@AbbiSams@Thumperchick we aren’t old school members. It doesn’t count. It is what it is. I’m usually really good at getting irk/不幸袋 when I know about the mehrathon. Never made it this far without getting one. Gotta take a vacation dya next time.
@amysbell Old membership costing $5/month. New memberships are only $4.99/month. VMP Stands for Very Mediocre Person. They no longer allow enrollments in VMP and if anyone leaves the membership, they cannot get back in.
these should all be vmp only. there’s so few, it’s the only way to get one after the site stops glitching with the captcha. I like billllbo’s choice of gifs.
@BuffBillsFan “@amysbell Old membership costing $5/month. New memberships are only $4.99/month. VMP Stands for Very Mediocre Person. They no longer allow enrollments in VMP and if anyone leaves the membership, they cannot get back in.”
Well, ef that. Sorry, Meh - but you lost me on that one. (so says Felecia).
@BuffBillsFan Seriously? Just because you are not part of a group that is grand-fathered in as early adopters you don’t want to play here anymore? That’s sad.
@mfladd I am impressed with your ability to read and catch my self-deprecating “felicia”… no need to give it your own.
As to “just because”, you do not know that I was a VMP member for a while, dropped for personal reasons, then when re-upping my Meh membership not being told “hey - your membership ain’t worth what it used to be anymore…but we’ll take your money anyways.”
I value transparency when doing business with folks.
@geekahedron@jimmyd103 You are both regular members, VMP is an old membership program. You can see your shield logo has a heart in it, VMP members have a small “v” in their shield.
I missed all my chances today at this bag. Even thought i’d have the VMP one in the bag but nope, fucking Carl had to come into my office to discuss something and I was a minute late. Fucking Carl…
@ClaimCheck You’re a regular member, not a VMP member. VMP membership enrollment has stopped accepting new members. Anyone that leaves that membership cannot get back in.
@cengland0@ClaimCheck Oh, yeah. Let the VMP lapse a while ago and then renewed. That explains it! OK. Guess I won’t try to buy any of the other VMP shit.
Holy shit I finally got one 5 friggen years in the wait not going to open it ,Gonna will it to my grandson on his 50th birthday like a time capsule of pure unadulterated Mehness for 2019 , doing backflips here yayyyyyyy
What happened with the CAPTCHA? I tried to order first thing, but missed out due to the CAPTCHA going blank whenever I clicked on it… By the time I was able to guess on where to click and find the invisible verify button, it was sold out.
@cfg83 No. You’re a regular member. VMP is an older membership costing $5/month. Yours is $4.99/month. No new VMP enrollments allowed. Anyone that leaves the membership cannot get back in.
@narfcake About those BOC’s, they are really crap. The last 5 or so that I got are all dollar store junk and paper bags and stickers. Not worth $5 at all. At least with Meh IRKs, you have a chance on getting something worth more than you paid.
@cengland0@narfcake People don’t seem to understand this is the only way IRK can be sustainable and worthwhile. The same applied to the BOC when it was in very short supply. They can either ship 500 high-ish value boxes or 15,000+ truly worthless ones…Unless Snapster decides to go Oprah.
@kuoh I agree and after so much disappointment with them, I’m not buying again. In the beginning, they were hard to get, limited supply, and contained good items like Fukus, Fukos, and IRKs. Now they are just cheap junk and probably a profit generator for Woot instead of a loss leader.
@cengland0 I haven’t been interested in BOCs since Woot went into Amazon mode, but if they’re still at $1 each with $5 shipping, then I doubt it can generate much profit no matter what junk they packed it with. It’s just that you’re guaranteed 100% junk instead of the old days of 50% chance it’s decent and 1% chance it’s awesome.
I appreciate @hollboll for that time we did the beer fuku and she sent me a bourbon barrel beer that I will never forget (I have tried so hard to find it locally to no avail and importing in Utah is god awful).
To all those confused about not being able to order:
VMP member and regular member are not the same. VMP was the old program and is no longer available to join since at least some time last year. If you see the badge by your name and hover it says member, if you were VMP it would say very mediocre person.
@Barney Hey I’ve been paying $5 a month since at least 2016 without ordering enough to make it worth it just for the satisfaction of being able to rub it in once it ended.
Even a VMP only one, I can’t get it. I’m on a ridiculously fast MetroE connection at work and by the time it got done spinning after clicking buy, it was sold out. BAH!
@cengland0 When I click buy within the first few seconds and I still don’t get one despite “it didn’t sell out until a minute and a half”. It didn’t take a minute and a half. It took less than a few seconds.
@rpg714 I was refreshing watching the number of sales increase slowly. It definitely took you longer than a minute to complete your purchase or it would have gone through. Maybe you didn’t start as soon as it was available or something. Not sure what you did but it was definitely available longer than a few seconds, more like a 1.5 minutes.
@cengland0 I watched it roll from the previous sale to the IRK. As soon as I could (within seconds), I clicked the buy button. I clicked the buy button on the next screen and watched it scroll for well over a minute. Finally it said ‘sorry, this item is no longer available.’. Again, it really sold out within seconds and took 1.5 minutes to process all the orders.
I appreciate every mehmber who has ever served as a monthly (or more) scapegoat. You had to put up with the community’s BS every day for the month. Or more.
I appreciate @sammydog01 because she’s smart, crafty, loyal, and a long-time integral and active member of the community.
Did I say generous? And generous.
Just arrived in the mail holy shit i got the D24k luxury skincare collogen retails for $299.00, also a GABBA STEREO BLUTOOTH EARBUDS $39.97 @ WALMART a Monster USB 700 cable $17.85 ON EBAY, a Meh grocery bag $5 BUCKS a usb cable, $2.00 a 24 pack of energizer AA batteries 10 BUCKS, a BEAM Alert Wi Fi extender,$45.84 ON EBAY ,STRIIV FUSION LITE ACTIVITY TRACKER $46.00 @NEWEGG, WIRELESS AIR PODS $144.00 @AMAZON, EURO DRY STAT SOCK $16.63 @ AMAZON… TOTAL OVER 600 BUCKS
@mellowirishgent I got an electric shock massage kit, sleep supplement, and a date rape drug detection kit. The combination makes me feel uncomfortable.
Got my IRK today - 4 fitness trackers of 3 different ilks, 2 sets of wireless earbuds, 2 wireless chargers - one missing its box, 3 razors and a set of extra blades, a set of kitchen knives and shears, a stormtrooper HotWheels car, a pair of wired earbuds in part of a box, and of course the awesome IRK shopping bag!
What’s in the Box?
It is a mystery ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dump it over a bridge
Estimated Delivery
Thursday, Aug 25 - Tuesday, Aug 30

