So I simply went to the store and bought an appropriately sized bolt with a button head (so the side facing the keys was flat), marked how long I needed it, and quickly cut off the excess. I’m a DIY kind of guy; it was trivially easy. $1.10 for my expansion set that fits up to 99 keys and a toaster. Ok, maybe no toasters.
As for the flashlight, it’s not for finding something you dropped, or reading a map. It’s for seeing the keyhole when your porch light is off . It makes it easier to get the key in by a teeny bit. yeah, my cell phone will do that, but it’s not as convenient because it’s not already pointed at the hole at the moment my key is going in.
Finally, to the complaint that the tile is rechargeable and “that’s both a plus and a minus” – take it up with the laws of thermodynamics. You don’t get electrical function for free.
The solution is to set a monthly reminder set to charge up things like this , such as my car flashlight.
I got a simple silicone/rubber one for about $5 at Home Depot – I suspect I like this much better than I’d like a metal one simply for better comfort in the pocket.
I already own one of these and LOVE that this Tile technology is rechargeable, unlike regular Tile tiles, which need to be thrown in a landfill and replaced every year or so. And yes, I now have a lot of electronics that need to be charged and that’s why I have a dedicated area set aside on my kitchen counter for just that - so charging stuff isn’t really a big deal. And, like @IAmBroom noted, the light on this thing isn’t supposed to function like a flashlight. It’s just to keep you from fumbling while trying to find the keyhole. And it works great for that.
This looks like something that would for sure get confiscated at a sports game or concert - the security guards would not listen to your pleas that it’s just a key ring, declare it to be a knife and throw it in the trash
@cspwal Never had that problem and I’ve taken mine to multiple pro sporting events and concerts. In fact, I’ve never had anyone even try to question me about it. It’s pretty obviously a key holder to anyone who examines it.
I picked up a Keysmart Pro a few months ago, and for the most part I love it. I’d read the numerous complaints about its larger size beforehand, and was worried that it would be too large, but at this point I have no idea what they were talking about. It’s about the size you’d expect, with the addition of a circuit board and a very small lithium battery inside. Most of its size is made up by the keys it contains. The flashlight is perfect for finding the keyhole on my front door, and I use it occasionally for looking into dark spaces. I recharge it “whenever I feel like it” and have had no troubles with the battery.
The only problem I’ve had with it is the problem that I’ve had with all Tiles and Tile-like knockoff devices that enable you to locate your phone with them, and that is that they only work about 50-60 percent of the time in my experience. It’s happened more times than I can count that I’ve been looking for a misplaced phone with my Keysmart (I’m forgetful; that’s partly why I bought it), finding it myself while the Tile system is still searching, and then holding the phone in my hand for several MINUTES while repeatedly hitting the Tile button on the Keysmart. Eventually the app on the phone responds. This makes the whole system almost useless if you truly don’t know where your phone is, and you’re moving around the house or office to search for it. Just like a regular Tile.
Have 2, but bought a few more. Just wish they were the smaller version. The smaller version is almost an inch shorter. Which for me is perfect. Oh well.
I live in Bolivia, South America, and I have to carry a ridiculous amount of keys. Some doors take 2-3 keys to open. I’m looking forward to giving this a try, to control the enormous jungle of keys that I have to carry. I got one for my home and one for work keys. We’ll see…
I wanted to get two of the regular ones for me and my wife but somehow I ended up with just one of the PRO models for myself. How does this happen? I spent more money and got fewer items? I mean… I guess I really needed that flashlight. What’s done is done.
For a keychain flashlight I highly recommend the Nitecore Tube (dumb name, it’s a rectangle, not a tube).
It’s a 2" x 1/2" x 1/4" slab of plastic, with an LED and a Li-Ion battery. It’s a little bigger than the old Photon lights, but it recharges with a micro-USB cable, so you don’t have to keep replacing CR2016 batteries. One click is dim, two clicks is very bright, and one click then hold is variable intensity. Not bad for $9 or so, depending on body color.
