It's time to talk SUPERBOWL!
5We are less than 1 week away from Superbowl LI.
The New England Patriots vs The Atlanta Falcons
Media night begins tonight and every year someone says something that creates a controversy.
So sound off, and let your thoughts be known about the big game.
(this is the most I could write and still sound unbiased)
- 70 comments, 315 replies
- Comment
Oh, go away.


@mfladd @Barney
/giphy purple insult

STFU already.
The game on Sunday is enough. Unless one of the one of the teams is your special team.
In which case I guess you can’t help it, so guess ahead and make noise.
/giphy "still really hate you"

@f00l you’re just jealous cause the Cowboys imploded… again.
They’re gonna implode as long as the current owner thinks he’s a general manager and coach.
Nothing I can do.
RE hating @mfladd
In some other thread it was pointed out that he had genuine affection coming his way.
So he rebelled, wanting to be hated.
I’m trying, I’m trying, @mfladd, you shithead.
That Motherfucker is damned hard to deal with and please.
Ok @mfladd! Calling @mfladd! Again! I hate you! Happy now? Feeling better yet?
It’s this Sunday? Guess it doesn’t matter that one of my TVs will definitely be unavailable.
Hopefully the other one will be available so that I could watch Worst Cooks in America at 9:00 PM.
Worst case scenario, I watch some other TV throughout Sunday evening. I’ve been slacking lately.
I keep reading it as Super bowl LI (Long Island)
@mikibell You are a true Pats fan, aren’t you.
@Barney nahhh…been a Kansas City fan since I was little… Not that I watch too much football…
The Pats annoyed me whenever they were playing in Foxboro…used to make my commute that much longer…
I hope it is a good game for all though…
@mikibell I knew there was a reason I like you.

/giphy go chiefs
I have been planning my menu for weeks. I doubt I will even have the game on, but the food will be awesome.
Will probably end up watching this.
Kitty wins. You win. I win. We all win.
@conandlibrarian Cats. Meh. Puppy Bowl for the win. Cats are for Puppy Bowl half-time when the puppies and viewers are taking a break.
@conandlibrarian Score! I have my Friday cat video selected already. Thanks.
My thoughts are that I really don’t care.
MY thoughts are that I don’t care at all.
Brady pull me closer.
@mfladd Where did Meh hide that downvote button?

@mfladd It’s not that I hate the Patriots. I’m just

/giphy overflowing with indifference
@Barney But you already put your Falcon vote in below.

@mfladd About my vote…

I didn’t know you looked like Gisele.
/giphy Gisele Bunchen

@Barney Sides have been chosen, my purple frenemy.

I don’t think it’s technically possible to win out over purple.
/image purple glory

So, @mfladd, you lose.

/giphy loser

What a loser thing to say
/giphy loser

@f00l ?
that’s you there on the floor in the corner in that dress.
You doing yoga.
Thanks for sharing your yoga pix with the world.
More loser @mfladd yoga

More pix of you
@Barney @mfladd

Stream it, Pats fan
I autodrafted my fantasy team this year- it’s fun like ordering a bag of crap. You never know what you’re going to get. My quarterback was Carson Palmer. I picked up an undrafted QB for the bye week- Matt Ryan. Go Falcons!
@sammydog01 So basically like getting a fuku?
MY auto drafts are more like getting fukos. Really vile fukos.
Love them all the same.
In one league (family) we draft by round robin group text message. An online chart next year will show who’s left and what positions are unfilled.
@IWUJackson Yes! Or a box of chocolates.
/giphy Forrest gump

@f00l I did the live draft in @christinewas’ league. Big mistake. I had fun though.

Go Falcons!

/image Carmine Falcone Gotham
If anyone wants to go to the game, ticket prices are falling like a stone.
'Cause Dallas ain’t playing.

Some of us know what a great SuperBowl game actually looks like, bitch.

Jerry Jones era. I can’t fix that.
/giphy sad

PS. Ticket prices are falling like a stone. That’s on the news everywhere.
Doubt me? Call your local broker and ask.
Tickets would, by broker estimate, be currently at least $1500 higher per seat and rising if the Cowboys were playing.
Points and stars to anyone who knows which SB and who won without looking it up or guessing.
From an era during which football players actually played football, not “glamourball” and “marketingball” and “hype-ball” and “endless-commercials-ball”.
@f00l X and Dallas LOST!
Dallas lost. wrong on which SB.
All answers: no guessing, no looking up. You know or you don’t.
@f00l Forgive me but I do believe you’re mistaken. If memory serves correctly it’s one of the top Super Bowl plays of all time and Swann caught the ball on the second try, tumbled with it and ran it for another handful of yards for a gain of over 50 yards.
Maybe you’re right. I thought it was XIII, which was a motherfucker of a game. Swann was astonishing in both games.
He had trained as a dancer.
@f00l B-E-A-U-TIFUL
@f00l He was the first NFL receiver to take ballet specifically as a means to help his balance. After that many other receivers did the same seeing how much it helped Swann.
@mfladd the one called organism
Next quiz
No guessing, no looking up. You know or you don’t.
What’s special about these two?