/giphy historical-raunchy-butter
There have been so many chances today. Can I please order a 2nd one???
@matthewwhitt2 me too!

/giphy nope
@matthewwhitt2 agree
@matthewwhitt2 lol i was going to post the same thing
@matthewwhitt2 this is the first one I’ve seen. Didn’t see what came on at midnight but was checking until 6am.
@matthewwhitt2 - If you try you might block some other deserving person from getting one.
Not sure if it works that way, but . . . ?
Oh yeah… Finally got one.
/giphy glowing-necrotic-groundhog


/giphy meddlesome-humdrum-hen
To bad I got in on the first batch. This has been up forever
Aw crap.
/giphy enchanting-misanthropic-sneeze

I was briefly concerned when I saw my order confirmation. Then I realized. Cook. Cook.
/giphy abrupt-springy-cook

/giphy crummy-stale-sprite

yay for vmp only!
/giphy sultry-frightened-scarecrow


/giphy sinkable-hot-elk
Can I appreciate everyone? I’m forever a lurker and hardly ever a poster
Finally got one! And still not sold out?
It says I’m not a vmp, though i am. I’m going to miss it. Tried multiple times
@evilstan60 you’ve got the Universal Membership, not VMP. Sorry
@evilstan60 You’re a regular member, not a Very Mediocre Person (VMP).
@evilstan60 ehh sorry to break it to you but you have the normal membership
notice next you your name you have the heart symbol, vmp members(you cant sign up for vmp anymore) have the V symbol
@evilstan60 @Thumperchick I had the same problem. How do you know and if you’re just a regular member how do you become a VMP?
@AbbiSams @Thumperchick we aren’t old school members. It doesn’t count. It is what it is. I’m usually really good at getting irk/不幸袋 when I know about the mehrathon. Never made it this far without getting one. Gotta take a vacation dya next time.
wow still available 1.30 in
/giphy fitful-careless-shrimp