Does anyone have two of these on a single key chain cluster? I currently have 1 of these using the expansion bolts with both my work and home keys on it. My work and home keys are not uniform in size or thickness, so it can be tricky accessing a specific key. (ex: gate padlock key) I wonder if it would be better to carry TWO of these keysmart dealies. One with my thick work keys on it and one with my house key, security system RF fob, and padlock keys. They would both be considerable thinner than the one I have now and the keys should be easier to access. Not sure if the trade-off would be worth having another one of these in my pocket.
I’d get one if I didn’t already have a far superior KeyBar…did it cost more? Sure. But it’s hand made in the US, choice of materials, and customizable.
@walkerbeauchemi I don’t know about the TSA, but I have taken mine inside our county courthouse bunches of times. I don’t have a knife or beer opener on mine though.
@walkerbeauchemi Yes. I had no trouble.
Going into a theme park, a security guard asked about my a little leather sheath I keep our van key fob in (because buttons kept getting pushed in my pocket) , but didn’t bat an eye at the keysmart. Just don’t add any knife attachments and you should be fine.
I got the tracker one in a fuko. Love it, can’t bring it to work anymore cuz bluetooth… but i just bought the none bluetooth one. Excited to use one again haha
I really liked mine, but wore out at least 2. They just fell apart… In My Hand. So, I know I have a few more, but not worth the time to put the keys on. If they were more durable, I might reconsider… MEH
Hard and expensive lesson learned: don’t hang a bunch of keys or other heavy stuff on your fancy/expensive car key. Not only do you stress the ignition lock, but the weight tugging on the key can weaken it where the key lug clamps into the key fob/handle, eventually breaking it off.
Of course, thankfully keyless ignition vehicles are becoming more common so you might not have this risk.
@RedOak Keyless ignition wasn’t a feature I sought, but it came with the car. It was a while before I quit pulling my keys out when I approached my car, but I got the hang of it.
If I want to open just a back door I need to use the fob, but otherwise I don’t touch it; it just stays in my pocket. I like it.
@djslack@muzztime I’ve got one, it’s actually pretty useful if you’re stuck with hard butter and don’t want to mess with the microwave. But there’s the rub, it’s usually faster and easier to nuke it.
@therealjrn Except sometimes they change that estimated date without telling anyone. I don’t know if that happened this time, but you cannot rely on what is posted at the time you buy the item.
@therealjrn@Thumperchick The Estimated Delivery on the Order Confirmation screen may not change, but I have no way of confirming that. My past orders that DID had the Estimated Delivery date change on the ITEM PAGE have already been delivered. I can’t go back to check to see if the order estimated delivery date matched the updated sale page estimated delivery date.
What’s in the Box?
1x Aluminum Keysmart
1x Loop Piece
1x Expansion pack
1x Pro Keysmart
1x Micro USB cable
Price Comparison
Aluminum: $19.98 at Amazon
Pro: $49.98 at Amazon
90 day Mediocre
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Aug 11 - Monday, Aug 15
Not again, I’m using one till this day and am not sure I like it still.
@Stallion I understand. I’m using one, too. It hasn’t annoyed me enough to take my keys off it, yet, but I’m not convinced it’s an improvement over just a ring.
@craigthom @Stallion Me three. I have quite a few keys I have to lug around and have segmented my (3) and my daughter’s (3) house and mailbox keys to an Aluminum Keysmart. I use it daily, but I’m still not sold on the concept. I must be clumsy or something because I still find it difficult to operate one-handed.
The pool, office, and other property keys I have divided amongst regular, old-fashioned key rings. I think I like the old-fashioned rings better.

/giphy Me four.
@hems79 @Stallion Thank you. I will read no further. My thoughts exactly the first time I saw it and again now. Thanks for saving me ?? bucks. I will keep my old faithful key ring. A suggestion, take the time to go back to your old key ring, Find some old keys somewhere to put on this gadget, give it to some little kid and you both will be happy. Oh, and by the way, stop pounding on the poor dummy. That must hurt.
Meh the community has decided our next mission is to make you sell meh t shirts again. We want to represent our communities in the most average way we can, you know you wanted another movement to happen so here it is. I will post this every day until the t shirt sale happens. Apparently the community is getting greedy with the shirts and they need more than just one simple meh shirt. No the community apparently wants meh shirts for every occasion listed here: @surfeit wants a cat meh shirt, @wstull1 wants one that says “I bought candy corn at meh”, and @nolrak wants one that says “I still have most of the candy corn I bought from Meh”.
