13We just rolled out support for JSON Feed over at https://meh.com/feed.json
We’ve already had an RSS feed at https://meh.com/deals.rss and a more formal API over at https://meh.com/developers-developers-developers that several of you have used to build Meh apps, widgets, and doodads.
When JSON Feed was announced yesterday I read over the spec and thought it would be a nice, easy way to provide data access to what we’re selling on Meh every day. Go build something fun, let us know about it, and I’ll attach coupon code JSONFEED
to your account.
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Any chance that there could be a way to add the URL of the Meh face to the JSON?
@PlacidPenguin JSON Feed has support for extensions. If you write up an example extension I could take a look at adding it.
@shawn How about this:
Also, if you could add the mehface/clicks to the API (if it’s not already there, I haven’t checked in a while), that would be awesome
Okay @shawn, so I found the JSON…

But where are the RGONAUTS?
I feel like I might have been FLEECD…
@curtise That doesn’t look very RESTful.
Well, it does make my
command line script a few characters shorter:Before:
I know that’s not a very cool use of the feed but give me a solenoid, an Arduino, and a free afternoon, and I’ll make a machine that kills a live kitten every time the item title contains “bluetooth”.
You may have just helped me out with an issue I was having.

/giphy cool
Mr Clean!!!
@awk coupon code
for $5 added to your account. Expires at the end of the month.@PlacidPenguin Hope the issue wasn’t with a live kitten.

/image because penguins love cats.
/image because cats love penguins.
/image catshirts for placidpenguin?
@awk cool to see someone using
. i installed it but have never needed it.@katylava @awk
is awesome! I was going to drop a cron job in this thread towall
me the meh at midnight, but it would have just been the same thing as @awk.@shawn Crap, I forgot to use my coupon

/image sad panda
@awk I didn’t want to use mine, but did on the led pliers, because time ran out lol
@shawn I made this, just because… it takes todays deal, converts to speech, and announces what is for sale. The UI sucks, because I just wanted POC, and I already have a better UI.
Needs more purple in the background.
@PlacidPenguin Done!
@lichme coupon code
for $10 added to your account. Expires at the end of the month.@lichme Please to make it say “buy me” at the end. K thx bye
Any chance you could incorporate other voices?
@Pavlov Done
@PlacidPenguin Not the way I am currently doing it, but it is possible.
@lichme Thanks! “Buy me, buy me now” - Awesome!
Starting to think that it may just be easier for me to use a “traditional” form of coding to create a watch face for my watch to update and sync with my watch as opposed to the convoluted way which I have been working on for the last couple of days (minus a sizeable chunk of the weekend).
On the other hand, it’s not “me” to do things simple. Convoluted is the way to go.
@shawn - I hope this offer is still available in the summer of 2018.
Great news. I’ve made significant progress in what I’ve been trying to do since you released the JSON feed.
I’ll need to spend the next few days playing with it (since every day it will need to be looked at anew depending on the title of the daily item).
(I know it’s not as exciting as other uses, but I wanted to do this for a variety of reasons.)
In my use of the JSON feed, I have used the app Tasker to create a profile to run at midnight. At that point, the profile runs the task I created.
It accesses the Meh JSON feed, parses the item title, and sends it to a predetermined variable.
That variable then goes to Watchmaker, where a watch face has the variable located on a second screen of the watch face.
But wait! There’s more.
Formerly, I had a separate task to parse the image, but I merged the two tasks together.
It parses the item image, saves the image url to a variable, and also downloads the image (replacing the image of the previous day).
Unfortunately, at this point, I’m stuck, because Watchmaker only looks at the image I select (instead of updating every day), and I can’t use an image url.
The reason I did this has little to do with the fact that I can’t get past the 2FA on IF(TTT), and more to do with the fact that while I tend to swipe the Meh notification after a few minutes (of looking at the fun picture), by having it on a watch face, I could look at it throughout the day.
I’m still working on colors, layouts, and info shown.
In the first pic, you can see the Meh logo. Pressing that takes me to the item info screen (still deciding if I wanna include a button to open Meh.com on my phone).
Also, I think I may need to include a button to run the script manually, though I shall see at midnight.
I also need to figure out what I’m going to do with regards to font, size, and orientation of the item name, since the settings I have now would probably look awful for shorter named listings.
(I had a different color scheme for the 3 dates on the side, but every time I looked at them, I got headaches.)