@blndfayth those ain’t shrimp
nice available for over 90 seconds for all those slow slow VMP members
wow… over a minute and a half…
What is a VMP member?
@amysbell Old membership costing $5/month. New memberships are only $4.99/month. VMP Stands for Very Mediocre Person. They no longer allow enrollments in VMP and if anyone leaves the membership, they cannot get back in.
long story short
5 years ago meh.com was born
they offerered a free shipping and more membership called VMP
giving THOUSANDS of people free shipping costs A LOT of money
so they stopped new signups and anyone that cancels their VMP can never get it again.
in exchange they get certain perks like 4pm power hour that no one else gets
That was easy!
Woo hoo. I think it’s the first time I’ve got one since the kickstarter.
Denied because it says I’m not a VMP member. Am I not a VMP? I have a “membership” fee taken out monthly.
@mtn3pitt You are a member, not a very mediocre person.
@mtn3pitt me too. Tried 3 times before it sold out. Rejected every time. Sad day. Very sad day.
@medz @mtn3pitt what’s the difference?
Hrm. I don’t remember ever cancelling my VMP.
these should all be vmp only. there’s so few, it’s the only way to get one after the site stops glitching with the captcha. I like billllbo’s choice of gifs.
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
@boygenius1991 Aww. Thanks. But giphy is random, so nothing to do with me.
Knew there would be one, just in time for my work call to end.
/giphy tilted-overwrought-suit

@ManBehindPlan Oops, sorry. We’re sold out.
@mediocrebot Too bad they didn’t just force everyone to /buy
That feel when you work hard to get one early in the day only to have one spoon fed to you later as a VMP member.
Wow - took 1.5 minutes to sell out . . . . my guess is all of the other VMP’s got their IRK’s earlier in the day or they let the VMP go

/giphy bye bye
That one took around a minute and a half to sell out. Wonder how many VMP members are left. How many bought regular ones before the VMP only sale?
@cengland0 I was also wondering how many of us there are. But I know I got my IRK earlier, as I’m sure many others did
I appreciate @barney for keeping me grounded.
@medz You guys are getting really weird.
Damn. It.
That took a while to sell out… VMP’ers getting lazy? Or just more scarce?
/giphy sharp-harmful-boundary

Longest standing IRK ever! Maybe people are catching on that these are crap?
Another block by reCAPTCHA.
This time, it went blank when I tried clicking on the squares.
Definitely mediocre robot detection (or maybe so advanced even I don’t know I’m a robot, but Meh does?)
Beep beep boop boop. (I assume if you failed CAPTCHA you now understand Robot.)
@mediocrebot I told you before. Bloop beep bop.
Yes I got one thanks meh.com! 200 total bags. Anyone know how many VMP members are left after five years?
I, @cinoclav appreciate @lichme for mehstalker. It’s been invaluable many, many times.
I’m surprised it lasted so long…
/giphy infamous-whimsical-skirt

Finally and super thankful after I mistakenly bought the grocery bag earlier
Happy Birthday Meh! 🥳
/giphy guided-singular-loon

OMG…I got one?
Also, what maybe one of the best purchase identifiers…

cc: @Barney
@mfladd Aww… That’s so wonderful! sniffle sniffle
Huzzah! My first IRK of the day!

Oh crap, what have I done…
/giphy detrimental-nonchalant-thumb

/giphy rotten-common-coconut
@kdemo Hit the Skip button.
@cengland0 - That is actually a gif. I thought many could relate.
@kdemo I had one of those earlier. Click all the boxes with busses. There were no busses. Confused at first but all I had to do was click Skip.
/giphy toothless-soft-vacation

I thought that my paying that $4.99/mo served two purposes - free shipping and VMP membership.
If that is the case, why in the bloody ef-ing heck did it say “only available to VMP members?”
@BuffBillsFan same happend to me
@BuffBillsFan “@amysbell Old membership costing $5/month. New memberships are only $4.99/month. VMP Stands for Very Mediocre Person. They no longer allow enrollments in VMP and if anyone leaves the membership, they cannot get back in.”
Well, ef that. Sorry, Meh - but you lost me on that one. (so says Felecia).
@BuffBillsFan Seriously? Just because you are not part of a group that is grand-fathered in as early adopters you don’t want to play here anymore? That’s sad.