@reclaimercube #speakerdock shirt
@Stallion you’ll get added in tomorrow’s blurb
And I want a faces of meh shirt.
@jst1ofknd noted. my favorite person on meh.
@reclaimercube I want another “stealth” meh shirt. (the black shirt with black text on it)
@reclaimercube I’ve changed my mind, now I want Meh branded KeySmarts for all my keys
@reclaimercube “I check Meh every day and all I got was this lousy T-shirt and a rolling duffel bag and a KeySmart and a vibrating toothbrush”
@reclaimercube How about a one MEH shirt a day store to grant all our mediocre wishes?
I got pro version last time it was on sale, I already had a normal one but I liked the idea of the Tile and light on it.
Only been a few months and light doesn’t work and the battery in it dies really quickly. If I wanted to use the Tile functionality I’d have to charge it every day.
Maybe I got a dud, but overall the normal Keysmart’s are really good, and definitely save space in your pocket.
@x9751 Going off of the Amazon reviews, it sounds like your experience isn’t uncommon and like KeySmart customer service is poor, to boot.
@x9751 Thanks for your honest review. I don’t think I’ll get one now. I have Tile on my keys now, but the batteries die and then you have to throw them away?? So wasteful and expensive. But I don’t feel like charging my keys too every day. Hmm, maybe then I’d know where they were if I were always charging them…
Bought this last year. I sort of like it. It loosens up at times, but I just tighten with my fingernail. It’s much better than having keys digging into me. I regretted not buying a spare when it came up shortly after, and I figured I’d never see it on here again. But I’m in for a spare now.
Aww man, just two weeks ago I bought two of the KeySmart Pros.
Buying 4,5,6 tonight. It is a pocket and leg saver with the expansion. Great gift, going to give one to co-worker who admired mine. Rousing-Massive-Sand
Meh. I bought some a while back. And recently while cleaning out a unused cubby, found a bubble envelope and thought, ‘what the hell is in here?’ Yup, these things. So seriously, I bought these damn things, and not only never used them, but threw them in a cubby…still in the bubble envelope they arrived in and completely forgot I even owned them. No thanks
@savvysapphire wanna send them to me and get them out of your cubby?
Love these things. I have three of them in different colors loaded up with keys for different purposes (personal, work, other work) and I honestly couldn’t be happier.
AND I bought them all right here at Meh!
I backed the Kickstarter. Clever idea, not sure if they’ve “made it” or “failed it” being on Meh.
@mcanavino Looks like they mehd it.
/image Barry Manilow

Pro tip for when you’re putting one of these together: use a tiny amount of purple Loctite on the screws.
@ShotgunX I’d use loctite red – I feel that I’m fully committed to my key selections and groupings.
@ShotgunX I love purple.
in for one - regular - can’t justify price on pro
Meh. I have one house key and one car key which will not fit. Still of no use to me.
Purely by accident just stumbled upon this: https://flash.newegg.com/Product/9SIA6ZP6YU7539?icid=WP_2_09182018
@ShotgunX Woo hoo! 24k Gold!
Most cars have fat key fobs. Is that what the ring is for?
@jewelshound You can attach a keyring to it yeah. Then you can attach a car key to the keyring, or more keys, or another keysmart.
@jewelshound Yep, just like several of the pictures show.
i think we need an edit “It is also comes with an expansion pack, which boosts its key capacity to 14.”
@Yoda_Daenerys fuck, am i still paying for morning save? @shawn @thumperchick help me please
@Yoda_Daenerys you can reach support at MorningSave.com/support.
You may cancel your Membership by clicking https://morningsave.com/membership/cancel
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@Yoda_Daenerys you’ve got the Universal Membership. If you want to cancel that - follow the info @therealjrn posted above.
@therealjrn @Thumperchick how much does that cost and what does it get me? i don’t buy much around here (or there) lately…
/youtube here or there
@Thumperchick @Yoda_Daenerys Good evening. I would like to encourage you and invite you to click the following link and read up a little on what your $4.99 a month provides: https://morningsave.com/membership
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I have the pro. Bought it here maybe a year ago. It has not failed, but I am not Sure I would buy again.