Re Super Bowl X and XIII
Still remember those plays from watching those games. We were in awe of what Swann could do. Some of his catches have been visually imprinted in my head all these years.
Losing those games hurt a bit less because the games were so insanely great - what football is supposed to be - that you just shook your head, glad you got to watch that even though you didn’t win.
At this remove of years, now get the two games a bit mixed up re what play came from what game.
Yes, it’s been a long time for the 'boys. The Cowboys will be great again when they get an insane draft, trade, or FA, or when Jerry Jones hands it off to his kids.
He won’t let a competent person manage, and he won’t hire a great coach he can’t control, and he’s such an egotistical asshole that he sucks all the oxygen out of the room and everything’s all about him.
We just have to endure this for now, and hope JJ’s kids will ether sell the team to someone like Murchison who will hire the best and then get out of the way, or his kids will keep the team amd hire great people and let them run with it.
Lynn Fucking Awesome Swann
That was supposed to be
@mfladd the one celled organism
Fucking autocorrect. I blame the Goat.
And I hate one-celled @mfladd.
Sorry, @mfladd, I’m not watching the game on Sunday. I have other very special plans; I’m cleaning the lint out from behind my clothes dryer.

Glad you’re going for the thrill.
/image “purple lint”

@f00l Much more exciting than watching the Pats lose.
I was not being even a tiny bit sarcastic.
/image “sarcasm free”

@f00l @Barney

@mfladd I can see that yoga is working out real good for you.
(@f00l Great minds!)
@mfladd @f00l @Barney
(Knowing the context of the above video is helpful but unnecessary.)
That’s @mfladd’s yoga relaxation music.
(The Dangerous Version is more his thing.)
@Barney @f00l @someRiverNoise Yeah, football does not work well into my relaxation goals. Especially, the Superbowl.

You sing along to Taylor Swift while you’re “relaxing”, don’t you?
You have nerves?
Wow! You’re a more advanced life form than I realized!
/giphy amoeba

@f00l actually @mfladd likes to sing Billy Idol’s “Dancing with Myself” when he’s doing his yoga
Somehow I knew that was another fav of @mfladd’s.
When he gets all sentimental I just know “Honey” is his go-to song:
You think when he sings along about “Honey”, he’s actually talking about himself?
@f00l But we’ve yet to see the “kinda smart” part.
When he’s in his spandex glory, all ready to yoga his limber little self up, I envision him setting up in front of a mirror, singing this one to himself…
I can see the relevance. But since I actually like that song, it may be too good for @mfladd.
Perhaps this is his thing.
@f00l @KittySprinkles

Are you miserable enough yet or do you require more hate?
Cause I got more if you’re still not quite “there” yet.


Taylor Swift for your yoga and football soundtracks.
Sounds like you’re all fixed up for music.
Go Pats! We’re all behind you for the big game.

They’ll still get hurt. Is there anything safer?
This commercial is brought to you by “third down”.
That commercial is brought to you by “referee blows the whistle”.
This other commercials is brought to you by “did they get a first down? measurement”.
This next commercial is brought to you by “We already gave you 20 seconds of color commentary. Now watch the commercial, sucker”.
The next commercial is brought to you by " sorry you didn’t get to watch the play".
The one after that is brought to you by “we know you like commercials more than you like football, so suck it up”.
The commercial after that is sponsored by “it’s been more than 10 seconds since the last commercial break, so stop whining and buy whatever’s on the screen, losers”
The next commercial is brought to you by a quick shot of a coach who needs to lose weight followed by a slightly longer shot with of some cheerleaders.
The commercial after that is sponsored by “not enough commercials yet, and don’t think if going to the fridge.”
The following commercial is brought to you by “we decided we want more commercials in the first half.”
Meh. Four downs makes things too slow and easy.
ducks, runs away and hides
You’d like Australia.
They play rugby here too
@f00l Hey, our women’s rugby team ain’t bad.
@Pixy whose?
@mfladd At least they’re not the Cowboys!
@spcial_snwflake I prefer the Cowboys.
@sammydog01 where’s that downvote button Meh?
The ticker buyers would prefer the Cowboys too.
Amd you gotta admit. Even when the team sux the Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders are just right.

