In Which Speculation Occurs
5No credible reports have appeared confirming receipt of the fabled Exorbitant IRK Coupons or their claimed accompaniment, the Mediocritee more-than-enough-for-some-purposes one. At this point, I am going to hazard a Guess™ that the Coupons will be released into the wild at the same time that the physical IRKs are surrendered to the custody of the Shipping Company Du Jour, which currently looks like (FML)DHL.
Other theories, prognostications, or SWAG¹ will doubtless be advanced. Whimsy is anticipated.
¹ Scientific Wild-Assed Guess(es)
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I don’t have any more info, but I tried to help explain in the stats email: we’ll be sending out emails in the next week with the coupons. Probably the $5 ones first, and then hopefully a day or two later the Mediocritee ones for members.
(Email attached in case anyone missed it)
@dave So going by the sales pace, under $70 is kind of the market clearing price?
@dave @narfcake so it would seem, provided that the coupon pseudoreimbursement system is a constant feature. I do not think there would have been many bites at price levels above 35 without it. I know that I would not have gone above 15 myself.
@dave @narfcake @werehatrack However, I think there is also a saturation point for even the “buy coupons and get a free IRK” sales model. And then factor in the ever shrinking window of use (by end of year), and it may be that the market is already saturated.
@dave @narfcake I think a lot of the higher priced IRK purchases were driven by people who have never manager to get one and ‘finally!’ they can get one and sure they’ll keep buying stuff with the coupon so it balances out. But once they have their $70, $80, $90 whatever IRK they’re probably not going to be in the market for another.
@dave apologies if this has been posted somewhere and I just missed it, but will VMPs who bought during the IRK-athon get the Mediocritee coupon too?
@spleener Yep
@dave How about VMP’s who were able to buy nothing - either because it sold out before it even loaded or was too rich for our budget?
@dave @Kidsandliz I wonder too as I am in the same boat.
@dave @Kidsandliz @Stumpy91 I snagged one! First time in a long time, and I have a strategy, decent internet, pre-verified captcha, and the only reason I got one is they offered 200 at 8am.
If they offered 15 or whatever the hell they have been doing for the past months, I would–and have been–SOL.
I know they don’t want to use the term VMP because then customer service has to respond to those people, but, come on. Even if I have not scored an IRK, a coupon should be sent to us suckers. I am 6 years in. No random surprises. Kind of an insult as this point.
But seeing as how people paid 200 for an irk, I guess my 6 years of 5 a month and… oh my god.
If casemates didn’t happen, what did I ever pay for? And then, I don’t even have to except month-by-month.
It is ripe time they shower VMPs with some perks and kudos, the ones still left.
@dave @Kidsandliz @KNmeh7 I didn’t check for the one at midnight and was ready for the 8am irk. I’ve had good luck with my phone on mobile data until this year. I relied on the app and it never refreshed to the irk. Not even manually. I went to chrome but too late. I blame the app for this loss. Then I was out after the irks got to $25. I didn’t think there was any way would I spend 6 $5 coupons, used one at a time, by the end of the year.
@dave how many people bought 4?
I nearly bought a 5th so it would have been pretty nuts to me the ONLY person…but i have to imagine that the 4 irks is still pretty limited company…
@dave @studerc None bought 5, and while it’s hard to tell from the bar graph, it looks like only a few bought 4. Only 14 bought more than two.
I hope I get my 'pons.
BTW, spouse saw the charge on the credit card and was asking questions. I told her I bought some shorts as I am in need for new ones. If my Irk could include a few pairs of shorts, that’d be very helpful.
@medz Yeah, you pretty much took it in the shorts on this one.
@medz Or use your $5 coupons on these
@Kyeh looks good…

@Kyeh @medz uumm…
@Kyeh @medz Of course then he is screwed because, well, 2 sets of charges. Best get a new credit card and a new bank account just to pay that credit card and don’t tell your wife.
@Kidsandliz @Kyeh

What the heck is that thumbnail?
@sammydog01 I think it’s supposed to be an ear.
@sammydog01 @werehatrack Firefox will let you look at the image, but Chrome won’t.
@blaineg @werehatrack Thanks, it makes sense now. Sort of.
Glad I finally found this thread. Not sure how I missed the info because I actually DO remember reading that email! Guess I must’ve skipped over the coupon paragraph!

Covids gotten the best of me! 

Not feeling so on top of my game this week,
Looking forward to seeing what’s in my IK tomorrow, notice how I left out the R… THAT was intentional!
the regret!

I have just enough energy to handle the excitement of a SUPER COOL, ENJOYABLE BOX!
Hope you feel better soon!
I had COVID in Feb. took a few months after being virus-free to start to feel normal.
Hope you recover well!
@f00l Ugh… I can’t imagine months down the road, I’m just trying to get through the next 5 minutes! This is the strangest virus, I think I’m feeling so much better and then 2 days later I get even worse.

That’s strange! ¯_(ツ)_/¯