The key holder only fits four keys for me. I might be able to fit a fifth, one of the keys is pretty thick.
Really though, in a world with bulky car key fobs (and bulky rfid keys on older cars) it’s kind of pointless. I have two fobs and a bulky car key. The extra bulk of my house and work keys is pretty much noise. Even forgoing the fob for my wife’s car, the car stuff is probably bigger than the four keys I carry.
The light is lame. I use my phone instead. It’s nice to have as a backup though I guess.
The tile, then. I love tile, except for the disposable/repurchasable nature of it.
It’s not as loud as a regular tile but it works ok for me.
Is rechargeable, unlike regular tile. This is a plus and a minus. Not disposable, plus. Another thing to charge, minus. I have lost the keys and discovered the battery dead when I finally found them.
I’m just a blue collar, keys on a caribiner on the beltloop guy. I did, get Tile after missplacing my keys recently. That was the first time ever, that it took mote than thirty minutes to find them, 24 hours.
This is one of those things that looks ingenious, but does not work in real life.
@hchavers It works wonderfully for me. The snarled knot of keys that often poked me in the leg is now a streamlined slab.
At $8 I’m tempted to buy another, but I can’t see my current one ever needing replacement.
I saw this and thought it would be cool if the regular I’ve already got had a bottle opener.
Then I checked and saw they sell the bottle opener for $3.98 + $1.99 shipping, or I could order the accessory pack with bottle opener, expansion posts, and car key quick disconnect from Amazon for $9.99.
Since I’ve got a regular Keysmart and Prime, I think I’ll go with the latter.
I know i could get any old quick disconnect for cheap, and this is more than the keysmart cost me, but right now my bottle opener is dangling off the ring with the car key, and I’ve only got four keys in the keysmar t (and two are for padlocks).
@craigthom Because you never know when you might need your beer opened while using your car key.
@therealjrn What? I assume that was supposed to be funny, but it only makes sense if you only have your keys with you while driving. Or if you just like carrying a lot of separate things around.
And, yes, I never know when I’ll need to open a beer, so I like to have a bottle opener in my pocket, but that’s got nothing to do with using* my car key; it’s just always attached to my other keys.
@craigthom It wasn’t a dig at you personally. You don’t see the absurdity of having a beer bottle opener attached to your car keys? Or is it just me?
It’s probably just me isn’t it.
/buzzed driving is drunk driving.
@therealjrn Maybe you only have your car key with you when you are driving. Mine is attached to my other keys, which I always carry, whether I am driving or not. My car key is always in my pocket. As is my house key. As is my shed padlock key. As is my bottle opener. If I am wearing pants, I have my keys in my pocket (and my wallet in another pocket).
If I am out cutting the grass my car key is in my pocket, because I have my keys in my pocket, and my car key is attached to them, and I am wearing pants. Usually.
Car key in pocket != driving.
@craigthom learn the lighter trick. Once you got that down, basically anything hard with some sort of edge will do…a knife, a hair brush, a key…etc etc.
@craigthom @therealjrn

/image root beer bottle
@craigthom @goldnectar I have a scar on my knuckle from the lighter trick.
A very buzzed me opened a bottle with my lighter and the cap landed in my knuckle and stuck there. So uh, be careful?
@craigthom @Thumperchick thanks for the concern, but I’ve been doing it for 20+ years. No scars. I don’t quite get how the cap can impale your knuckle, but it must have gave everyone a good chuckle. Plus, you’d be surprised how impressed the ladies are when you can open their bottle with almost anything.
@craigthom @goldnectar

@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar I still don’t really understand the need to carry a bottle opener.
If you’re drinking at home, you should have one at home. If you’re drinking at a friend’s house, I would expect them to have one. If you are drinking at a bar or restaurant, I would expect them to open the bottle for you, or at least provide an opener.
If you’re a kid sneaking beer out in a field or something, I expect you wouldn’t have paid the upcharge for nicer beer that doesn’t come with a twist-off cap.