@mfladd The Cowboys are more fun to hate than the Pats.
@sammydog01 that goes without saying.
“Alexa, give me a Patriots burn.”
“Why don’t the Patriots have big appetites? Because they’re full of themselves.”
I love you Alexa.
@sammydog01 I’m pretty sure Alexa just has a generic list of burns and fills in the appropriate names. Everybody knows Alexa’s a Patriots Fan.
Yay to free streaming (of hours of commercials @f00l).
A very special message to the New England Patriots and all their fans:

@Barney Are you normally a Ravens fan??? They have purple as their team color.
@CaptAmehrican Nah, Chiefs. I just haven’t convinced them that purple is their color.

Fuck you, Haters!
31-16 Falcons. Patriots D is overrated and it will show against the first good/healthy offense they face all year.
System QB Brady stuggles once Patriots falls behind and Chris Hogan remembers he sucks and catches 1 ball for 5 yards. Blount gets angry and channels his inner Boise state side and spends the majority of the 4th Quarter trying to fight fans. Gronkowski is too busy clubbing to even realize the game was played when he is interviewed. Aaron Hernandez punches the wall in his cell.
@MrMark Thank you for the first actual post talking about the game tomorrow! I find that score lopsided though.
@mfladd Yeah, about that lopsided score- it’s 21-0 Falcons at the moment. What were you saying?
I ain’t saying nuttin’
drops mic and walks away
@jbartus OMG
That is just fucking sad.

Having purple fun?
@daveinwarsh @f00l Great game, ain’t it?
@f00l I think @Barney is red for the evening.
@sammydog01 Barney will be any color for the evening if it helps the Patriots lose.
@Barney yup!
Brady eats turf again.
@sammydog01 Pats have started to pay off the refs.
Yaaay!! Interception and TOUCHDOWN!! Go Falcons!
@Barney Woohoo!
@sammydog01 Aww, Poor lil’ Tommy.
Party time?
@Barney So sad.

/giphy sad kitty
@f00l I saw your post. You must be watching futurevision TV.
@Barney @f00l is just confident about the second half.
I have a really fancy radio.
Seems that the Atlanta pass rush is just way better and faster than anyone planned on.
Just catching bits of it. Is that correct?
@f00l Correctamondo and they have lil’ Tommy so confused.
I wonder where our two Pats fans (it is only 2, isn’t it) are?
@mfladd, @jbartus, Yoohoo, where are you?
@Barney Drinking heavily?
@sammydog01 Barney doesn’t drink. Barney is just happy because football season is almost over.
@Barney That was the answer to where are Pats fans are. Go grab a root beer.
And I thought you were such a sweetheart.
This current offensive NE drive is looking half decent.
@sammydog01 Ahh, sorry. I crushed my last root beer can.
@f00l NE is gonna need a LOT of field goals to catch up.
@f00l Only half decent. Well, 3/7ths decent.
What is Atlanta doing right on offense?
Is it that they have both a ground game and an air game?
@f00l Let’s face it, Atlanta is just a better team. New England has just gotten fat and lazy.
@f00l It’s their defense- they scored one of those touchdowns.
@Barney Well, I’m a Pats fan, too. Not a happy one right now.
@sligett But… But… The Pats just scored. (And I forgive you.)
@sammydog01 not drinking heavily, holding the faith and actually watching the game instead of talking crap on the internet.
Yippee, I just won a can of Pringles in the Kroger football contest (I hate Pringles). I’ve now won a can of Chunky soup, a king size pack of Reeses peanut butter cups, and a bottle of Pepsi cherry vanilla. Wow, that’s really gonna make one healthful meal.
@Barney I want a can of Pringles. How did I miss a contest with food prizes?
Sounds like a damned fun meal it’s a one-off. Unless blood glucose or something.
@sammydog01 Do you have Kroger grocery stores near you? Anyway, it was listed under their promotions this past month. Every day, those with digital accounts, could enter and choose one of four football plays. With a little luck (I’ve used up all of my luck for this year, I guess) and picking the right play, you become a winner.
@f00l Hey, except that I’m restricted on salt and sugar, it will be great!
@Barney I shop at Kroger. I guess I need to check the promotions. Today was free large fries day at McD’s and I didn’t bother to go.
@sammydog01 I’m a thinking today is the last day for Krogers because with any luck, football will be over.
Are the teams with those people doing that thingy with the thingamabob?
/image Bluetooth sports

