Is my vacation going to be.... meh?

hems79 thought this was worth mentioning said

My wife and I are going on a week-long vacation leaving this weekend from Pennsylvania, and we are considering two options. Driving to Florida where my nephew lives, or taking a cruise to Bermuda. We always wait until the last minute to plan, because we can sometimes get a killer deal on a cruise by doing so. Today I check the cruise-line website, and the price is right.
My dilemma… My wife wants Bermuda, and I want Florida. Why would I rather go to Florida instead of Bermuda? Two real dumb reasons:

  1. I like to geocache and I’ve found some in Bermuda, but never found anything below Virginia. and worst of all…
  2. I don’t want to lose my meh clicky streak.
    Saturday will be my 559th smiley in a row, which will be broken if I go on a cruise. I ain’t paying through the nose for slow WiFi.

We’ve been to Bermuda three times, and Florida twice.

What do y’all think? Am I really this stupid to be thinking this?