I’m not being snide. I’d really like to know. How often does your carry-around bottle opener get used, and in what context?
@craigthom @therealjrn I was told not to dangle heavy keys from the new car fobs because of stress on the steering column or something, otherwise I would have everything on the same ring… carabiner keeps me from digging around in my purse for them. So mehbe I’m only slightly absurd? Guitar house key, blue guitar is faded Kenny Chesney bottle opener.
@craigthom @therealjrn oh yeah, I forgot to mention I don’t drink beer… bourbon, on the other hand…
@craigthom The Nite Ize S-Biners are great little gadgets. Here’s 2 pack of the locking ones for $5.
@blaineg @craigthom @Limewater OMFG…you must not be lazy. Do you know how far it is from my patio to my kitchen?!? Like…10 feet. However, that still requires getting out of my chair, walking, opening a drawer, grabbing a bottle opener, open bottle, putting back the opener, closing the drawer, walking back, and sitting back down. Meanwhile, you’re carrying the bottle the whole time! That’s like…a million unnecessary steps. Or, lethargically reach for your keychain bottle opener or hack life with the lighter trick…even lazier.
In a related note, I think I have getting lower back pain from sitting too much. Worth it.
@blaineg I saw that. I think that’s the one that comes with the kit.
I’m a bit concerned with those reviews, though, because it looks as if some people are getting knockoffs. And it’s my theory that they throw the third party “fulfilled by” items into the same bin as the Amazon ones, so if someone sent them knockoffs you may get one even if Amazon is the seller.
@blaineg @goldnectar @Limewater I don’t use the bottle opener in my pocket very often, but those rare occasions when I need one I really need one.
For example, maybe your friends are better at it than mine, but an opener near a cooler tends to wander a bit. It’s easier to just have an opener than try to figure out where the last person put it.
Also maybe someone brings you a beer when they go get one, but they forget to open it.
Or someone looks in the drawer and the opener isn’t there, and they can’t remember who had it last. Or you get the beer out of their refrigerator and don’t know where they keep their opener, and it’s not stuck on the refrigerator with the magnet the way a sane person does it.
Or you take a cooler of beer to go see the eclipse or go camping or go to a picnic), and nobody remembers to bring an opener. True story.
I need an opener maybe once or twice a year, but when I need it I need it.
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar Thank you for the replies so far.
Maybe there’s a segment of the beer market I’m discounting, but if it’s something you’re going to drink straight from the bottle, I would expect it to be a twist-off.
It seems to me that you only start getting into the beers that are not twist-offs once you’re getting to the higher-end stuff you’d want to pour into a glass anyway.
Am I missing something? Are there a lot of people out there drinking microbrews straight from the bottle?
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar @Limewater
Not sure what your definition of microbrews is, but I like good beer (not BCM) and often drink it with my friends straight out of a big cooler of ice at the athletic fields. Most of the bottles do not have twist-off caps, and the more bottle openers available, the better.
@blaineg @goldnectar @Limewater So you one should only drink shitty beer at a party or outside?
Should good beer only be consumed it an appropriately dignified environment with proper lighting and temperature control?
The only time I drink shitty beer is if I’m at a neighbor’s house and he offers me one.
Generally if I’m at a picnic or cookout I pour into a plastic cup, when I then rinse out.
But if there is no cup, I’d still rather drink good beer in a less than optimal way than drink shitty beer.
To be truthful, I tend to buy beer in cans for those situations, because it’s lighter to carry and isn’t as likely to be light damaged. But some beers don’t come in cans.
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar I haven’t said anything about what people should do. My observation, though, is that most people drinking outside, away from their homes are drinking cheaper, mass-market beer.
I’m pretty sure I’ve never seen anyone savoring a rich, dark stout at the beach on a hot summer day. But it probably happens occasionally.
Personally, if I’m going to be drinking anything nicer than Yuengling, it’s going into a glass, and I thought that was the norm. I guess I was mistaken.
There’s only been once in my life where I’ve needed a bottle opener and not had access to one. That was when I helped a friend move, so all of his stuff was packed away. And that was actually just to open a fancy coke.