Ahh, I see that NE got their doses of halftime uppers.
@Barney I think they were threatened with bodily harm in the locker room.
@sammydog01 Yeah, and Belichick also threatened to take away their binkies.
What’s that brown thing which they’re throwing and catching?
It’s a weird inflated ball.
And a great symbol of the true American spirit.
Just ask any fan.
Balls are round though.
@PlacidPenguin For NE, it’s something you bounce off the goalposts.
Some balls aren’t round. Sorry.
/image balls

/image baseball

/image tennis ball

/image soccer ball

/image jai alai ball

/image racquetball ball

/image volleyball ball

/image bowling ball

/image Cricket ball

/image wiffleball ball

I said
In order to disprove that you have to prove that all balls are round.
And you have to first give a comprehensive definition of the term “ball” that does not include roundness as a criteria. And your definition has to match up with the common street usage of the term, or the whole thing is meaningless, since we don’t even agree on definitions.
A string of counter examples is meaningless as evidence that my statement, as quoted above is incorrect.
What you would have to do is to prove that there could not possibly exist a ball that is not round.
I kinda like football most years even if I ignore it. Sometimes I love it. Sometimes it’s such an awesome game. And I played a lot of it (pickup games no scoring really) from toddling thru HS.
And yet if i wanna ignore FB I do. Doesn’t even exist for me unless the traffic gets annoying - or unless I want it to exist.
So if you don’t like FB and you want the season to be done, why don’t you just ignore it? Or do you just like the SB cause it’s such an institution of American excess?
@f00l I like football. I just don’t like it that my Chiefs are not in the Super Bowl. I’m a sore loser.
How do you think we feel?
We were truly great.
Then we got Jerry.
@Barney You and Rob Riggle.

/image purple
@Barney Woohoo!
I am going to go out on a limb here and say that I think Atlanta will be winning this game.
/giphy captain obvious

@conandlibrarian I don’t think the Patriots heard you.
@Barney @conandlibrarian @mfladd
/image Bluetooth purple stubborn mule

/image Bluetooth stubborn mule

@shawn @narfcake
I’m really getting frustrated with /image at this point.
/image Bluetooth purple frustrated

@conandlibrarian I am speechless.
Aww, poor lil’ upright. I bet that hurt.
@Barney Gostowski needs to do fewer commercials and more practicing.
I’m learning a whole new side of you.
@f00l I guess that’s bad?
Naw. Just didn’t see it coming.
It’s cool. Hi, Purple People Eater.
@f00l Well, if you want to know the truth, half the time you scare me.
@Barney @f00l
Only half? That’s more generous than I am.
/image Bluetooth purple generous

Onside kick fail… lol…

@daveinwarsh It makes you feel warm and fuzzy, doesn’t it?
If NE wants this, Brady had better channel Staubach or some other great 4th quarter artist. And he had better learn to scramble. And NE had better give us the greatest 4th quarter in NFL history.
@f00l Shut your mouth.
@f00l Nope.

/giphy nope
I love a good game. I love a great game better.
Doesn’t sound like NE pulled it together yet.
@f00l Oh, crap. You may get your wish.
@f00l your wish was their command
Go go team! Do that thing!
Pats are playing so poorly, they can’t even hit an upright.
@Barney As a Pats fan, I think the high point of the game so far was Lady Gaga’s show. (And right now, my Fox streaming is busted. )
@sligett Pats are on their way back.
And down goes Brady!
THAT was a spectacular catch.
@OldCatLady Edelman’s? We’re not dead yet.
@sammydog01 I think it’s time to start drinking.
@Barney @sammydog01

@Barney @sammydog01
Come over and I’ll treat you both.
/image Bluetooth purple shoo

@mfladd No, no, no, you can’t come here now, you fair weather fan. Where were you when the Pats were losing? You only show up when they’ve made a comeback!
@Barney He was scared of us. Now can I go away for a while?
@Barney @mfladd
@jbartus is doing something right.
Although I guess his TV could be broken from the first majority of the game.
@Barney down in the restaurant watching the game (I am travelling). You have become very quiet with your play by play now.
@mfladd I’m looking for something to drink.
@Barney Send me some when you find it.
@Barney Sorry, I finished all the ginger ale already.
@sligett I’d prefer root beer.
@Barney I couldn’t handle the caffeine right now.
I wonder how much the Pats paid THAT ref?
Ok finally got to a TV for OT.
Gawd, I hate football.
@Barney Ditto.
@Barney (giggle)
@mfladd I’m happy for you. I’m unhappy for everyone else in the world.
@sammydog01 thanks
Amazing game.
I guess I win.
Wanted a great game. Got one.
Hell of a comeback.
Neither team got shit to be ashamed of.
@f00l Yep, it’s all your fault. I’ll never forgive you.
I didn’t make those plays. And I ain’t goat.
Just sayin’.