@mfladd I am impressed with your ability to read and catch my self-deprecating “felicia”… no need to give it your own.
As to “just because”, you do not know that I was a VMP member for a while, dropped for personal reasons, then when re-upping my Meh membership not being told “hey - your membership ain’t worth what it used to be anymore…but we’ll take your money anyways.”
I value transparency when doing business with folks.
And just to be transparent - suck it, mfladd.
@BuffBillsFan They were transparent about the new program had you bothered to read the details.

@mfladd Well, aren’t you just the cutest and most obnoxious little nimrod… enjoy your life.
@BuffBillsFan I like your poo badge.
This deal is only available to vmp members… but I am?
@geekahedron YEAH ME TOO! I received the same error message
@geekahedron @jimmyd103 You are both regular members, VMP is an old membership program. You can see your shield logo has a heart in it, VMP members have a small “v” in their shield.
@geekahedron @jimmyd103 Ya!.. Me three!
I missed all my chances today at this bag. Even thought i’d have the VMP one in the bag but nope, fucking Carl had to come into my office to discuss something and I was a minute late. Fucking Carl…
@tylerlew89 at first I thought you were a minute late fucking Carl.

My order number sounds tasty, but odd. A slick and toasty Italian entree???
/giphy toasty-slick-tortellini

Thank you.

I will wallow in the regret my VMP will bring me!
aw dang
I am a VMP member.
it even says so when I check out… NO SHIPPING (Bec I’m a member)
but I can’t buy VMP only items.
What gives?
@ClaimCheck you are a member, not VMP
@ClaimCheck You’re a regular member, not a VMP member. VMP membership enrollment has stopped accepting new members. Anyone that leaves that membership cannot get back in.
You are a member, you have a heart.
VMP is different…
@cengland0 what’s the difference between being a member and being a VMP member?
And, if it were still possible to become a VMP member, how was that done.
@cengland0 @ClaimCheck Oh, yeah. Let the VMP lapse a while ago and then renewed. That explains it! OK. Guess I won’t try to buy any of the other VMP shit.
@cengland0 @ClaimCheck a time machine.
@ClaimCheck It’s not possible to become a VMP member again. They ended that program. Anyone that leaves their membership cannot get back in.
I appreciate all the folks on here. It is a great group of people who support each other and are not afraid to laugh at themselves.
/giphy Make me smile

Holy shit I finally got one 5 friggen years in the wait not going to open it ,Gonna will it to my grandson on his 50th birthday like a time capsule of pure unadulterated Mehness for 2019 , doing backflips here yayyyyyyy
@mellowirishgent at first I thought you were a 90 year old man doing backflips.
captcha almost fucked me, but I finally caught one today!
You may have failed CAPTCHA but on the upside, you’re less of a human.
What happened with the CAPTCHA? I tried to order first thing, but missed out due to the CAPTCHA going blank whenever I clicked on it… By the time I was able to guess on where to click and find the invisible verify button, it was sold out.
@mbenert I got a really garbage captcha and had to skip it. I’m surprised I got it.
If I have free mailing, am I a VMP?
@cfg83 nope. you are a member
@cfg83 No. You’re a regular member. VMP is an older membership costing $5/month. Yours is $4.99/month. No new VMP enrollments allowed. Anyone that leaves the membership cannot get back in.
@cengland0 Ok. Ripped off again. Meh can be fun, but when this happens I am happy for woot.com NOT having bags O’ crap.
@cfg83 Woot will have 15,000 BOCs on their birthday this year.
@narfcake About those BOC’s, they are really crap. The last 5 or so that I got are all dollar store junk and paper bags and stickers. Not worth $5 at all. At least with Meh IRKs, you have a chance on getting something worth more than you paid.
@narfcake You are a knower of things BOC, and I don’t mean chicken BOC!
@cengland0 @narfcake People don’t seem to understand this is the only way IRK can be sustainable and worthwhile. The same applied to the BOC when it was in very short supply. They can either ship 500 high-ish value boxes or 15,000+ truly worthless ones…Unless Snapster decides to go Oprah.
@kuoh I agree and after so much disappointment with them, I’m not buying again. In the beginning, they were hard to get, limited supply, and contained good items like Fukus, Fukos, and IRKs. Now they are just cheap junk and probably a profit generator for Woot instead of a loss leader.
@cengland0 I haven’t been interested in BOCs since Woot went into Amazon mode, but if they’re still at $1 each with $5 shipping, then I doubt it can generate much profit no matter what junk they packed it with. It’s just that you’re guaranteed 100% junk instead of the old days of 50% chance it’s decent and 1% chance it’s awesome.
I appreciate @hollboll for that time we did the beer fuku and she sent me a bourbon barrel beer that I will never forget (I have tried so hard to find it locally to no avail and importing in Utah is god awful).
Oh man those were the good times.
To all those confused about not being able to order:
VMP member and regular member are not the same. VMP was the old program and is no longer available to join since at least some time last year. If you see the badge by your name and hover it says member, if you were VMP it would say very mediocre person.
In other words:
/giphy suck it