I really was just wondering when one needs to carry a bottle opener. And I think y’all have answered that question well.
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar @Limewater True story … I was at a D.R.I. concert a few years back, and after a song, the bassist grabbed a bottle of beer that was sitting on top of his amp, and then looked about helplessly when he saw just how cruelly unopened the bottle was. I jumped to the rescue by handing my keys up to him, which had a bottle opener attached to them. Popped the top, took a swig, gave me a thumbs up, kept my keys, stole my car and home, and began to live my old life, leaving me homeless and destitute. Most of that is true.
I’m no hero, guys. Just a man with a bottle opener on his keyring.
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar @Limewater
There’s plenty of cheap, mass-market beer that’s still pop-off, though. Corona, Heineken, Sam Adams etc.
@craigthom @goldnectar @jrstinkfish @Limewater
None of you guys carry a multitool? Even the UtiliKey “multitool” has a bottle opener!
@blaineg @craigthom @goldnectar @jrstinkfish I don’t. I carry a two-inch gerber lock-back pocket knife. It’s small, and a good knife. Multi-tools are a lot bulkier, and tend to suck at being knives.
@Limewater Here’s the Utili-Key, 6 function tool, including bottle opener.
Possibly the best thing about is it’s been known to get by TSA, or so I’ve been told.
So, as a fan of the keysmart, I always told myself that I’d get the pro if meh ever sold it again, so I want ahead and snagged it. @craigthom linked to the pack that has the quick disconnect in it on Amazon, so I snagged that too. I don’t have 14 keys, but I still feel like I get plenty of use out of the keysmart.
Tits on a bull…
nope…dumbest invention I have seen. All I need…
@fastharry You forgot your insatiable need to show the world you carry a gun…that is, unless your gun is attached to those keys somehow. Then it would apply.
@goldnectar actually showing my edc pocket carry and how dumb that key thing is…
@fastharry so…you don’t carry a cell phone?
@fastharry @goldnectar The whole EDC posting trend is more annoying than this keysmart is. (nobody cares what is in your pockets) It’s just an online pissing match.
At least 4 of your keys could be put into one of these saving them from jingling around in your pocket and making them easily accessible when needed.
@goldnectar not in my pocket…
@fastharry so…would you say you carry your phone…perhaps in a phone holster…like, everyday?
@fastharry @goldnectar
/define carry
More definitions available at Oxford Dictionaries
@fastharry @goldnectar @medz I occasionally find new gadgets I might be interested in. But I probably carry too much junk already.
I have a version of this from another company , with a silicone outside instead of aluminum or stainless steel.
And I needed to expand is a little bit , to allow one more key.
So I simply went to the store and bought an appropriately sized bolt with a button head (so the side facing the keys was flat), marked how long I needed it, and quickly cut off the excess. I’m a DIY kind of guy; it was trivially easy. $1.10 for my expansion set that fits up to 99 keys and a toaster. Ok, maybe no toasters.
As for the flashlight, it’s not for finding something you dropped, or reading a map. It’s for seeing the keyhole when your porch light is off . It makes it easier to get the key in by a teeny bit. yeah, my cell phone will do that, but it’s not as convenient because it’s not already pointed at the hole at the moment my key is going in.
Finally, to the complaint that the tile is rechargeable and “that’s both a plus and a minus” – take it up with the laws of thermodynamics. You don’t get electrical function for free.
The solution is to set a monthly reminder set to charge up things like this , such as my car flashlight.
I got a simple silicone/rubber one for about $5 at Home Depot – I suspect I like this much better than I’d like a metal one simply for better comfort in the pocket.
I already own one of these and LOVE that this Tile technology is rechargeable, unlike regular Tile tiles, which need to be thrown in a landfill and replaced every year or so. And yes, I now have a lot of electronics that need to be charged and that’s why I have a dedicated area set aside on my kitchen counter for just that - so charging stuff isn’t really a big deal. And, like @IAmBroom noted, the light on this thing isn’t supposed to function like a flashlight. It’s just to keep you from fumbling while trying to find the keyhole. And it works great for that.
in for my work keyset. I’ve never added a gif here we go

/giphy fatal-ornery-zoo
@sagergen Nice job! Sometimes @giphy can be cantankerous.
now I have to count how many keys I have but wonder if it would work…
This looks like something that would for sure get confiscated at a sports game or concert - the security guards would not listen to your pleas that it’s just a key ring, declare it to be a knife and throw it in the trash
@cspwal Never had that problem and I’ve taken mine to multiple pro sporting events and concerts. In fact, I’ve never had anyone even try to question me about it. It’s pretty obviously a key holder to anyone who examines it.