@mfladd You are such a good winner and i don’t believe for one minute that you were traveling. Coward!
@f00l We can change the goat rules…
I think piling onto those to pile on is more than fair.
Where were they in the first half?
/giohy “pile on”
2017 sucks.
Love you.
@Barney Finally, something good has happened.
Congrats @sligett, you deserve it. Drop dead, @mfladd.
@Barney Sore loser?

Sammy wasn’t a sore loser.
@mfladd I’m sorry, I’m traveling and I can’t listen to your drivel (shit).
@daveinwarsh double shit
League tried to handicap the hell out of them and they still comeback and win a superbowl. That’s gotta deflate Medicoreall’s balls.
@Barney @f00l @mfladd @sligett @sammydog01
So… I’ve been watching Star Trek and Food Network for the most part.
From what I saw though, exciting game.
Now, can we get on with life?
@PlacidPenguin not until that asshole Roger Goodell hands that trophy to Tom Brady. It has been said he did not want this moment to happen. He looks like an ass.
Has he been named MVP yet? Although I can see a case for it.
Although I’ll assist.
Is it cause I’m somewhere between 50% and 250% insane?
That’s the third half of the reason I didn’t talk much in ye olde daze.
But interacting w people makes it better. Specially those with purple souls.
Have never understood how you can physically have more than 100% of something.
It’s a fancy trick w with metaphors.
@f00l My bestest internet friend is insane, so I can deal with insanity. No, you scare me because even though I think of myself as being reasonably intelligent, you leave me in the dust with your thoughts. You make me think and it hurts.
/image Bluetooth purple meta four

I’m not sure whether it’s intelligence or just dazzling bullshit. Hard to tell.
Esp for me.
Mebbe I jus tawk gud.
@f00l don’t talk much??? ROTFLMAO
I was referring to not talking much during ye olde daze on Deals.Woot.
I would say stuff for a few posts and then get all shy and vanish or something.
Then I acquired some sort of brain eating parasite.
And now you get all this drivel from the brain-eating-parasite; typing using what used my be my fingers.
I know everyone loves it. Want some parasites? I’ll share!
@f00l Oh. In club talk. : ) Although I have a woot account was not on those forums so presumed here. So when is it projected that the parasite will finish off your brain? We can elect you goat again then and you won’t remember you have already been goat.
@Kidsandliz I don’t know what you’re talking about, @f00l was never goat. We’re gonna get her for April after @mikibell in March.
nudge nudge
@jbartus Ooohhhh we can start a conspiracy with alternative facts to make @f00l doubt the past. I like it. : )
Funny thing about my brain. I think the parasites finished if off about the same time I started making a lotta noise here. But then they took over the functions/fictions, and you see the results.
That’s why I want to share my beloved parasites with everybody.
Oh yeah, they have a good memory re being Goat because that was them. Or us if you wanna get tech about “realtime”.
Goat me again and I’ll revenge-post more and longer snippets of lit. Worse lit.
@f00l There is a delete button for a reason when we are flagged via here… revenge only works if someone pays attention LOL
I hope y’all have learned your lesson about counting Bill, Tom, and the rest of the boys out. Congratulations to the Falcons on a well fought game, you’ll get one another year and it will be well deserved.
As for everyone here and on the Discord server who were talking shit all game, I don’t expect or want any remorse. You’ll get yours. I plan to be insufferable about this game until July at least.

Have some mercy on those of us who didn’t talk shit about NE.
If you do that we innocents have to listen to it and we don’t really deserve that.
@jbartus NOW you show up. You’re a worse coward than @mfladd. GET OFF MY LAWN!
@Barney BooHoo.
@Barney’s got a point.
@Barney sorry I was too busy watching the game, enjoying good food, good company, good commercials, and keeping the faith to bother getting on the forums and dealing with people talking shit who had no skin in the game but their hatred of the Patriots.
@jbartus No, I don’t hate the Patriots. I’m just not too fond of some of their fans. I

