Internet down...

jst1ofknd thought this was worth mentioning said

Before anyone says anything about how I am posting, my home internet is down. There is nothing wrong with my cell phone internet.

I could totally use this as a reason to take a PTO day or something. I won’t though. Unlike others, I have everything on my laptop I need to work even without internet.

I am a programmer at the company I work for. After our company was acquired, one of the first things the new company did was to take away everyone’s desktop computers and put them in a closet. Everyone was issued a laptop computer and most of the programmers only use the laptop to remote into their desktop computer in that closet to work.

I am one of the few that took the time to migrate over to the laptop all of the way. This means that I am not really shut down. It also means that I can’t really just take the day off…