@cspwal Same here. I have taken mine through TSA, security at sports and concerts without issue. And even if they did ask, its a keychain.
@cspwal No sporting events, but neither TSA nor British security has ever shown the least bit of interest in it.
I picked up a Keysmart Pro a few months ago, and for the most part I love it. I’d read the numerous complaints about its larger size beforehand, and was worried that it would be too large, but at this point I have no idea what they were talking about. It’s about the size you’d expect, with the addition of a circuit board and a very small lithium battery inside. Most of its size is made up by the keys it contains. The flashlight is perfect for finding the keyhole on my front door, and I use it occasionally for looking into dark spaces. I recharge it “whenever I feel like it” and have had no troubles with the battery.
The only problem I’ve had with it is the problem that I’ve had with all Tiles and Tile-like knockoff devices that enable you to locate your phone with them, and that is that they only work about 50-60 percent of the time in my experience. It’s happened more times than I can count that I’ve been looking for a misplaced phone with my Keysmart (I’m forgetful; that’s partly why I bought it), finding it myself while the Tile system is still searching, and then holding the phone in my hand for several MINUTES while repeatedly hitting the Tile button on the Keysmart. Eventually the app on the phone responds. This makes the whole system almost useless if you truly don’t know where your phone is, and you’re moving around the house or office to search for it. Just like a regular Tile.
Have 2, but bought a few more. Just wish they were the smaller version.
The smaller version is almost an inch shorter. Which for me is perfect. Oh well.
/giphy trained-smooth-bubble

I’d buy one … if I hadn’t stopped needing keys recently.
I live in Bolivia, South America, and I have to carry a ridiculous amount of keys. Some doors take 2-3 keys to open. I’m looking forward to giving this a try, to control the enormous jungle of keys that I have to carry. I got one for my home and one for work keys. We’ll see…
I wanted to get two of the regular ones for me and my wife but somehow I ended up with just one of the PRO models for myself. How does this happen? I spent more money and got fewer items? I mean… I guess I really needed that flashlight. What’s done is done.
Hmmm… so how does one gif?
/giphy gasping-nominated-school

@indiebass Simple, buy more.
For a keychain flashlight I highly recommend the Nitecore Tube (dumb name, it’s a rectangle, not a tube).
It’s a 2" x 1/2" x 1/4" slab of plastic, with an LED and a Li-Ion battery. It’s a little bigger than the old Photon lights, but it recharges with a micro-USB cable, so you don’t have to keep replacing CR2016 batteries. One click is dim, two clicks is very bright, and one click then hold is variable intensity. Not bad for $9 or so, depending on body color.
“Something queer about this swamp” muttered Tarklaw, as the water lapped at his thighs.
Does anyone have two of these on a single key chain cluster? I currently have 1 of these using the expansion bolts with both my work and home keys on it. My work and home keys are not uniform in size or thickness, so it can be tricky accessing a specific key. (ex: gate padlock key) I wonder if it would be better to carry TWO of these keysmart dealies. One with my thick work keys on it and one with my house key, security system RF fob, and padlock keys. They would both be considerable thinner than the one I have now and the keys should be easier to access. Not sure if the trade-off would be worth having another one of these in my pocket.
@medz Sounds like a worthy experiment.
If nothing else, I can use the hardware in a 3D printed design of my own later.
Why can I buy only 3? I have five grown kids who needs these!
@holmesholistic It looks like I can add 5 rows on the checkout page, but I didn’t actually try to complete the transaction. Try placing another order!
@holmesholistic we updated the offer so you can grab 5!
Ordered two.
I’d get one if I didn’t already have a far superior KeyBar…did it cost more? Sure. But it’s hand made in the US, choice of materials, and customizable.
