@IndifferentDude Yeah so far it feels like they had lots of IRKs prepared, sitting in a corner so long the bags disintegrated and now they’re selling all the stuff that fell out.
@IndifferentDude@stinks Likely they still have tons of stuff to get rid of from closing their brick and mortar. I’d guess when that finally runs out the frequency of irks will go back to “normal”.
@lisaviolet@OnionSoup probably not check the phone all day since there are no $10 irks that are going to show up as a deal (well besides the side deal one).
I can see much better without specs. Who knew I had this many wrinkles? I guess my glasses hid them well.
Next checkup is in two weeks, then a year. I was told this morning they were laughing during the surgery from me exclaiming over all of the cool lights. I think I may have said “holy shit!” at one point. Lights or discomfort? Don’t recall.
They are on the 3rd floor, the elevator was out. Not a problem going up the stairs, but going down stairs with freshly lasered eyes, dark glasses and valium?
Channeling my inner Hulk. …'take the stairs, take the stairs…so many stairs…"
Bought the belvita things this morning, got an IRK!
Phew, I got the IRK yesterday. I can honestly say this was the toughest time I have had finding something to buy to get the money back. I kept waiting for something to pop up that I wanted. Finally settled on the wine glasses.
More of a death meh-rch at this point.
Irk o. Side deal again
/giphy beastly-ghoulish-nugget

I am thankful for the Mehrathon.
Your house band should be called They Meh-t Be Giants!
@sillyheathen Gnats, not Giants?
@sillyheathen @wifeduck gnats is a bit of a stretch from the original they might be giants but whatever blows your hair back!
Am I supposed to care about this??
/giphy nothing but rubbish

@IndifferentDude Yeah so far it feels like they had lots of IRKs prepared, sitting in a corner so long the bags disintegrated and now they’re selling all the stuff that fell out.
@IndifferentDude @stinks Likely they still have tons of stuff to get rid of from closing their brick and mortar. I’d guess when that finally runs out the frequency of irks will go back to “normal”.
@IndifferentDude @Kidsandliz Please heavens be true.
Also please bring back the old buyers. Or at least the sellers that sold to the old buyers.
I guess I’m saying bring back knives and speaker docks. But, you know, like, better.
O Joy!! Just saw the email and it’s a dreaded 2-Day Junk Fest!! Feliz-Navi-Dumb!!
“Hey, it’s a Meh-rathon today (and tomorrow)!”
/giphy bashful-tactical-wind

/giphy horrible-shiny-behavior

I will not be missing any sleep over this!
I thought the writers’ strike was over, but we are still getting all reruns.
Perfect day to have to stay off of devices and avoid screens, right?
Lasik today.
@lisaviolet Hope it goes well.
@lisaviolet I hope your surgeon isn’t a meh member or he might be checking his phone while operating on you.
@lisaviolet @OnionSoup probably not check the phone all day since there are no $10 irks that are going to show up as a deal (well besides the side deal one).
Hope your surgery goes well.
@lisaviolet Since it’s a two-day 'Thon, you can presumably spend a little time tomorrow afternoon catching up on what you didn’t miss. Wait, what?
@werehatrack, @kidsandliz, @onionsoup, @sammydog01
Done, first post op checkup this am was good.
I can see much better without specs. Who knew I had this many wrinkles? I guess my glasses hid them well.
Next checkup is in two weeks, then a year. I was told this morning they were laughing during the surgery from me exclaiming over all of the cool lights. I think I may have said “holy shit!” at one point. Lights or discomfort? Don’t recall.
They are on the 3rd floor, the elevator was out. Not a problem going up the stairs, but going down stairs with freshly lasered eyes, dark glasses and valium?
Channeling my inner Hulk. …'take the stairs, take the stairs…so many stairs…"
Bought the belvita things this morning, got an IRK!
Thanks all!
@Kidsandliz @lisaviolet @sammydog01 @werehatrack yay! Congrats on being done and able to see. I’m still purchase less this Mehrathon. Anything I might be tempted by I’ve already got…
… So irkless so far.
@lisaviolet @OnionSoup @sammydog01 @werehatrack Glad it turned out so well!!
@lisaviolet Really glad it went well!!!

IRK #44 : careless wiry macaw :

No VMP offering this afternoon during the Mehrathon?
I think we should nag them until this happens!

@rockblossom Ooo, so perfect.
It feels as if the offerings are getting weirder
Phew, I got the IRK yesterday. I can honestly say this was the toughest time I have had finding something to buy to get the money back. I kept waiting for something to pop up that I wanted. Finally settled on the wine glasses.