@dzieciom I appreciate your empathy.
@Barney Hey I’ve been paying $5 a month since at least 2016 without ordering enough to make it worth it just for the satisfaction of being able to rub it in once it ended.
/giphy vmp for life

I finally got one - I think I’m furious. It was so difficult I never wanted one.
I have the worse luck or the worse internet connection, I will get to moon probably first!
So are they selling them 199 at a time?
@jzmacdaddy I think 200 at a time.
We pay a penny more each month for this blessing. 39 months and $0.39 of paying more than you cheapskates and it finally pays off!
@justintyme PLUS SALES TAX (on the VMP) in MO.
Even a VMP only one, I can’t get it. I’m on a ridiculously fast MetroE connection at work and by the time it got done spinning after clicking buy, it was sold out. BAH!
@rpg714 And it didn’t sell out until a minute and a half. You consider that fast?
@cengland0 When I click buy within the first few seconds and I still don’t get one despite “it didn’t sell out until a minute and a half”. It didn’t take a minute and a half. It took less than a few seconds.
@rpg714 I was refreshing watching the number of sales increase slowly. It definitely took you longer than a minute to complete your purchase or it would have gone through. Maybe you didn’t start as soon as it was available or something. Not sure what you did but it was definitely available longer than a few seconds, more like a 1.5 minutes.
@cengland0 I watched it roll from the previous sale to the IRK. As soon as I could (within seconds), I clicked the buy button. I clicked the buy button on the next screen and watched it scroll for well over a minute. Finally it said ‘sorry, this item is no longer available.’. Again, it really sold out within seconds and took 1.5 minutes to process all the orders.
I appreciate every mehmber who has ever served as a monthly (or more) scapegoat. You had to put up with the community’s BS every day for the month. Or more.
@narfcake Scapegoats Emeritus unite!
@cengland0 @narfcake Huzzah!
I appreciate @sammydog01 because she’s smart, crafty, loyal, and a long-time integral and active member of the community.
Did I say generous? And generous.
@kdemo integral? You mean she can count?
@kdemo @sammydog01 is the bestest and I’ll drink to that.

@Barney - I’m still drinking to that! Cheers to @sammydog01!
@pskemp2 - Is that a hippo jello shot?
I appreciate @mike808 because every time he posts I’m reminded that I’m not him.
/giphy fluffy-nautical-tendency

/giphy venomous-nauseating-partridge

/giphy uncovered-rambunctious-curve

Just arrived in the mail holy shit i got the D24k luxury skincare collogen retails for $299.00, also a GABBA STEREO BLUTOOTH EARBUDS $39.97 @ WALMART a Monster USB 700 cable $17.85 ON EBAY, a Meh grocery bag $5 BUCKS a usb cable, $2.00 a 24 pack of energizer AA batteries 10 BUCKS, a BEAM Alert Wi Fi extender,$45.84 ON EBAY ,STRIIV FUSION LITE ACTIVITY TRACKER $46.00 @NEWEGG, WIRELESS AIR PODS $144.00 @AMAZON, EURO DRY STAT SOCK $16.63 @ AMAZON… TOTAL OVER 600 BUCKS
@mellowirishgent I got an electric shock massage kit, sleep supplement, and a date rape drug detection kit. The combination makes me feel uncomfortable.
@Apostlii Perfect for Vegas with the date rape kit and curler though I guess but still full of purchase regret as it should be.
Got my IRK today - 4 fitness trackers of 3 different ilks, 2 sets of wireless earbuds, 2 wireless chargers - one missing its box, 3 razors and a set of extra blades, a set of kitchen knives and shears, a stormtrooper HotWheels car, a pair of wired earbuds in part of a box, and of course the awesome IRK shopping bag!
Will there be a community wide thread to post our IRKs, or will they be separated by offerings?
@todaresq There was one made already by yours truly last Caturday if you wish to post over there. : )