But what about those of us who have never understood hand egg?
I don’t understand games which involve balls or eggs.
Never have, and probably never will.
@Barney say what you like it’s fine. All I know is my Discord app on my phone was exploding with the anti-Patriots chatter all through the first half and it got conspicuously quiet as we got into the fourth. This thread slowed down too by the looks of it. Talk about fair weather fickle and hiding.
I think the real complaint here is that @mfladd and I had the class to let our team do well without talking shit to the other team’s fans.
@jbartus I think you are so full of it.
@Barney think what you like. I’m gonna go count rings and records.
Sorry to hear you were too busy for us.
:barn: :knee:
Can someone explain something to me?
Why doesn’t someone call someone in a timezones with a later time, find out what happens in the game, and then give the info to people who don’t care about the game so that they could find out who wins and then not care about the game?
@PlacidPenguin that only worked with teletype recreations.
Don’t you think the betting public and sports books would have figured out how to make $ off that if they could?
They don’t understand logic.
Forget time machines, just call a different time zone.
Actually I think they kinda do. Understand logic I mean.
Just go thru some practical cases and work it out.
@f00l @narfcake
So… After a careful analyzation of time zones thanks to the Animaniacs, I’m still confused.
So even though it’s Sunday here, but Monday on the other side of the world, they aren’t in the future?
But it’s the 6th there.
This just adds to the confusing mess my mind is in.
/youtube Animaniacs time zones
I think you might need to experience and work thru some practical examples of time zones to get it.
Have never left my time zone at any point in my life.
Honestly, the thought of doing so is slightly intimidating.
Its a good drive from there if you’re driving.
You could do a there-and-back over a weekend tho. With a little stamina.
During the Lombardi trophy walk, FOX kept having to cut the sound, because players were audibly saying things like “I’m kissing that fucker”.
I heard at least 5 fucks and a few shits also.
@f00l Ahh, they must hang out at Meh.
I think it’s just that we talk like pro football players.
let us consult the mehcronomicon.
“fuck. now @jbartus and @mfladd are never going to shut up. so say we all.”
Wait… What do you mean by “now” ?
@carl669 Nuthin left to say
Ok, maybe some things. @Barney is going to pay.
@Barney has a point. Where were you when you should have been here moaning?
You don’t get to hide out when it looks bad and then just show up for the gloating.
@f00l Please. I already stated I was in the restaurant watching the game. You people are amazing. All the shit talk and when the tide turns - excuses.
@f00l real fans don’t moan they keep the faith and cheer their team on.
@jbartus @f00l
That’s why we only hear good things about the NY Jets.
Ok then if you didn’t wanna moan during the bad moments, fine.
But where were you? Coming to gloat now when you were absent when it looked bad for the Pats?
Btw I didn’t trash talk your Pats. I said i wanted a good game, or better yet, a great one. And I got one. So I win.
Furthermore, at that start of the 4th quarter, I said what the Pats would have to do to win. I never thought they couldn’t, just that it would be really tough and they’d have to play like hell to do it.
Well they played like they heard my advice. And they played like hell. And I got a truly great game. And both teams were amazing. And the Pats deserved to win that game, the way they played. And Brady deserved his MVP. And Atlanta has nuthin to be ashamed of, tho I know it prob hurts more than they can stand right now.
And I don’t mind that Goodell looked like an ass one bit.
And I never said or implied otherwise.
@f00l with my fellow fans watching the game. I don’t know that our faith and support from thousands of miles away manifests itself in the game but I don’t care. My team is my team and when they’re on the field I’m gonna sit there and cheer them on and support them. People who left or gave up and shut the game off aren’t fans in my book.
I don’t do that - leave early. Lose faith. Not when I cared in the first place. My family might leave a game early if neither team is our team and we just came because we wanted a little football. But even then, for us to leave early, we’d need a powerful reason.
But we never never never leave early if it’s our team.
We stay to the bitter end and beyond and we damned well sing “The Eyes Of Texas” with the billion other Longhorns present. Or the 5 other Longhorns present. Or if we are the only Longhorns present then we sing it loud and proud.
Burnt Orange Blood is the best blood to have.
And our 'horns will be back into greatness soon.
Kraft completely dissed Goodell as he was walking out. Yesssss!
Didn’t see that. What happened?
@f00l He talked about everything that has happened the last two years (deflategate) and that he did not to say it but everyone knew what he was talking about. He then said that is why this win was soooooo sweet.
Not gonna give specific details, but you may be able to find a use for the logic in this video:
i did see that. I thought you were talking about something that happened after that.
Goodell can just get over it.
Goodnight people. I am going to put myself to sleep by counting Superbowl rings.
I’d prefer to use onion rings.
@mfladd did you see the Shields MRI commercials in your neck of the woods?
@mfladd Hmmm… The Pats pulled it off. I don’t like 'em, but I have to say it was a hell of a comeback. Amazing.
I wasn’t really happy with the Falcons either, after they got Dan Quinn from us…
cc: @sligett, @jbartus
@mfladd That. Is. Amazing.




