Instructional Ink for IRKs
14- Become overly involved in the community of a daily deals site.
- Permanently mark yourself with the imagery of said commercial entity.
- Torque fittings to 1742mm-kg, clockwise and anti-clockwise according to the proper direction.
.5. IMPORTANT: Do not skip step 4
- 16 comments, 15 replies
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I actually missed last one. Woke up took the pic and forgot to post
Many thanks to the illustrious @thumperchick!
My tat is on my upper arm, and I never wear sleeves, so it’s visible all the time. I get loads of compliments on it, like “Oh! What a cute elf! Is he from an anime?” and “I love your tattoo! That’s Yoda, right?”
Here’s a story about a similar deal - free food for a tat:
@Kyeh they actually have a pretty cool logo! So what I read from this is that the I4I crew should get to know each other’s life events more and maybe be in a band together, and one day it will go into Amazon’s lease that people with the tattoo can get a free audiobook once a quarter? But that we won’t, really, because it won’t be the same.
I looked up the logo to get a better look at it. There is a certain looseness with facts in the history of it. From :
(Emphasis added).
@djslack Hah, I had to look up the moon landing, not great at remembering dates - but for a write-up they should have checked.
I actually love the little guy on the corncob rocket - it’s cute and really amusing.
Wait what was I supposed to do on step 7?

Step 8. Don’t forget to thank @thumperchick
A couple quick queries:
People are people, and people will cheat at everything & anything. How do you detect and prevent the fakes? Has anyone ever been challenged?
I believe this is all unofficial, and not a “thing” Meh has encouraged or discouraged, correct? Nevertheless, are you pretty much guaranteed an IRK the first time you post your ink, every time you post, or is it all completely random?
While I have no intention of joining this elite group, I am intrigued by it. “Go Mehoos!” (apologies. that’s a terrible nickname for those with the Meh tattoo.)
@elfunkman I’ll see if I can explain the tattoos.
They are official, meh tattoos.
It started as a birthday celebration and someone at meh had the bright idea of offering a “special” prize if someone would get an Irk tattoo. They didn’t think anyone would. Ha! They don’t know us too well, I guess.
Anyway a couple of people got tattoos. Here is the thread about it:
From there the tattoo thing was offered at another birthday and another and another. Probably another, I think.
Anyway, officially, it has to be a Meh invitation in order to get free Irks.
I’m sure others will correct me if I am wrong about all of this.
Edit: We do need a name for this motley tattoo group.
@elfunkman We need an official meh invitation. I don’t know if they’ll open it again. Also, I was at charity ball recently for my work and my boss was there and happened to notice my ankle tattoo.
(then I went on to explain the website and the tattoo for mystery boxes of stuff)
She said: I have to ask… do you have a beaker on your ankle?
me: oh, yeah I do.
her: what’s the story behind that?
me: I’m cheap
@elfunkman To answer your question about fake tattoos, Meh asks for a receipt from the tattoo shop and then each time Meh has a mehrathon, those with official tattoos must post a picture to show that they still have theirs on their body.
@elfunkman oh and yes, they keep a list somewhere of the official “in kids” I am sure. I believe @thumperchick is the keeper of it.
@elfunkman @mbersiam The correct answer was It’s a flask, you heathen.
To me a mehoo sounds like ‘yahoo’, but more meh, I guess.
I know people have ‘jokingly’ put a sharpied tattoo pic up.
And yes we get an IRK as long as we post on the thread during the mehrathon. Pic has to have the date (or something showing it’s a mehrathon day,)and the tattoo.
I was too lazy to use a sharpie for my attempted fakeout. Used the cheapest ballpoint I had handy. It looked BAD.
Somehow, they saw thru my apparent perfection.
However, I thought they could have at least wasted some Meh $ and shipped me an empty/TexasAir IRK box.
Since all this happened on April First, and since I’m kinda known as a @f00l.
Can’t follow the mehrathon at all for like the first time ever. But at least I have this.
Thanks for that info! (and preventing me from writing Meh on my leg with a Sharpie & spending the whole day demanding an IRK!)
Here it is. Thanks!
Got me thinking HARD bout some new ink ( meh related, of course) Hmmmmm…come on creativity!!
@cynloub Well, don’t do it just get Irks - it’s not currently open to new applicants - see above in this thread.
Hey all - better late than never. I got your IRKs in. Thanks for posting/sharing your ink!
To add an “official” ruling on new tattoos - this offer is currently closed and we aren’t opening it up to new folks at this time.

/giphy thank you!
@Thumperchick Thanks!
Wow Meh tattoos? Then again, it didn’t involve ink but I have a ton of woot monkeys on display in my living room. One is wearing a meh birthday hat. Guess I got that in a IRK.