*a lot more
@Nephael Does it come with a beer bottle opener?
@Nephael @therealjrn Opener is $10-$15 extra.
@Nephael @therealjrn For an extra ten bucks.
@Nephael Is that a keyring or a lifestyle?
Gold plated titanium comb?
Can you get through TSA with it?
@walkerbeauchemi I don’t know about the TSA, but I have taken mine inside our county courthouse bunches of times. I don’t have a knife or beer opener on mine though.
@walkerbeauchemi Yes. I had no trouble.
Going into a theme park, a security guard asked about my a little leather sheath I keep our van key fob in (because buttons kept getting pushed in my pocket) , but didn’t bat an eye at the keysmart. Just don’t add any knife attachments and you should be fine.
@walkerbeauchemi No problem, as mentioned above.
I got the tracker one in a fuko. Love it, can’t bring it to work anymore cuz bluetooth…
but i just bought the none bluetooth one. Excited to use one again haha
“…Expansion Pack…”
You mean a slightly longer screw?
I really liked mine, but wore out at least 2. They just fell apart… In My Hand. So, I know I have a few more, but not worth the time to put the keys on. If they were more durable, I might reconsider… MEH

/image threadlocker removable
/giphy monstrous-abject-shoe

I never lose my keys. I just lose the damn car

/giphy fast ass car
@Woody1 Dude, where’s your car?
@blaineg @Woody1
And then…
@jst1ofknd No and then!
And then…
@jst1ofknd No and then!
/giphy “and then”

Wow - lots of comments for a key ring!
Others above might have mentioned it above…
Hard and expensive lesson learned: don’t hang a bunch of keys or other heavy stuff on your fancy/expensive car key. Not only do you stress the ignition lock, but the weight tugging on the key can weaken it where the key lug clamps into the key fob/handle, eventually breaking it off.
Of course, thankfully keyless ignition vehicles are becoming more common so you might not have this risk.
@RedOak Keyless ignition wasn’t a feature I sought, but it came with the car. It was a while before I quit pulling my keys out when I approached my car, but I got the hang of it.
If I want to open just a back door I need to use the fob, but otherwise I don’t touch it; it just stays in my pocket. I like it.
Well now minus shipping it’s cheaper on Amazon, thanks for the link homies!
@neohemp Did you notice on that same link that minus the product it’s almost free?
@therealjrn did you notice these nuts in your mouth?
@neohemp No, but your Mom did.
For my forgetful wife.
/giphy overjoyed-buttered-air

@muzztime a butter zester? What? That’s potentially awesome and likely unwanted enough to end up on Meh.
@djslack @muzztime I’ve got one, it’s actually pretty useful if you’re stuck with hard butter and don’t want to mess with the microwave. But there’s the rub, it’s usually faster and easier to nuke it.
@djslack @muzztime oooh, I kinda like that!
/giphy valuable-glowing-riddle

Giphy isn’t much use tonight.
Still processing…what’s the word?!
/giphy menacing-galvanic-offer

@karaoke99 The delivery estimation is posted on every sale. In this case:
@therealjrn Except sometimes they change that estimated date without telling anyone. I don’t know if that happened this time, but you cannot rely on what is posted at the time you buy the item.
@medz Yeah, probably it would be more accurate to say “Each sale has an estimated delivery date–check it for updates”
@medz @therealjrn the estimated date on your order confirmation and page doesn’t change.
@therealjrn @Thumperchick FALSE. The date has changed on things I’ve ordered at least twice before.
@medz @therealjrn That’s really not something that happens. The date on your orders page is set as soon as the order is placed and won’t change.
@therealjrn @Thumperchick The Estimated Delivery on the Order Confirmation screen may not change, but I have no way of confirming that. My past orders that DID had the Estimated Delivery date change on the ITEM PAGE have already been delivered. I can’t go back to check to see if the order estimated delivery date matched the updated sale page estimated delivery date.
@Thumperchick Ah, yes…found one.
Almost didn’t get the spinners by Halloween and meh changed the estimated date without telling anyone.
I seem to recall the other time they changed it, they at least announced the delay in the forum…