/giphy happy dance
@Barney yes it is…
And the Patriots are the Champions!
@Barney yep, and I plan to remind you guys for at least the next six months.
A SuperBowl coda:
Take another look. Or 5.
The home fan commentary on this is priceless. The best.
That catch is Worthy.
https ://
Remove the space after the “https” when you paste the URL into the address bar.
@f00l your video is already blocked.
Nice going @ELUNO!
So click thru and watch it on YouTube.
The commentary is not to be missed.
/image Bluetooth sarcasm

These catches cost us Super Bowl X.
And I loved them then and I love them now.
https ://
Remove the space after the “https” when you paste the URL into the address bar.
Credit when greatness occurs.
@PlacidPenguin You got it.
@f00l And I thought I was old…


I rode dinosaurs to school and back home. And this was so long ago that there were no purple dinosaurs back then.
Later, the next generation come along.
Super Bowl X
Dallas Cowboys (NFC)
Pittsburgh Steelers (AFC)
Final 17 Dallas - 21 Pittsburgh
DAL 7 3 0 7 17
PIT 7 0 0 14 21
Date January 18, 1976
Stadium Miami Orange Bowl, Miami, Florida
MVP Lynn Swann, Wide Receiver
You are too young to remember the Bicentennial Year and you think you’re old?
If you had been born in 1970 you would still be under 50 years old, purple one.
@f00l I am older than you and I still have
allmostsome of my memory left, thank you very much.@Barney @f00l
I believe that this site only has 2 old mehmbers.
/image Bluetooth old mehmbers

And I think you still possess decent judgment. Is that true?
I hear it’s a plus to have around. I’ve never tried it myself.
PS how do you know you’re older than me? Don’t think I’ve ever outed my age here?
@f00l I’m not sure about the judgment part, but I’m pretty sure I am older than you, however, I’m not as old as @Shrdlu. Nobody is that old.
It’s not that hard to extrapolate that data.
I remember Eisenhower as President. Was not alive for Truman.
Was too young to be much aware of politics until the Nixon-Kennedy debate.
Remember the Missile Crisis rather vividly. FW is as much or more defense industry as it is oil or cattle.
Duck And Cover. Ha ha ha.
@f00l I was made to stay after school for drawing a mustache on Kennedy, who was on the cover of our Weekly Reader.
My parents were anti-Democrats.
So they voted for Nixon.
In Texas. With LBJ running for Veep.
That was, shall we say, quite a minority position, locally.
@f00l My dad was a Republican, mom was a Democrat. Their votes cancelled each other out.
I was not born when Truman was President.
I think we may be pretty close to the same age.
Yeah sounds that way. Pretty close.
Given your data as offered, and what I know of your birthday, I think I am a few months to a few years older than you.
I have not “acted my age” since I was about 5.
Re Nixon vs Kennedy
We had yard signs. In my neighborhood, for us kids, that was mortifying.
@f00l I said the same age, not the same level of maturity.
Goes without saying.
/giphy "you don’t say"

@f00l I remember very little of the Eisenhower years. I do remember the Kennedy-Nixon campaign (the one that got me in detention for a week. I thought Kennedy looked good with a mustache.)
Kansas (otherwise known as Brownbackistan), is a very Republican state, except for a few metro areas with liberal leanings (Democrat).
Texas was solidly Dixiecrat until Reagan.
My Always-Right Grandmother, who thought LBJ was half-pinko but voted for him anyway; and wore a rhinestone American Flag pin every time she went out.
She also romanticized the Confederacy. And had Jim Wright running scared. And owned the Letters To The Editor section of the local paper.
Sometimes it’s best not to try to make sense of local attitudes. Just go with it.
For more info, see a writer that @OldCatLady introduced me to:
Florence King
Start with
Southern Ladies & Gentlemen
Do not allow someone to read this book aloud to you while you are driving.
Laughing to the point of blindness and a heart attack while behind the wheel could be dangerous.
I have no idea how my parents managed to resist the local prevailing hurricane-strength political winds of that time. No doubt this weirdness in them affected my sanity for the worse.
@f00l @Barney
Personally, I find it interesting to talk to people about things which for me would be considered “history”, but for the other people, it was “current events”.
But… That’s the way that the world works apparently.
Although it’s different when the aforementioned thing is compared to the fact that events which have happened in my life are considered history for other people.
Although, it’s different comparing things from decades ago to say… 15 years and 5 days shy of 4 months.
Speaking of which, this month is the 24th anniversary of the 1993 WTC bombing.
Don’t remember it. I was alive, but…
One of the deepest regrets of my life is that I did not ask people much older than I - parents, grandparents, other adults I knew when young - to tell me story after story. So that I could see life thru their eyes.
There was time. But I was too young and way too into into exploring what I thought of as the world, given my youthful lack of understanding.
Now the chance is lost to me, at least for me to ask those whose memories I would most like to hear.
If you still have that chance to ask those you revere (esp family, who are a generation or more older than you) to tell you of their lives and times, don’t let that chance go unexplored if you can help it.
When I was younger, I found out that those who came before me owned a (literal) castle.
I don’t think it’s standing anymore.
/image Lack of Bluetooth in the castle

