It's a thon. Very Meh. No "rah".
15The Side Deal IRK is a hundred bucks. According to what I read in the details, if you buy crap in this May-The-Fourth-Be-With-You 'thon, you will get a refund of equal value up to $99.99, potentially allowing you to get the IRK for a penny. Buy just the IRK, and you’ll get it for a hundred bucks, and most likely will NOT be amused. Recent IRKs have ranged from the sublime to the insulting.
The high-buck SideDeal IRKs lasted all day on the last such round, and those were just $50. In my absolutely not at all humble opinion, you’d have to be bonkers to shell out for the IRK before willingly spending a minimum of $96 on 'thon purchases. (And if you spend enough to get the IRK at reasonable cost, don’t FORGET to BUY the IRK!)
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New experiment only benefits people who would normally spend at least $90 during a 'thon. Old $50 system only benefitted people who would spend at least $50 in the 'thon.
I thought they had finally come to a reasonable solution last Thon with their Leet price. This is going WAY in the other direction.
To whoever came up with this way of marketing irks:
@lonocat A $100 IRK irritates me because they could have made the price a Star Wars tie-in with a little effort.
I miss Fukubukuro!
/giphy sadface

As usual?
@blaineg well as usual but way cheaper (when you combine what you have to buy to get one).
Do you have to buy the IRK first? Or can you wait 'till the end of the mehrathon, and decide of any purchases you may have made make the IRK justified?
BTW< I know an IRK is rarely justified for any amount
well you can wait until the last … let’s say 10 minutes and determine
@crow Personally, I’d wait.
In fact, I am waiting.
I expect that I won’t be able to justify the IRK because the offerings might be good but close to things I already have and don’t need an extra one of or impulse buys I don’t have any reasonable use for in lieu of spending the cash on essentials.
My strategy:
Monitor items occasionally to see if anything good pops up that I want and think might sell out. At the end, review everything left and see if there is enough to total to the $100. If so, THEN order them and THEN the IRK.
Last couple of times I used food items (snacks?) as fillers to reach the total, but that doesn’t look likely this time.
@crow I kind of hinted that the winning strategy was to wait until you knew for sure that you were buying enough in the Mehrathon to be able to get the Irk for free before ordering the Irk. I guess I better use a bigger 4x4 next time.
By the way, even if they fix the problem with the Darth Vader toaster, I would still be well short of seeing enough stuff that I wanted to buy in order to be able to pile the irk on top. So it’s probably not going to happen. So it goes.
@crow @werehatrack Perhaps the Cluebat Mk V?
@crow @werehatrack And the next strip as well.
Casemate….whineAThon would be cool!
@KSchweitz Can you imagine the whinny comments that would happen there?
@Kidsandliz @KSchweitz

Don’t tell me how to spend my money
So, since they successfully got rid of twice the trash when charging $50 with meh rebate… I can assume they will be getting rid of 4x the trash with this $100 IRK.
Can we then use the IRK price as an indicator of the trash levels at the Meh-plex?
At what IRK price do we call the rescue teams incase of trash piles collapsing?
$100 is just to expensive for me. It’s not even fun it’s just spending ridiculous amounts of money.
I actually needed the Shark vacuum.
/giphy moving-shaky-team

So why not?
/giphy mechanical-unstructured-chemist

I was almost tempted by the air fryer, until I realized I haven’t even pulled my fryer out since before the pandemic. I prefer the texture of pan fried and baked items. And for as rarely as I fry anything, it’s not worth the storage space.
Do they not make Meh shirts anymore? It seemed like they were in every ‘thon for a while. I like them, even if I own more of the same shirt than a sane person would.
@mondegreene Mediocritee still exists, but it’s moved to SideDeal now. The Meh shirts aren’t in every 'thon.
I just wish Meh could adjust it’s shipping times when they have a 'thon. My 4 items I bought all have estimate delivery END dates of the 11th and 12th. But today the 10th, still nothing has shipped.
Most will say, it’s meh, cheap prices and you have to expect a longer wait. I get it. So meh - could you please state realistic delivery dates? When putting an item up you know that there is no way you will meet those dates. So why lie to your customers?