@f00l On the topic of southern women…when I lived in Southern Virginia my dean (old money and 60’s) told me I wasn’t a good southern women. She told I would hold up a knife and tell someone I was going to stab them if they didn’t quit, give them some warnings and then stab them. She told me a good southern woman would put their arm around the person, sweet talk them, dip a curved knife in sugar and when they weren’t looking stab them in the back and twist the knife on the way out. I told her I didn’t think I wanted to be a good southern woman.
Being a southern women, in the sense your Prof meant it, is an art form. A real one.
And everything that Prof described that Southern women might do, they would do. And they would be sweet as sugar and gorgeous to boot, esp while twisting that knife. They would twist with a beautiful flourish and be ever so dainty while opening their victim like that person was a fish being gutted.
And they would manage to attract the affection and sympathy of every handsome hetero male nearby, while they were doing it.
But that’s fading, tho it continues among society women to some extent.
My only female cousin, my step-sister and her offspring, my niece and my nephews’ wives are not like that at all
And my Always Right Grandmother, who was one, was always completely dignified, but ruled all within her reach quite openly, and was considerably less subtle than a battleship.
And my Mom, who was one also, had all the “sweet” and none of the “knife”.
And moi: /FLUNK.
But southerners are big on family, so they keep me.
@f00l pro tip, click the youtube icon when watching an embedded video to be taken to that video on YouTube
@PlacidPenguin What? There are 2 people on here 104 and older? I have it on good authority (my mother) that you aren’t old until you are 104.
I believe we’ve gone through this before.
Nevertheless, these are old.
I know. Routinely do that. Just threw in the URL as an extra. Thought someone else might not know. Thx.
@ELUNO @jbartus
@CaptAmehrican that’s awesome.
Canadian tennis player Genie Bouchard agreed to go on a date with a guy if the team with those guys who were losing against the team with those other guys in the thingy last night were to end up winning.
I just wanted to remind you all that the New England Patriots are the Super Bowl Champions! Thanks for your time!
@jbartus I will make a deal- don’t mention the Patriots again until next fall and I won’t do a recap of your fantasy football season in public.
@sammydog01 His fantasy football season? Oooh, that sounds like fun!
Since 1 wasn’t enough.
@sammydog01 have fun? I made no secret of the fact that my team self destructed and my subsequent giving up was stated publicly here. Do feel free to share whatever you feel you must.
@jbartus That’s old news.
I’ve moved on to next year & the Seahawks Superbowl Champions!
@daveinwarsh Um, I think you meant the Kansas City Chiefs.
@Barney @daveinwarsh
@PlacidPenguin I don’t get it.
/giphy join the (purple) club


@PlacidPenguin I have no idea what FCB is.
Fucking Cheap Bastards?
Ferrets Can’t Burp?
Free Candy Bars?
Funky Canned Bananas?
FC Barcelona.
Free candy? I think @mfladd knows something about that.
And fyi, ferrets CAN burp.

@PlacidPenguin Ferret Burp
I’m honestly dumbfounded that people actually shell out these amounts.
Good news @jbartus and @mfladd.
The two of you could relax, because they found Brady’s jersey in Mexico.
They also recovered his jersey from Super Bowl XLIX (apparently that was also stolen).
@shruggie Thanks. Good story. Only Brady can get an FBI international ops team looking for a jersey, with felony theft charges, to boot…
I can think of someone else who can. He’s not an athlete tho. More a real-estate type.
@f00l are you sure? I’m pretty sure the fella you are referring to is often quick to remind people that he could have played in the major leagues. Also, that this theft never would have happened if a wall was in place.
Well he never demoed his astonishing athletic skills in public that I know of, so I came appreciate them properly.
But perhaps if he’d only played for the Pats, they could have won 10
SuperBowls with him as qb.
I’m pretty happy about the impending return of Brady’s Super Bowl XLIX and LI jersey’s but I’m most happy that it’s given me another opportunity to remind you all that